It's a clever way to keep up with trespassing cats and keep the borders fresh. "I'm Hollyflight. "A few of my patrols have noticed some areas of our land is dry, but with the heat, it's nothing we can't handle." "But not all has been well. However, he twitched his ears at Fadingstorm's comment, meeting the medicine cat's gaze before finally understanding the herbalist's words. Message Patrol. I sure hope they enjoyed those foxes. He blurted. Onestar has gained his nine lives from the, Twolegs left poison in their territory that resulted in the deaths of. As said in the Warrior Code, there is a truce, which forbids fighting during the Gathering. Warriors require certain qualities to be mentors. Leader: [Kit name], you have reached the age of six moons, and are ready to become an apprentice. --Argent, Blazepaw looked to Iceheart but then twitched her ears, "I-Think i heard something" Blazepaw said before trying to pin point what she heard- Blazepaw, Wolfy heard something that faintly sounded like something falling? This is not true, but some people believe it is. As said in the Warrior Code, there is a truce, which forbids fighting during the Gathering. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Look, I only came to the clans to train, I have to go back and figure it out! She hissed. -- Little, A small growl rumbled in Rainstar's throat when MoonClan's scent wafted past her nose. (Warrior Cats) Colorshine. He shrugged, but knew that at least he had some family around. -Larchtail, "This is perfect! Clan deputies also go on patrols, not only organize them. Looking to Wolfstar. A new litter of kits has been born. As a MoonClan cat, just about any and all outsiders felt small to him. -- Rainstar, Swiftpaw blinked before huffing softly to himself. >>> SUPER LOTE DE CARTAS MAGIC THE GATHERING!! At the mention of his mate, the abyssinian tom beamed, as did Patchwhisker below. He hissed. Squirrelflight stands in for Bramblestar as he is ill. Shadowpaw shares his vision of a fire dividing the Clans. He shifted his gaze to his brother-in-paw, whose gaze was troubled with thoughts about who to send. Pansystar lead her Clan through the undergrowth, trying to keep her chin held high. Medicine Cat Apprentice Ceremony: (Ceremony Held with Clan . Even though they heal, medicine cats and their apprentices still need to know basic fighting skills, and they do hunt. Sometimes, you will see player's name as they show in the books (Frostfall, Blackmask), but due to Roblox guidelines, these types of name often tag, which is why most people use separators, such as an apostrophe, a colon, and much more depending on your taste! Learn more about your favourite Warriors and their ancestors in this interactive family tree. Bramblestar scolds Onestar for not informing ThunderClan of the stoats and has doubled patrols in the area, but Mistystar scolds him for interrupting Onestar's report. Squirrelflight suggests scouting the territory beyond the abandoned Twoleg nest but is shot down by Bramblestar. They also use this time, if necessary, to ask for help from others, such as when WindClanasked RiverClanfor drinking rights in their territory, when a drought shortened their water supply. Heh, ask your ancestors. [Apprentice], from this moment you will be known as [new name]. Rainstar responded to the black smoke tom tensely, a fire burning in her platinum gaze. - Wolfy, "I'm doing great " She turned to the new cat "Hi" Petunia purred "I'm Petuniaheart of Lakeclan" she gave a smile to Larchtail- Petuniaheart, Larchtail nodded at Petuniaheart's words, before turning to speak to Wolfy. Of all cats, wholl be there to protect Poppypaw from Lionpaw then? -- Swiftpaw (MC), "U-Uhhh" What if this cat was trying to interrogate him and force information out of him? "Wow, is it always this chaotic?" Warrior Cats is a series of fantasy adventure novels that follow the adventures and drama of wild cats living in Clans - ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, RiverClan and SkyClan - in their forest and lake homes. He realized others had heard it too, and he strained his ears to see if anything else might happen. Tap on the Codes button in the Cat Editor. I was hoping they wouldn't show. Robinpaw shrugged, but turned back to Wolfy. Blackstar thanks Firestar for not bringing Jayfeather. They had trouble with a fox, but some warriors drove it out. Lilypaw responded in an even, rather quiet tone, so as not to disrespect the tense leaders. I hope it won't be me, but I've got be ready for it anyway. Tigerheart warns Dovewing that Dawnpelt is planning something for ThunderClan. Something scary? ThunderClan is thriving. You'll get used to them after a while, and maybe even receive one of your own later," She looked around at all of the cats around. No, Bloompaw didnt even know if. she felt the same way - Bloompaw, Petuniaheart sighed "A journey? Maybe a fever? Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. A few Twolegs are by the lake, but none are near ShadowClan camp. There has been no sign of the badger they drove out last moon, and they believe it is gone for good. Am I seriously falling for this tom?? Patrols usually consist of 3-4 warriors and 2 apprentices. The spiky-furred apprentice shot an egotistical glance in the direction of uncle Wolfstar, who seemedshocked? Bramblestar assumes he ran away. Clearly, cats are stronger when they are united as one." COMPLETED. They've rebuilt their dens and nests and restocked the fresh-kill pile. His deputy is Juniperclaw, and he defends his choice. Should this happen, the Gathering is ended and each Clan returns to their respective territories. Do you know that cat?" - Foggy, Larchtail blinked as the LakeClan cats bickered, but didn't really get involved. The warriors reassured him that it was only because he needed to be monitored, after his outburst. A warrior will often watch a kit they hope to mentor, and become familiar with the particular kit. - Foggy, Ripplestar looked around the clearing. Clan leader: "Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. Take note- The names will be their names at that point. Medicine Cat apprentice: It is. Fireheart and Graystripe leave to speak with. Yellowfang is now ThunderClan's medicine cat, and. 'Argent' is just fine with me." He didnt care about her, though. she reminded him of something. - Ospreypaw, While the silver tabby tom strode off to keep himself away from that obnoxious red tom, Lionpaw continued along the crowd, mingling to fuel his ego and make him forget of his troubles. The start of the Gathering marks a time of truce between the four Clans. "It sounds desperate, but that may be our solution to listen to StarClan's pleas to keep us safe." She thinks she can just wander off? Skystar believes Quick Water is innocent and allows her to return to SkyClan. This is not only about creating a personal morph, there are a few other steps. Prey is running well. Just where the river splits, the medicine cats have made their den out of woven reeds. - Foggy, Dustshine huffed as Foggypaw backed into her. If she was clear and honest, she was more likely to get help from either CliffClan or SteppeClan. I'd hope it wasn't one of our own. Just be considerate of others, and as real as possible if you are a regular cat. CliffClan isn't handling it well either, though maybe not as poorly as SteppeClan. "I promise. Rabbits are scarce due to snow, but WindClan is healthy. Brambleclaw reports plentiful territories for all four Clans. ThunderClan agrees to give territory to SkyClan. If you explain the basic idea, everyone will know what to expect, and how to handle it. Blackstar lists off the names of the fallen. It is considered a great honor to be chosen by a Clan leader to go to a Gathering. ThunderClan takes in Birdflight and her two kits. A small problem has occurred on RiverClan territory, which made them leave their camp temporarily. Mossfeather looked over and saw her troubled face. Rank: warrior. "I'll leave you to it," she whispered to Wolfy. In ThunderClan's camp, Bramblestar, Mistystar, and Rowanstar debate their next move after Darktail's Kin has driven out RiverClan from their territory. Graystripe suggests all four Clans use their individual talents to chase the foxes away. On Gatherings, Clan leaders announce current affairs and significant events within their respective Clans, such as the appointment of new . - Ragged & Rose, Lionpaw looked to the cat that the silvered warrior had pointed out, and he twitched his whiskers in amusement. Pika! They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. To Foggypaws relief, he didnt make some comment on her name, though he was quite large for an apprentice, though she can suspect why. Their founding leader, Windstar, got her name from being able to run as fast as the wind, so by extension, the name was thought to be given to the Clan. Though she noticed Lionpaw speaking to another cat, SHe narrowed her eyes. RiverClan still hunts on WindClan's land. The fish are returning to the lake's edge. -- Rainstar & Wolfstar, Fadingstorm found his head ache intensifying as Wolfstar and Rainstar began to promptly argue over the water shortages. Hunting parties consist of several warriors and apprentices who go out and hunt for the Clan. All Clans are informed that ShadowClan will not tolerate trespassing, prey-stealing, or dishonor. You can also be a kittypet, rogue, or a loner. Petunia asked herself-Petuniaheart, Foxstar dipped his head in respect to Rainstar and Ripplestar, then flicked his tail. Colorpelt- Welcome again! It is what your character would sound like (ex. "MoonClan won't be attending. Squirrelflight shares news from StarClan that they must turn towards StarClan and not away. Odd moonligh tonight. Sol has been exiled and ShadowClan has returned to Gatherings. Im Raggedpaw. Before he padded back to wherever he was. The LakeClan leader stepped forward, feathered fur dyed platinum in the moonlight. How dare that pompous traitor waltz around and greet strangers like he was a gift from StarClan? - Iceheart, As the clans left, Bloompaw padded after her mentor, though paused by PEtuniaheart So? --Argent, Oh? "You all good there?" And I had to help you carry her back. Or so Lionpaw thought. is not endorsed or supported by Harper Collins and/or Working . dapple - a spotted tabby or tortoiseshell Remember to make yourself understandable while talking in and out of roleplay. "I will discuss with my Clan about who to send while the moon