Christ will have preeminence in all things (Col). Deuteronomy 12:32, Matthew 5:18. Then Jesus goes into a diatribe of exposing the surface understanding of the Torah (instructions in righteousness). No. I am also glad to hear of more brother/sisters are seeking understanding the nature of Yah and his teachings of days including the one he blessed during creation (Sabbath). It was a matter of us, Yahweh and the Scripture collaborating to reveal the truthcan you think of a better setting? This revelation is crucial for a relationship with our Messiah, good and great Chief Shepard. 1 2 119 Ministries @119Ministries That is also a synonym of love ..For God so loved He GAVE . According to your faulty logic, Yeshua the Messiah went through all of that agony on the cross so that you would have the freedom to poison yourself. As far as calling me out as saying its wrong to keep the feastsI dont even think that. He taught from the heart about mans heart. There is simply freedom in Christ which has been bought by blood. Can you tell one of his teachings you disagree with and show me how its scripturally inaccurate? After stating this I ask you a simple question if the Torah did not work (according to what you think that means) are followers of God Pre Cross saved? I have honestly not kept them. This means we obey. So he DOES give her the food from the children (the healing she begged for) and he DOES demonstrate he is on earth for all humanity, not just Jews. Nevertheless, each of us test everything for ourselves. I also believe these teachings are there to provide us a way to know him even more and is the rule in which we gauge our living and is guided by the Holy Spirit. ourselves, both popular and unpopular doctrine, and consequently reveal and promote His eternal truth while encouraging all others to do the same. Because right after that, in the very next verse, Jesus says, 20 For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. God destroyed the temple because He does not dwell in a temple made with hands and the prefect sacrifice sits on His right hand and in recognition we are to offer ourselves a living sacrifice . If you want to start quoting (or misquoting Paul) then I have to ask -are you following Christ or following what you THINK Paul meant? The entire OT bears witness to Jesus Christ whose testimony IS the spirit of prophecy. Im currently reading Tovia Singer and other Jewish authors. May 24, 2022. Jesus did everything perfectly in a way those disciples understood. We are in Christs reign now.. and he has all power and authority in Heaven and Earth (Matthew 28). Were talking about our Bridegroom who will return for us one day. For some people, those names listed on the wall are nothing more than a name. Pray! May the hand of YHVH keep us safe! Your last sentence agrees with Pauls understanding of the New Covenant in 2 Cor. Following His law is the fruit of our salvation as it is obedience to HIM! And if Jesus lied in Matthew 5:17-19 then that disqualifies him as Messiah. Its easy to say you believe in God. 18 For truly I tell you, UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH DISAPPEAR,NOT THE SMALLEST LETTER NOR THE LEAST STROKE OF A PEN WILL BY ANY MEANS PASS FROM THE LAW until everything is accomplished. Then I said to her while still laughing, Its bad, but I just love it! I heard my own words in my ears & the Holy Spirit pricked my conscience right then, as if saying, what business do you having loving anything you yourself understand is bad. (((I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.))) ), when God himself intended us to use the term Christian in a good way. They have a lot of good information to glean from, but a few things have caught my attention as well. Yes Brother, Freedom in Christ means we are free from the law of sin and death through Christ, not the Law of Moses, which through Christ we are still commanded to try and keep. I finally got around to listening to one of yourinteresting videos. Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. Gods power is manifested in beautiful ways as I take up my cross and follow Him in the power of The Holy Spirit. May the hand of YHVH keep us safe! The New Testament is just a continuation of the Old!!) Pleroo is most certainly used in the context to fill up, to fully preach and the logic 119 uses is sound as a test. He was announcing just how great He is. (download the e-sword and mysword programs, free, BTW). As the Tanakh says, If the Hebrew Roots Movement has a human origin, then it will collapse. Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? Many are called, few are chosen. Hmmm. Words mean things and failure of proper terminology and understanding original cultruew leads to all kinds of nonsense. As an example, He taught in John 13:34, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. We believe that we are to teach all nations to obey the Torah (Law of God). The same can be said about saturday worship (saturn). I was never expecting a reply. so I did a lot of study to be able to defend my faith at the time only to find the RCC was responsible for a lot of changes to Scriptural doctrine and understanding.) Lets not forget the Aramaic as well. I truly seek to discern the truth in the teachings of 119 Ministries. The two things we keep finding is faith & righteousness I.e. Brandon stressed that the sin of blasphemy carried (in our day) the seriousness of the death penalty. They are the ones Im giving your now. It is our desire to receive no attention or notoriety. So now