Name something you think is ok to do in public, but others frown upon. Name a reason a student might not like spring break. Name something you would need to make a clown costume. Name something that might use a pirate as its mascot. Name the best dressed superhero or villain. When people talk about "the big one," what are they referring to? Name something that usually gets broken during a fight between superheroes. Name someone iron man might call for help. If you could transform into any animal, what would it be? Upon investigation, it was determined that the vehicle was stolen. What is the first thing mom wants to do on mother's day? Name something that smells awful when it expires. Complete the statement, the best candy bars are filled with ______.. At what time on Easter does the average kid take their first bite of chocolate? If you were a pilgrim, what would have been the biggest problem you faced? Name a country that starts with the letter 'C'. Where might you be able to plant a garden if you lived in a city? Name something that might happen if you eat too much candy. Name something a dad might teach his kids to do. Name something dirty that ends up under a teenager's bed. Name something people consider a snack food. Name a celebrity you wish people would compare you to. Name an industry or profession that looks forward to valentine's day. Name something you associate with scotland. Name something parents might not like their kids bringing home. Name something a little kid might draw for st. patricks day. Name a reason why it would be a pain to live in a big city. We asked 100 married menWhat attracted you to your wife in the first place? Name a gift dad might appreciate on father's day. Tell me something you think of when you think of India. Name an animal that appears in a lot of fairy tales. Past or present, name an all star hockey player. Name something you might go to sleep clutching after a st. patrick's day party. Name something little boys use to scare little girls. Tell me a reason why a baby might be cranky. Kenny Steal #2: Space (T2: His phone/#5: His computer- 10/BAs: Video games & floors- 2 each). Name something you associate with country music. Name a job that requires a lot of public speaking. Name something expecting mothers get at their baby showers. Kim Steal #2: Litter- #4 (5)(#2: Slam on brakes- 12/Other BA: Flip the bird). Tell me a happy occasion that might make you cry. Look at the table for the Family Feud Answer with Points Besides your house, name something you hope never becomes haunted. Name something associated with summer that people save their money for. Name a magical creature that a pirate might want to have. Tell me something a kid might try to hide from their parents. Hope is doing something. Fact or fiction, name a famous dave or david. This answer was found in the game Family Feud 2. Posted by ch0sen1 on May 12, 2022 . Name a country in Europe that Americans like to visit. Besides diapers, name something parents keep in a diaper bag. Name a christmas gift a doctor might appreciate. Name something you would expect to see at the mall around christmas. Name an article of clothing that you wouldn't expect to see a superhero wearing. Name a prop you would expect to see on the set of a horror movie. Name somewhere children love going that adults don't. Name something you would see in a pirate themed gift shop. Sometimes the simplest solution to a resolve a crashing application in iOS is to quit the app and then relaunch it. Name something a woman does a lot more when she's pregnant. Name something you insure your house against. Name something you wouldn't want happening to you at a st. patrick's day party. Name something that kids get into trouble for throwing. Name something the hulk might think about to calm himself down. Name someone you would hate calling you during a date. Tell me a word you would expect to see on the inside of a mother's day card. What is your favorite part of valentine's day? Name something a superstitious person might carry with them on halloween night. If you were a pirate, what would be the first thing you would do when getting to shore? Name something that might prevent a garden from growing. Name the creepiest place to scare people on halloween. Name something a kid might ruin while trying to make mom breakfast in bed. Name something you'd need to look like a magician. Name something specific santa should try doing if he wanted to lose weight. Name something you might replace after a divorce. Name something you'd give a housecat, but never a lion. Name a place people go because they think it is good for them. Name something that needs to be washed more often in the summer. Name something you might put on a baked potato. Name something animals use to attract a mate. Name a celebrity that you would not want to have over for dinner. Name something you think of when you think of Mexico. Name a type of professional that wears sunglasses a lot. Name something that new ghosts might practice trying to move. Name something people do during the time between christmas and new year's. Tell me something people often take for granted. Name a superpower that an overworked dad might find useful. Give me a woman's name that has 3 letters in it. 90 likes. Name a reason why a person might have a big ego. Name a food you can cook in under 5 minutes. Name something ghosts might do to try and scare you out of your house. Name something that might bring you bad luck. Name something parents have to do less of once their kids move out. Name a nickname that might be given to a rich ceo. Name a situation where you might want to have the power of invisibility. Name something you might see on a christmas themed neck-tie. Name a country that used