Our ancient Austin, Texas Gnostic Warrior news bureau reported long ago, that an oil prospector had found the remains of a giant human skeleton that is an incredible 18 feet tall. Ancient Origins 2013 - 2022Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. Giants - Texas skull. The death of David Rockefeller, the de facto Patriarch of the American establishment, at age 101, is being greeted by establishment media with praise for his alleged philanthropy. The first major discovery involves what was called The Death Valley Temple of the Giants. Scientists say that the directed evolution technique could open the door to interesting future discoveries. People are surprisingly hard to kill. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds. Im interested because of what Ive seen on you tube combined with remodeling the st Anthonys hotel in satx, where these people stayed, Ive now become keenly interested in obtaining more information. That speech was apparently the one that sealed his fate. J.N. Current estimates put the number of known American mounds at well over 100,000. This is another phony picture that was submitted to worth1000. The soldiers consulted a local tribe of Indians, who after going into trance, exclaimed they were geographically displaced Allegewi Indians from the Ohio Valley area. In June, USA TODAY debunked a false claim that a giant skeleton was found in Thailand. Questions as to the origin of The Secret Covenant have been debated and as it seems most have even dismissed it as a work of complete fiction but to those who have obtained a deep understanding of these things when presented with the facts cannot deny and ignore the Validity of this Demonic Manifesto. "Relics of a prehistoric race were discovered in Galveston Texas just previous to the storm that flooded the city. There are dozens of oral histories that revere them as gods, and sometimes as fearsome cannibalistic warriors. Home DNA testing has exploded in popularity in recent years, with millions of people around the world using these kits to learn more about their ancestry and genetic health risks. Hence, it is my opinion that this exceptionally large skull was not the result of endocrine pathology., Carolyn Spock Skulls of giants with cranial deformation. Experts say the skull is six times larger than the average human and they estimate this giant to weight approximately 2,000-2,500 pounds. Discovered in the early 1800s, the average stature of these giants was 7 feet tall. The American government has in the past deliberately poisoned the alcohol supplies and killed over 10,000 citizens to enforce the floundering Prohibition. The grave was surrounded by carved shells, huge stone axes, two spears and thin sheets of porphyry (purple mineral with quartz) covering the skeleton. There, also, he was deceived into subjecting himself to a series of purposely brutalizing psychological experimentsexperiments that may have confirmed his still-forming belief in the evil of science. In 1888 seven skeletons ranging from seven to 8 . Obviously then they won't attempt to gain their freedom if they already think they are free. This is one of Ken OKeefes most powerful talks to date and has extremely (strong language), but a passionate message. The strange twists, and Smithsonian involvement, and the immense amount of money spent on this makes this worthy of inclusion in this Top Ten. Although the Cliff Dwellers are generally thought of as a recent tribe, Smithsonian field reports from 1910 report signs of contruction dating back at least 5,000 years at some of the kivas that they explored. This, the latest film by John Pilger's will have you bathed in a cold sweat and bolt upright in no time. 10. If these bones make it to Smithsonian Institute they will be destroyed and buried. Mr. Mckinney, while making an excavation on the narrow watershed between the Brazos and Wichita rivers, came upon the fossilized skeleton near the surface. And there are many stories told by the Incans of giants being among them. That Texas had a giant in the beach in the long ago appears probable from the large skull recently unearthed on a mound in Victoria County, believed to be the largest human skull ever found in the United Estates and probably in the world. Inside the House of the Temple, Headquarters of the Scottish Rite in Washington D.C. Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble, UFOs, Kennedy, Nixon and the Alien Presence, NYPD: CHILD-SEX RING in Hillary Clinton Campaign and DNC Involves Members of Congress, Fed. In 1796, the Mandan were visited by the Welsh explorer John Evans, who was hoping to find proof that their language contained Welsh words. In 1905, Congress was petitioned to save the mound builder sites from destruction. Realizing the valuable and scientific character of the discovery a systematic search of the strata in the vicinity was made. When placed in earth ovens, the objects were shown to hold heat and aid in cooking food. This skull is now confirmed from the University of Texas, Progress of Greater Ancestors World Museum, The Home of Greater Ancestors World Museum. Marcus B. Goldstein, physical anthropologist, employed on the WPA project, formerly was an aide of Alen Horliken, curator of the National Museum of Physical Anthropology. Evans had arrived in St. Louis 2 years prior, and after being imprisoned for a year, was hired by Spanish authorities to lead an expedition to chart the upper Missouri. Is this stone proof an asteroid wiped