I have tried many times to find this church, and have failed. occupying the corner opposite the Dental Surgery at the entrance to Gainsborough Road. Do you know if the ferry driver gave a description of the apparition or say anything about who had seen it? Having determined the building to be empty, he locked up and went back to walking the perimeter. We both heard steel toe boots walking up the front concrete steps towards the front door, and heard someone put their hand on the doorknob. M T W T F S S 26 27 28 29 He moved to Canada in 1883 and became involved in logging, purchasing the sawmill in Chemainus. It was interesting to see that name popping up in my email. Picture two. The Hummingbird Pub, on Galiano Island. My husband and I also had a spooky experience in the house during our first winter together. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. we locked the doors and made it down to one of the driveways and my friend said to drive up and we get on the property and the first chapel was full of people all in white and they had there faces covered except this one and he looked like a big biker with a beared and he had something bent over and was screwing it he stopped and pointed at us and we turned around and they hopped in this old pickup and chased us he kept ramming the back of my truck I ran the stop sign on east wellington road and cut off the car coming and the guys chasing us hit the car and didnt look back. At dusk in the summer, the males show off to the females by zooming upwards after power diving. Ive come across stories of First Nations exorcisms as well as a Buddhist one. The Earth is Sacred. I will say that I did immediately recognize the sister of the man telling the story. Do you know if there are any theories as to who she is or what the story regarding her baby might be about? From November 6 2023 to December 22nd 2023, the castle will be open for guided tours only. Beban House is the current office for the Nanaimo Clippers Junior Hockey Club. He was super pale and terrified and wouldnt talk about it till the next day. This would be the first Port Hardy ghost story Ive come across. To see photos of what it used to look like, as well as a few photos from current day, check out the Cumberland Museums photo stream at https://www.flickr.com/photos/cumberlandmuseum/sets/72157629074194660. I can help clear up a couple of stories Mount Sicker, Chemainus, is indeed the sight of the ghostly woman Ive never heard of her being headless, but even more freaky is her sudden appearance in front of vehicles on the dark mountain road. He is most remembered for having had six wives throughout the course of his life, and for his controversial []. Im so scared and alone. Your Place or Mine (Image credit: Netflix) True Spirit: February 3. I watched the video again. I dont know if there is any connection, but years later I became extremely spooked by an energy in the basement bathroom that persisted over many years. Courthouse, Nanaimo (open) During the trial of Brother XII, a type of spiritual warfare was conducted between Brother XII & the disenfranchised members of the Aquarian Foundation and others who dared to bring him to court. Many Landslides back in the day. The Spirit of Vancouver Island. I once did some light research on it when I was looking for a home for a fiction story I was writing. The Paranormal Scholar is an offshoot of Ethereal Productions, whose debut documentary, In Search of the Dead, was released in 2019. Also, a UFO enthusiast disappeared here in 1980 and is believed to have blown himself up. I did not know about the horse and buggy tours! . There were two bedrooms on the upper floor and a sitting type area on the landing at the top of the stairs. 2 In Victoria. It was cool they included the shot inside the mine. Comox Avenue (Comox Hill Road), ComoxThe apparition along this road is known as Dancing Mary, a First Nations woman who lived in the early settlement. My sister and her friends were chased by men in a Ford bronco. 9.Henry Croft (1856-1917) - Temple Lodge, No.33. 138 E Fulton St, Canton, MS Price: $850,000 The Priestley House was built by Dr. James Priestley, Canton's first postmaster and one of its earliest doctors, around 1852.Both he and his wife . Our families story was the basis for the episode, but there were many liberties taken by the screenwriters during production. Everything about it was just strange. 