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Harris County Carver Middle School Athletic Department HCCMS Athletic Fees All athletes that make a HCCMS Athletic Team will be required to pay an athletic fee of $60.00 per sport. 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This is the caption text. display: -ms-flexbox; Robert joseph emerson brown middle school principal at home school and compensation of young middle school student transcript from there was. 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Baseball Home Schedule Roster Photos Videos News More / Baseball Schedule Harris County Baseball Schedule Print OVERALL 0-0 0.00 Win % REGION 0-0 1st 5A Area 3 HOME0-0 AWAY0-0 NEUTRAL0-0 PF0 PA0 STREAK- $("#hp-slideshow").focus(); padding: 0px; if($.trim("One Team, One Dream") == "") { padding: 0px; } } text-decoration: none; font-size: 8px; display: block; /* GroupEnd */ /* GroupEnd */ top: 0px; ["Latin", "Latinae", "la"], bottom: 0px; "image": "Site Utility/31.png", [data-region="b"] li.has-thumb .ui-article a, Athletic Directors: Shelly Driskell-Ragan-AD, Track & Field:Coach Jazmin Thomas (girls), Harris County Carver Middle SchoolAthletic Department. 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