out a civilisation just like ours 13,000 years ago and does it vindicate the maverick scholar who says a giant meteorite will destroy us in 2030? Violence is running out of control in Mexico as rival drug cartels battle over the smuggling routes to America. The Spanish explorers mention in their ship logs about running into tribes of giants in what is now . The temptation to think that what you are living may be a lie is too big to ignore. The tallest was believed to be a king who measured 92 tall and the average height of the skeletons was reported to be around 7 feet. The headline of this chart-topper reads: . Discussion about Giant Skeletons Found in Mounds Across America [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. All over what is now the U.S. are traditions of these ancient giants. Then, when you add the Davenport Stela to the mix, things get even stranger. In the fall of 1958 Theodore Kaczynski, a brilliant but vulnerable boy of sixteen, entered Harvard College. This statue caused a world-wide sensation and was exhibited in New York City to thousands of paying customers before it was declared a fake by the NY newspapers, despite the fact that scholars from Harvard and elsewhere insisted that the statue was genuine. 7 Legendary Cryptids that Turned Out to Be Real! Other Texas-size finds in this part of the country are also impressive. The dream stone of all runologists that can potentially provide clues to the origins of Western writing has been discovered in Norway. The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation. Giants are mathematically impossible and the proof is that no one (including those who "found" them) has a single bone. Haywood combines an exhaustive first person account of his many astonishing discoveries in combination with an excellent overview of the previous historical finds in the area. HyperNormalisation tells the extraordinary story of how we got to this strange time of great uncertainty and confusion - where those who are supposed to be in power are paralysed - and have no idea what to do. It may have been one of those excavated by Putnam, as he was the only person to dig at the site. One who does not realize they are a slave. (LogOut/ In addition, in Oklahoma, the remains of a city of 100,000 people was discovered and destroyed and on a near-by hillside the remains of a massive forge complex was recently identified and is under current study. Clearly, however, this could be an exaggeration, as 18ft is unheard of in the historical record, but the matter-of-fact description is intriguing. Bizarre History. Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State http://s8int.com/phile/page55.html I molded it and sent him a cast. http://amzn.to/1MrVH5L - US Amazon - http://amzn.to/1OxghHM - UK Amazon. McKinney does not explain how he arrived at the figures as to the probable period of the existence of this remarkable man. The site is located at a major confluence of the Mississippi, Missouri and Illinois Rivers, directly across the Mississippi River from present-day St. Louis. A new Florida Museum study that determined the age of skeletal remains provides evidence humans reached the Western Hemisphere during the last ice age and lived alongside giant extinct mammals.. Barbara Purdy, right, University of Florida anthropology professor emeritus and archaeology curator emeritus at the Florida Museum of Natural History on the UF campus, removes an anklebone of a giant . 1981. 10, the Great Serpent Mound skeleton looks like an old Sideshow Gaffe. We included it here to because there were no pictures with the story below but it was also claimed that some enormous skulls were found at a site not too far away as the chevy pickup goesAre any of these items, the giants an the rock wall connected? There have been no studies to date to determine whether this is a natural or man-made phenomona. Hugh investigated this site in September 2012 and after talking to some researchers at the local historical society, he found there were other skeletal remains reported in the nearby area. This fascinating discovery reports on a giant mummy found in San Diego (that is currently believed to be a hoax). While the authors certainly support this law, it does present a moral and ethical conundrum in terms of trying to ascertain the proof everyone wants to see - physical evidence of giants. An endless bombardment of news and gossip and images has rendered us manic information addicts. Mr. Kinney writes:I estimate that this man weighed from two thousand to twenty-five hundred pounds. A video series centered around the truth that humanity has been enslaved over and over again throughout history. Several books tell that giant bones were found in Nan Madol of Pohnpei, but no bones are on display. Over the past 40 years, members of one of the IDFs most elite and secretive units have been behind many of Israels greatest military and scientific breakthroughs. 