the amount in the blood) in one to two hours. Regular use of probiotics for cats can prevent digestive issues and ease symptoms like vomiting, stomach irritation, constipation, and diarrhea. Amoxicillin administered to humans is very different from the veterinary formulation.This variation arises from the chemical components used in making human-grade amoxicillin that can be toxic to canines.These chemicals include Animal adoption advocate. Veterinary Website by Beyond Indigo Pets. Question 1: Is this really recommended? Most vets call for a dose every 8-12 hours. I have a 6 mo old kitten who weighs under 2 lbs. The expiration date is always one year out unless the manufacturer's expiration date precedes it. Amoxicillin as an antibiotic comes in several different forms and dosages. It does so by blocking bacteria's protein-creating process, a process on which the bacteria depend for survival. width: 115px; In cats, amoxicillin treatments will usually last between five and seven days, although they can be more prolonged depending on the extent of the infection. Here's what the pharmacy profession (staunch supporter of the regulation) argues: Because we don't test drugs at the time of dispensing, we don't know whether they're still as good as the manufacturers say they are. This type of antibiotic for cats is also used in the treatment of urogenital problems, often affecting males due to their protruding genitals. That's wasteful! If there is any swelling, pain or discharge at that digit, veterinary care would be needed for sure. Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The Pros of Antibiotic Injections for Cats. font-size: 14px; If your January purge includes decluttering your medicine cabinet, you might find yourself wondering how important those dates stamped on various pharmaceuticals really are. These 7 Signs Will Help You Find Out, Eyelid Agenesis In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment. Reasons to Honor Veterinary Drug Expiration Dates. The best I could suggest generally for something like that is to use very dilute chlorhexidine as a soak for 5-10 minutes at least twice a day. Ill do my best to clarify some of your questions. What to Do if My Dog has Something Stuck in his Throat? Interestingly, the labeled dosage for cats for amoxicillin calls for giving it just once a day. Amoxicillin is a highly effective antibiotic, but it will not work as well after its expiration date if you have already taken it. margin: 0; Amoxicillin is a type of broad-spectrum beta-lactam (-lactam) antibiotic, types of antibiotics which contain a common type of organic compound. Reading this article until the end will solve all your queries about using this antibiotic drug for your kitty. This being the law and all that. These are a good reminder of why Amoxicillin is only prescribed to cats when absolutely required. To know about amoxicillin dosage for cats by weight, please look at the below dosage chart by weight. It is an antibiotic prescribed for human use to treat urinary tract infections, pneumonia and bronchitis, skin infections, and infections of ear, nose, and throat. Before you just toss them in the trash, refer to the. Amoxicillin For Cats: Dosage, Safety & Side Effects. color: #fcb040!important; Copyright 1999 - 2023. And an employee who'd worked at yet another hospital reported the same about her previous employer's policy. They can easily come in contact with other outdoor or stray cats, putting them at risk of contracting contagious diseases. This being the law and all that. If no date can be found, it is safest to consider a medication expired six months after being dispensed. As far as the anti-inflammatories for 3 days goes, there may be no right or wrong answer there. DONT skip doses or fail to use the entire course of antibiotics as prescribed to your cat. There is also tetracycline ointment for cats. Common illnesses in which Amoxicillin is given to cats are: Every medicine include antibiotic may have mild to severe side effects. Respiratory infections are also treated by amoxicillin, but it will depend on the specific infection. However, overdosing or giving it incorrectly is toxic for the felines. We work to make the world a better place for cats, and we're getting better for you. They can come as tablets, in liquid form, drops, cream or an injection. Essentially the same antibiotics are effective in cats and in humans, however always in different concentrations and dosages. But if you're like me, you look up the manufacturer's expiration dates and you follow those instead of the pharmacy's. Not active at all. All drugs originating from. display: flex; We have seen that several antibiotics for humans that are commonly used in cats and dogs, one of the most commonly used is amoxicillin. This is what I would do and does not mean that it is right or wrong. The shelf life once reconstituted is real. In that case, you can skip the missed dose. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. Hi, I dont know where youre located, but maybe a rescue or a city shelter can help. WebSo, can I give my cat amoxicillin? Still, there's one caveat. So, your pets expired meds dont exactly turn into a pumpkin after they reach their expiration date, but there are some good reasons to dispose of them. Dr. Patty Khuly I feed ten feral cats friskies canned cat food. However, my cat is 17.2 pounds is 50 mg the max daily dosing? If we see that our cat is suffering from an infection, we will want to do anything we can to help ease any suffering. This means administering them for the wrong type of infection, providing inadequate doses, not completing the full prescription or giving them to an otherwise healthy cat. They may need to suspend treatment or treat any secondary problems. Cats can be given amoxicillin. Those outdoor kitties need our help too. For more information, or to ask about an expired veterinary medication, please call us. .table-footer a{ Studies have shown that amoxicillin for cats can be very effective against some of the most common bacteria found in these wounds. border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; Inappropriateness Even a medication that was once prescribed to an individual pet may no longer be appropriate. Amoxicillin works by binding directly to certain parts of the cell membrane of susceptible bacteria, inhibiting development of the cell wall and making the bacteria unstable, thus killing them. Again, this will depend on the above factors, but it needs to be taken with food to avoid digestive problems. Because liquid amoxicillin should be discarded after 14 days, it is important not to mix up a new bottle until you are ready to use it. Yes, in an ideal and safe dose Amoxicillin is safe for your cat. I would suggest seeing if your vet could at least consult with you by phone to discuss these signs and concerns more and they may be able to provide you with accurate dosing if appropriate. Amoxicillin and Augmentin (Clavamox) are my 1st go to antibiotic. Because amoxicillin-clavulanate, commonly known as the brand Clavamox, has a broader spectrum of action against some bacteria, it is more commonly used than regular amoxicillin, especially for cats. Outdoor feline explorers are often more prone to catching illnesses as they may rummage through trash and dirt. Cats can be given amoxicillin. Cats should never be given Amoxicillin prescribed for human use, however convenient it may be for pet owners. The side effects of amoxicillin are usually mild and infrequent, involving gastrointestinal upset like vomiting and diarrhea. If so, your veterinarian may have prescribed antibiotics. Because there are many antibiotics out there, a veterinarian should always be responsible for deciding which one is best to use for a particular patient. WebHowever, a lot of cats may be allergic to penicillin and can develop side effects: Chronic diarrhea. Make sure to wash your hands before and after giving the medication. Giving the medicine in the safe amount will not harm your kitty, however amoxicillin can cause the below mentioned side effects in your tom or queen. They can also be seen on or in the stool. Before you use any liquid medication make sure that the color is the same and there are no abnormalities. Is there anything over the counter I can use too. Antibiotics are powerful and we should never administer them to our cat without instruction from our veterinarian. Oral amoxicillin, like many broad-spectrum antibiotics, can alter the normal, beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, which is often a cause of digestive upset if it occurs. This commentary allows vets to say what they think and give you, the pet owner, the opportunity to consider another view. WebIt is unusual for a cat to have high blood pressure in isolation from something like chronic kidney disease. So I take care of an outdoor cat, I always feed him form my food not wet or canned, he is 10 months old, Amoxicillin is often given to cats with outside access. The shelf life once reconstituted is real. Make sure to keep all the medicine away from the children and your pet reach. The American Veterinary Medical Association mandates that veterinary drug expiration dates be provided on all dispensed medications when appropriate. text-align: center; How do you know if amoxicillin is the appropriate antibiotic for it? If it was previously clear and it is now cloudy even if it has NOT expired Id question the stability of this medication. margin: 0 auto; But Im also concerned that treating with an antibiotic alone could be missing something more important thats going on here. Anyhow, online says Cats: The recommended dosage is 50 mg (510 mg/lb) once a day. Prescription medications are no different. So why then does the FDA feel justified in placing limits where they previously did not exist? If no date can be found, it is safest to consider a medication expired six months after being dispensed. Cholesterol, while sometimes relevant for our patients, is far less relevant compared to people, as pets do not develop the same type of diseases from high cholesterol, like atherosclerosis and risk for heart attacks. In this article, youll learn what amoxicillin is, the types of infections it may be used for in cats, potential side effects, and some other useful info and frequently asked questions. Amoxicillin will only work against certain bacteria. Yes Obviously for very small or very large cats this dose needs to be adjusted at a veterinarian's recommendation. So what do I recommend YOU to do? Also he is playful and hyper as he always has been so he doesnt seem in pain. Our customer service department gets a lot of emails from cat lovers about every type of question you can imagine about cats. Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is common in these circumstances. An extended treatment with antibiotics can lead to yeast infections, especially if the cats immune system is WebIs Amoxicillin Safe for Cats? DONT start using an antibiotic you happen to have left over from the last time. Fresh Breath. Most vets are using it off-label at every 8-12 hours, similar to the labeled dosage for dogs. Nonprofit vets can be found. Salivation in excess. Avoid giving your pet any medication that contains a corticosteroid unless it has been prescribed by your veterinarian to treat your pets current medical problem. All antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections and amoxicillin is no exception. If you have been a pet medication hoarder, you likely have a pile of stuff to trash at this point. The Pros of Antibiotic Injections for Cats. Incomplete antibiotic courses, even if not expired, can result in lack of treatment, subjecting the pet to relapse or even antibiotic resistance. Give double dose for first dose. Antibiotics are slowly losing their effectiveness, this is called antibiotic resistance. 1. Amoxicillin for humans is usually prepared in tablet form, but it is often administered to cats in a paste or oral suspension, as well as pills. It can also cause bacterial resistance to develop. Doing so frequently can make the medication ineffective. In veterinary medicine, the most common forms are liquid and pills. Im confused and worried. I always save the last couple doses whenever I am prescribed them. Of course, if a cat has previously shown to have an allergic reaction to amoxicillin, it should be not administered again. CANT FIND A VET NEAR ME TO LOOK AT MY KITTEN I HAVE SEVERAL OF THEM MOST ARE FERRAL THEY HAVE COLDS SMUCKED EYES AND STUFFED AND RUNNING NOSE AMOXICILION WOULD HELP THEM BUT CANT GET ANY HOW DO I TREAT THEM THEY KEEP GETTING WORSE THERE GOING TO DIE IF I DONT GET SUM HELP CALLED THREE DIFFERENT VETS WONT CALL BACK. Laser Toys & Its Effects On, Can Cats Get Lyme Disease? Throwing up. Your vet can run a stool sample to help make sure none have been missed. Sometimes, though rarely, changes can take place that cause the medication to be harmful to your pet. Antibiotic The liquid is a 62.5 milligrams per milliliter suspension. You might see it in combination products, such as Clavamox, where the medication is even more effective and long-lasting because it is mixed with a medication called clavulanic acid. Copyright 2023 Upgrade Your Cat | | As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Non-castrated males are also more susceptible since they are more likely to fight or get into mischief. PetPlace may be compensated when you click on or make a purchase using the links in this article. Amoxicillin specifically targets certain strains of bacteria and therefore is not prescribed for all kinds of infections. A huge animal lover, born and raised around dogs, cats, chickens With Amoxicillin taking expired ones would just mean they might not work, other antibiotics, like the tetracyclines can actually cause kidney damage if they are old. All she does is sleep. A Last Recourse Prescribed by Veterinarian margin: 0!important; So your vet will be careful about the dose they give you for your cat. As it turns out, I did some research on this a few days before Willys recent cleaning to learn this is highly recommended because under anesthesia Cats (and dogs too, probably) cant vomit up a recent meal choking on it and sending it down into the lungs to cause potentially severe complications. Many veterinarians consider having updated lab work within 30 days of an anesthetic event to be a standard of care. Therefore it is a common mistake to search for information on the dose of amoxicillin required for a cat and then administer it to them straightaway, because:. This includes sticking to the timetable for giving it that your veterinarian has prescribed. If we do see any adverse side effects from amoxicillin for cats, we need to inform the vet. Often extra-label higher doses are used by vets. One of the most obvious positive sides to these antibiotics is how fast they enter your cats system. you might argue. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Amoxicillin is a broad spectrum antibiotic, Developed for humans to take, antibiotics are used in most species of animals. Most oral pills or capsules expire in 1 to 2 years from date of manufacturing. I cant comment more as its impossible for me to know if this is a typical delay in healing that can be seen with nail trauma even without infection present, or something more concerning. Dosage Chart by Weight, Dexamethasone Injection for Cats Dosage Chart & Uses, Safe Gabapentin For Cats Dosage Chart | Dose Calculator, Pyrantel Pamoate Dosage for cats Safe Dose Chart, Why Do Cats Tails Puff Up When Happy? It is frequently combined with clavulanic acid as this helps to beat bacterial resistance. All antibiotics, for human or pet use, have side effects. PetPartners, Inc. is an indirect corporate affiliate of For myself and my own family, that is. Most will have a longer shelf life if they are refrigerated. The licking of