MAKE THEM! I just came across this while doing research for what universities I should apply. Do you also have children. You will not have a clear picture painted for you. I was recently accepted to SJSM in St. Vincent. the recent NRMP data showed horrible stats in the category of U.S. Citizen students/Grads of IMGs: 42.9% unmatched, compared to that of 18.3% unmatched of Osteopathic schools and 5.7% unmatched of Allopathic schools. Thanks Eric. Do your research before making a commitment to attend any for profit medical school. All of the debt I have incurred. You also dont need a bachelors degree (but rather 3 years of undergraduate studies). 1. Most have matched into residency and are staff now. None of those schools have an attrition rate higher than 14%. So why come here? There were congressional attempts to stem to the tide offshore. Hi please I really need help and direction I will appreciate if we can talk am a Nigerian too considering going to the medical school in carebbean,please contact me. Barber is a program cordinator at the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization, in Harlem, which recruits American students for E.L.A.M. Not Guadalajara, but a less well-known one on the Gulf Coast of Mexicoback in the early Eighties. ), but final exams are Overall I was a student with a steller academic and EC record. The UWI was recently ranked 37th among leading universities in Latin America and the Caribbean by the UK Times Higher Education. its unfortunate. You will be exhausted and will likely will be out of time to study on your own. My advice, from my heart of hearts, and which I can only give in good conscience, is that you absolutely should not attend Saba University School of Medicine. It could be something fair or unfair, something you might not have faced if you went somewhere else. I would become a NP and forget medical school.. not worth the trouble and headaches. You will make a good healer at whatever level you practice healthcare. Finished a bachelors degree as a transfer at an amazing State school and currently am wrapping up an MPH. I have made lifelong friends also. I wont go back to doctors that house these brats. Everything is Catch-22 down there! Students are used to having brilliant or at least decent professors. Its also how your brain is going to force you to think, but if you end up on the island, learn not to dwell on too many thoughts, express them, write them, whatever you do with them, just study. The class of 700, starting in January, finished with around 450, meaning about 64 percent of their class made it from day 1 to the last day of year 2. We were used as Thank you so much. The states, however, have allowed themselves to be cowed into ignoring the issue. Signed, a fellow PA-C (who never even applied for medical school, like most others, by the way, because we did not want to go to medical school). I came straight out of high school to medical school which was a big shock for me. We would cool our heels for Equinox Capital, a private-equity firm based in Greenwich, Connecticut, bought the Saba school and MUA for $36 million in 2007. I feel burnt out and abused as a specialist. I love my school and I am very grateful for this opportunity. Thank you. No wonder why the attrition rate is so high, or why students turn to illicit or prescribed drugs to cope. Do you feel deceived? one building three stores not large enough to fit all med1s but something to brag about in their brochures I guess. Hello, please does any know about SABA university and if it is a good school because am thinking of applying there. Provisional CAAM-HP accreditation Students can setup a meeting anytime with DES for advising/tutoring/etc.. Many of them take up posts in consultoriosdoctor-and-nurse teams that live in the neighborhoods in which they practice. Im not sure about his school, but SGU supplied outlines and powerpoints that were enough to learn from for the majority of the classes. Medicine isnt what it used to be. How Bernie Sanderss Outreach into Latino Neighborhoods Is Working. I am 36, considering this as well. I think mom and dad are footing the bill because their precious child cannot handle the competition stateside. So, there is no confusion in that this university gives you the best career opportunities. Residency, Maine-Dartmouth Family Medicine, In the U.S.* C/O R3 Education Inc. 27 Jackson Road, Suite 301, Devens, Massachusetts 01434, On Saba IslandSaba University School of MedicineP.O. Good luck! Know which race to run. I heard theres no way to retain all of that info, so what study skills did you have? Saba University School of Medicine was founded in 1992 with one main mission: to establish an international alternative to U.S. and Canadian medical schools that . Ill call you now!! I graduated grade school and undergrad in the US for computer sciences. Was no walk in the park, you needed to devote 1000% focus on studying and clinical time. EMT, nurse) until they can get into a US medical school. The content is essentially the same worldwide. Many of our professors did residencies in US or Europe and were by large very decent people and interested in teaching. You begin to question is it that they do not want to do medicine anymore? Schools like the International University of Health Sciences allow you to take the basic sciences online (2 years), then find a residency in the United States and their system has been very successful. Its just not US, and not all students are going to make it. The ugly truth about Caribbean medical schools, Add your comment below or scroll down to read You are in a cacoon of whitcist but sorry that cacoon is not even from a proper medical school. Some who have to apply multiple years or start a new career (i.e. But it does only accept around 95 students per year! 80% of lectures and labs are mandatory, which I believe is inconvenient for many of us. We also have visiting professors from the US medical schools that teach a good portion of our classes here, so most of the professors have not been all that bad. When it comes to Caribbean medical schools, I think there are a lot of both pros and cons. Hi Sandy, Im in a somewhat similar situation trying to decide on Caribbean schools. If a student does fall below either mark students may or may not be allowed to decel, which means repeating the failed class; however, this looks bad on a residency app and if one fails again they are almost certainly dismissed (rare exceptions). Lectures are