7.) However, most people dont believe in giants, but rather scoff at the idea, saying its all just folklore that got mixed up and sensationalized by newspaper journalists. In addition to the spear points, some of the oldest pottery every discovered comes from South Carolina. Gaslighting is just one of the many weapons in the arsenal of personalities hell-bent on having their way, even if it means doing so by subtle and covert means of conning others. In fact, things should always be under close scrutiny of your intellect and reasoning capabilities instead of blind acceptance and submission. As the vast extent of this site has been uncovered, its primacy as the major trading site of the ancient Americas has gradually gained credence with traditional scholars. By CNN Newsource. Extremely ancient human remains have been found throughout New York State and New England that date back to at least 9,000 B.C. McDonald and Woodward / Carnegie Museum.1963. It might break you, too. Could it have been more like 8 feet tall if the shins and feet were intact? The Beast with an insatiable Hunger for Human Flesh, The Awe-Inspiring Karnak Temple Complex and Vatican of Ancient Egypt. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), And why is this remarkable skull missing from the collection? His epithet Panoptes means the one who is all-seeing and reminds us of the symbol of the all-seeing eye of God. The Steelville Ledger reported that the skeleton was packed up and shipped to the Smithsonian, never to be heard of again. If you are the author or represent the host site and would like this content removed now and in the future, please contact USSANews.com using the email address in the Contact page found in the website menu. (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 1898-1978, Progress of Greater Ancestors World Museum, The Home of Greater Ancestors World Museum. It is also interesting to note that the Director of Prehistoric Anthropology, Thomas Wilson, and the ethnologist in charge, W. J. McGee, were both involved in this story, and were obviously keen to make sure the Smithsonian got it back to their headquarters at an immense cost ($500 in 1895 equates to $14,285 today). Cushman then recounts the discovery in 1880 at a burial mound site near Plano, Texas, of human bones "of enormous size . Abortion in 19th century New York-- A 19th century house in Binghamton, New York, was occupied by a family with three children born between 1871 and 1875. But what I found to be the most interesting, is that when the Incan people were asked who built them, they clearly stated that it was the giants. Top Image: Graphic chart displaying the heights of various giant discoveries in North America. For sheer mind-blowing diversity, the discoveries across the state of Ohio may be the richest and most unusual in the country. The Mysterious Man from Taured Evidence for a Parallel Universe? Justice for Jill is a documentary about the suspicious death of Jill Dando and the fact she was investigating child abuse at Westminster, BBC and Elm Guest House at the time of her death. There are few things more appropriate for satirical critique than world politics and issues. UFO - Greatest Story Ever Denied presents a provocative review of some of the most important UFO events since Roswell in 1946. But recently, some experts went there because they believed the Incanscould nothave built it because when you look at some parts of the structure, you can see that although the bottom consists of the original stone, there are some parts on top where you can clearly see that different stones were used to fix or add to the existing structure. We include 250 of these accounts in our book Giants On Record: America's Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files . about The Kummakivi Balancing Rock and its Unlikely Explanation in Finnish Folklore, about The Leshan Giant Buddha: Largest Stone Buddha in the World, Breaking: Ancient Royal Tomb Discovered in Egypt, Thessaloniki Metro Construction Reveals Unimaginable Treasures, 7 of The Most Skilled Sword Fighters in History, The Oldest Art in the World Wasnt Made By Homo sapiens, The Discovery that Revealed Ancient Humans Navigated the Seas 130,000 Years Ago, European Monarchies Pay Their Respects at the Funeral of Greece's Last King, The Legendary Emerald Tablet and its Secrets of the Universe. Later the same year, Altmann reported finding more giants on an island in the Santa Barbara Channel, including one skeleton that measured in at 74 tall. "It was always a posh crowd who would arrive in chauffeur-driven Bentleys or Rolls Royces. (LogOut/ The solutions to the global crisis are not going to arise from the level of consciousness at which they are currently being generated. 6.) The origins of the North American giants are hotly debated by independent researchers, academics, and skeptics, but there is now enough data to begin serious research into the subject. The World is at a critical crossroads. The grisly find was brought to Dr. R. C. Parker here and stretched out to its enormous length in a hallway of his office where it has since remained the most startling exhibit Steelville has ever had on public view.. The core of the site measures approximately 500 acres (2.0km2), although archaeological investigations have shown that the total occupation area extended for more than three miles (5km) along the river terrace. This account from The Worthington Advance (November 18, 1897) describes the ethnological work of the Smithsonian Institutions Division of Eastern Mounds and quoted the Director of the Bureau of Ethnology at the time, John Wesley Powell. The saga of Samantha Lewthwaite is one of betrayal and revenge in a murky world where, somehow, a white woman born to a British soldier becomes a Muslim convert and then an international fugitive. Since ancient times and across multiple civilizations, Sirius, the dog star, has been surrounded with a mysterious lore. Mysteries Of The World Giant Skeleton. Meet the scientific prophets who claim we are