private areas and urinary pain could be concerning for this. The antibiotics is Amoxicillin/Clavulanate. But this is not a medication that will last long. However, not all antibiotics work for all bacteria, not all infections are bacterial, not all human drugs can be used on cats and not all infections require antibiotics. Or can I do 85 mg 170 mg x probably 7 days (since he is a male)? Your email address will not be published. Self-educated pet care nerd. Giving amoxicillin to your kitty around the time of a meal can help to offset these possible effects. line-height: 1.2; A large and important part of the immune system is located in the gut. Given the wide spectrum of applications, it can be used to treat a wide range of infections. In that case, you can skip the missed dose. He completed a rotating internship with Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey and now works as a general practitioner in the Washington D.C. area. If no date can be found, it is safest to consider a medication expired six months after being dispensed. With some liquid medications it can be obvious by a color change or change in consistency. WebHowever, a lot of cats may be allergic to penicillin and can develop side effects: Chronic diarrhea. - Uses, Dosage and Side Effects, we recommend you visit our Medicine category. Liquid and other mixed prescriptions should be discarded after two weeks. If only a month and year are listed, the medication is expired on the last day of the listed month. There are also other formulations, such as Clavamox. The reason is that it will lose its potency over time, and it may even cause your symptoms to worsen. Liver and kidney damage may occur. The Pros of Antibiotic Injections for Cats. Certified Content. This is a problem in both human and veterinary medicine. First, fasting prior to bloodwork in veterinary medicine is uncommon, except for certain types of testing. Amoxicillin has a wide dosage range. Amoxicillin is a well-known veterinary medicine, and veterinarians often prescribe it off the label to address bacterial infection in cats. Pic of the day: "Messed up" by maggiejumps. Cats can be given amoxicillin. Others, though, may be prescribed on an as needed basis. However, it is possible some digestive disturbances might arise such as diarrhea and vomiting or even appetite loss. While some medications may change color or texture, this does not always happen. } If your vet mixes the liquid and says it expires in 7 or 14 days then Id honor that. When eliminated, it is processed mainly by the kidneys. Turns out that my veterinary hospital employer follows the pharmacy rules. Throwing up. Hi Chris. Always consult your veterinarian and if needed they will prescribe a special formulation designed for your cat, with the appropriate dosage and concentration of Amoxicillin suited for your cats weight, age and sex. Lack of appetite and refusal to eat. If your vet is truly not accessible for two weeks, and especially if signs of urinary irritation or pain are present, I would highly suggest looking into other nearby practices that have openings in the meantime as soon as possible or any urgent care/ER locations that could see you and your cat sooner. In general, amoxicillin is an antibiotic which will have minimal adverse side effects when administered carefully within the above parameters. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. What we can say is that amoxicillin is usually administered one to three times a day. The tablets come in a variety of sizes: 62.5 milligrams, 125 milligrams, 250 milligrams, and 375 milligrams. Over time, any substance undergoes chemical changes simply due to environmental exposure. You should inform your vet about any allergies your cat may have, especially if you know your cat to be allergic to any drugs. That yogurt in the back of the fridge probably has at least a week or two past the stamped date, right? Yes, in an ideal and safe dose Amoxicillin is safe for your cat. (hopefully). It has been opined that a significant percentage of humanity are infected, without overt signs or symptoms. Expiration dates on veterinary drugs are important because, as time marches on, drugs lose efficacy and potency due to chemical changes that take place. So How much Amoxicillin is safe for cats, and what is Amoxicillin for cats dosage chart by weight. If our cat is taking any other medication or has any underlying medical condition, the veterinarian needs to be informed. The educational cat health content on is written by or reviewed by our team of veterinary experts to ensure that its in line with the latest evidence-based veterinary information and health guidelines. As such, never self-prescribe the medication to your cat, even if you are a medical doctor. For more information, please contact us. display: flex; Potent Immunity. Sometimes I think the pharmacy industry protests too much on their own behalf. Doing your part to observe and honor them helps us know that your pet is treated according to the highest standards of veterinary medicine, and we are proud to help achieve that. Keeping lids sealed to prevent air exposure and moisture contamination is important, as well. 2023 Cliverse Media Ltd. Be the first to get our latest updates, insider videos, cat health resources, and more. WebSo, can