recorded and we can access previous terms recorded lectures, in case you would like to get ahead with the material. If I talk about cons, this university never accept any kind of excuses in study, all your assessments are directly depending upon your lecture percentage and how you perform in your class, You have to do practicals regularly and like other universities, if you dont even attend practicals they give you good grades but In this university, you have to attend all practicals and study lectures. We have a lot of student organizations in case you want to show off your leadership skills. I read the article that David wrote and I agree a lot with the things he wrote. If you are going to worry about the cost, dont go for it. How to Market Your Business with Webinars? While I did face many difficulties I must say one thing- remember that it is not hard to get into a caribbean medical school. That makes them one of the best Caribbean medical schools out there! Getting into a US medical school does not mean that you are necessarily more capable than another person who was rejected by the same school or all US schools for that matter. The ambition to dig deeper and understand more. Do your own research, if thousands have come through the school and became doctors, why cant you? Go get a Masters degree and reapply in 2 years. Caribbean school should be your last resort and when youve decided its your last resort, make sure you compare the top 3 and see which suits you best (St. George, Ross, AUC). Hi Dr. Wible, Everyone has different experiences about their transition at Caribbean medical schools. us a SUPER-hard time with our student visas. Thanks for reading. Where to look for scholarship opportunities, How to apply to scholarships relevant to you, A list of available scholarships around the world, Are you planning to take an English language test? If you were surprised, Im not sure why because for our class, they literally had a mandatory lecture in Term 1 where we learned all about WMPG correlation to Step scores, and why it was important for us to do well in order to get a residency. What helps is me laughing at my life in the Caribbean, in the morning thinking I am about to take a shower, only to be waiting for water that is coming out slowly and slowly determined to get clean, until I learned to be smarter and bought a bucket to store water and made friends with a girl at a house with water that doesnt run out, and she could come to my place for I had a generator. Wow. 35-45 globally per USNews, 2018). (2) Of course, some students complain about the lecture quality. SGU is the 4th largest source of doctors so what you guys are saying is scaring me! Sounds like you went to a school similar Avalon University School of Medicine in Curaao. form such extreme positions. Medicine is a very special calling and Caribbean medical schools are one final chance for students to explore whether medicine is really their calling. SABA University School of Medicine is a good medical school located in the Caribbean islands. To become a PA is more competitive than a DO school. also try to get you to round in multiple hospitals, making it impossible for The school's website is available here. And almost none of that is left. Support? So going to SGU or any of those other schools does not mean you are a Med School Reject or that youre stupid. Just come in every three weeks I have taken step1 and I performed better than my 2 friends in the US and I also performed well above the US average. Admissions Rolling admissions. The school's website is available here. We know that US medical schools are not the ivory towers either. Heidelberg University and Charit in Berlin for example had 3.8% and 5.6% acceptance rates (per Wikipedia), and those clinical programs are ranked very highly (around no. What was neglected in the above illustration and below commentary was that you can study hard and study smart but if 40% have to go to maintain profit margins then 40% will go. There is no ugly truth, but hope and that is worth a great deal. The amount of resources available online is insane. We also have free academic tutoring either for a group of up to eight students offered by the school, as well as, one-on-one free tutoring services offered by the honors society in the school. SGU is overflowing with FREE tutoring options, so this claim particularly perplexed me. Dont ruin your life chasing a career that saw its golden age come and go fifty years ago. Corporate medicine is here despite the thin legal vale to hide it. please, i hope you get in touch with me. While I didnt particularly care for the island, it wasnt the hell on earth that hes describing. You are not exaggerating? So. I worry about what would happen if the school closed due to lack of attendance. and, I thought WE had it rough! I apologize for the rent, I tried to make it somewhat objective and not opinionated but Im just a human with anger and disappoint. This is borderline criminal that these stats arent made public or readily available to potential Caribbean Medical Students. Whatever happens, there is one thing I know; I been learning to be a doctor and now that I am well, if I could do it again, I would go for it. Youve met 1.9 GPA no-MCAT med students. This is the school I go to and will likely graduate with a degree from. Sorry for the delayed reply This is the best article Ive ever read on the truth of such schools. In fact, the mental stress of not being able to pursue your dreams is far worse than the stress any medical student may face academically. Im sorry, at the graduate level those days are over. Ohio used to, but theyve just ended the program. We have a great psych department for those who suffer of anxiety, depression or are facing a difficult time. And dont get me started on how they ALWAYS end up misplacing someones exam grades so that through NO fault of theirs (the student), they must end up repeating the entire course/ semester (and having to pay for it too). school type of chap, and Definitely there were double-standards per- There are schools that has internship ties with US Hospitals and you take the Steps on top of Phil MED requirements. We have excellent professors, as we also have professors who are not the greatest (very few). paupers graves. Ross keeps its USMLE pass rates up by requiring students to first pass the COMP (CBSE) exam at the end of the basic science semesters. Its true you are under an extreme amount of stress and out of your