07/03/2020. A wolfs eyes should also shine at night when hit with light just like any other dog/canine. Creepy area of the island. Some of it is settler guilt (a lot of bad things happened, as you say), some of it is Indigenous spirit belief (ghosts are accepted as real and part of daily life), but much of it is latent Christian ideas about who goes to heaven and what ground is sacred and which is tainted (colonist Christians felt Indigenous spirits were pagan, evil, and earthbound). But Lynn Maur espescially, a lot of people have lived here nigh on 120 years. The Gulf Islands, between Vancouver Island and the British Columbia mainland are included. Lots of people stop when they see us in the back lot to ask questions, or share their own experiences. Its a very old hotel. Croft was elected to the British Columbia Legislature in 1886, representing Cowichan, serving until 1894. Especially being that young! mom said why were you guys shaking my bunkbed last night now really why would we do that..she said it was shook really hard. 33 8 November 2022, 7:30 p.m. He said it was just the lights at the nearby airport. Some report creepy feelings of being watched on the mountain and near Butter Church. ! He asked, You saw it too, huh? That really bright yellow flash? He nodded. The other is the common nighthawk. I had a friend that lived up Horne lk rd and he had a couple of wolf/dog hybrids. This hauntings more often said to have occurred in Coquitlam, however, and is most likely a Nanaimo urban myth (link). In some reports, the spectre is described as being seven-foot tall. Sounds like a terrifying place to grow up! As its still relatively recent, hopefully itll get easier in time. I got the the dog and the cats (was shredded like a head of lettuce while doing it) and got them in the room with us. New Netflix movies in February 2023. We also had an injured hen that we kept in a kennel beside the woodstove inside the house. Herbert Croft was responsible for the rebuilding of Croft Castle after it was destroyed during the English Civil War. Stone buildings. That still isnt technically Cumberland, though, more Union. Beautiful part of our Island. One time I was in the washroom and I heard some voice saying bang,bang,bang it creeped me out so I looked under the stall. Hull. Henry Croft, founder of Crofton In 1900, Henry Croft purchased land at Osborne Bay for a smelter and townsite. Ill have to try and find that article. Ive been digging around, but havent come across much as of yet. Built in 1827, this huge brick structure was built to house the needy and the troubled (including murderers and the criminally insane), and nearly two hundred years on, is apparently one of the most haunted places in the world. Unless the phenomena of the BF has nothing to do with a real creature? Your first commentfeeling of searching for the spirit, do you mean that they felt as if they were being watched? What about dracs castle on the Courtney logging roads? Its a show that is called Haunted (only) on Netflix. I was wondering about some of your experiences, if you dont mind me asking. Here are some examples of Vancouver Island UFO sightings: For a list of other Vancouver Island Haunted Sites please visitHaunted Locations of Victoria. I was going through the motions of a bad breakup and I always felt so at peace driving though the Cameron Lake area until past Cathedral grove. Caddy (Cadborosaurus) has been seen all around the island by hundreds of people (Campbell River calls it Klamahtossaurus). If so that would be great! They would have had to be 61 years old to have even been infants in the house, let alone teens. Sarah is correct, his house was in Victoria. Looks like a beautiful heritage site. This was up on the Northern tip of Vancouver Island, in Port McNeill. Could hear sounds but never paid much attention to them. When I finally got to the next corner it quickly rose up and behind me then disappeared. There are underground tunnels which could be from either type of structure. Poltergeist activity has also been reported as well as people not feeling alone. The Paranormal Scholar. We could hear the cats and the dog freaking out by the side door which was just off the kitchen. The house was GONE! The amount of history there is insane. Inspired by significant profits, Croft bought a townsite near Mount Sicker and established the town of Crofton to build a copper smelter and house his workers. It measured 7.3. 4THE GHOST OF OWAIN GLYN DWR Haunted Britain. On another occasion We started realizing how creepy the area was when we started noticing a lot of houses in the area had red porch lights which is odd? Thank you for sharing your daughters experiences and your research as well. More Share House Rules Pets Allowed: Yes Smoking Allowed: No Kid Friendly: Yes Bathrooms I wonder how many of the reports are from incidents that took place Saturday from 3 to 11? Ive spent my whole life here. 8 mine, located between Courtenay, Cumberland and Bevan. Thing is, just as soon as I was driving North again, I was approached by a R.C.M.P police cruiser that drove right past me with a smashed out driver side window plain to see. Curious if you/any one has had similar experiences or heard stories. An Asian boy in old-fashioned dress has been seen by many witnesses especially children bouncing a red ball. Henry had her executed on charges of adultery, incest and high treason at the Tower of London. My mom told me that when she was a teenager (roughly 1989) that her and her friends were driving down Jingle pot, it was later in the night, around 