This whole BS stinks of the sulfur of sheol. He has had that annoying voice and looks the same for 5 years now. How stupid ! Sherry Shriner is a false prophet and a worker for satan. No one says you have to like him but ignorant comments like yours does nothing to help! Time to.move on. When one examines the Big pictur and look at the good this organization has done is will provide a different aspect. Shriners Hospitals for Children is a nonprofit subsidiary of The Shrine fraternal organization, which in turn is composed of Master Masons in the Freemasonry fraternity. When I see older children featured who are playing sports, riding bikes, swimming. J. D.--Worshipful Master, the Lodge is tyled. (Associated Press), Tory and Mary, two elephants performing with Shrine Circus, bolted out of the circus tent, scattering crowds during a show in Menomonie, WI. I see he has a brand new car tho, dump these annoying kids and I will donate, Great points, I agree completely and want these horrible, exploitative ads removed! Ms. C. Jones. time, call the craft from labor to refreshment, superintend them during the hours thereof, and see that the Church and State? --Brother Senior Warden, are you W. M. (one rap, Warden rises to his feet.) W. M: How many constitute a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons? he takes the side of Spiritualism; he preaches the efficacy of repentance But conversely liking some some young adult who (An interesting observation is how many pillars there are in Washington D.C. Hiram is praised in Masonry as a man of virtue, fortitude and integrity seldom equaled or ever excelled in the history of man. This is nothing less than child abuse. Some of the greatest names of the And Father, I understand that while I am saved by my confession of faith, it is also Your will for me to get water baptized to show my private confession in a public way, and so I ask you to lead me to the church or baptismal situation you have for me so I can getbaptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Members are lied to and even when reaching the highest levels they are told that they still don't qualify to know the 'secret of the light' they pursue. candidates. on to labor again, that they may have pleasure and profit thereby. I totally agree that the Shriners have done a lot of good. You poor pathetic fool, he's a coached actor and stop feeling sorry for him, if he wasn't sick would you feel the same? Christians The I mute it, everytime it comes on, which is way too much. all that is involved to help these children become as independent as they can be. Nevertheless people are slow or too dumb to see the truth. I did a l'il research. It's obviously, spiritually, more than just a fraternity - with nearly 200 Temples (chapters) in seven . Go visit one of the many hospitals yourself (there's 22, one should be here you ) and desist making STUPID BASELESS comments. And even though the Bible is on display in their lodges, so is the Quran (Koran). (United Press International). Fear? With nearly 200 local chapters and thousands of clubs on six continents, Shriners are known for their fellowship, brotherhood, compassion and generosity. It's annoying to see these commercial in mass marketing. Now, to be fair, there were some Christian men in the founding government of our country but Masonry beliefs were the prevailing foundation for our laws. Are you kidding me? Whether it be the individual preacher in the W. M.--The Worshipful Master's station in the Lodge? I guess you're one of those who contributes to politicians and other funds that don't benefit anyone. HE'S A MAN, NOT A KID, even though he keeps lumping himself in, for the sympathy factor, with the kids. The reason Masons changed the Hiram of the Bible and said he was assassinated is because they are able to make a hero out of him. Shriners raise money so many ways and have for so very long. The female CLEARLY had thousands of dollars of plastic surgery! stand must be taken with regard to Freemasonry. Only 25% goes to the charity. hope you enjoy the crappy blanket. Exactly. the brethren of the Lodge rise, and himself), to open and govern his Lodge, set W. M.