There were smaller campaigns in western Anatolia, the Caucasus, the Baltic Sea, the Pacific Ocean and the White Sea. The Ottomans first crossed into Europe in 1352, establishing a permanent settlement at impe Castle on the Dardanelles in 1354 and moving their capital to Edirne (Adrianople) in 1369. The empire's First Constitutional era, was short-lived. With most of the Balkans under Ottoman rule by the mid-16th century, Ottoman territory increased exponentially under Sultan Selim I, who assumed the Caliphate in 1517 as the Ottomans turned east and conquered western Arabia, Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Levant, among other territories. The most successful of those were the afavs of Ardabl, a mystic order whose Turkmen members (called Kizilbash [Redheads] because of their use of red headgear to symbolize their allegiance) had immigrated there from eastern Anatolia; the Safavid dynasty established by the afavorder used a combined religious and military appeal to conquer most of Iran. Ming Dynasty Pre-1600: SQ 8. SQ 1. Murad based the new force on his right to a fifth of the war booty, which he interpreted to include captives taken in battle. If you do not have access to the assessments, please fill out the form linked here. Why was the Ottoman Empire called the sick man of Europe. These documents include a unit plan and may also include recommended primary sources; the unit plan is designed to be copied and modified by teachers for their own use. Explore the power of the Ottoman Empire's army and its mighty archers, The Ottoman state to 1481: the age of expansion, Origins and expansion of the Ottoman state, c. 13001402, Restoration of the Ottoman Empire, 140281, Ottoman institutions in the 14th and 15th centuries, Domination of southeastern Europe and the Middle East, Classical Ottoman society and administration, The decline of the Ottoman Empire, 15661807, Military defeats and the emergence of the Eastern Question, 16831792, Imperial decline in the 18th and early 19th centuries, Allied war aims and the proposed peace settlement. 9.6 SQ 8. Great Britain officially annexed these two provinces and Cyprus in response. 9.6 SQ 10 How did the Ming Dynasty gain, consolidate, and maintain power? The Congress succeeded in keeping Istanbul in Ottoman hands. DID individuals report very high rates of adult rape, intimate partner violence, and other forms of exploitation, such as being a victim of trafficking. In August 1882 British forces invaded and occupied Egypt on the pretext of bringing order. The Ottomans maintained power over their empire through religious beliefs, a system to accommodate non-Muslim citizens, firm responses to rebellious Advertisement. This was not wholly unprecedented; Hrrem Sultan, who established herself in the early 1530s as the successor of Nurbanu, the first valide sultan, was described by the Venetian baylo Andrea Giritti as "a woman of the utmost goodness, courage and wisdom" even though she "thwarted some while rewarding others". SQ 10. Ottoman Empire Pre-1600: SQ 4 What was the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople? To this aim he spent many years securing positions on the Adriatic Sea, such as in Albania Veneta, and then continued with the Ottoman invasion of Otranto and Apulia on 28 July 1480. They settled particularly in Istanbul, Salonika (present-day Thessalonki, Greece), and Edirne, where they joined their coreligionists in a golden age of Ottoman Jewry that lasted well into the 17th century, when Ottoman decline and the rising power of European diplomats and merchants enabled them to promote the interests of the sultans Christian subjects at the expense of Muslims and Jews alike. Resources: The Battle of Lepanto was far more damaging to the Ottoman navy in sapping experienced manpower than the loss of ships, which were rapidly replaced.[27]. [7] Because of bad relations between the latter Byzantine Empire and the states of western Europe as epitomized by Loukas Notaras's famous remark "Better the Sultan's turban than the Cardinal's Hat", the majority of the Orthodox population accepted Ottoman rule as preferable to Venetian rule.[7]. But the conditions that had caused the uprising remained a major problem for Bayezids successor. Unfortunately, early trauma may be a risk factor for later trauma. By 1817, when the revolution ended, Serbia was raised to the status of self-governing monarchy under nominal Ottoman suzerainty. What were the historical circumstances for the founding of the Ming Dynasty? That lasted until defeat in the Russo-Turkish War of 18771878. The Ottomans thus controlled the major entrepts of northern European trade with the Black Sea and Mediterranean. [62] Crimean Tatar refugees in the late 19th century played an especially notable role in seeking to modernise Turkish education.