9-10pm and they were listening to music, enjoying the night and all of a sudden something fell onto the top of their car and her friend that was driving hit the breaks, they all got out and there was a huge dent on the roof but nothing was there, so they parked off to the side and started walking down the road, they came to what they thought was another road but turns out it was a drive way, with a little dark brown cottage type looking house, they stood there for a few minutes debating weather to go back down the other way or not and they started to hear chanting so they continued to stand there and listen, then about 7-8 people in all black robes came from behind the house.. they could see my mom and her friends but chose to ignore them for whatever reason and kept chanting, louder and louder.. she said that they all had hoods on and she couldnt see any of their faces, she also said that the trees in the front yard had random things hanging off them and these people were walking around the trees, chanting things she didnt understand. Llewelyn is one publisher that deals with this type of outlook. I can also get you a copy of that news story. In the summer of 2014 I was walking home from a buddys place at about 9PM. For sure Damien! side-by-side (?). We both looked up into the sky, and just above the treeline we watched as two Streaks (I really dont know what else to call them.) He moved to Canada in 1883 and became involved in logging, purchasing the sawmill in Chemainus. Nothing online or in print that Im aware of anyways. I have told many people my story and dont care if they think I am crazy. Did the staff have any theories about who she is? Whatever the truth may be, despite the enormous rewards that were being offered at the time,Glyndr was neither captured nor betrayed. video, Reminds me of what happened to my GF. Even some of my own experiences lead me to believe that whatever these experiences/entities really are, there is a need to be wary and self protective. I can tell you a ghost story about every single room that the public has access to. a volunteer conducting a tour at Croft Castle. He died shortly before 4 oclock. Just before the planchette moved, they allegedly heard loud knocks on one of the castles windows. I know of another place that is haunted. Considering the village and its inhabitants to be a blight on the landscape, Herbert had them moved. *Spirits & Ghosts of Downtown Nanaimo by Donna Hill & Bruce Angus (2007) is an audio ghost tour of downtown Nanaimo. Safe to say I didnt sleep . Since then, theyve been seen here over the years.. Im aware of the Fisherman River area settlement, but Ive never been there. Mr. Croft was 61 years of age, having been born on January 15, 1856, at Mount Adelaide, Darling Point, Sydney. This place is definitly haunted, beds moving sideways or head to toe, sttrange noises. Having been from tip to tail of the big island and many remote places on the other islands I can honestly say there are many places that are not necessarily haunted but definitely spiritual. A-06673-Jefferson Randolph Smith, known as "Soapy Smith". After many attempts at redevelopment, this promontory of land is where the two towers of Swallows Landing now reside . The mill really is old, so it wouldnt surprise me if there was a story or two there as well. I remember hearing growing up about animal sacrifices and I too did hear of rituals in the area your talking about. It happened just a few kms down the road, and he had the car on a flat deck when he came home (not knowing it was my sister's friends who were involved.) A few of the commenters here have been notified that their experiences are part of the book. Could you give me a bit more information on its whereabouts? Ive been doing some digging and havent come across anything at all yet. He married Abigail Hunter in 1825, in Barnwell, Barnwell, South Carolina, United States. Thank you for your thought on it and the advice to look further into it. Was it an actual stone building? Thats too bad!! I really hate what happened to the native people and its no wonder there are ghosts everywhere here. thanks for the shout out Amanda! I was on the remains of the hotel floor, and felt the typical chill associated with hauntings, despite the August weather. I guess they should have moved in in the 80ties based on the persons ag or maby 90 ties. The Cameron Lake monster from section III (below) is reported here as well. It is said that seven spectres call Croft Castle home. (Thanks to my boyfriend who grew up here and knows just about everything about the valley.). The areas part of the Graveyard of the Pacific. I almost think now that the hauntings on Newcastle may not even be ghost; eventhough, I have had ghostly phenomina happen to me. I can only imagine how difficult this must be. I was petrified. It was checked by an archeologist as being ancient native, not a police matter of someone recently killed. The smell of pipe smoke, strange feelings, etc. Would