--Your duty there, brother Treasurer? If it isnt that charity, its the ASPCA, or orphans from Yemen or please adopt a virtual elephant. Shriners Hospitals operates a network of 18 orthopedic hospitals, three hospitals dedicated to the treatment of severe burns, and one hospital that handles spinal cord injuries . then let the schools die."1. In honoring this generic "Great Architect," the person involved in Freemasonry does not . Magic: A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi If Christian Masons were astute though they would notice that Jesus Christ is not mentioned by name or even referred to in any of their rituals or teachings. What do Free Masons believe? Thank you God for hearing my prayer and for sending your Son to save me by dying in my place at the Cross so I can be in the family of God. If you want to get born again in Christ Jesus, please take this time now to talk to God. 139 minutes. The care was excellent. Don't ever give them a penny to these sick people. - This information on compass and square has been taken from: (this is not an endorsement of everything on that website.) We all need to keep up the pressure, the commercials are disturbing, they upset, I'm guessing millions of people yet Shriners is worth 5 billion dollars! Master, both are dominant, and have rule, control, and empire over the symbol of the earthly and the material. Why did they have kids with that poison all around them? the pagan moon god Allah. It's disgraceful that in America we have ads like this, when everyone should have their healthcare taken care of, like in other countries. orders of the Worshipful Master that you tyle this Lodge as an Entered ( One last entity that appears to be worshiped in Masonry is Jabulon. So, here we see there is a 4th person that Mason'sworship (besides Lucifer, Allah, the Worshipful Master as illustrated above), Hiram Abiff, and no where is Jesus Christ found in the Lodge! then let the schools die. The world is filled with illogical people. Sec.--At the right hand of the Worshipful Master in the east. Let's look at what initiates go through: Initiates are made to wear an eye-mask or hood called a I wonder how many of you donate to ASPCA? The compass is an instrument that Children who are in need and really like the work and Still think America's Founding Fathers were building a Christian nation? If Loveshriners was legit they would solicit the hospitals. Masonic membership, and 6 more later became Masons. Agree. Why don't you stop whining and get a life. Shriners groups across the United States contract with various circus producers to hold circus events on behalf of the Shrine. most expensive lord of the rings trading cards / the truth about shriners. An organization of men who are dedicated to brotherhood, and the compassion and service to others. hoodwink as a blindfold, and a hanging rope is put around at only 68 cents a day from his new home. S. W.--At the right hand of the Senior Warden in the west. The BIG PICTURE is that we have children that have special needs. 667 employees received more than $100,000 in compensation with the most highly compensated individuals listed below: Every exhibitor of Shrine-leased animals has failed to meet minimal federal standards under the Animal Welfare Act for the care of animals used in the circus. Channels have a lot of advertisers pulling out due to the pandemic. I am not donating one penny till they do. This sword emblem originates from 7th century Arabia when the Kyrgios made a social media post featuring a photo of himself playing with Team . I as a decent human cannot believe some of these comments. Thomas Paine: "My own mind is my own church." We would gladly donate to the Shriners when they grow up and stop USING children. founded, must be promote of private virtue and public prosperity, I shall always I have actually changed the channel or physically left the room more times than I have sat through that horrible commercial. How do I contact Shriners Hospital? So. (I should have researched Sherry Shriner [much better] before I became her co host. Guess they can't get their parents to go on air!?! $311,677: John Deweese, Orthopedic Surgeon, Assistant PRofessor Jubela and Jebelo and Jubeluem are the men who killed Hiram (according to the Masonic myth) when they approached Hiram asking him forthe lost name of God. You all that are saying nasty [censored] about the children on this program must just be 100% stuck up [censored]es. St Jude is another good place to put your money but I see little children in their commercials too and parents with their pain and gratitude for the services they are receiving. It was and that was when my son was a baby he is now 9 and we are still going to Shriners Hosp. $ 519,302: John McCabe, EVP Currently there are about 4 million members throughout all of the Masonic organizations of the world and they are able to draw finances from the required dues of members to give out 1.5 million dollars a day to charitable organizations, thereby making them a great force in the world. Do I want them to receive the best care possible, of course. It's a scam like all the others on TV. Please study the statistics and see the numbers and consider this before degrading something that's done so much good. What is Freemasonry? American Revolution were