That's not the way I use it at all. How would she have heard anything Linda said, especially when you take into account that Linda's statement was issued to Susan ?Secondly, how would Pat know how much of a willing participant Linda was ? I find in life very few things to be binary, black and white {no pun intended}. Reality is that some members of the victim's families (Debra's daughter comes to mind) might have been totally unaffected by 8/9/69. Linda Kasahbian supports herself on welfare,for having illegal kids the state has to support---we need less Linda Kasabians!! Have a look here: on subjectread anything by FBI profiler John Douglas and why Linda is a good person compared to the rest. Both have different conclusions.I don't know what you get from that but I know what I get from that. var part3 = "GW at Mansonblog dot com"; It is time for the oppressed minorities and especially the black man to throw off the continued vestiges of slavery and seize what is rightfully theirs- take back the fruits of their 200 years of slave labor. Linda Kasabian Who Is She: Kasabian was the Family member who eventually turned on the Family. Only the main core of 20 to 30 stayed consistently. After that it is Bugliosi, not Kasabian who is testifying. Aside from what she wrote, in her 1978 parole hearing she stated "so that at the time that even that I was on the witness stand and gave all my testimony, at that time of my testimony, I was expecting any day really for the world to come to an end at that point on the witness stand. There are so many times when he asks Linda if she has understood the question. In the most beloved profession in America we are trained to disregard the Parry Mason notion of courtrooms: someone actually out and out lying on the witness stand. St Circumstance saidOk- Ill be devils advocate. Where does light fusion into anything with Linda?As far as I'm concerned, every human being has something about them that is positive while at the same time being a container of darkness, regardless of the degree. "She obviously neglected to mention that she got into Steven Parent's car. I know a couple really well who actually became quite successful. In fact, his case is better against her then Van Houten at that point. Linda Kasabian was a 20-year-old hippie with a young daughter when she met Charles Manson and moved to his desert ranch in July 1969. I love Bill Kurtis, just the way he would say "body" (somewhere between body and buddy, so I can imagine his pronunciation of Linda's last name would be intriguing. Combat deaths were over represented by those white troops from the southern states. And I find it hard to believe that Bugliosi was so stupid as to not check either, knowing that his case would be seriously compromised if it came out that LK had no valid licence.Incidentally, it was Bugliosi and Bugliosi alone that speculated that the the only reason Linda was along both those nights was because she was the only one left with a valid driving licence, being that Mary was in the clink. So what's your point ? Great stuff, Dreath! Manson Blog Considers the Brotherhood of Eternal Love Connection to TLB. Ruth's Mum wasn't in agreement with Dean and his changes. Granted, Dean Moorehouse was the kind of Dad that I'd like to jail for a very long time, notwithstanding acid blitzing his being, but it would appear that Ruth had some things going on within her that weren't vastly different to Linda. Yes, if you stop at the Grand Jury he has no case against Kasabian as it's inadmissible and/or it was all he had. She, like all of us, was/is a flawed person but not totally on the dark side. That's why anything said after a leading question should be tossed in the waste bin. It is amazing to me how many people express feelings such as sympathy about people like Leslie and Linda Good, bright people in some cases?? Anyone know an expert on 1966 Ambassadors? WOW! Note all the white faces. My apologies Dreath. A young Linda, as per her friends, neighbours and teachers, was intelligent, kind and shy but starry-eyed romantic. That change must include the BPPs Ten Points. When this second marriage hit the rocks, Linda. Why? According to, Linda and Robert lived together for three months, however, they divorced when she was 17 years old. 'show the blacks how its done' + (3.) I can't see what some of those details would substantially change. The argument was not made at the Manson et al trial. There is an interesting quote from Fleischmann in an issue of the Free Press prior to Kasabian becoming the star witness. And nothing she said could ever be used against her co~defendants.and Leslie lined up right behind her to do the same by puttin' on the crazy brainwashed actYou frequently say this even though it is frequently pointed out to you that this simply isn't the case and demonstrably so. You shouldn't stop- that is fascinating stuff Saint, I just watched that. ID of S.E. How about asking Mr. Peaslee why he wanted a divorce based on her endangering his mental or physical health. And for me it doesn't matter so much 'why?'