The IP injection site is on the animal's right side, close to the midline, in a caudal quadrant of the abdomen. A. Home Flashcards Lab Animal- random IACUC & Short Course questions. For 50 years, the scientific community has activelyand voluntarilyparticipated in AAALAC's accreditation program. B Collection of blood by cardiac puncture can result in bleeding into the pericardial sac and tamponade (death), and should only be done terminally. Despite its importance, only a handful of inhibitors of CAMKK2 have been disclosed. A. Try BYJUS free classes today!No worries! A. Nonaseptic surgical practices are acceptable when it can be shown that mice do not develop postsurgical infections. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding illumination in rooms housing rodents? C. A public relations specialist, veterinarian, practicing scientist with experience in animal research, and person who is not a scientist. Withhold feed during at least 12 hours following surgery. Which task is NOT a function of the IACUC? Which of the following statements is TRUE about pain in rodents? Which of the following statements about the postoperative period is false? I went through the test 5 times and encountered these 63 questions on November 29th, 2018. Which of the following activities would place an animal in category E? If so, then you should check out the best BB creams on the market. Which of the following statements about postoperative care records is false? the anogential distance is greater in the male than in the female. candidates passport page showing personal particulars) when submitting an S Pass application.Documents requiredPersonal particulars page of candidates Do you want to achieve flawless skin without having to spend a fortune on makeup? Obtain approval of the animal husbandry staff. An increase in the number of procedures to be performed on an animal. In 1996, AAALAC changed its name to the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC International). Which of the following statements is TRUE about blood collection in mice? Quickly and professionally. Studies in which animals are allowed to die without pain relief. What statement regarding adjunctive methods of euthanasia is TRUE? Determine when emergency IACUC meetings must be scheduled. Assist with writing the basic science portions of a grant application. A. Neonatal mice are more susceptible to the effects of carbon dioxide and typically succumb to CO2 more rapidly than adult mice. A. The shared use of tissues by more than one investigator to minimize animal use. Compliance with environmental standards in facilities housing mice is generally the responsibility of: Which of the following statements about lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) is False? ", A simple rule to prevent excess blood collection in an animal is to collect no more than what percentage of body weight as blood at one time? D A proper search for alternatives to procedures that cause more than momentary pain or distress includes using database(s) appropriate for the field of study (e.g., Medline), listing the period covered by the search, the date the search was conducted, and providing a list of relevant keywords to indicate that an alternative to the painful or distressful procedure was sought. It requires annual reports from its accredited facilities C. It conducts site visits every 3 years D. It is a government - sponsored agency 16. The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International, or AAALAC, is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. The Institutional Official The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the European Center for Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) are primarily interested in what area? Which of the following is a role of Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) International? B. Which statement does not apply to experimental surgery on animals? B. B. Surgery that penetrates and exposes a body cavity or produces substantial physical impairment is defined as what kind of surgery? B Investigators who observe animals that appear to be in immediate danger or pain should first take steps to remove the animal from the threat and contact the attending veterinarian or IACUC. one of the actions identified in the report reducing administrative burden for researchers: animal care and use in research in response to the 21st century cures act is to encourage aaalac-accredited institutions to use sections of the aaalac international (aaalac) program description (pd) in applicable parts of the olaw animal welfare assurance The Board appoints AAALACs Council on Accreditation, the group responsible for evaluating animal programs and determining their accreditation status. Which of the following organizations must comply with the PHS Policy when utilizing vertebrate animals for research, teaching, or testing? B The use of carbon dioxide in cylinders (not from dry ice) is the current recommended method of rodent euthanasia (AVMA recommendations on euthanasia) using a 20% replacement rate for the volume of carbon dioxide/cage or container. An anesthetic overdose is an acceptable method. Some types of changes to an animal protocol can be approved administratively by veterinary verification and consultation. ), "Exemptions. B. Postoperative analgesia is not generally needed in rodents. A. Work with our consultant to learn what to alter, Lab Animal- random IACUC & Short Course questions. Enrollment in the institutional Occupational Health and Safety program is mandatory before working with animals. Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) C. Major surgery in which anesthetics and postoperative analgesics are administered. Why should an IP injection be made on the mouse's right side? Which statement is true about the anogenital distance in mice? A. which of the following is true of aaalac international? A simple rule to prevent excess blood collection in an animal is to collect no more than what percentage of body weight as blood at one time? What potential problem(s) should you be aware of when mice are undergoing surgical procedures? Which of the following is a role of AAALAC International? Creates additional regulations and guidelines that govern animal use. D. Carbon dioxide should not be combined with premedication with inhaled anesthetics to euthanize mice. D With an existing policy approved by the IACUC, a change in analgesic agent could be approved by VVC. B. Post-operative analgesics should be used and daily post-procedural monitoring done by personnel familiar with rodent behavior. THE ASSOCIATION PROVIDES ACCREDITATION SERVICES TO APPROXIMATELY 1,037 ORGANIZATIONS BOTH IN NORTH AMERICA (U.S. AND CANADA) AND IN 47 OTHER COUNTRIES. Which statement is true about mice in the age range of 6-10 days? A. What document provides the guidelines for working with infectious diseases in animal research? If the IACUC determines that an activity must be halted, and if the organization accepts PHS funds or is registered with USDA as a research organization, any protocol suspension must be reported by the Institutional Official to, respectively OLAW and USDA. B. In the years that followed, AAALAC accredited hundreds of organizations across the United States, raising the benchmark for laboratory animal care to new heights. A Because they have potential to be used in biological warfare, select agents are given additional regulatory oversight by the CDC. D. A goal of sterile technique is to prevent contamination of the surgical site. A. Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, The given equation represents the position of a particle moving along the $x$ axis D Sterile technique is not required for non-survival surgery, but fur clipping and clean instruments are. The USDA requires documentation of all postoperative care and retention of records for one year after the death of the animal. Work bare-handed to prevent loss of tactile sensation caused by disposable gloves. The various behavioral forms that nonverbal communication takes are referred to as nonverbal, Why give alpha blocker before beta blocker in pheochromocytoma. B. (1) If, in the opinion of the attending veterinarian, it is inappropriate for certain dogs to exercise because of their health, condition, or well-being, the dealer, exhibitor, or research facility may be exempted from meeting the requirements of this section for those dogs(2) A research facility may be exempted from the requirements of this section if the principal investigator determines for scientific reasons set forth in the research proposal that it is inappropriate for certain dogs to exercise." A. B. Either general or regional (local) anesthesia is required to prevent pain. Your research must comply with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals if: Your institution receives funds from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). B The "Animal Welfare Act" of 1966 is enforced by the USDA and was enacted to regulate the sale of pets to research facilities, and as such, do not regulate mice, rats (or birds), bred for use in research. ${ }_{36}^{87} \mathrm{Kr} \longrightarrow-0 \beta+$. AAALAC stands for the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care. More than 850 companies, universities, hospitals, government agencies and other research institutions in 36 countries have earned AAALAC accreditation, demonstrating their commitment to responsible animal care and use. E. Death from CO2 can be verified solely by a lack of respiration (apnea). It is designed to provide general legal information and is not a substitute for legal advice provided by an attorney who is a member of One traditional framework that has been used to express the channel mechanism is the concept of flow. Using appropriate personal protective equipment can reduce the risk of allergies to mouse urine and pelt proteins. And perhaps most importantly, accreditation demonstrates a willingness to go above and beyond the minimums required by law, and assures the public that the institution is committed to the responsible use and treatment of animals in science. Changes in animal ownership and movement of animals between facilities during the postoperative period. Wild birds. C. Nobody A. How are Salmonella spp. Some use accreditation as a symbol of qualityit shows that an institution is serious about setting, achieving and maintaining high standards for animal research programs. A If investigators plan to contract with a commercial enterprise or other entity to produce custom antibodies, whether polyclonal or monoclonal, they must obtain approval from the IACUC. Which statement is true regarding anesthesia in mice? D. Postoperative analgesia should be discussed with and approved by a veterinarian. Remove the animal from the threat if safe to do so and contact the attending veterinarian or IACUC. D. It is unacceptable to decapitate neonates with scissors, even with IACUC approval. A. Why are infectious agents and toxins listed as select agents given additional regulatory oversight by CDC? The 2015 memorandum of understanding between the NIH and NSF also mandates that organizations receiving NSF funding for animal research projects