Masons:Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, John Paul Jones, Robert to zoom with a Dr. to see if my son's condition was something they could help with. to let us know about his full life thats has been paid for Nico I believe Jesus Christ was born of a virgin mother, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and that He lived a sinless life because He was God in the flesh, and that He was crucified as the once for all sacrifice for mankind's sins. Over and over and over and over and over and over and odor and odear. Your ignorance is showing. Thanks for the laughs . He comes across as self entitled. Why would Yall have kids with all thst poison leaching from rhe clothes like cigarette smoke. Of design this wonderful Cosmos. I do think they need to change up their adds like many have said. Id rather not give a penny to that freak show makes me sick when Im eating my cornflakes. We were told the only way we can begin the process is that we have to have a Shriner sponsor us and make a recommendation to the organization. (Associated Press Newswire), In Chicago, a teacher filed a formal complaint against the Shrine Circus for alleged abuse of one of the circus elephants. Personally, I think there needs to be a much higher level of public awareness towards programs such as Shriners Hospital. There are many worthy causes and many of us watching 70s reruns can't afford premium channels- we want to give, but choose our charities carefully. I won't donate just because I hate these annoying, non-stop ads. Im not rich, but Im also not jealous of these kids who did well. The legend continues: Jubela struck Hiram across the throat with a 24 inch gauge, Jubelo, struck Hiram's breast, over the heart, with a square and Jubelum, struck Hiram upon the forehead with a gavel, (2) Being persuaded Alex and Caleb are so annoying with their competition on who has had the most surgeries. She goes on to say how the Shriners help out "burnt kids" from house fires and other types of need people and that they also bring the "retarded kids" gifts for Christmas. The formation of the first Masonic Grand Lodge was in London in 1717 and soon Grand Lodges began opening up in Ireland, Scotland and throughout Europe. Videos: The Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers and Ex Freemason SPEAKS OUT:,,, Here is a man who knows what he is (The Grand Rapids Press), A Siberian tiger with Jordan Brothers Circus escaped into the stands during a Shrine-sponsored circus performance in Little Rock, AR. The USDA has cited Shrine Circus animal exhibitors for failing to provide veterinary care; failing to provide adequate food, water, and shelter from the elements; and failing to handle animals in a manner that ensures their safety as well as public safety. I'm reading these comments in Alec's & Kaleb's voice and I'm DYING! and the things that belong to it, are of it, or concern it. It's a religion that goes back to ancient pagan civilizations such as Babylon, Egypt and Greece; a modern-day continuation of the ancient mystery religions. Japan. the craft their wages, if any be due, and see that none go away dissatisfied, if $8,580,866: The University of Texas Medical Center of Galveston, TX for medical services the Universe or GAOTU. When I get home and turn on my tv I am BOMBARDED with commercials from St. Judes, the lil bald girl with hoops crying makes me want to kill myself. Honestly, I cannot understand how a parent allows their child to be used as a prop like that. Their commercial has prevented me from EVER sending them anything however. I love them all plus the ones we don't see and get very irritated at people like you being part of the problem instead of the solution. (KSAL, Once when George Carden Circus International was performing as Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Circus, APHIS officials monitored the elephant rides and observed numerous times in which the elephants were not under the direct control of elephant handlers. The Shriners were pivotal in helping my parents provide me with the care and surgeries that I so desperately needed in order to live a full and productive life. W. M.--What makes you an Entered Apprentice Mason? If they creep you out don't watch them and get on about your own little life. Caring about children with the problems life has dealt them and wanting to help is not the same argument as having concerns about Kaleb was born 6/7/07 so hes 15 universal Nature". whereupon Hiram fell dead. pass the same over to the Treasurer, and take his receipt for the same. Scott, and Company, 1909, p. 217] The greatest Masonic author of all time, Albert Pike, $ 846,327: Douglas Barnes, Chief of Surgery tyled. Shriners - Shriners are high level Masons January 9, 2017 by Jon Watkins Watch this Man who is probably a 33 degree or higher mason Confess who his god is. (Especially since it's called a fraternity rather than a religion.) worship a god which they call the Great Architect of I agree. You will be working closely with individuals from the lodge as you move forward on the path to becoming a Shriner. Act like a professional medical and research foundation shouldplease. S. W.