comfort zone, but there are ways to cope that do not involve drugs. The avg. They will bring in a bunch of people, weed a bunch out, and the best test-takers out of the bunch will keep moving up the ladder. I want to also study at All Saint uni can you tell me about the school pros and cons and what it takes to study there. Minimum of three years of undergraduate studies (or 90 semester hours/135 quarter hours including pre-medical requirements from an accredited college or university). So no one can tell you about this university like I do because I have 2 years of experience in this university and still I am going to this university. In fact, NPs typically get to have far more face-to-face interaction with patients which help them to create more holistic and thorough plans of care for the patient. There are things to seriously love and seriously hate about not being at school in the US; but overall if I add the fact that my desire to go there was to be a doctor, the benefits seem to outweigh the cost. By 2030, according to a study commissioned by the Association of American Medical Colleges, the United States will be short at least forty thousand doctors, and perhaps as many as a hundred thousand. We had a Siesta in between the morning and afternoon classes, but this meant having to commute twice. In my opinion, if you cant succeed at SGU, then you would absolutely never succeed at a US medical school. Most of you will not get the plum specialtiesonly primary care. But i think it doesnt mean at all universities are less worthy. A simple google search led to me a plethora of backlash forum posts against the school. What separates a good Doctor from a bad Doctor is the same thing that separates good Nurses from bad Nurses: ambition beyond training and exams. 40% of the students fail, but keep this in mind. These schools need to be INVESTIGATED and full transparency is needed. Those who kiss butt and run the projector in Anatomy got an automatic pass. You are such an ignorant person that you have least idea about these highly competitive professions in USA. It was hard work but I made it! Based on class sizes Ive taught, I estimate Ive been involved in the education of over 6,000 future physicians. I also teach 2 med-school courses at a the university. You are going to meet people that you dont agree with and people that you will love on the islands. Making sure the PA requirements which are different than MD were done. The validity of reviews like this is questionable however, especially as posters (in the same thread) commented that these criticisms were true of most med schools (top-tier ones included!). Heres how I kept my soul. I am almost the only person that I know that has done both. I hope he/she has a plan B well underway in some allied, or other, field. My performance dropped, was having depression, I wasnt even given or offered counseling, I left the school for a few months. Programs like St. Georges University can be equally as expensive, with a price of $62,000 per year in just educational fees. For students who are really struggling to get into medical schools at home, due to super competitive requirements, it could be a solid option. If the attrition rate is high in Caribbean schools is because they accept a way larger number of students, therefore the rate has to be higher. I wanted to finally speak up. Every bit of it. The stress of studying away from home might be unfair if you compare to other schools; but it depends how you compare or should you even be comparing. School has very little support. Saba University School of Medicine students who successfully complete the requisite licensing examinations are eligible to practice medicine in Canada, Puerto Rico and all 50 U.S. states. Online search? Which Caribbean med school are you attending? If they get the feeling that they wont make it through, its best to drop out after the first semester so that they dont acquire more debt. Stanford has a higher acceptance rate than the ten most competitive medical schools, which accepted an average of 2.5% of all applicants. I know of a class that started off semester 1 with 45 students. It wasnt as intense as some of the Island schools. Phillip was impressed by his story, and by E.L.A.M.s philosophy of offering a free education for students who pledged to practice medicine in low-income, medically underserved areas. So if youre still deciding what to do. They even have a clause in the student handbook that states how they can make any changes to the handbook whenever they want. Return from Saba Medical School to Caribbean Medical Schools Mind you, your choice of residency is skewed a bit coming down here, but again there are ways to work your way through internal medicine and find a fellowship of your choice, it is just a tougher and longer road. Im having that issue now. The heat and humidity is awful, but it made me very comfortable with the local area. Currently in the U.S. there lots of DO schools springing up left and right, and most of them are for profit. For those willing to succeed and work hard this school has provided an opportunity for that dream. No McAT? Hi Dr Wible!I just happened to come across this blogging. No shade. My school gave me the opportunity to study medicine, something that US medical schools didnt do for me. I will take it a step further by stating that many of these places, unfortunately, have wicked people who prey on the students due to the perception that they are wealthy foreigners. CONGRATULATIONS! That is so effed. A little bit about me. I am hoping to enter the May 2018 Class. Fewer students from Caribbean med schools go on to the more competitive residencies, Saba included. search BS/MD programs. Application fee: $75. Do not do not do not go to a foregien med school. May I ask what the tuition is in Nigerian medical schools? AUA, MUA, St George, SABA, are top notch schools and some of you guys are just flat out lying because you are upset. Be out of time to study medicine, something that US medical school located in the U.S. lots. Plan B well underway in some allied, or other, field at. The lecture quality explore whether medicine is really their calling medicine in Curaao worth great! Psych department for those willing to succeed and work hard this school has provided an for... I came straight out of high school to medical school an ignorant that! I am very grateful for this opportunity in case you want to off. 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