By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commands. (c) To emphasise keeping Gods commandments does not show a legalistic spirit or a lack of love. And wherefore slew he him? The word love is used over 100 times in the Bible, and it appears more than 800 times overall. I appreciate your perspective regarding [team task].2021. The word love inside the Bible can take on several different meanings since the Bible was not originally written in English. Its pages are full of people driven by love, responding to love, and obeying God in love. That fact is not as difficult to discern as this love in the life of some people who call themselves Christians. Living Waters Church of Hastings, 1302 South Hanover Street, Hastings, MI, 49058, United States. True love is beautifully described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. : "Love is patient, love is kind. David Jackman in his commentary, and with this I finish, speaks of one of the loveliest Christians he ever met, Dr Kenneth Moynihan was his name, and for years he was a missionary doctor in Rwanda. 538 times in New Revised Standard Version. (d) A judgment about a person's love should be based on that person's performance, not personality. These numbers may not match with non-English translations of the Bible, because English only has one word for love, while some other languages have more than one. A person who claims to have love, and to belong to a loving party, needs to be extremely careful about accusing another Christian of lacking love. Whether it really is the authority over that of 1 Corinthians 13 is up for debate. Have you ever resented another believer in Christ? Why does the UK not experience volcanic eruptions? Where are we there? A second application of how we can know we are truly a child of God is found in verse 14, the first part of it: 'We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren' - you love your brothers and your sisters in Christ. Do you know that God doesn't want to meet you with a grudge towards another brother, an unforgiveness in your soul - why don't you let us go away from here and tell the other brother deacon that you've forgiven him?'. Click again to see term 1/9 Previous Next Flip Space Created by MemVerseFanatic Terms in this set (9) 44 How many times is the word love used in 1 John? The greatest act of love in history was when Jesus Christ died to pay for the sins of the world. Israel - mentioned over 2700 times . It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. The simple answer is that he was hostile towards Abel for no other reason than that Abel was right with God and Cain was not. ; Love is obedience to God's commands. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a665a0465510d9472b1ae7108738d8db" );document.getElementById("e218d56cc5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2 Is the word love mentioned in the Old Testament? This is the brotherly love in view in verse 10. Now I know we don't throw money at everybody coming, sometimes that would harm people and do them less good than it ought - but here's a brother coming into James' church, and he doesn't have any clothes and he doesn't have any shelter, he doesn't have any food and he doesn't have a job. (e) Lovelessness is inimical to our fellowship with God we are hostile to God when we lack love. This is not referring and in the category of any form of life man can naturally have, but that supernatural life that only comes from knowing Jesus Christ as one's personal Savior. So you can see how this great word, beautiful word, has been perverted in our day. This letter is only one chapter long, but it still mentions love four times. So we're going to find week after week that we're covering the same ground, but yet we'll have added to us each evening an extra truth or an embellishment of the original truth. If we take all those modern definitions of love, we can see that there's a trend running right throughout them all, and it is simply this: that love in some shape or form is understood as being something that gives you self-gratification. Out of love! 348 times in New American Standard Bible. int len,i;//Declare variables i and len. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Again we could remind ourselves of what John said in chapter 2 and verse 6: 'We ought to walk even as he walked', in every aspect, not least showing that great agape love in our lives. It always protects, it always trusts, it always hopes, it always perseveres. Now what is it that gives the love of God at the cross its character? King James Pure Bible Search John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. convert vue to vue native. We can know if what we hear is from God or the antichrist. It's a test of fellowship, it's something that can give us assurance and confidence that we know God. Program 1. In fact, for every 50 words you read in John, one of them is the word "love.". A brother comes into the meeting, and he's in great need, and somebody pats him on the back and says: 'We'll pray for you brother, the Lord bless you, safe home'. Rather you should have in your life the attributes of Christ: when He was reviled, He reviled not again. Now right away we see that love is more than an airy fairy feeling, it is more an act of our will rather than a feeling. Lewis Gillingham/Moment/Getty Images. 'Murder!'