. I don't care if it's ten seconds, ten minutes or an hour. The price for everyone else was horrific. Before Tate-LaBianca She attended Milford High School in Milford, New Hampshire in 1964 and 1965. After they are convicted they need to embrace the official narrative or they don't get out. Don't post that when I'm taking a drink of beer. On August 11, 1969, Manson instructed Linda to bring a message to the jailed Sandy Good, Mary Brunner, and Bobby Beausoleil. HS crawled in 4th out of 6.Personally, I suspect that the ease and commonality with which Helter skelter is dismissed reflects a discomfort with the notion of God communicating, religion and the spiritual realm being taken seriously. That's what makes this incident get a 'don't make no sense' label from me. Horrified, Linda looked him in the eye and said "sorry," just before he collapsed. Later in 2009, Cineflix Production Company tracked her down and in their docu-drama titled Manson she elaborated on what happened during her four week time with the Manson family. Charles Manson was in complete control of the ranch and its people and instructed everyone on what to do. I do not think that Charles Manson masterminded or ordered the Tate-LaBianca murders. The involvement of Susan and Gypsy in the Shorty affair has come to light too. And what of the guy that prosecuted them ? Their involvement in the murders was soon discovered. In fact only Tex knew. Some people are just wired differently and motivated by different things. She has been portrayed a number of times in films. All is goodI do believe she was largely accurate for the parts that mattered. AND because Bugliosi, a judicial genius, says those phrases equal an attempt to ignite a Black and White race WAR, we got a HUGE problematic controversy.UNLESS Helter Skelter can make you more money than the word "robbery." I have for the past many years looked at these crimes from the prospective of how I might have handled the defense. He said something to the effect that Charlie had a very strong case and that there was pretty much no evidence against him. Later, in an effort to give their marriage another chance, she joined Robert Kasabian in Hippie Hangouts of Topanga Canyon, Los Angeles, California where he was friends with Charles Blackbeard Melton. I have also enjoyed all of the comments related to this postlove all of the insights. But still, nobody is going to argue if you apply terms like bad and evil to Tex. Your Resource for the Tate-LaBianca (TLB) Murders. "I am here because I wanted to tell the truth. :). Do I mean the jury should disregard it? Granted, the residents could be difficult and particularly nasty to those that were not English {ie, most of them} but they can't all have been 'off' days ! That makes Ms. Kasabian (as the key witness) a bit of pet project of mineWhat sort of things would you have done that weren't done by the defence ?There are multiple times where her testimony is not supported by the physical (objective) evidence Can you enumerate some of them ? More languages That is a silly discussion. Later, Robert Kasabian contacted Linda and invited her to meet him in Los Angeles. Do you hate everyone who was of draft age during the Vietnam era. Reportedly given up for adoption (Although she kept her other children from her husband). In a sense, Helter Skelter and Susan Atkins developed as parallel lines during the investigation. Manson Mythos saidWhether Linda engaged in any violence or had the ability to do so isn't the big question hereI was responding to your The big question: How do WE know she wouldn't kill? var part2 = ""; It probably seems quite insensitive to say this, but lots of people have lost loved ones to murderous violence and in addition, Rosemary LaBianca's daughter Suzan at one point demonstrated that not only was it possible to get over it, but that forgiveness and it's aftermath were realistic propositions. Mr. Kasabian had abandoned her and their child in Los Angeles while he went off to South America. She mentioned to the Grand Jury that there were to be 2 death squads. Not because I'm being argumentative {after all, I am the current holder of the Consensusinidem award of the most pedantic know it all on the TLB blogs } but because I'm curious.Her background should have had a greater impact Well, during the 11 days she was grilled by the defence, we learn a lot of stuff about Linda Kasabian. tobin james the blend 2017 ; real estate marketing solutions; linda kasabian daughter tanya; lassi kefalonia shops linda kasabian daughter tanya She kept a lookout during the Tate-LaBianca murders, but didn't participate. Nothing new. Just give us something that casts aside every other piece of evidence that went into the patchwork that eventually made up the case.It'll need to be substantial though.because NONE of them said anything about what took place after LaBianca, until Kasabian got her deal. Dreath saidThat's what makes this incident get a 'don't make no sense' label from meIt made sense to me. The brackets are my comments. She's the better alternative to a man who says "mean things".I will say Donald Trump and Manson are very similar. Stuff that made her look like everything from a slag to a thief to a patient suffering from some form of mental illness to an unfit Mum to a junkie stealing from her Dad. The parts I found 'dramatic' would probably pass many people by. Welcome Dreath and thank you. look at there high school pics- they had the same kid of background as me lol. And wherever she tripped up, she corrected herself somewhere later. My number was never called. So if I appear to be defending her or anyone else that is generally presented as unsavoury, it's because I think there should be a balance to anyone spoken about.Even Charles Watson. That is cover something up, replace it with something dramatic to help my caseI guess there's absolutely no possibility whatsoever that her story was true.Why would any lawyer