you have to claim that God who knows all didnt really mean what He said in scripture? As for food stuffsI entirely disagree with your the on the scriptures. I am enjoying your comments & thoughts. By the way, a Judaizer is someone who convinces people to follow man-made doctrines above the Torah, the Prophets and the Holy Writings (from Psalms to 2 Chronicles according to the Hebrew order, the one recognized by Yeshua and his disciples). If Christianity is the way, why are over 2/3 of believers walking away from God and why is divorce higher in Church than the world? I still do not have the time,however, I wish to keep this dialogue open, so I must briefly attempt to answer your questions. (2Pe 3:16) as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand,c which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures. So there goes that. Heres some Scriptures that demonstrate this principle: 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. 14 The Word became a human being and lived with us, The kind of detail that no atheist can claim is coincidental and also cant claim was stolen from the pagan traditions like Christmas and Easter. Praise God and may He richly bless you with an astounding revelation of Jesus Christ; alive, right here, right now!!! The scripture is given to all alike. Fulfill is the English word used for translation by a super-majority of biblical translations. Jesus predicted that he will tell many sincere believers to basically "get lost" instead of welcoming them into the Kingdom. This whole discussion plus all the supporting arguments and followers of the likes of trustinJC are nothing more that another part of the HUGE end times deception. praise be to the most High. 9 is very clear that Paul himself said to a Jew I become a Jew; to those under the Torah I become as if under Torah, though I myself am not under Torah. Psalms 104:19 clearly tells us the seasons/moedim are to be obeyed according to the moon. Ill take a look at the site. (3) But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. The blood of goats and calves was a symbolic picture of the blood bought, prophesied and glorious New Covenant of grace we are born again into!!!!! This was done at the crossing over to the promise land. God did. One of the most misunderstood ideas about the Hebrew Roots movement is the lack of love. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:19-28. If you are sincerely curious about the revelation of Jesus Christ granted this chief of sinners empowered to the good works of following the Great Commandment and great commission; it is due to The Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus which IS stronger than both the Law of sin and death as well as the old covenant Torah! Do you understand?. 2.) I appreciate your response and I accept your encouragement in diligently studying the word. *SCRIPTURALLY BASED* end time delusions. No doubt, many of you who read this will attack me as a Judaizer, not even know what the word actually means. The adversary is doing well at the divide and conquer tactic especially with all those denominations and it is grievous. LOL Sabbath is the 7th day. Three issues were presented for you to think on, yet you responded to only one. A third choice is to interpret Pleroo in the sense of accomplishing, completing, filling, making full, FULFILLING. Otherwise, you too will be cut off! Do you know about the Bar Khokhba revolt? Its like they are obeying without any rules. From there, they conclude that as followers of Jesus Christ, we are to obey the law of Moses. If you know that he is righteous, you know that every one that does righteousness is born of him.. I will be their God, and they will be my people. As far as the 119 leadership, I do not know any of them personally. You make subjective viewpoints new law and forego long standing objective ways of God. Why dont you answer any of my questions? 28 Someone who disregards the Torah of Moshe is put to death without mercy on the word of two or three witnesses. (what does Satan, I mean Santa have to do with anything, except NOTHING, or Easter, one of the many names of Mithraism and the eggs dipped in the blood of your sacrificed infant to YOUR god, Molech) Its Sun-god worship. Im almost a senior. The bible explains itself if and when one is willing to test it hard enough. So you have a portion of the original bride being divorced by God according to Jeremiah 3. Who walk in the law of the L ORD! Notice how the reference is to God being a husband to them? It means Jesus FULFILLED the Law just like a husband and wife go about FULFILLING their marriage vows after theyve made their Covenant with each other. Why so much confusion in Scripture? The Holy Spirit puts that background to good work and makes it easy Him to help me quickly spot the incorrectness and deception in the false teachings woven into 119s teachings. All I have to do is make contact with some of my former supervisors (lieutenant colonels and above) and find out everything I need to know about you. In the context it cannot mean i have not come to bring and end to the law, i have come to bring the law to an end i.e. ALEPH. I would trust the Holy Spirit would show you the same if you were searching to know. Strangely enough, Satan wants us to believe the trinity is pagan. I am familiar with this site. And in the whole discourse of John 14 where Jesus is talking about He & the Father being one, Jesus never once mentions obeying Torah. The flavor of 119 is elitist and attempts to, at the very least, demean