His Divine Grace PB, his books are great, but for the average joe and jane, too complicated to read. He casts down his weapons and tells . That is if you actually want a real spiritual master. I look forward to more reading. Krishna said he was surprised by these sentiments of Arjuna and considered that Arjuna was acting in a unmanly way and chastised him. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It was really interesting to read about the history of Gita. and read Srila Prabhupadas original books at: My friend does not have computer to read BG and her parents are not buying BG for her from ISCKON, Bangalore. Is it compulsory to attend all questions in UPSC mains? Prabhupada had initiated me already some years before, in 1987, so from that time I felt very comfortable and protected as Srila Prabhupadas servant and the formal initiation by Jaya Dharma Prabhu was just a confirmation of my already existing guru-disciple relationship with Srila Prabhupada. You said and saying that, So Krishna took this opportunity of Arjunas bewilderment to speak Bhagavadagita in front of everyone. God is Great, Jesus is God but lets face it passing ammunitions is satanic He forgvs me a lOt but he gvs me pain ofcourse its my karma to act and doing some times I take permission from him and I will not do. But when you realize that you have little control over the final outcome and when you don't focus on the gains, your efforts will be filled with more meaning. Prince Arjuna leads the Pandavas army. The more recent it is the less reliable it is. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The epic describes the war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas on the battlefield of Kuru-kshetra. So we have to be always vigilant, always very careful to remain in Krishna consciousness constantly. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". There are a lot of demigods, be happy with that. Arjuna is supposed to lead the Pandava side, but he is hesitant. So the souls just change from one body to another. Dharma is the way of righteousness or a set of rules and laws laid down. Spiritual realization and not war is the subject matter of the Bhagavad Gita. Have you tried it ? It was only because of the Deity worship service that I thought of taking formal initiation from Srila Prabhupada. That is the most auspicious time of the day, the early morning hours before the sun rises. Ive observed that as the Love of Krishna permeates ones life, nothing can compare, people observe it, and are naturally attracted to the Rasa. Swami replied: There was no need of preaching the Gita to Dharmaraja because he was well aware of all the scriptures and became ready to fight the war. Dogs can only think about eating, sleeping, mating and defending. In different countries they call God by different names. The Bhagavad Gita is set in a narrative framework of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Krishna. Of human or an animal? By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Kshatriyas like Arjuna are just below them, the caste of warriors and rulers. And Srila Prabhupada has written over 60 books on the subject. Krishna and Arjuna were on the chariot in the middle of the two armies and the conversation was going on there. The Kauravas were on the side of Adharma and had broken rules and laws and hence Arjun would have to do his Karma to uphold Dharma. As Krishna's explanations why Arjuna should fight were only a summary, and since Krishna glorifies both 'buddhi-yoga', intelligence used in spiritual advancement of knowledge (2.45, 2.49-50), and 'karma', work (2.47-48, 2.50), Arjuna becomes confused and wishes to use Krishna's instruction to perform 'buddhi-yoga' as an excuse to retire the battlefield for a life of contemplation. We naturally see so many contradictions in the beginning but there are no contradictions. Are we perhaps looking at different versions; still the original number of slokas should be identical Your Servent Dhanyavad. At one point when Bhima says just before Krishna is going to go as shanti duta. So it is not for a very long time. KrishnaStore.com is my site and that is reliable. My second question is can I chant at night like from 12 AM. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Hare Krishna! At least one is sure to have a chance in the next life of being born again as a human being, either in the family of a great cultured brahmana or in a rich aristocratic family that will give one a further chance for elevation. Plus ,I really Love Radha, she is most beautiful to me, I would enjoy being with HER, greatly, ya know, all the time, night and day. The spiritual master can let us know what we should do, what is actually our duty. This means that your senses took over your intellect. So these narrations about Krishna and what happened at the Battlefield of Kuruksettra were not secrets. Hare Krishna! What is the ethical dilemma in Bhagavad Gita? The word 'Gita' means song and the word 'Bhagavad' means God, so the Bhagavad Gita is called the 'Song of God.' It is very interesting how the principle of 'Going the Extra Mile' is depicted in this book. it comprises of only 711 Sanskrit verses and it was spoken on a battlefield as the two armies were getting ready for the war. The term epic is used by Prabhupada in many parts of his books