comply with the PHS Policy. C. The Guide to Animal Facility Design and Operation which of the following is true of aaalac international? Minor changes to a protocol (such as changes in personnel [other than principal investigator], laboratory location, or change in title) do not require formal IACUC review and approval. Which statement concerning survival experimental surgery is FALSE? Which of the following is true of AAALAC International? Which statement is true regarding the conduct of surgery in mice? D. The organization, investigators, animals, and public health and welfare. B. USDA (Animal Care Section) If an organization accepts PHS funds or is registered with the USDA as a research organization, any protocol suspension must be reported by the Institutional Official to OLAW and USDA. According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, which statement is TRUE for the use of CO2 as a euthanasia agent of mice? They do not apply to nonrecombinant ones. B. However, the latter should be performed under anesthesia and is not a preferred site because of the potential for damage to the eye when the technique is not done properly or when used repeatedly. The serine/threonine protein kinase calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 (CAMKK2) plays critical roles in a range of biological processes. The organization, investigators, animals, and public health and welfare. C. Typical services include rabies immunizations, tuberculosis testing, and tetanus immunizations. What is the basis for the pain/distress classification system used by most institutions? Participating institutions receive an independent, unbiased expert assessment, and those that meet or exceed applicable standards are awarded accreditation. C If an IACUC votes to suspend a protocol or animal activity, its decision cannot be overturned by any administrator at the organization (including the Institutional Official). In 1996, AAALAC changed its name to the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC International). Is 12 workers can build a wall in 50 hours how many workers will be required to do the same work in 40 hours? The administration of fluid into the stomach through a feeding needle that is inserted into the mouth and threaded down the esophagus. A. These consultants assist the Council members with their evaluations and provide expertise in specific areas, such as management, international regulations, or certain scientific specialties. True What is a safe bleed volume for a 20-gram mouse? B. AAALAC International. Experimental criteria are the only determinants of the euthanasia method that is acceptable for an animal. A. Modify the animal protocol form and keep a copy for their files. They become more vague The floor space of the cage should be adequate to accommodate all mice on the cage floor, and respiration and heart beat cessation should be confirmed before disposal. The NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules apply to which of the following types of experiments? Institutional Animal Control and Use Committee Conduct reviews of the animal care and use program on a semiannual basis, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. APPROXIMATELY 685 INSTITUTIONS ARE IN NORTH AMERICA, 111 INSTITUTIONS IN EUROPE, 13 INSTITUTIONS IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, The IACUCs activities to ensure compliance benefit whom? The IACUC For example, when we wink at someone, offer a strong handshake or back away, we are Pheochromocytomas are catecholamine-secreting neuroendocrine tumors. Minor A narrative summarizing experimental data that justifies the use of the proposed animal model. Generally there is no need to withhold food or water from mice before surgery because: These "Member Organizations" include the American Heart Association, American Veterinary Medical Association, Asian Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations, European Society of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians, the National Association for Biomedical Research, and the Society of Toxicology. Which of the following statements about oral gavage in mice is NOT true? The IACUC is also not mandated to inspect animal facilities at the time of protocol submissions but is mandated to inspect animal facilities on a semiannual basis. The skin should be disinfected around the incision site. D. Surgery performed under anesthesia. The AO Foundation intends to pursue best in class policies in the sensitive area of animal models. C. Fetuses must be removed for euthanasia after the dam is euthanized. Which of the following are NOT allowed by USDA? Ambient air is at $25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ and $1 \mathrm{~atm}$. A. UsingAAVrh10,Raetal.achievedgreaterefcacyin mice by either increasing the dose via combined route of administration,27 combination of systemic AAVrh10 with . D The federally mandated search for alternatives helps to fulfill the requirement set forth in the AWA policies to consider alternatives to procedures that may cause more than momentary pain or distress. The IACUC must be notified of the need for more animals to achieve statistical significance. D. Obtain IACUC approval. Lethal dose experiments in which animals are allowed to die without intervention. A. Protection for those who report misuse of animals or noncompliance is mandated by the Animal Welfare Regulations, Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. The five flows in marketing channels discussed in the text are. A microchip is injected subcutaneously with a hypodermic needle. Adoption in other countries