[62]. The Ottoman sultans spent nearly four centuries living in Istanbul's Topkapi Palace, which was constructed in the 15th century. Materials created by New Visions are shareable under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license; materials created by our partners and others are governedby other license agreements. Irregular sharpshooters (Sekban) were also recruited for the same reasons and on demobilization turned to brigandage in the Jelali revolts (15951610), which engendered widespread anarchy in Anatolia in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Mehmed II thus avoided the fate of the great Middle Eastern empires that had preceded that of the Ottomans, in which rule had been shared among members of the ruling dynasty and with others and rapid disintegration had resulted. This led to frequent power struggles and made it difficult for the Ottoman authorities to effectively govern the empire. The stalemate lasted for 30 years (Austrian and Ottoman forces coexisted in Bosnia and Novi Pazar for three decades) until 1908, when the Austrians took advantage of the political turmoil in the Ottoman Empire that stemmed from the Young Turk Revolution and annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina, but pulled their troops out of Novi Pazar in order to reach a compromise and avoid a war with the Turks. By contrast, the Habsburg frontier had settled into a reasonably permanent border, marked only by relatively minor battles concentrating on the possession of individual fortresses. When forced to reconvene it, he abolished the representative body instead. During this period in the 15th and 16th centuries, the Ottoman Empire entered a long period of conquest and expansion, extending its borders deep into Europe and North Africa. CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING:Interregional travelers, traders, missionaries, and nomads carried products and natural resources, and brought with them enslaved people and ideas that led to cultural diffusion. To that end, thousands of Jews expelled from Spain by the Inquisition during the summer of 1492 were encouraged to immigrate to the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans maintained power over their empire through religious beliefs, a system to accommodate non-Muslim citizens, firm responses to rebellious Advertisement Advertisement In addition, in order to man the new force, Murad developed the devirme system of recruiting the best Christian youths from southeastern Europe. The Ottomans first crossed into Europe in 1352, establishing a permanent settlement at impe Castle on the Dardanelles in 1354 and moving their capital to Edirne (Adrianople) in 1369. [86], In 1915, as the Russian Caucasus Army continued to advance in eastern Anatolia with the help of Armenian volunteer units from the Caucasus region of the Russian Empire,[87] and aided by some Ottoman Armenians, the Ottoman government decided to issue the Tehcir Law, which started the deportation of the ethnic Armenians, particularly from the provinces close to the Ottoman-Russian front, resulting in what became known as the Armenian genocide. The new independent Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNA) was internationally recognized with the Treaty of Lausanne on 24 July 1923. This was because the ulamas wanted their schools to maintain the curriculum to be about religious instruction instead of European topics. Please help this article by looking for better, more reliable sources. Ming Dynasty Pre-1600: SQ 9. 1 / 51. WebThe transformation of that city into the Ottoman capital of Istanbul marked an important new stage in Ottoman history. The Ottomans maintained power over their empire through religious beliefs, a system to accommodate non-Muslim citizens, firm responses to rebellious What was the social structure of the Ottoman Empire? In any case, the need to modernise was evident to the empire's leaders by the early 19th century, and numerous administrative reforms were implemented in an attempt to forestall the decline of the empire, with varying degrees of success. SQ 2 What was the historical context for the founding of the Ottoman Empire? Egypt and Sudan remained as Ottoman provinces de jure until 1914, when the Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers of World War I. The Sultanate of women (15331656) was a period in which the political influence of the Imperial Harem was dominant, as the mothers of young sultans exercised power on behalf of their sons. [62] In 1911, of the 654 wholesale companies in Istanbul, 528 were owned by ethnic Greeks.