those who oppose them and quite possible damning the same. who is behind 119 ministries. John Campbell, I have read your postings and I only come up with questions What do you mean when you say Jesus Fulfilled Torah? Their mindset had become so temporal that the spiritual reality of the sacraments and of the Church Triumphant in Heaven was too much for them to grasp. If it isnt fully supported by the full context of the scriptures? Remember what he tells us, If you love me you will follow my commandments. Vengeance is my responsibility; I appreciate this page, as I have debated these guys for years. What is so wrong with going back to the beginning to search out and work out our salvation through Yeshua the Christ and Holy Spirit-empowered Scriptural insight with much fear and trembling? !! I would like to order some dvd's. What I note is few defenders of Roman-based doctrines can do this, preferring instead to attack, demean, and fail to cite Scripture, or provide validly sourced definitions of original language, and reurgitate the same old errant doctrines. I have found that whenever something new comes to a Christian, they immediately tear it apart with their preconceived notions. Turn in your bible to Genesis 26:4-5 and note that God is speaking in this passage, And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.. If so I would agree that we certainly couldnt settle an argument that could not be resolved by believers for 2000 years. This was the two covenants made with Israel one when they entered the Wilderness and one when they entered the promise (The Land) these two Covenants were based on the same instructions yet there were modifications. Remember Jeremiah said the New Covenant was to be with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. From all i read and hear from them it is borderline cult at the least heretical teaching. Those that condemn Christians for gathering on Sunday (Sun-day) are hypocrites! The rebuilding of the temple will lead to an abomination beyond all abominations..particularly if an animal sacrifice is offered that is counting Gods sacrifice insufficient making His blood an unholy thing this is a sacrilege beyond all sacrileges. We have the Law and the Prophets that tell us what is expected. Our only righteousness comes from being hid in Christ. In this passage, Paul is saying there is Law and there is faith: of which are you? Nowhere in this definition do I find the words abrogate, do away with, eliminate, replace, etc. This is the latter! I understand the frustration of truth seekers with what constitutes modern Christianity and their desire to return to our roots . May the hand of YHVH keep us safe! Entire book of Hebrews. His word endures for ever ref. 119 Ministries is a non-profit ministry devoted to seeking, teaching and living out the truth of the Word. Several years ago, Pastor Brad Scott, of the Wild Branch Ministries, caught my attention with his refreshing take on this ever brewing controversy. I have never heard them say you must follow the Law to be saved. In 9:1, he writes, Now even the first covenant had regulations of divine worship and the earthly sanctuary. Note well that the word covenant is not in this verse (which is why some translations put it in italics). Jesus was the highest demonstration of Gods grace, not the first appearance of it. At this point, you may say, Well thats your opinion! and merely claim that this is a disagreement of conclusions. But I say, Yes, this is my opinion. While we dont celebrate Christmas and Easter, neither do we condemn Christians who do In fact, at Christmas, we sang a few Christmas songs. . sounds straight forward, at least when he returns. After all of that this is what Ive found to be true (that I believe)..There is only 1 God. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Matthew 5:17,18 Why do Christians fail to hear Him? Why is it when people start observing the original Sabbath and the Feasts of God that are so intricately tied to prophecy about Jesuss first and second coming (nowhere is it stated in the Bible theyre just for Jews) those people get labelled as being in a cult? Since you opened your mouth. Their teachings are extremely dangerous because they are truth interwoven with fallacy and the hope of man to please God by works more than the love of God and exaltation of all He is. There are different laws mentioned throughout scripture and taken out of context in many verses. Im curious as to your name and this book you talk about, Id really like to read more of your thoughts! Because each language has different grammatical principles individual to that language. THEY ARE TRYING TO DRAG US DOWN TO FALL FROM GRACE. Thought my time was up (re other post where I thought Id run out of time) but I did get a few minutes more.. Galatians was my go-to place of revelation and helping others see the light for a few decades. I believe that YHWH doesnt make mistakes and there is absolutely no flaw in the modern method. mercy endures for ever ref. Learn what work and callouses are all about. The Good News in the Wilderness that Moses preached but not believed ? Those are our choices. Jesus taught the people (and Pharisees) in Matthew 15:11, it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person. Not only does Messiah correct the Pharisees about hand washing, but he teaches what makes a man clean versus unclean. Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh Heb. Are you? Regrettably, many Christians, by their anti-Hebrew Roots Movement stance are guilty of much of the same as was Martin Luther. This deception is shared with many other groups such as The Hebrew Roots Movement (who DENY the New Covenant in Jesus Blood completely) and countless small and large scale evangelists throughout the world and internetland. Following the Jewish Messiah means that we should live according to the Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible. LOOK AROUND AT OUR NATION we are NOT following them and see whats happening before our very eyes . Not the man way. To teach against the Hebrew Scriptures would have not only amounted to self-abasement, but would have also categorically disqualified him from being the sacrificial lamb that was necessary for his atoning and redemptive work on the cross. YES! Thanks! the one who accuses you is Moses, in whom you have set your hope. You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these which bear witness to me; and you are unwilling to come to Jesus that YOU might have life. ( John 5:39-40) We have been commanded to follow after him and his ways and Jesus was the example in how to live. Then I realized our error and it was very subtle ..We never looked at where WE might be in error . matthew jones mock draft 2022. This argument has nothing really to do with (Shamar) keeping the Sabbath. Amen. Without faith and the holy spirit than youll be like the Israelites in Isaiah 29:13 These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught. Or do you just automatically dismiss all evidence that disagrees with your Greco-Roman inspired theology as a conspiracy theory of feminized Christian scholars purely out of bias? If we think we can do it better than Yahweh originally articulated the rules for righteous life, then we are foolish at best. Peter decided that the church would not impose the Jewish law upon gentile believers, but that the church would treat the sacrament of Baptism as initiation into the faith with no further requirements. Thanks to Steve, and Jon starting this as well as and those that are now heading it up. The enemy doesnt confront directly but subtly. 30 For the One we know is the One who said, And I have watched these same people go from belief to belief. You can laugh, make snide remarks, dismiss with stupid little slams, but it is evident your millennial, woke, pandering self has sold the farm for a few fawning voices that will OWN you. 19 So you will say, Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in. 20 True, but so what? 26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. We believe the whole unchanging Word of God is for all in the faith, and applicable today. Many blessings to you all. Is it a deep-down fear of being perceived as Jewish because a person keeps the Holy Days that God ordained rather than the ones Rome ordained? Im not sure why you believe that a proper understanding can only come through knowledge of Hebrew & Jewish tradition. Well, Hebrews 10:26-31 seems to tell a different story: 26 For if we deliberately continue to sin after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but only the terrifying prospect of Judgment, of raging fire that will consume the enemies. Wednesday, 18 January 2023 12:46 pm - Posted in Headlines. Loving God: 1 John 5:3 defines loving God as keeping His commandments. He only did the will of the Father. He accomplished the torah under the Mosaic covenant. Are you aware of the Biblical definitions of Sin Truth and Torah? Your message is based on a theme of defeatism and pessimism that the Gospel will not be successful in winning the world for Christ. Given the large number of Christian denominations with their conflicting doctrines it is evident to me that it is next to impossible for anyone to really understand what the truth is. Eating clean followed shortly after when the family fully woke up and decided to simply love Him and obey Him they way He asked us to. But youd need to understand how ancient Jewish / ancient near eastern covenants work to know the significance of cups of wine re covenants, I guess. In fact, while various Jewish denominations are limited to a handful, there are over 40,000 Christian denominations in the world today. . 119 has key teachings that started making since after several yeas of study. (A case in point is 119 Ministries teaching on dietary laws.) Then we started asking why would God change rules so often? 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he certainly wont spare you! There are many books on this subject but his is the best Ive found. a religious cult ). What about Mehenam, son of Hezekiah? Understanding Bible prophecy will bless you (Rev 1:3) and dispel your fears about the end times. 24 Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. If you do not agree with the teachings of 119 Ministries that is fine. In other words, you have been saved (begun) by the Spirit, how can you think your sanctification will happen by the flesh (i.e. But I was obedient, because I knew that God meant for me to purify that out of my life, and really my heart. There are many commandments related to sacrifices and the Levitical priesthood. I could go on and on, but their is no need for me to do that, you have access to scripture.. PS: Yahusha is NOT Yahuah in the flesh. I hope what I wrote was coherent as there was much to address and Im running on little sleep. I stand opposed to 119 Ministries and cant laud them with praises, but certainly dont want to be calling names & want to correct that if its there. 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