I-80 at South Downy Street, Exit 254 Hotels. +1 (319) 268-1800. cx_cdrf@countryinnamericas.com. Clean room with comfortable beds and pillows. //console.log(document.getElementById('chk_in').value); var doa=params[0].substring(params[0].indexOf('=')+1); Don't stay here. var in_d = $('#chk_in').val(); window.alreadywent1 = false; function intDateUpdateIn(){ var checkInDate=document.getElementById('chk_in').value; } var inday = new Date(document.getElementById("chk_in2").value); $('#dp-popup').hide(); (o.offset.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells&&/^t(able|d|h)$/i.test(J.tagName))){N+=parseInt(M.borderTopWidth,10)||0,I+=parseInt(M.borderLeftWidth,10)||0}F=G,G=J.offsetParent}if(o.offset.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible&&M.overflow!=="visible"){N+=parseInt(M.borderTopWidth,10)||0,I+=parseInt(M.borderLeftWidth,10)||0}E=M}if(E.position==="relative"||E.position==="static"){N+=K.offsetTop,I+=K.offsetLeft}if(E.position==="fixed"){N+=Math.max(H.scrollTop,K.scrollTop),I+=Math.max(H.scrollLeft,K.scrollLeft)}return{top:N,left:I}}}o.offset={initialize:function(){if(this.initialized){return}var L=document.body,F=document.createElement("div"),H,G,N,I,M,E,J=L.style.marginTop,K='
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RESERVE. var checkDate=dateToCheck.getTime(); }else{ '); var in_dd = inDateArr[1]; var daynum = endDate.getDate(); "Convenient to Ped Mall and downtown; easy walk anywhere. }else{ // END - LIMITS CALENDAR FROM SELECTING DAYS MORE THAN 360 DAYS OUT We also steward 35 forested acres including a creek and oak stands. Want to break on through to the other side at an uber-luxe crash pad where you can turn on, tune in, drop out and counter culture in psychedelic fashion? $('#chk_out').css({'opacity':'100','z-index':'initial','padding':'9px 7px 6px','height':'34px'}); } indateArray = checkInDate.split("/"); var bcurr_year = bdatePlus360.getFullYear(); div.dp-popup div.dp-nav-prev a.disabled,div.dp-popup div.dp-nav-next a.disabled{cursor:default} '; Schedule an appointment today! View 564 reviews. if(doa=='Enter Date'){return null;} var params=x.split('|'); Our Eco hotel is modern and within walking distance to University of Iowa Campus, offers open spaces, sustainable design, and natural color palettes for a refreshing short or extended stay. "Seemed overpriced. var selInDay = $('#sel_chk_in_day').val(); "Lovely hotel in a great location for shopping. if(phgid) "Convenient to the Hoover Presidential Library. } if(window.errortxt1 || window.errortxt2){ $('#chk_out2').datePicker({clickInput:true}) Nice exercise room. if(daynum < 10) daynum = "0"+daynum; The shower fixture fell off when I turned on the water. The pillows smelled like smoke. cookie_date.setTime(cookie_date.getTime()-1); We enjoyed our stay and plan to return. you will receive a confirmation email. $('#selChkOut').css({'opacity':'0','z-index':'-1','height':'0px'}); "); '); var cookie_string="doa="+escape(doa)+"|dod="+escape(dod)+"|ccty="+escape(ccty)+"|nrooms="+escape(nrooms)+"|nadults="+escape(nadults)+"|state="+escape(state)+"|country="+escape(country)+"|searcht="+escape(searcht); Source: hey-hotels.com. b_validMini=true; } var zascode = document.getElementById('ozas').innerHTML; critCheck(); var currentTime2 = new Date(); else return false;} $('#selChkOut').css({'opacity':'0','z-index':'-1','height':'0px'}); }); var x=get_cookie('hgBookInfo'); ");O=Q.shift();var N=RegExp("(^|\\.)"+Q.slice().sort().join(".*\\. The flexible checkout allowed us to enjoy our final day in the city. The hotel was clean, the bed was the best ever, and the staff was efficient. Great place to stay. Free happy hour, breakfast, and convenient parking. $('#sel_chk_in_month').focus(function(){ Forget about breakfast; the selection is poor. */ "The hotel was clean and nicely styled. var ccty=''; Date.firstDayOfWeek = 0; The front desk clerk was particularly helpful. (parseFloat(J.filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1])/100)+"":""}G=G.replace(/-([a-z])/ig,function(M,N){return N.toUpperCase()});if(L){J[G]=K}return J[G]},trim:function(E){return(E||"").