. The example he gives us is Cain. Now I know, and I agree to differ with some who see this portion of Scripture outlining primarily the two natures of the Christian; but I believe that the sentiments here are too strong, because John, time after time after time, is telling us that these people who have an absence of these characteristics are proving that they do not have the life of God in them - and your old nature can never have the life of God in it. John comes in here speaking of this lack of brotherly love that proves an absence of eternal life, and he says: 'If you don't love your brothers', verse 14 the second part of it, 'you're still dead', for a love for brothers is a sure sign that you've passed from death unto life. 4 How many times does John use the word love? By this we know that we abide in him and he in us" (1John 4:12-16). Remember that the Lord Jesus, when He appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus in Acts chapter 9, what does the Lord Jesus say to Paul, the one who persecuted and chased with murderous breath the children of God? Our problem is we live in a day where we have a social welfare state, and it's easy for many Christians to forget and disregard their obligations. John is likening it to murder, to butchery, to slaughter. (d) We cannot love God (and therefore be saved) without loving one another. To do that one would need to look at walking in darkness, loving the world, not keeping commandments, not practicing righteousness, idolatry, etc. Make us a people who love. After all, Jesus had an inner circle of three disciples in which he showed his transfiguration ( Matthew 17 ), and John was among them. John was concerned that the members were being deceived into rejecting the truth of God and replacing truth with human-devised . There are some who say it is the material urges of survival, others say anger and hate. But how many of us practice it, and practice it like John is propounding? What worse accusation could be made, therefore, than to say that a person is unloving? But then there is the social test, and that is the one we're looking at tonight again, and that is that of love towards our brothers specifically in Christ - and our sisters of course - and indeed love that we are to show to all men. This is a blog about how many times love is mentioned in the Bible. Where in the Old Testament does it talk about love? This means that in 1 John 4:7-21 we find 8.5% of its usage in the New Testament and 3.5% in the entire Bible. He wasn't a child of God, he was a child of the devil! If one is truly saved how then can I have a close If they have something they give freely to the man who has nothing. We begin now to look at Johns teaching onlove. "The one who says he is in the light and yet hates his brother is in the darkness the darkness has blinded his eyes" (1John 2:9-11). First of all, let me point out from the beginning of verse 14 that you can know, and that puts the lie to those who say you can't really know and be sure of your salvation. How many times is love mentioned in the Torah? Also note that you can select from a number of different translations, with the King James Version (KJV) being the default. 10 Affirmations and Denials on Men and Women in the Created Order, Marriage, and the Church The following is not an attempt to track and categorize all of the concepts of "sin" in the book of 1 John. The early church were renowned for their love. The message of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the message that life eternal, full, complete and to the highest degree is available in having personally received that life through Jesus Christ the Lord! Can I ask you tonight: do you know many people who would put their lives on the line for you? There is no single correct way to translate the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Bible manuscripts into English. Some people say that their marriage or their relationship has broken down irretrievably because they've 'fallen out of love'. Wonder not then that the serpentine world hates and hisses at you who belong to that seed of the woman that is to bruise the serpent's head'. 'Murder!'. 1st the word "Which" is neuter not masculine. I want to ask you tonight: you call yourself a Christian, do you have a grudge against another brother? Temperance is love in harness, and under Christ's control, This fellowship can be hadthis life eternal is real, purpose and an absolute truth. Now, our natural spiritual state before we're converted is death. John 15:13 Verse Concepts Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. Christ is the new standard. What chapter in the Bible is the Love chapter? 'David Legge is kind, he does not envy, he does not boast, he is not proud' - but this is in effect what John is saying. Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. Then Paul says: 'Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus'. In such a self-forgetful way, If you possess things that give you life and sustenance, material possessions, worldly goods, but refuse to share them - the Authorised says 'shut up the bowels of compassion', and that is a literal translation because the bowels, the intestines were understood in the ancient world to be the seat of affections, the way we use the word 'heart' today. Post Author: Post published: 23/05/2022 Post Category: cornell funeral home obituaries Post Comments: wild 'n out season 14 cast wild 'n out season 14 cast It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. I might say: 'I love chocolate' - dropping a hint there! Jesus said to him, 'Feed my sheep'" ( John 21:15-17 ). e. Expressions such as eternal life, a new commandment, abide in Christ, walketh in darkness, that your joy may be full. For Christ is love in person, and love, Christ in the soul'. The life he is referring to in V2 is the result of the message. He gives us several reasons how we can know whether or not we are truly a child of God. Our life has to live up to what we believe and what Christ taught. Remember Cain was the first baby ever born, and he becomes a murderer. (a) Love is deeds, not talk. After he died a poem of his was published, and it took the ninefold fruit of the Spirit from the book of Galatians that I mentioned to you at the beginning, and made them a kind of character study of the Lord Jesus - because that's what they are, they're the characteristics of the Lord Jesus Christ within the Christian. And wherefore slew he him? That's what this epistle is all about, and here he is repeating it again: 'Hereby we can know that we have this eternal life'. However, these materials may be freely copied and distributed unaltered for the purpose of study and teaching, so long as they are made available to others free of charge, and this copyright is included. - is it not? In 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, Paul describes what love looks like through a list of characteristics or qualities that characterize it: Love is patient, kind, humble, peaceful, forgiving, generous and selfless (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). A sad fact is that conflicts and battles are what mark many an assembly of God's people in the 21st century. His life, it was said, was filled with the fragrance of Christ. We have sort of an image in our minds of what John is like. d. He HANDLED HIM WITH HIS HANDS: He had physically touched Christ and he was no phantom, He was real! He was not only of the wicked one, but he practised wickedness because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous. Now in ancient Greece, in biblical Greek and ancient Greek, there were three or perhaps four definitions for love. During one of the sessions Larry missed Pete, and at lunch he said: 'I missed you at 10 o'clock, it was a really good session'. - because lust is the seed of adultery, and hate and anger are the seed of murder. John, Peter, and Paul all wrote condemning the heresy of the Gnostics. In the Old King James Version (KJV), the word love is mentioned 310 times. How many times is God's love for us mentioned in the Bible? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Now that is cold language, I believe, which means they aren't getting out of that relationship what they feel is their right. What drives people? Are we all mouth, all talkie-talkie and very little walkie-walkie? However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. called gospels of Jude and dozens of other spurious books claiming to be from God. 1. . Here John is showing us, here is an illustration of the proof of the absence of this love, which proves the absence of this life of God. Now, of course, we could go back to Deuteronomy 6 and verse 5 where God commanded in the law that all men should love the Lord their God with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their mind and with all their strength. What are the 4 types of Love in the Bible? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Love is one of the driving ideas in the Bible, reflected in its prominent use, but the subjects are more important. But a sure sign that you haven't is that you're going the whole way of the world, and they think you're it's best buddy. After theresurrection, Jesus appeared to some of His disciples while they were fishing. What John is bringing to us as believers is that we ought not to behave like Cain, who was envious and jealous - because that is a sure sign that the love of God is not residing in our hearts, and ultimately that there is a lack of eternal life. For even more perspectivejust because its funlove shows up a total of 316 times in the New Testament and 751 times in the entire Bible. God - mentioned approximately 4300 times. First of all there is the doctrinal test, that we believe the historical gospel that was revealed at the beginning through the incarnation of our Lord Jesus, His death and resurrection, that we believe in the historical Christ and the historical authentic gospel. The third time, Jesus uses a form of phila, to which Peter finally responded with agp. How many times is the word love in the Old Testament? Then, as we have already mentioned, many are confused today and just see love as raw gratuitous lust. 2. How do we deal with sin, fellow Christians, and truly love. The Lord Jesus was commanding them: 'You see the agape love that I have and am going to display for you at the cross, I want you to show that same love to one another'. 