be interested in hearing more about the Sasquatch Cece as well. One story which has been told by those who work at the castle is how a very tall skeleton was found at the base of one of the towers whilst renovation work was being completed in the early twentieth century. Now open for tours, the very brave are invited to walk through the rooms in the . The police were called, after the family fled in terror, and Constable O'Kelly arrived, only to have the unseen phantom throw items at him from the corner of the room. In 2013, the castle closed to the public so that major renovation work could be carried out. His coffin was carried in a procession from his home in Charles Street (now Phoenix Road), and Henry's medals and famous pearly hat was placed on top. The Quamichan Inn in Duncan is haunted. And kitchen staff, including myself, would hear loud thumping from above them later at night. Although a rather large dog. Just something about it. L. Damn. He was buried in St Pancras Cemetery on 7 January and his very long funeral cortege attracted the attention of British Pathe. Ive heard some interesting ghost stories from a woman who worked there long after the Residential School closed. so they ran out and later after they said they saw An older man checking out the area afterwards. I was scared to death that something worse had happened but thankful that shed only gotten to his driveway. Things were pretty normal up until that point. Also, electronic problems and issues with a door that wouldnt lock. In 1882, Mr. Croft arrived in Victoria and immediately took an active interest in the development of the Islands resources of timber. Too scared to leave the confines of Christianity, but rebellious enough to shake a fist at it. Hauntings blamed on Indigenous burials is an area I have been researching as the most prolific type of urban legend in North America. Loved it in there great vibes. Staff have claimed that they often felt a presence in the building. I mean, hes a magnate. A couple conformed Im sure, like most everyone else. And this is the first time I've ever even been on this site, so I just did about a dozen steps to even get to the point where I can reply. Id never heard of the cowboy ghost before. That is very interesting and a bit scary, about the influences spirit children have on ours (as well as adult spirits im sure). Really, I reported the incident to M.U.F.O.N but got no response and this is the only other time I have discussed the incident (except with loved ones) I have no reason to lie about what I witnessed, because of it I lost my job so I gained nothing from it. Arifa Akbar. Pretty much every residential school site for example, beaches where First Nations battles took place, pubs, hospitals you name it. I find it surprising that Forbidden Plateau in Strathcona Park is included here. It was AMAZING. Diane got a ride home and mom came and got us when she got off work. Still just yeah I knew, ohhh that was bad. Why in Pete's sake would any town ever let/make the family clean up the accident scene of the childhood friend? It is reputed that outside the window where Herbert was sighted standing there used to be a village. This sounds almost exactly like what happened to my sister and her friends in the late 90s. Or even make those who lived where it happened clean it up? All sudden the toilets all started flushing and the taps turned on. Swinging doors, strange sounds, and people claiming to see a lady dress in, white walking into the corner bathroom. My friend started it about ten years ago and it runs every Saturday from 3pm till 11pmmost weeks. There are some other comments about Cumberland as well, I just havent come across anything in books or print. Hope you enjoy . Ill have to write a post about this specifically someday. Id love to learn moreif theres more to it. She put the fish tackle at the foot of his bed, he is why she went to go sleep downstairs. I used to work at heriot bay inn. I think about ghost stories? Thanks for clarifying this Charlotte its much appreciated! He also said hed seen a big guy lurking behind the lodge a few times when he knew no one else to e around. Its position in the Welsh Marches has meant that Croft Castle and its inhabitants have been well-placed to find themselves embroiled in all manner of political and military manners throughout the centuries. I havent been able to find anything in print yet. 25.9 miles from Crofton, BC Newcastle Island Park is said to be haunted by those who have died in the mines beneath Newcastle, and by the ghost of Peter Kakua, a Hawaiian who murdered his wife, in-laws and baby daughter with an axe. I found this episode really interesting. Either habituated or rabies etc. An unidentified ship with people clinging to it has apparently been seen sinking off of the same rocks as well. The forum site is not well moderated. I am a member of a group called medieval chaos that is larp group in cowichan bay. Both children saw the ghost, who would . U said u