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")},makeArray:function(G){var E=[];if(G!=null){var F=G.length;if(F==null||typeof G==="string"||o.isFunction(G)||G.setInterval){E[0]=G}else{while(F){E[--F]=G[F]}}}return E},inArray:function(G,H){for(var E=0,F=H.length;E'; alert('Please enter your date in the format "MM/DD/YYYY". 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The floor from the swimming pool was wet and dangerous with a walker. /* "A perfect hotel stay. } } var yy=params[2]; '); Country Inn & Suites by Radisson Coralville - I-80, Exit 240. The motel was in need of refurbishment, but the bar on the lower level had great burgers. The room and bathroom were clean, and the bedding was fresh. var out_dd = outDateArr[1]; "Great location. var tomorowssdate = ''; document.getElementById('cityarea').innerHTML = "City, Area, or Attraction"; //BEGIN BOOKINGS.com SCRIPTS "+H+"("+E+")"}}return G},setArray:function(E){this.length=0;Array.prototype.push.apply(this,E);return this},each:function(F,E){return o.each(this,F,E)},index:function(E){return o.inArray(E&&E.jquery?E[0]:E,this)},attr:function(F,H,G){var E=F;if(typeof F==="string"){if(H===g){return this[0]&&o[G||"attr"](this[0],F)}else{E={};E[F]=H}}return this.each(function(I){for(F in E){o.attr(G?this.style:this,F,o.prop(this,E[F],G,I,F))}})},css:function(E,F){if((E=="width"||E=="height")&&parseFloat(F)<0){F=g}return this.attr(E,F,"curCSS")},text:function(F){if(typeof F!=="object"&&F!=null){return this.empty().append((this[0]&&this[0].ownerDocument||document).createTextNode(F))}var E="";o.each(F||this,function(){o.each(this.childNodes,function(){if(this.nodeType!=8){E+=this.nodeType!=1?this.nodeValue:o.fn.text([this])}})});return E},wrapAll:function(E){if(this[0]){var F=o(E,this[0].ownerDocument).clone();if(this[0].parentNode){F.insertBefore(this[0])}F.map(function(){var G=this;while(G.firstChild){G=G.firstChild}return G}).append(this)}return this},wrapInner:function(E){return this.each(function(){o(this).contents().wrapAll(E)})},wrap:function(E){return this.each(function(){o(this).wrapAll(E)})},append:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,true,function(E){if(this.nodeType==1){this.appendChild(E)}})},prepend:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,true,function(E){if(this.nodeType==1){this.insertBefore(E,this.firstChild)}})},before:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,false,function(E){this.parentNode.insertBefore(E,this)})},after:function(){return this.domManip(arguments,false,function(E){this.parentNode.insertBefore(E,this.nextSibling)})},end:function(){return this.prevObject||o([])},push:[].push,sort:[].sort,splice:[].splice,find:function(E){if(this.length===1){var F=this.pushStack([],"find",E);F.length=0;o.find(E,this[0],F);return F}else{return this.pushStack(o.unique(o.map(this,function(G){return o.find(E,G)})),"find",E)}},clone:function(G){var E=this.map(function(){if(!o.support.noCloneEvent&&!o.isXMLDoc(this)){var I=this.outerHTML;if(!I){var J=this.ownerDocument.createElement("div");J.appendChild(this.cloneNode(true));I=J.innerHTML}return o.clean([I.replace(/ jQuery\d+="(? document.getElementById('h1line').innerHTML = 'Find Hotels by Name or Chain'; $('#chk_out').val(compiledChkOut); document.getElementById('zas').value = "55"; $('#sel_chk_out_year').val(out_yy); "); "Right":"Bottom",F=G.toLowerCase();o.fn["inner"+G]=function(){return this[0]?o.css(this[0],F,false,"padding"):null};o.fn["outer"+G]=function(K){return this[0]?o.css(this[0],F,false,K? 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