'Jesus is patient, Jesus is kind. It is vicarious, He lays His life down for us - 'huper' (sp?) God, the Lord of everything, and His relationship with mankind, beginning with the nation of Israel, are the focus of the entire Bible. So we pray tonight that folk in this gathering, that all of us, will be done with grudges, will be done with keeping scores and records of wrongs. God, Man, Israel & people in the holy bible. He says in verse 18: 'If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. For, "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. But after Pentecost, Peter was so full of God's love that he spoke from his heart and 3,000 people were converted. The Necessity Of Confession And Repentance, Revival Now Pt9: A New Revival And Reform Movement, Revival Now Pt8: A New Disciple-Making Movement. We've seen that there are three tests within this book whereby we can know that we are the children of God, we can have assurance. One of the most surprising twists of John 3:16 is that we are told God loves the world. Storge in the Bible Pronounced stor-JAY, Storge refers to love between family members. This does not include hosting or broadcasting the materials on another website, however linking to the resources on is permitted. My friend, what John is saying is that if you have a lack of love towards your brothers it proves an absence of eternal life. "Whoever keeps Gods word, in him the love ofGod has truly been perfected" (1John 2:5). Thats roughly 1.3 times per verse. Because, just as the Lord Jesus said again in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6 and verse 15, 'If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses'. 1 How many times is the word love in the Old Testament? Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me'. It is interesting to note that the first time the word "love" is used in the Bible is in Genesis 22:2 - "Then He said, "Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you." Where in the Old Testament does it talk about love? The first time that love is mentioned in the Bible is in Genesis 2:4-5. He gives us the explanation: it was Cain's parentage of the wicked one, his practices of wickedness. If you fail the test of 1 John the question for you is " How can I be saved. A loveless man, John is saying, is a lightless man - he can't see his way. Rather, love is a commitment to keeping God's word. Agape is divine love, which makes it perfect, pure, and self-sacrificing. Outline of 2 John. 6 What are the 4 types of Love in the Bible? It's probably the most popular doctrinal belief of the whole lot. May I add.If you do not accept God, there is not point of going further. If you do not accept the Genesis account of Creation then you cannot trust the Bible as Gods infallible inerrant word and you are left with no Savor and no Salvation. Wiki User 2009-08-15 21:05:02 This answer is: Study guides Old Testament 20 cards. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Online Christian Articles and Information Hub. This will take up two lessons. Whether it's singers envying other singers, churches envying other churches, preachers envying other preachers, elders envying other elders, deacons of deacons, businessmen in the fellowship envying the success of others who are businessmen, professionals, parents envious of children's success, students envious of others academic success - we could go on and on and on, and we begin to appreciate the seriousness of how this thing can multiply to extremes. The first two times Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him, Jesus used the appropriate form ofagp; Peter responded, with a form ofphila,a lesser form of love, less familiar and less intimate. Now in Genesis 3 we have the story of how fellowship between God and man broke down, and then when we come to Genesis 4 we find that the offshoot of the fellowship between God and man breaking down is that man's fellowship with his fellow man breaks down, and Cain slays Abel. You might say: 'I love golf'. Do we express sincerity through practicality? How much does this agape love impact on our personal lives, in our own backyard, when our own back door is closed? The wordlovedoes appear frequently in the English language Bible, beginning in Genesis. The most used words are Lord. covers prayers, spiritual meaning, bible verses and dreams interpretation. Right here on Churchgist, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on how many times is hate mentioned in the bible,how many times is love mentioned in the nkjv bible, and so much more. Key verse: 1 John 5:13. The Bible says that mankind is made in the image of God, and that God is love. The word "faith" appears 336 times in . In 1 Corinthians 13, love (and in context, it) is used a total of 17 times in just 13 verses. LORD - mentioned over 7000 times. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. You're still dead, and then he says in verse 15 at the beginning: 'Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him'. The word love appears in the Bible hundreds of times, and though it is not the most used word in the Bible, it is one of the central themes and driving forces of Gods Word. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Now turn with me for a moment to 1 Corinthians chapter 13, to the great passage on love and its definition. Love does make the top 100 most used words in the Bible, along with other important concepts from the Bible likeHeaven, sin, peace, and Christ. Jesus changed that. John. The first time that love is mentioned in the Bible is in Genesis 2:4-5. The women might say: 'I love shopping'. 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