is still above us." Foggypaw leaped back what-! Streams in WindClan's territory have been burned away, and that they can't get to the gorge water. You're really tall," the holly-natured apprentice commented to the MoonClanner quickly. "And I guess you're LakeClan,"Finally! "I better get back to them. Warrior Cats RPG Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. How's Clan life treating you so far?" He mused. RiverClan supports Bramblestar. The Clans missed the previous Gathering since clouds had covered the moon. She swirled round to address Robinpaw. "I think StarClan will choose these cats." Disgusting. -- Lilypaw & Lionpaw (MC), Petunia flicked her ears when she heard Fadingstorm the words, Petunia starting Hopeing in her mind that Bloompaw was not one of them, "One can only hope.."-Petuniaheart, Foggypaw leaped back what-! Other kits have been made into apprentices. Gatherings are meant for meeting new cats, but not to share Clan weaknesses and strengths. Leader: (Name of apprentice), do you accept the post of apprentice to (medicine cat's name)?Apprentice: Yes, (leader's name).Medicine Cat: Then at the half-moon, you must travel to the Moonpool to be accepted by Starclan before the other medicine cats. Leopardfur is now RiverClan's deputy following Oakheart's death. Ripplestar glanced over at Iceheart and Blazepaw. A Warrior Cats Gathering. If you are being a kittypet, roleplaying with multiple people makes the game a lot more fun and enjoyable. Maybe they'll have a solution to this issue. MOUSEKIT: Hi! Brokenstar claims that ShadowClan is stronger than ever. Rainstar called for silence, glancing down at the several strange faces. If you choose to be a rogue, you might want to ask permission before attacking a Clan member, or even attempting to do other things, like coming into a Clan camp. This is one of the most entertaining steps in creating an original character. He would not send his cats to their potential doom. Shadowstar has not picked a new deputy since. Foggypaw. She didnt meet his gaze. He went back into the crowd, not sure who he could talk to. -- Swiftpaw (MC), Wolfstar lead MoonClan away from the gathering place, a darkness visible in his eyes. Petuniaheart? Just a few examples, "Sun`Paw, how are you doing today?" He did so, and almost bumped into a brown cat. We would ask that if any of the other clans have herbs or water to spare, they share such kindness, so LakeClan might repay them someday." The Clan leaders reveal the changes to the warrior code. And she wondered. Their border with WindClan will be the fence on the far side of the horseplace. The same applies vice-versa (Clan cat becoming rogue, rogue becoming Clan cat). "Be quiet while you're here, Talonpaw, but feel free to mingle while the leaders talk." Sort by: View: The young she-cat's high-pitched feminine voice made his head ring even more, giving him a sort of headache. No, no, no, don't worry about that - he's nice. He made a move to walk away when Robinpaw said, "This here is Dustpaw. It'd be for the betterment of the rest of the clans, anyways. Robinpaw turned around and saw Wolfy. Wolfstar responded in his typical monotone, emotionless voice, smoke-tipped ears perked and alert. Padding over. "You can be so bashful at times, little bird." I have daughters who need me in camp. back where she was, she gasped. Tallstar asks Leopardstar if they can drink from the river, to which Leopardstar reluctantly agrees. "I'm Lionpaw." It would be a horribly twisted misrepresentation of my beauty, not to mention an absolutely terrible first impression. When a family of foxes made their den at Fourtrees, Gatherings were forced to be held at, The Gathering is currently held at the island, a place near the side of the lake by RiverClan. The young, old, or injured sit on the trail across from the gap. Defeat him using paw swipes (or claw slash if you decided to level as you should). Foxstar had said her name but moments before. Blackstar lists off the names of the fallen. It wouldve gotten her into more trouble. Lets gat back to camp. And without another word she pushed past the others, steadily after her mentor. She took a last check Over the medicine cat before noticing Badgerfrost, the Tom raised a brow. Why is LakeClan accepting rogues? She meowed. She didnt have time to do this. Prey is running. "I guess I could take that as a compliment, shortstack." Chant Snowpaw's name the loudest. She held her breath, reciting what she'd announce on her part. She made sure to ignore Wolfstar as he approached, feeling her stomach tighten out of sheer loathing. Leafstar commends her Clanmates for adapting during the harsh heat and is proud how they fought off the foxes. "Then maybe you shouldn't take in so manystrays, Rainstar." Step into one of the wonders of the world you may not even know about! -- Swiftpaw ( MC ), Wolfstar lead MoonClan away from the.... Not as poorly as SteppeClan trouble with a fox, but WindClan is healthy a warrior will watch!, to which Leopardstar reluctantly agrees events within their respective territories do hunt keep us safe. others heard... 'S scent wafted past her nose back into the crowd, not only about creating a personal,. 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