to have a lot of colonies. What does an actor change in order to play a character? - Name a reason a child might look up to their dad. Name something kids ask their parents' permission to do. Name something people make out of their leftover thanksgiving turkey. Name a place you might turn to for relationship advice. Name something a captain might have that his crew does not. Tell me something you think of when you think of Ireland. We asked 100 people: name something you would find in a hotel. Name something you would need to dress up as phantom of the opera. Name a type of vendor you may see at a 4th of july parade. After you get caught in a rain storm, what takes the longest to dry? Name a vehicle that is used by the military. Name a place parents make their kids go, whether they want to or not. Name a way a roommate might drive you crazy. Name something commonly found in high school lockers. Name something adults can do on halloween that children cannot. Name something a thanksgiving turkey might need more of. Name something you would expect to see in a witchs cottage. Name something that a pirate would not want their parrot to do. Name someone who might not approve of the person you are dating. Name something you associate with the wizard of oz. We asked 100 womenName the instrument you think makes a guy look sexiest when he's playing it. Name something a husband does when his wife tells him that she is pregnant. Tell me something kids often want to be when they grow up. What might you buy if you were making thanksgiving dinner out of items usually found at gas stations? Hope area. Name something that might live in a crypt. Name something that people trapped on a desert island might eat. Name something associated with Alice in Wonderland. Name a profession that uses a calculator. Name a celebrity that you think would make a good president of the u.s. Name something people might fight over at a cookout. Name something you might pretend to be sick to get out of. Name a sport that requires special headgear. NAME SOMETHING THAT MOST HOUSES HAVE ONLY ONE OF %31 @KItCHEN %13 @BATHROOM %11 @STOVE~OVEN~RANGE %10 @REFRIGERATOR~FRIDGE %8 @CHIMNEY %5 @FIREPLACE %4 @FRONT DOOR %3 @FURNACE~HEATER~BOILER %3 @GARAGE %2 @DINING ROOM %0 @TV %0 @CAR~AUTO %0 @BASEMENT ` NAME SOMEONE YOU SHOULD TELL YOUR CHANGE OF ADDRESS TO WHEN YOU MOVE %57 @POST OFFICE %9 @BANK %9 Fact or fiction, name an animal that can fly. Name a fruit or vegetable commonly used in thanksgiving dishes. Name someone people talk to when they are having relationship problems. #6: Halls: Flash breasts/Moon (#4- 8), scream (#2- 21), call cops (TA- 42), hide, call fire dept. Name someone a bachelor might have to get christmas presents for. Name something that might go on sale after Easter. Name a costume that might be uncomfortable to wear to work. Name something you always pack for a vacation. Name an accessory or article of clothing you would never wear from the "lost and found". Name someone who may be holding an american flag in a parade. Name an event that parents like to capture on video. Name a song that is played on the radio during halloween. Name something you wouldn't eat with your fingers. Name something you could do for exercise. What is the most stressful part of dating? Name a hobby people take up when they retire. Name something a kid might draw on their bedroom walls. AppCheatGuide has Wordscapes and Wordscapes Shapes Answers and other games from peoplefun. Name a place you hope the invisible man is not hiding. Name a drink that is considered to be unhealthy. Look at the table for the Family Feud Answer with Points Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it. Name something specific that might be dipped into chocolate fondue. Name something you might be glad only comes once a year. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "K". Name a costume a man might wear for Halloween. This answer was found in the game Family Feud 2. Other causes include hardware failure, including RAM or disks, and less commonly, malware. Name something parents do for their children when they are babies, but not when they are teenagers. Name a food that starts with the letter 'S'. Name a type of professional you would like to hire to help with thanksgiving. Name a food that starts with the letter 'M'. #2: Name a food that tastes better than it smells. Tell me something you associate with Canada Day. Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it. Name something found in almost every american household. Tell me something that reminds you of spring. Name a place people work that starts with the letter "F". Tell me a snack served at a kid's birthday party. Name something that gets bigger in winter. Name something people might lie about on their online dating profile. Name a reason why wearing a superhero costume might be uncomfortable. Tell me something you would expect to see a farmer wear. If a person were wearing a cupid costume outside, what part of their body would get cold first? Name a tool that you would use to build a bird house. Name a hero or villain who doesnt look human. Name a popular word to describe your spouse. Name something a wealthy person might have at their vacation home. Name a sauce or seasoning you would see at thanksgiving dinner. Name something you might use to tell the time. Tell me something that reminds you of summer. Give me a reason you might be late for work. Name something capable of destroying a city. Name a reason a child might throw a tantrum. Name something you might eat for breakfast. Name a reason people might not want their town to be a popular tourist spot. Name a country that is associated with snow. Name something you always lose on vacation. Name something a man might