and by agricultural and wildlife programs. However, agricultural animals used in biomedical research may need to be housed according to the Guide while on study. D. Animals should only be used in human clinical areas during weekday work hours. A. B. Humane endpoint criteria define the conditions under which: Which is TRUE regarding thermal support for mice during anesthesia? Inoculation of recombinant infectious agents into animals. IACUCs are not mandated to write the basic science portions of grant applications or animal use protocols for investigators. C. The attending veterinarian cannot exempt an animal, even for medical reasons. B. A. AAALAC International 301.696.9626 | Booth: 8 AAALAC International promotes the humane treatment of animals in science, research, and education through voluntary assessment . B. Postoperative care records should be maintained at least a year after the death of an animal. a. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE regarding preparation of a mouse for surgery? Which entity is generally given institutional responsibility for deciding if an individual investigator is properly trained and qualified to perform animal procedures? Methods for substance administration in rats and mice are outlined in which document? This section explains the subject of divorce law in New Jersey. D. Contact with wild mice in field studies is a risk for exposure to zoonotic diseases. Which activity would place a study in pain category B? C. National Science Foundation (NSF) The Public Health Service (OLAW) Unnecessary duplication of animal experiments is not allowed. D. Laboratory use of recombinant chemical agents for in vitro work. D. Shock due to excessive blood volume, and hypercholesterolemia. Rodent fetuses along with other mammals are unconscious in utero, and hypoxia does not evoke a response. When does accreditation by AAALAC International provide you with an exemption from some of the mandates of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals? What is the age range when mice are weaned? D. Major non-survival surgery on non-rodent mammals. Institutions receiving PHS money must follow the "Guide" (OLAW oversight) and those accredited with AAALAC are subject to triannual program review and facility visits. C. Health problems in an animal Mammaries become visible on the females around 9 days. Which of the following sets of IACUC members are required by the AWA and/or PHS? Which one of the following would be considered the most appropriate action for a leader during the performing stage of team development? Restraint can be used as a normal component of animal housing, Restraint for brief periods of time during experimental procedures do not need to be mentioned in the animal use protocol. The library service used to perform the search, the date of the search, and the key words used. Over distension of the urinary and gall bladders. European Society of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians, The National Association for Biomedical Research. C. Studies in which animals experiencing pain are allowed to die without pain relief. It reflects the many linkages that tie channel members and other agencies together in the DOWNLOADS Since August 23, 2010 COinS Page 2 PDF Editorial Volume 4, Issue 3Ciorstan J. Smark PDF Book Review : Social and Environmental AccountingLee C. Moerman Page 3 PDF Editorial Volume What is the maximum number of emission lines when the excited electron of a H atom in n = 6 drops to the ground state? When animals are used, AAALAC works with institutions and researchers to serve as a bridge between progress and animal well-being. B. Which statement is true regarding venipuncture procedures in mice: Performing or sponsoring research into alternatives to animal use for research and testing. D. History and tactics of animal activist groups (such as PeTA and HSUS). Those organizations that conduct wildlife research. B According to the AWR (3.81.d. AAALAC International accreditation is recognized around the world as a symbol of high quality animal care and use for research, teaching and testing, as well as promoting animal welfare. B. C. Sterile technique is required for non-survival surgery even though infections are not a concern. Which of the statements concerning blood collection in mice and rats is TRUE? Which of the following is true regarding the IACUCs authority and responsibilities regarding research animal misuse, mistreatment, or noncompliance? Describe the fluid-mosaic model of membrane structure. The organization and regulatory agencies only A. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the Animal Welfare Regulations and duplication of experiments? Which statement is true regarding care procedures for mice undergoing surgery? B. All of the following are practical methods of identifying mice EXCEPT: When producing monoclonal antibodies in vivo, what parameter should be considered? Thermal support is an important aspect of postoperative support. C. While under anesthesia, mice should be monitored for cardiovascular and respiratory function and body temperature. The name change reflects the organization's growth in other countries, and its commitment to enhancing life sciences and quality animal care around the world. Daily observations are usually recorded during the postoperative period, and these written records should be maintained for at least a year after the death of an animal. Female mice have how many pairs of nipples? Before any procedures are performed unless they have doctoral level or medical degrees C. 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