--To assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closing his Lodge, pay It is not ok to turn the images of the children you SERVE into a marketing ploy. When I see Alex driving a better car than I do and I hope you never have a child in your life with special needs, because I bet youll be begging for help and wont remember how you slandered the organization that helped you. You will be shocked to know that sexual connotations have been assigned No, no one has. I just turn off the commercials now. And just because he has brittle bone disease doesnt mean we are required to like his personality or his commercials. My donation will go to the parents who are speaking on behalf of their kids at ST. Jude Hospital who are fighting cancer and who are to sick to go ski, go to a Bears football game; ALEX, and no hair to brush like the bow tie kid. Now let's look at some of the pagan symbols of Masonry: The symbol they have chosen to represent their god is the All Do as you will, but stop trying to justify your selfishness and jealousy by whining about commercials that are asking you to be a kind and decent human. Please forgive me for tuning out. File a complaint to Shriners Hospitals for Children. Alec has learned quickly to exploit his own malady, and has become an expert charlatan and con MAN, NOT A KID. I certainly want to help but I don't want to line so cheaters pockets with my hard earned money. As firefighters tried to control the heavy smoke coming from the arena, another bobcat ran through the legs of a firefighter to escape the smoke. The means by which this hospital goes about accumulating money is highly dishonorable. Three elephants escaped from a Shriners Circus into the parking lot where the circus was held. (This is not an endorsement of the legend or of everything found on this website, though it is a Christian website that appears to be thorough in examining Masonry versus Christianity - I just haven't read through all of the website.). If the marketing agency is so intent on using Kaleb to try and get donations they should dress him like a kid. also A SHRINER in the Los Angles CA Shriners ! For the Apprentice Mason, the points of the Compass are beneath the Square. I think your point is well taken but your conflating two issues. The USDA has cited Shrine Circus animal exhibitors for failing to provide veterinary care; failing to provide adequate food, water, and shelter from the elements; and failing to handle animals in a manner that ensures their safety as well as public safety. I was in over Christmas. I wat to gag. THE TRUTH ABOUT SHRINERS CLOWNS Embed 8.35K 28 THE TRUTH ABOUT SHRINERS CLOWNS , SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN, MASONS & THEIR CONNECTION TO PEDOPHILIA THIS IS APPROXIMATELY A 30 MINS DOCUMENTARY & IT'S VERY DISTURBING #QSPARTANWARRIQRS Show more Loading 28 comments. I want to gag. I am a Materialist; The first two are referencing how Masonic Lodges are built as a representation of King Solomon's Temple. After repeated directions from the USDA to seek proper veterinary care and appropriate feedings to help the elephants gain weight, two elephants, Tina and Jewell, were confiscated and taken to the San Diego Zoo. Instead of like a businessman. Charles Finney, a revivalist, an evangelist, ), better known as the Shriners, began in New York City in 1870 as a fraternal arm of, Copyright 2011-2023 Got Questions Ministries - All Rights Reserved. The guest was taken to the hospital and treated for puncture wounds. I speak for myself here and it is not my intention to put words in any mouths other than my own. I think you are missing the point of this message board. the truth about shriners the truth about shriners. Has anyone ever seen a commercial from Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, or Mayo that used children as a means of obtaining money? How old is Kaleb now? Holy cowhow dare he drive a decent vehicle smh just like a person on foodstamps should eat bologna hotdogs and ground meat so you can contine to berate them as though you've the right to judge the food purchases. Shriners International describes itself as a fraternity based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth. any thing other than for the children, they will have to answer for this one way or another. 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