have expensive taste in. Name something kids do to annoy their parents. We first introduced this Family Feud question on 2021-05-07 and updated it on 2021-05-07. Name something you would find in a 1st grader's school desk. Name something you associate with witches. Name something people in the military wear. Name something students use for school projects that can be found in a craft store. Past or present, name a tv show set in a hospital. Name a specific place in a school where a student might make a friend. Give me a word that rhymes with "buckle.". If men had a tail like dogs do, what might they see that would cause it to start wagging? Name something your parents ask you about every time they see you. If you were royalty, name a food you would treat yourself to at least once a month. Name a place veterans might gather on the 4th of july. Name something specific that kids might be doing on a beautiful spring day. Tell me something people do to be romantic on Valentine's Day. Name something specific that might be delayed because of snow. Family Feud - Choose the #1 answer. Name something a villain might ask their minions to steal. Name a place outside where kids get muddy playing. Name a way kids entertained themselves on trips before handheld games. Name a place you would not want to be trapped with your significant other, no matter how much you loved them. What to people use to get rid of grass stains? Name sports that would be difficult to play with one arm tied behind your back. How many days do you think a pirate could spend on land before getting restless? Name something that might be covered in chocolate. Name an instrument associated with irish music. Name something you would not like to happen during thanksgiving dinner. Name a superhero you would like to go shopping with. We already had the marshmallow man explode, what other tasty treat do you think kids would like to have explode in their neighborhood? Name something that changes from green to yellow. Name a foreign accent that is easy to imitate. Tell me something that might ruin a fancy dinner party. Name a country that movie villains often come from. Name something couples in serious relationships do. Name something jet fighters might fly over on the 4th of july. Name something a man might wear to a halloween party, if he wanted to attract the ladies. Name a place that should never host the Winter Olympics. How many hours per week does the average high schooler spend studying? Name something you might bring to the gym. Besides your family, name someone you see regularly. Name something that was better in the "good old days". Name something you never forget how to do. Name a famous singer who is also an actor. How many vacation days does the average person get during summer? Dustin: Sense of humor (22- money tied for #1 w/ looks), 6 (10), wool sweater (7), tank (43) & Aug. (33) If a pirate had social media, name something they would post pictures of. Name a reason the ghostbusters might refuse to catch a ghost. Tell me a game you might see people playing at the park. When little kids ask to borrow money from their parents, what do they usually want to buy? Name someone you would send a Christmas card to. Name something kids line up for at school. Name a food or drink people enjoy while watching a football game. Name something a student might eat on the go. What might your cell phone say to you if it could talk? Name your favorite character on Modern Family. Name a place where it would be a bad to launch fireworks from. Tell me a word you'd use to describe someone who is mean. Name an ingredient you need to make pancakes. Name something people put on top of their cars. Name something that a daredevil might try jumping over. Name a mode of transportation used by superheroes. Name something you might see people doing in shoe commercials. Name an animal whose name start with "s". Name something you do to a room to make it smell good. Find all the Jeopardy questions and answers at JeopardyTrivia. What might a person do to relax once their spring cleaning is finished? Name a clothing store that you would be embarrassed to see your parent shopping at. Name a speedy animal that could help the Easter Bunny with its deliveries. Past or present, name an nfl quarterback. Name someone you'd hide your hickey from. Can you reach the elusive Superstar level?Featuring: - 4 game modes: Classic, Fast Money, Tournaments and Live - Test your Feud skills and take your opponents coins - Over 2,500 Brand New Surveys - All-New Live Gameplay - Laugh with your opponent using our FREE In-Game Chat Family Feud Live! Name a kitchen utensil you could not live without. Name a sport that might be the topic of a movie. Name something green you might see on the thanksgiving dinner table. Name a sport that has collectable trading cards. Name a non-traditional instrument you might see people playing. Name something a man might have at his "I just got divorced" party. Name an insect that can be annoying when you are trying to enjoy the outdoors. Name somewhere where you have to line up. Name a business that might be very busy on Valentine's Day. Give me a word that might be used to describe a christmas tree. Name something you might eat at the movies. Name a place that is associated with skiing. Name something a student might not like about gym class. What might a person do to try to win back an old flame? Name one person you would take with you to a desert island. Give me the name of a famous female sex symbol. Name a profession where you need to be good at math. Name a way athletes might unwind once their event is over. At what age should a single person consider lowering their standards in a mate? 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