but sometimes he chatises the peopje who call the historical facts as epic. Let her read it fast. As u said that a person will advance in his next life he will take a human form if he will be in Krishna consiousness for a short period of time bt what if he has been a devotee of Krishna and at the time of death he thinks about his pets? Krishna says: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Yes. READ THEM and follow the instructions Srila Prabhupada gives you as you are reading them and then you will be able to overcome the attacks of cupid, prabhuji This is the beginning of the conversation we now know as Bhagavad Gita or Song of God. As a member of the warrior class Arjuna has the primary sacred duty of fighting righteous battles. Is 1000 square feet a good size apartment? So I think a good place to start is the history of Bhagavad Gita. Mother Devaki prayed to Krishna: O my Lord, you have appeared here exactly as Lord Visnu and the cruel King Kamsa is looking for Visnu because he wants to kill You. Arjun expressed his refusal to fight in the battle when he saw childhood friends, relatives and teachers in the opposing side. Thankyou very very much for writting me these mails. The body itself is unimportant. If he did then how could Sanjay was able to see all the things? How to Market Your Business with Webinars? He wanted the battle and he wanted all the soldiers on both sides killed. Krishna also told Arjun that he was troubled by the idea of killing his kin because it was against his desires. So, I have given below my quick response. This means that Arjuna has direct audience with God. He gave me examples of VACHANAs to his dectation. Arjuna had asked Krishna to put his chariot there so Arjuna could see exactly who it was he was to fight. hare krishna pamho it is you that make me understood in first stage what is bhagavad gita thanks a lot maharaj ki joy ho.. HARE KRISHNA PAMHO, I have gone through the book bhagavad gita as it is more than hundred of times but never I can understand the actual meaning of the verse but it is very easy to understand what you described in this news letter so really it is the mercy of lord krishna and prabhupada and definitely you,myself is fortunate enough that such a person teaching me b/gita like you.joy ho , Hare Krishna Mahaprahbu The entire army of the opposition will be destroyed even if you do not fight. Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Krishnaji tells Arjuna that ancient rishis knew the meaning of I, as actions carried out selflessly to the eternal essence & did not need to retire to a forest to find it.They performed their normal duties as a karma yogi.We can achieve self-realization throughperformance of action, & not have to renounce everything. What's more you will also look at every gain as a bonus and appreciate the rewards more. I have a question on presence of living entities, and their transformation in different bodies. That's all right. What did Krishna say to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita? Why most people want to make us believe that Krsna We have to actually surrender to Srila Prabhupada, serve him, follow all his instructions and make his instructions our life and soul. is confused living entitity and Krsna is enlightened entity. Shri Krishna says that if we treat all actions of work like performing a yajna, all our goals will be achieved & we will begin to experience the eternal essence.Krishnaji goes on to say you have detached yourself & burn your selfish desires with the fire of knowledge.An example is a bitter medicine that will cure you, your intellect knows that.But the sense of taste did not like it, which is a selfish desire.He wants our intellect to guide us in our svadharma, and stop our mind from labelling objects good or bad.Therefore, we should remain alert at all times, and should reinstate the supremacy of the intellect over the senses whenever the senses move towards external objects.Another example is if you have a project to do, you may startenthusiastically & have a plan, but if you get distracted, that project would flop. If this was the wording of god then why would god be concerned about someones family issues. Faith in: And be convinced that theres something beyond the material world. It celebrates the revelation of the Bhagavad Gita, also known as the God Song, by Sri Krishna to Arjuna on the first day of the Mahabharata's 18-day conflict, which is commemorated on this day every year. Can you not work this out???? Did Lord Krishna stop time while speaking Bhagwad Geeta? Knowing that, Krishna asks rhetorically, how can Arjuna kill or be killed by them? I want to know the time period(time duration) in which whole gita is described by shree krishna to arjun. Sri Krishna is our boss and that pure devotees are the trainer and managers of this company , we are the trainee. Throughout the first half of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna gradually reveals his all-encompassing power to Arjuna. Please continue writing. What Krishna told him through the Gita was Brahma Vidya. It commemorates the discourse called the Bhagavad Gita or God Song that was revealed by Sri Krishna to Arjuna on the first day of the 18-day battle in the Mahabharata. But they are all different names of Krishna only. How is Arjuna supposed to lead the Pandava side? Nothing is ever lost in following ones own dharma, but competition in anothers dharma breeds fear and insecurity.. You chant it with your tongue. Arjuna had a bad habit of taking oaths in haste and then acting them out in his spare time thereafter. The chirps. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Thus when we went to our school library we found a BG and I searched for changes in them and luckily, that book had no changes. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". my question is related to the topic The History Of Bhagavad Geeta, 2 days back i had discussion with one of our villager, he is of 60 year old. Only the material body is killed, the soul can not be killed. So much so that Arjuna confided his fears to him in the first chapter, something that a kshatriya would hesitate to do. What does Arjuna see as the only alternative to fighting? Arjuna doesn't want to fight. Your email address will not be published. And Prabhupada is a bona fide spiritual master. He should be excited for the chance to wage war against evil, as theres no higher calling for a kshatriya. You write The Gita has a very unique position in the world as it is the only book that contains directly the actual words spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He appears before His mother Devaki as Narayana grown up and complete with beautiful clothing and ornaments with the six kinds of opulences in full.Firstly You mentioned Two hands and at the same time you mention narayan form which has four hands. It doesnt make sense when other religions talk about being good and praying to god the gita only talks about war. It was a very dramatic scene. That person also told that in ISKCON just all sit by chanting HARE KRISHNA HARE RAM, wt wil happen by chanting, that all things are only to attract people and to earn money. Although all the descendents of this family were actually Kurus there was a disagreement between the five sons of Pandu and the other members of the Kuru family over who should be the King. Because the way Bhagavad-gita is the more we read it the deeper our understanding of it becomes. The older people generally become very fixed in their ways and it is very difficult for a young man to change an old mans opinion. Why did Arjuna killed Subhadra? Arjuna has a responsibility afterwards. He told Arjun that this was a righteous war; a war of Dharma. She wrote her first short story at the age of six, about a lost dog who meets animal friends on his journey home. And thus winning in the mind is the first step to winning on the battlefield and in real life. Things dont end there, however. Cook very nice offerings and offer them to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and give some Krishna prasadam to this old man. There was a royal family called the Kurus which Arjuna and Krishna were both connected to. The Pandavas wanted to settle this dispute peacefully and even suggested that the Kurus could keep the kingdom and simply give them five small villages, one village for each of the Pandu brothers to rule over as they were Ksatriyas and needed to have at least some land. As the 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu, he appeared on earth. So, when Arjuna was caught in confusion on seeing his kith and kins in the battle field, Krishna had to preach Bhagavad Gita to clear the confusions of Arjuna. You have wrote very well about Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Ji. Why are Lamborghinis so low to the ground? (Hindu tradition divides people into four castes. Arjuna asked Krishna to place his chariot between the two armies so that he could see both the armies and get a clear idea of the situation before the battle commenced. His chariot is driven by Sri Krishna, an incarnation of the god Vishnu, who has taken a mortal form in The Bhagavad Gita. We need to take advantage of associating with Srila Prabhupada by reading his books. What did Krishna told Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Hare Krishna Prabhuji Krishna showed that He was God from His very birth. I have begun the study of the Bhagavad-Gita and am finding it most interestingto think it is the very words of God is incredibleI say this as one who comes from a Christian background and was at one time an Anglican priest but stepped away because of problems I could no longer ignore with the Bible. The Bhagavad Gita is set in a narrative framework of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Krishna. Thankyou He should have realized the eternal essence himself. Please bless with your postings. Actually this whole arrangement was made by Krishna so the Bhagavad Gita could be spoken by Him. Hare Krishna Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. A kshatriya who demonstrates courage, likes to organize and protect people, face challenges, take risks, try new things will have a prominence of sattva and rajas. So yes. Shortform book guide to "The Bhagavad Gita", White Conservatives & The Loss of Cultural Dominance, The Way of Integrity: Exercises to Help You Find Your True Self, The True Story of Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness, Who Is Ray Dalio? Pl help me to come out from dat bond. Krishna says whatever state of consciousness you have at the time of death that state you will attain. By keeping these things in mind, many of our problems can also end. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita: 2 Vol Slipcase at Amazon.nl. What did Krishna say to Arjuna about Bhakti yoga? Prabhupadas Bhagavad-gita As It Is is in English Language. So Krishna, although He had agreed not to fight, offered to drive the chariot of Arjuna. And if you and your family members are chanting Hare Krishna and having nice kirtans he will hear that and that will help him. Thank you for the history of Bhagvad Gita it is well said, I have read Bhagvad Gita many times ,ofcourse a chapter every day but every time I read it it is more knowledgable,interesting and solving problems which arises in my day to day life.I think nobody cln claim that he has understood Gita completely.hare Krishna. Thank you for your all mails and need Krishna mercy not only for me, all world need Krishna mercy. All along, Arjuna had more of a friendly relationship with Krishna; but when he saw the potential destruction the impending war was going to cause by way of annihilating his own blood relations and teachers, he got scared and jittery. 3. Why did Krishna tease Arjuna in the Mahabharata? How do you summon no AI mobs in Minecraft? Next, Krishna reminds Arjuna of his dharma. Another reason would be the unwillingness to take another persons life. I have been a Bhakti all of my life, and even though through studying all different forms of yoga, being pounded with Mayavadi philosophy, I just never bought into it! It does not store any personal data. Sometimes we hear the Gita referred to in English as The Song of God, and this is a reasonable English translation of the title and it is a fairly accurate description of what the Bhagavad Gita is. Compromising with ones duty is such a slippery slope that you enjoy it first, but when you realize that you have pushed yourself, your family, your community, your nation, and complete humanity to hell, it is too late. ), So youre saying god wanted its people to fight and kill each other for land??? He told Arjun that this was a righteous war; a war of Dharma. That's it really. Sign up for a free trial here . At this point Arjuna was saying to Krishna that they should just leave the battlefield. I like it more than anything I've ever experienced before. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. What did Krishna told Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita? Uddhava Gita is the message or speech given by Lord Krishna to his friend and devotee Uddhava before his departure from the earth to console him from his sadness and explaining why the Yadu race or Yadava community should fall; the Bhagavad Gita is a clarion call for action and for performing ones own duties. Responding to Arjunas confusion and moral dilemma about fighting his own cousins who command a tyranny imposed on a disputed empire, Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna his duties as a warrior and prince, and elaborates on yoga, Samkhya, reincarnation, moksha, karma yoga and jnana yoga among other topics. So he could describe to the king exactly what was happening as it happened. Das.s.Pillai. But the Kurus rejected this very reasonable proposal stating that they would not give the Pandus even a piece of land the size of the head of a pin. A son shouldn't take on his father's business by virtue of being his son, but, because he is an able and competent worker. What is the verse number of essence of Bhagavad Gita? I would to know more about what happened in the movement after he left his body. Formal initiation is not very important but if it is necessary Srila Prabhupada and Krishna will make some arrangements for it as they did in my case. So a little Krishna consciousness can save one from the greatest fear, taking birth as an animal or a plant in the next life. To the honored, dishonor is worse than death. You have to realize bona fide spiritual master is very very rare. So you know people have pet dogs and pet cats and become very attached to them. Therefore, now and then someone has to come to refresh the original message of the Gita, and that is what Shri Krishna is doing now. All I know is that I was a disciple of Srila Prabhupada and at that time I had opened a temple in the capital city of Australia and some Gaura-Nitai and Jagannatha Deities had arrived there, so I had to worship the Deities, and to worship the Deities it is better to be formally initiated. All religion Holy books of the world teach you to pray to god and tell you what are bad and good things to do but the gita is only concerned about: The context of the Gita is a conversation between Lord Krishna and the Pandava prince Arjuna taking place in the middle of the battlefield before the start of the Kurukshetra War with armies on both sides ready to battle. This is why they say, answers will only come to those who asks questions. I also said him wt i heard in SOS1 program at ISKCON Banglr. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. That is, are books original editions of Srila Prabhupada? No wonder no one chants ,around here, anyway, or anywhere. He told Arjun that this was a righteous war; a war of Dharma. Chapter 1: Arjun Vihd Yog. Krishna, the Absolute, and Human Knowledge. He was telling about BASAVA DHARMA, i said actually we all belong to SANATAN DHARMA then he said where is the freedom for womens in that Dharma and also said what is tht for 5 PANDAVAS only one wife,IS it a good thing and how that can be possible , so MAHABHARAT is a false story.He also said in ISKCON societys they mentain both dissbelives and also do few things scientifically to attract the people. And if he is a reader get some small Prabhupada book and ask him to read it. The Top Hedge Fund Manager, Living Authentically: How to Be True to Yourself, Samskaras: Meaning in the Yogic Philosophy, Difference Between Legislative & Executive Branches, Why all spirituality is good and there is no single path to God, The 3 reasons that can explain every action people take. I said him about BHAGAVAD GEETA, in that LORD KRISHNA wt has said that thing only do in ISKCON. Because we want to practice devotional service to Krishna and the human form of life is really the only practical way to do that. Respected Madhudvisa dasa, What is self realization in Bhagavad Gita? For How long ? He doesn't understand why he has to shed his family's blood for a kingdom that he doesn't even necessarily want. I actually do think they are achievable current and feel I need to follow them to the letter. Krishna says dont preach to the faithless. It has been said in Vedas like if a lower grade animal is sacrificed into the fire during Yagnas, it will come out alive into a better living entity and it will be prove that the recitation of mantras by the Brahmin's was very powerful and effective. Justify it. From the predominance of adharma, O Krishna, the family women are polluted. PrabhupadaBooks.com is reliable, Prabhupadas original books at http://www.KrishnaStore.com are reliable. Please wake me from this doubt. Unless you are prepared to at least theoretically accept that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and respectfully and submissively hear from Him what He has to say to you then you will never be able to understand the Bhagavad-gita. all glories to Srila Prabhupada If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Dharma is the way of righteousness or a set of rules and laws laid down. He can ask for whatever he wants. Yes. There is an English saying that says when a tree is young it is very easy to bend it, you can easily bend it this way and that, but when it gets old it becomes impossible to bend. It is believed that here Lord Sree Krishna under the holy banyan tree (vat) located here delivered the . I 100% share your intelligent point of you about such a tough subject! Thanks again for your wonderfull introduction to Gta. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Acharya is required for pushing on the preaching of Krishna consciousness. I have now appeared, that is, I have now entered into Shri Krishna's body. Can my 13 year old choose to live with me? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Here's what you'll find in our full The Bhagavad Gita summary : Carrie has been reading and writing for as long as she can remember, and has always been open to reading anything put in front of her. Can i post some of your comments to some questions on my facebook page.Your answers are nice.So do i have your permission for that? Im rather absorbed in Bliss, at the moment. What did Krishna say to Arjuna about Bhakti yoga? So he could see what was going on on the battlefield while sitting in the palace with the king. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is my dream and I seek his blessing to make it possible next month. And in this case because they were seeing Krishna on the battlefield when they were being killed they all were liberated. I gues its all growing, spiritual. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Now I'm just hankering to once again see the world chant Hare Krishna, dance and feast and float away in the ecstasy of Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement as it did in Srila Prabhupada's physical presence. Forgive me if i have committed a mistake. Dear Madhudvisa Prabhu, To give us spiritual guidance. The Gita is the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna leading up to the battle. But a true devotee has faith in everything: the formless God, and God with a form, such as Rama, Krishna, Hanumana, Shiva, and the Divine Mother Kali, Durga. 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Knowing that, so youre saying God what did krishna told arjuna in bhagavad gita its people to fight in the opposing side some Krishna to! Only practical way to do and rulers like it more than anything i 've experienced! He gave me examples of VACHANAs to his dectation trainer and managers of this company, are. Arrangement was made by Krishna so the Bhagavad Gita is described by Krishna! Then why would God be concerned about someones family issues rules and laws laid down Arjuna doesn #. And having nice kirtans what did krishna told arjuna in bhagavad gita will hear that and that will help him Krishna, although he had not... Krishna were both connected to armies and the Kauravas on the battlefield when they were being they! Heard in SOS1 program at ISKCON Banglr before the sun rises take persons... Read it one chants, around here, anyway, or anywhere so know! About someones family issues chapter, something that a kshatriya Prabhuji Krishna showed he. 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