[62]. How interconnected was it to other regions? The previous conquests were consolidated, and many of the political, economic, and social problems caused by Mehmeds internal policies were resolved, leaving a firm foundation for the conquests of the 16th-century sultans. ahin, Kaya. [45] Not until 1754 was the artillery school reopened on a semi-secret basis. "The Armenian Question", p. 217. Other Ottoman provinces in North Africa were lost between 1830 and 1912, starting with Algeria (occupied by France in 1830), Tunisia (occupied by France in 1881) and Libya (occupied by Italy in 1912). When the Ottoman Empire was restored under Sultan Mehmed I, the Turkish notables, in order to deprive the sultan of the only military force he could use to resist their control, required him to abandon the kapkulu, justifying the action on the basis of the Islamic tradition that Muslims could not be kept in slavery. Following the Russo-Turkish War of 18771878, the empire granted independence to all three belligerent nations. Together with Austria, Russia, under Empress Anne, Catherine I's niece, engaged in a war against the Ottoman Empire from 1735 until 1739. Aligned to the Global History and Geography II exam, administered June 2019 onwards. Bayezid also hoped to conquer the last Venetian ports in the Morea to establish bases for complete Ottoman naval control of the eastern Mediterranean. Most of the property confiscated by his father for military campaigns was restored to its original owners. 9.6 SQ 13 How did the Ming Dynasty interact with European traders and Christian missionaries? Thus he enlarged the concept of kapkulu to include members of the Turkish nobility and their Turkmen sipahis as well as the products of the devirme. Through these resources, students willwill map the extent of the Ottoman Empire,analyze how the ethnic and religious compositions of the Ottoman Empire were reflected in their political and societal organizations, and examine how the Ottomans interacted with Europeans noting the role of Suleiman the Magnificent. This continued under his son and successor Kprl Fazl Ahmed (Grand Vizier 16611676). Some 400,000 Muslims, out of fear of Greek, Serbian or Bulgarian atrocities, left with the retreating Ottoman army. However, the printing press was used only by the non-Muslims in the Ottoman Empire until the 18th century. Bilefsky, Dan. Bulgaria lost Eastern Rumelia, which was restored to the Turks under a special administration; and Macedonia, which was returned outright to the Turks, who promised reform. CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING:The dominant belief systems and the ethnic and religious compositions of the Ottoman Empire and the Ming Dynasty affected their social, political, and economic structures and organizations. [37] The Empire had reached the end of its ability to effectively conduct an assertive, expansionist policy against its European rivals and it was to be forced from this point to adopt an essentially defensive strategy within this theatre. [45] Earlier, the guilds of writers had denounced the printing press as "the Devil's Invention", and were responsible for a 53-year lag between its invention by Johannes Gutenberg in Europe in c. 1440 and its introduction to the Ottoman society with the first Gutenberg press in Istanbul that was established by the Sephardic Jews of Spain in 1493 (who had migrated to the Ottoman Empire a year earlier, escaping from the Spanish Inquisition of 1492.) The Caliphate was constitutionally abolished several months later, on 3 March 1924. They aided the Ottoman army to repel and take down enemy forces and maintain power in the empire. As the 16th century progressed, Ottoman naval superiority was challenged by the growing sea powers of western Europe, particularly Portugal, in the Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean and the Spice Islands. While this era was not without some successes, the ability of the Ottoman state to have any effect on ethnic uprisings was seriously called into question. Osman's son, Orhan, captured the city of Bursa in 1326 and made it the new capital of the Ottoman state. It also gained control of Cyprus (1489) and built there a major naval base, which it refused to allow Bayezid to use against the Mamluks. When the Armistice of Mudros was signed on 30 October 1918, the only parts of the Arabian peninsula that were still under Ottoman control were Yemen, Asir, the city of Medina, portions of northern Syria and portions of northern Iraq. The Ottomans established the principle of indivisibility of rule, with all members of the ruling class subjected to the absolute will of the sultan. 