I give my cat amoxicillin? Email: Amoxicillin antibiotic is not approved by FDA for pet use but still veterinarians around the world often prescribe it for cats due to its tonic health properties. When we dispense a medication for your pet, an expiration date is also printed on the prescription label. The answer is: No, not without the express consent and direction of your veterinarian. Most liquid medications that are not reconstituted also have a shelf life of 1 to 2 years but once reconstituted (mixed with water such as powered amoxicillin is mixed with water) most expire in about 7 to 14 days depending on the specific product. The same basic effects of the drug work on cats and can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments, which we detail below. Do you need to toss all those partially used medications you have stashed in your pets medical supplies? I have Amoxicillin. } Liquid amoxicillin needs to be kept in the refrigerator except when you are giving it to your cat. The price for weekend vet visit is crazy. Like regular amoxicillin, Clavamox also comes in liquid and pill formulations. WebThe easiest way to give your cat liquid medication is to mix it in with some canned food. Since every cat is an individual, each cat will respond differently to amoxicillin. Allergic reactions are not as common as with people. To ensure that your cat swallows all of the medication, it is best to mix it into a small amount of canned food that you feed by hand, rather than mixing it into a full bowl of food that the cat may not completely eat. Then, put one-fifth in the cats food. Make sure to follow your veterinarians prescription to avoid health complications. It is also one of the most commonly used antibiotics in the world. (Good thing I'm not in charge, seeing as I'm occasionally ignorant of basic rules.) Add them to the Cats Food: The Fish-Mox capsules are 250 mg. amoxicillin, recommended dosage one capsule twice per day, in food. They look for white blood cells and bacteria in her urine. As a bactericidal antibiotic, it has the ability to kill certain strains of bacteria causing infections. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Animal Skin and Allergy Clinic does not provide any veterinary medical services or guidance via the Internet. Injectable medications are generally considered less stable and often have shorter shelf lives than oral pill or capsule medication. .cliverse-medication-title .logo{ Copyright 2022 by -Designed by Thrive Themes Changes in health status, other concurrent conditions, and the addition of new medications or supplements could make an old prescription inappropriate. While it may not directly cause harm, using an expired drug may have some negative effects including: Delay in appropriate treatment Subpar management of the problem at hand And it's not consumer friendly. Obviously for very small or very large cats this dose needs to be adjusted at a veterinarian's recommendation. For others, though, dates on food and other items are viewed as merely a suggestion. If not 50mg available, open the 250 mg capsule and divide it into fifths. Your veterinarian may fall in the first camp or otherwise may have felt that the amount of tartar present warranted sending antibiotics home. 01.30.2018 by Your furry friend might have pain when she urinates, causing discomfort. Also, sometimes your cat might get a scrape that gets infected. In short, what your veterinarian prescribes! Hello Loreen, thank you for commenting! The ideal and safe dosage of Amoxicillin tablet for cats is 5-10 mg/lb or 10-15 mg/kg, and liquid oral suspension is 2-9 ml/lb every 12-24 hours. It can also cause bacterial resistance to develop. font-size: 14px; Amoxicillin for cats Dosage Chart by weight. Some cats might drool after taking the amoxicillin, especially the liquid amoxicillin. Many drugs, such as antibiotics, are intended to be given as a full course with no leftovers. The other argument is that unless extractions are being performed which requires tissue healing, or unless a pet has heavy dental disease with concern for pre-existing infection, that antibiotic use during or following a dental cleaning is not needed and would only contribute to antibiotic resistance. WebIs Amoxicillin Safe for Cats? Form: In any case, when no improvement is seen after the first few days of treatment, the veterinarian needs to be informed. It is indeed possible to give amoxicillin to kittens or young cats for the pathologies mentioned above. Follow the recommendations on the bottle for best results regarding the shelf life. However, there are a few liquid medications that are less stable if refrigerated and they should clearly say so on the package. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Apr 22, 2017 at 17:55 Harry V. 5,989 2 16 35 However, there is a risk that antimicrobial resistance will mean antibiotics will be less effective in the future to the point that animals will be much more susceptible to infection. 16429 7th Place West Have your cat diagnosed and have a veterinarian prescribe the correct form of treatment. Therefore it is a common mistake to search for information on the dose of amoxicillin required for a cat and then administer it to them straightaway, because:.
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