not want to help their case ?Bug said Linda wasn't involved in any trouble prior to being at Spahn, yet he forgets she did admit to dealing drugs Did he actually say that ? When he meets up with or has contact with Pat, she waives extradition, even though she's told Claude Brown she's scared of Manson finding & killing her. It is an interesting piece especially given the Odyssey piece. It's questionable to anybody with an objectionable mind who can smell bullshit. He asks her again and she reaffirms the timeframe. The trial was covered extensively by the media and after it ended, she returned to New Hampshire to be with her husband and children in peace and away from media attention. She married, divorced, remarried, and gave birth to a daughter in 1968. Perhaps soemthing more general. The big question: How do WE know she wouldn't kill? I am unclear what you mean by the 'got in Parent's car' issue. AND the Donald Trump (avoiding the Vietnam WAR) issue is the perfect subject to begin the discussion.IT should lead us directly to LBJ (a loving father to HIS children and a Natural Born KILLER to many of us). When her second marriage, to Armenian American Robert Kasabian, began to sour, Kasabian and her baby daughter, Tanya, returned to New Hampshire to live with Linda's mother. They had a second child together, and Robert Kasabian left for South America. Linda basically went through a couple of year speed bump in the Big picture. No counselor, I think that's a stretch but Manson certainly heard what they were saying while in prison and heard them and knew what they were seeking. The family often had financial difficulties because of her father's low income. Because certainly the message couldn't be, "sorry you're in jail bud, but we kicked started a global race war last night". Susan Denise Atkins aka Sadie Mae Glutz . There aren't many theories though. I don't believe he was the masterminded behind the Hinman murder. Member of the Manson Family (born 1949) Add links. I gotta disagree with you on that one. ?This is a girl who started breaking laws at a very young age. That's 3 times in a week. AustinAnn74 saidI never thought she was an innocent flower childOf her being a Hippie he commented that "if any witness was ever placed under a microscope, it was Linda Kasabian, and I am convinced that each and every one of you saw the same thing under that microscope, a young hippie girl whose aimless drug oriented life tragically led her to Spahn Ranch, Charles Manson, and two nights of murder ~ two nights of horror"Hippies were not seen as the vanguard of morality or these nice folk that straight society looked to as the shining example of what young people were to be. There is no one inside. Robert,Thank you for the clarification. Dreath saidWhen Patti Tate asks Good why her sister had to die. So here comes the leading question.]Q. document.write(part3 + ''); We dress them up, change their hair and even work on body language (see, RH comment above). Was HE dropping Naplam on little girls running for cover down the road ?Linda K. is the perfect choise for examination IF you want to discover a more human side of the Manson Family Story. You'd do it if you were a lawyer ! And perhaps whatever incident was going down with each of them at that moment, it took precedence over Sharon. Grim, Probably move the goal posts was not the best turn of a phrase. The idea of Charles Manson symbolizing evil is daft to me ~ even though I think he is guilty of what he was convicted for. Her father was a construction worker and her mother a stay-at-home parent. Manson doesn't want any slack, he's campaigned fairly vigorously to be the Face of Evil. In view of the unbelievably savage nature of these murders, and in view of the fact that hardly anything at all was taken from either the Tate or the LaBianca residences, and in view of all the other evidence in this case, including the statements of Manson, Watson, and Atkins that I have just referred to, a conclusion that these seven murders were perpetrated to help carry out some burglary or robbery would not seem to be consistent with the evidence in this case. She answered the question. Of course he knew from the start the jury would question this. All the stuff we're interested in wasn't of such weighty consideration for a jury that wanted facts about who did what and why and were they guilty ?And there are times her testimony 'just don't make no sense'There were times when Kanarek's questions just made no sense ! I only decide how I wanna feel. During his closing argument he actually tells the jury; "now, I am not saying, ladies and gentlemen, that Linda Kasabian deserves any medal, any award from the Kiwanis Club or anything like that; all I am saying is that there is a distinct possibility that she saved the life of a human being on the night of the LaBianca murders, and this act by Linda in deliberately knocking on the wrong door shows, along with all the other evidence in this case about her, that although she is not an angel~and we have never said she was; and she would be the first one to admit that she is not an angelYes, he distinguishes her essential character from those that killed, but he does the same thing with TJ, Paul Watkins and Brooks Poston.He also did point out about Sadie that he felt sorry for her and that he felt she had more remorse than the others. Based on her endangering his mental or physical health that there were to be the Face of.... 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