3 Pages. The Turkmen nomads resisted the efforts of the Ottomans to expand their administrative control to all parts of the empire. Although it began as a uniting progressive party, the CUP splintered in 1911 with the founding of the opposition Freedom and Accord Party (Liberal Union or Entente), which poached many of the more liberal Deputies from the CUP. What impact did his travels have on China and other regions? The state also flourished economically due to its control of the major overland trade routes between Europe and Asia.[8]. How did the Ottoman Empire, as led by Suleiman the Magnificent, gain, consolidate, and maintain power? Review sheets for ALL of the topics in the Global I curriculum and concept mapping activities to organize that information. In 1804 the Serbian Revolution against Ottoman rule erupted in the Balkans, running in parallel with the Napoleonic invasion. The Ottomans had one thing most imperial people do not. They had the foresight to know they were not administrators. The Ottoman Turks were formida Economically, the Price Revolution caused rampant inflation in both Europe and the Middle East. You will need to provide your official school email address AND a Google email address. Ottoman Empire Pre-1600: SQ 1. By the late 18th century, a number of defeats in several wars with Russia led some people in the Ottoman Empire to conclude that the reforms of Peter the Great had given the Russians an edge, and the Ottomans would have to keep up with Western technology in order to avoid further defeats.[45]. On land, the Empire was preoccupied by military campaigns in Austria and Persia, two widely separated theatres of war. Never drop your bork during battle! How did the Ming Dynasty gain, consolidate, and maintain power? It really depends on what one means by the greater. Greater in what sense. Another factor that must be taken into account is the era. Lets compare In 1974, descendants of the dynasty were granted the right to acquire Turkish citizenship by the Grand National Assembly, and were notified that they could apply. 9.6 SQ 3 What was the ethnic and religious composition of the Ottoman Empire? Corruption and nepotism. [21] In 1571, the Crimean khan Devlet I Giray, supported by the Ottomans, burned Moscow. WebThe Ottoman Empire was founded c. 1299 by Osman I as a small beylik in northwestern Asia Minor just south of the Byzantine capital Constantinople. [66], The war caused an exodus of the Crimean Tatars. A fierce conservative disciplinarian, he successfully reasserted the central authority and the empire's military impetus. How did the Ottoman Empire and Ming Dynasty gain, consolidate, and maintain their power. A burgeoning national consciousness, together with a growing sense of ethnic nationalism, made nationalistic thought one of the most significant Western ideas imported to the Ottoman Empire. What impact did his travels have on China and other regions? Absolutely; the Ottoman Empire may have ended up the sick man of Europe, but in its heydey, the empire was among the greatest on the planet. Foun WebSynonyms for DID: sufficed, went, served, suited, worked, fit, befitted, fitted; Antonyms of DID: failed, slighted, slurred, skimped, revealed, marred, spoiled, scarred evket Pamuk, "The Ottoman Economy in World War I" in Stephen Broadberry and Mark Harrison, eds. The occupation of Constantinople along with the occupation of zmir mobilized the establishment of the Turkish national movement, which won the Turkish War of Independence (191923) under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha. What impact did Neo-Confucianism have on Ming and Qing China? Western European states began to avoid the Ottoman trade monopoly by establishing their own maritime routes to Asia through new discoveries at sea. had as a profession. Unit 3: Empires Expand & Maintain Power - Ottoman Case Study Todays Inquiry Questions How and why did the Ottoman Empire develop and expand from 1450 to 1750? The railway was not actually built at this time but its prospect worried the British until that issue was resolved in 1914. What were the society and culture like in the Ottoman Empire? Society in the Ottoman Empire was dominated by Islam, although non-Muslims were also present and constituted a great deal of the imperial population. Due to Turkish traditions of gender semi-equality, women had comparatively more rights than those of other Muslim societies. To the northeast the sultan pushed Ottoman territory north of the Danube, along the shores of the Black Sea, capturing in 1484 the ports of Kilia (present-day Kiliya) and Akkerman (Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy)both in what is now Ukrainewhich controlled the mouths of the Danube and Dniester. [41], During the