wanted details I 4got just one, after the ladies baby drown n she disappeared her body was found floating in the river about a month after her baby died, they didnt know if it was an accident r suicide or foul play, there was no evidence 2show how she ended up there my Gramma said. tried to find it but never could. Perhaps underneath the street? He got there and it was quiet, but the whole house was trashed. Its a good time). They would need to have book or media sources to be added. Keeha Beach (Bay), BamfieldTheres an oral tradition on Vancouver Island of this beach being a sacred or holy place where several people have had personal experiences. I really like your account because the location is so specific and others had made the claim as well. I havent been able to find any mention of Farquhar Street and coal carts but Ill look a little deeper when I get the chance. It has housed a few different organizations, but seems to be an active area. People have heard unexplained footsteps in the courthouse or have felt unnatural cold patches, as well. Ive done so much research and Im interested in hearing more information anyone has This town has a lot of hidden secrets and like you mentioned, most dont want to talk about it. A couple of years ago there was a report of wolves heard howling between Horne and Spider lakes. Had a chat with one of the Newdastle island ferry drivers. This may have been the last sighting. Never knew much about it, as when I used to go there, maybe about 15-18 years ago it was just an open stone or concrete building with walls that were broken down. Also true we do tend not to embrace anything different around here. We were so confused, as we both heard it clear as day. Thanks a lot for sharing! There were also 2 men I believe who jumped into the box of one of her friends trucks and were trying to open the doors. A roadhouse where whores and gambling cheats where hanged in the basement. A few years ago, a coworker of mine decided to put these stories to rest, and had the High School students video the room while calling the spirit out. Heard later his ghost was there, but nothing ever confirmed that. Dracs Castle is a made up name from sometime in the 70s, early 80s; dont know why. Stars Vanda Chaloupkov Hana Baronov Vojtech Hzdal See production, box office & company info Watch on Netflix S1-3 with subscription Nature Beings, Shapeshifters, Ghosts & Ancestor Spirits. Hmm, been there many times while dirtbiking, partying or 4x4ingIt is pretty erie feeling. About 8-10 feet in diameter, 1-2 feet high. And now Im a bit more creeped out by all of the episodes I have watched ?? Coming from someone who lives in a small town of less than 800 people.. if you know who died, and we dont have a forensic crew or many cops around cause we share with the next town over.. you call it in they ask the circumstances and if the family has anyone to clean. Retrieved 06/03/2020. Which supposedly has underground tunnels that weird things happen to people in? Some of the pub staff know a lot about the history, and they all seem to have a ghost story or two . Thanks Shanon, The Nuhchahnulth legends from the area collected by Boas and Alexander etc, also have stories of a large hairy witch-woman sometimes referred to as a cannibal. two of the guys that were with me were crying and shaking cause we thought they were going to kill us and I know that 3 people died in the truck cause a bunch of ppl were in the bed of the pick up. Thank you for letting me know about this I had not even realized it would be about Henry Croft! Thank you for sharing Anna! I proceeded to stop the truck get out and proceed to relieve myself, .a moment later out of the corner of my eye I seen two blue and white lightened orbs, side by side in the air about 500 feet off the ground, off about a mile or so off to the south east and moving in my direction slowly! Also, the house was given to the Salvation Army and torn down in 1959. It has a Buc Miis/Sasquatch theme you might find interesting . I wasnt sure if I was going to share it or not originally (hey isnt that the guy who says he saw ghosts AND UFOs?), bust here it is for your viewing pleasure. The previous owners believed the spirit is a maid named Lena, whod drowned in the nearby river. Stone Croft with Stables (Later, Carriage House) . Yes I read Anthonys story and am sorry he lost his job over it. Hope this helps! One site claims that shadow figures have been seen here as well. Ive lived in the Coombs/Qualicum area my whole life and have experienced multiple hauntings in many buildings including places that you have written about on here. Mean that they often felt a presence in the up in my email 4x4ingIt pretty... Anything about who she is or what the story regarding her baby might be?! Watched on the upper floor and a sitting type area on the landscape, had..., henry croft house haunted myself, would hear loud thumping from above them later night... 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