Tulip Era (17181730), named for Sultan Ahmed III's love of the tulip flower and its use to symbolize his peaceful reign, the Empire's policy towards Europe underwent a shift. [57] In July 1881 the first telephone circuit in Istanbul was established between the Ministry of Post and Telegraph in the Soukeme quarter and the Postahane-i Amire in the Yenicami quarter. Cem remained in exile, first at the court of the Crusading Knights of Rhodes and then with the pope in Rome, until his death in 1495. Ming Dynasty Pre-1600: SQ 10. Important naval victories of the Ottoman Empire in this period include the Battle of Preveza (1538); Battle of Ponza (1552); Battle of Djerba (1560); conquest of Algiers (in 1516 and 1529) and Tunis (in 1534 and 1574) from Spain; conquest of Rhodes (1522) and Tripoli (1551) from the Knights of St. John; capture of Nice (1543) from the Holy Roman Empire; capture of Corsica (1553) from the Republic of Genoa; capture of the Balearic Islands (1558) from Spain; capture of Aden (1548), Muscat (1552) and Aceh (156567) from Portugal during the Indian Ocean expeditions; among others. By the mid-19th century, the Ottoman Empire was called the "sick man" by Europeans. 9.6 SQ 4 What was the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople? Once you receive that notification, you can access all of the assessmentsthrough the New Visions Social Studies Curriculum website, but you must be logged into the Google account you provided in the form to view the assessments. Management The following CASE questions are all based on the Management 11th Edition by Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter textbook. Ming Dynasty Pre-1600: SQ 13. [60] In 1855 the Ottoman telegraph network became operational and the Telegraph Administration was established. A series of revolts resulted, which Bayezid was unable or unwilling to suppress, because of his involvements in Europe and because his mystic preferences inclined him to sympathize with the religious message of the rebels. This led to frequent power struggles and made it difficult for the Ottoman authorities to effectively govern the empire. SQ 12. Who was Zheng He? It was one of the first "modern" wars, as it introduced new technologies to warfare, such as the first tactical use of railways and the telegraph. In reaction to the orthodox Muslim establishment, the nomads developed a fanatical attachment to the leaders of the Sufi and Shii mystic orders. CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING:The Ottoman Empire and the Ming Dynasty had different views of the world and their place in it. What were the historical circumstances for the founding of the Ming Dynasty? Ottoman power reached its height and became a world power under his rule. Under Selim and Suleiman the Magnificent, the Empire became a dominant naval force, controlling much of the Mediterranean. SQ 6. The Blue Mosque Sultan Ahmed Mosque (1616), Sleymaniye Mosque (Ottoman imperial mosque-1556), In many ways, the circumstances surrounding the Ottoman Empire's fall were a result of tensions between the Empire's different ethnic groups and the various governments' inability to deal with these tensions. 9.6 SQ 1 Where was the Ottoman Empire? European states initiated efforts at this time to curb Ottoman control of the traditional overland trade routes between East Asia and Western Europe, which started with the Silk Road. The Ottoman Empire and the Ming Dynasty were two powerful states, each with a view of itself and its place in the world. 9.6 SQ 7 What are the strengths and limitations of the Turkish Letters as a reliable source for understanding how outsiders viewed the Ottoman Empire? had as an occupation. How did the Ottoman Empire, as led by Suleiman the Magnificent, gain, consolidate, and maintain power? In the meantime, however, the threat that Cem might lead a foreign attack compelled Bayezid to concentrate on internal consolidation. Sultan. Part of the Ottoman territories in the Balkans (such as Thessaloniki, Macedonia and Kosovo) were temporarily lost after 1402, but were later recovered by Murad II between the 1430s and 1450s. Official school email address, captured the city of Bursa in 1326 and it. Asia. [ 62 ] in 1855 the Ottoman Empire Pre-1600: SQ 4 what was historical. Historical circumstances for the founding of the Sufi and Shii mystic orders it. Ottoman suzerainty caused rampant inflation in both Europe and Asia. [ 8 ] a fanatical attachment the... Sudan remained as Ottoman provinces de jure until 1914, when the Revolution ended, Serbia was raised the. Dynasty had different views of the Mediterranean 11th Edition by Stephen P. Robbins Mary. 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