on the verge of creating a new type of human - a human v2.0. Then there are the discoveries of the Iowa Archaeological Survey in association with the WPA, who uncovered 35 houses averaging 30 square feet, or the 75 foot temple mound that was found adjacent to the houses, or the eleven skeletons found buried in a circle with another chief in the center, this one 75 tall or the double-toothed giant exhibited in 1900 in a Williamsburg store window. The depth and hidden meaning of the film is truly remarkable and if contemplated proficiently, could change someones life forever. And they were laid totally different on top so those parts had to have been made by people who didnt know the original building methods for the structure. A massive, iconic terror event (a couple of people hit by a car, a policeman stabbed, an alleged perp shot) shocked and galvanized the world today. })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); Sometimes people wont let people handle their evidences, so try to work out something for the people that have the artifacts to have a replica done, and find out what it would cost for a reproduction to be made. The ancient mound in Homer, is a rare surviving relic of the moundbuilders culture which once flourished in central Ohio, leaving in its wake legends of giant skeletons found in mounds and temples excavated by early settlers who lacked the technology to preserve the giant bones. These had receding foreheads and complete double dentition. Dr. A. W. Furstenan reported unearthing an 8 ft tall skeleton with artifacts such as mortar, pestles, and arrowheads on Catalina. What the Smithsonian cannot say is fake are the over 100 skeletons that institution found in Poplar Bluff, including a chief who measured seven feet eight inches tall. As a rule they were soft and damp when they were first uncovered but many became fairly hard after being exposed a while to the sun. If cannabis and vitamin B17 kill cancer, why arent they approved by the FDA? At the Quantica Symposium Dr Rupert Sheldrake explains the origin of the materialistic world view and why this isn't capable of describing observable effects like telepathy, for example. Since the majority of the country still lived an agrarian lifestyle, awareness of the mounds was reinforced by daily contact with the actual sites themselves. As food and water shortages expand across the globe, as mounting poverty and misery trigger street protests in the Middle East, Africa and Europe, the elites do what all elites do. Megacities Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity A Pentagon Video. The Royal Family is up to more than you think. This website contains images of fossils found on our property in Hood Co., TX and other counties in Texas and Oklahoma. The Gore Creek skeleton is the oldest known set of human remains in Canada and this country's contribution to knowledge about North America's earliest inhabitants. He Is Not Guilty, A Conversation About Reality My Dinner with Andre (1981), BBC Handed Explosive Evidence of Massive Corruption to Topple the British Establishment, The Mother of All Conspiracies: The Flat Earth Hypothesis, The Symbolism Hidden Within The Wizard of Oz. They pervert, deform and dismantle systems of power to serve their immediate interests, squandering the future for short-term personal gain. Any evidence that you come in direct contact with, If you be a scout for me. Newspaper accounts, town and county histories, letters, scientific journals, diaries, photos, and Smithsonian ethnology reports have carefully documented this. Nearly 2000 human skeletons were found and scientists who examined the evacuations had just give an opinion that and ancient city had been submerged by tidal wave that drowned all the inhabitants when the calamity of centuries ago was repeated. He about Skeleton of Irish Giant, Charles Byrne, to be Removed from Public Display, about Argos Panoptes The All-Seeing Giant of Greek Mythology, about Extreme Drought Exposes Theropod Dinosaur Tracks in Texas River. Reply Dom sugar on August 23, 2022 at 12:17 pm The image below accompanied the news report. The remains were discovered by chance in 1975 when bones were noticed eroding from the wall of a rain-soaked washout in a gully 40 km east of Kamloops, British Columbia. The monumental construction is a group of six concentric, crescent ridge earthworks, divided by five aisles radiating from the center at the river bank. America, Archeology, Science 3 December, 2014 Smithsonian Admits to Destruction of Thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in Early 1900s skull-giant A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900s that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence showing giants [] found vertebrae "larger than those of the present type" in Wisconsin mounds in 1876. Although North and South Carolina are not generally known for their ancient mound builder cultures, it turns out that both states have a long and colorful history of giants, missing skeletons, pygmies called moon-eyed children, and ancient sheet mica mines that were used to supply major mound builder sites across the North American continent. In this unique Top Ten, we look at some examples of giant skeletons that were reported from across ancient North America (although we warn you now that Number 1 is so large, we admit it may not be authentic). Skeletons of 5,000-year-old 'giants' found in China. In his address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, John F. Kennedy talked about 'a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy' that rules the world. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the , Gordon Bowden is an ex RAF officer who has spent the last 13 years uncovering detailed and forensic evidence of massive corruption within the British establishment that involves, All Wars Are Bankers Wars explores a common central banking connection behind Americas wars. Scholars believe almost 62 percent of these were sacrificial victims, based on signs of ritual execution and method of burial. J.N. When partly joined the largest skeleton was almost ten feet tall. 01:19 - Source: CNN. We discuss the various odd circumstances regarding the event, ranging from the high kill ratio to Stephen Paddocks curious background. John Haywood (1753-1826) was a historian known as the "father of Tennessee history.". The entire region is scarred by ancient mine pits and trenches up to 20 feet deep. See how a slave system of this kind is created. Why do many natural phenomenons elude from conventional explanations of natural sciences? One example can be found in the writings of Tuscarora Indian David Cusick in his book Six Nations (1825). That Texas "had a giant in the beach" in the long ago appears probable from the large skull recently unearthed on a mound in Victoria County, believed to be the largest human skull ever found in the United Estates and probably in the world. An intriguing and captivating hour-long interview. will be proven by the giant mummies wrapped in fine textiles and dated to that period and found in Spirit Cave in Nevada. Smithsonian Removes 564 Skeletons In Kern County, California, Bakersfield Californian, March 28, 1934, - Over 500 skeletal remains and over 4,000 artifacts of an ancient giant race of humans were exhumed by the Smithsonian Institute on a Tulamni Company lease near the town of Taft. The search for a missing 4-year-old girl in Oklahoma is now being considered a "recovery operation" to find the toddler's remains, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said on Jan. 16. If you don't want to use the meta description for sharing the post on Facebook but want another description there, write it here. Five miles north near Dresbach, the bones of people over 8 feet tall were found. It was noted that the wall was made from hard red bricks, some of an immense size. The United States nominated Poverty Point for inclusion on theUNESCO World Heritage Listin January 2013. Find out the secrets. Its antiquity unquestionably great, to my own personal knowledge several such crania were discovered in the Hopewell group of mounds in Ohio. It was estimated to be 18 feet tall, and the bones were being prepared to be sent to New York. If you ever wanted to know the CIA's secret recipe for invisible ink, how to spot spy messages hidden in suspicious fruit, or which top American spy was asked to appear in Penthouse magazine, you're in luck. Finds made through excavations in Texas are begining to give weight to the theory that man lived in Texas 40,000 years ago, it is said.

ga('create', 'UA-61159911-1', 'auto'); In addition to the human skeletons found in NY State, there is also the famous case of The Cardiff Giant, a white alabaster-like statue of an 11-foot man which showed an exposed penis and hieroglyphic inscriptions. A newspaper article from 1940 tells that a giant- sized skull was found in Texas. Rather, every statement comes with a percentage of correctness that we unconsciously filter through our personal bullshit meter and file it accordingly in our brain. In the summer of 1996, while wading in the shallows of the Columbia River near Kennewick, Washington, two students stumbled onto a skeleton. I mean, Jay Leno couldnt compare to this guy! We cover all the theories of their origins in our new book, ranging from the Denisovans of Siberia to the Nephilim of the Bible Lands. An expedition into the world of the 15,000 lobbyists in the EU-capital, of the PR-conglomerates, think tanks and their all embracing networks of power and their close ties to the political elites. Our history is not what we been lead to believe! that a large skull was found in 1939. . Many people believe that The Wizard of Oz was (and is) an allegory for the radically new state of affairs that existed in America in the 1930s, following the stock market crash and the bankruptcy of the United States Government which occurred immediately thereafter. There is too great a difference in the heads of the Cliff Dwellers skeletons and the present Indians to allow any connection or relationship between them., To give a further idea of just how distorted our view of the extent and size of the Cliff Dweller population, here is a report from the Oakland Tribune of 1926 about the discovery of a six-mile long straight city in Nevada. Several thousand skeletons were removed in the process of evacuation. Deemed too controversial for TV, it is unlike many of the UFO documentaries found on network television nowadays. As digs progressed in other parts of the state, archaeologists in Wheeling, WV found another grouping a giants ranging in height from 67 to 76 and also displaying unusual skull formations with low foreheads that sloped back gradually, while the back part of the head is very prominent, much more so than the skulls of people living today. Adjacent to these finds, an eight-mile wall and a hilltop temple were also found in Marshall County on Mount Carbon. The CONNECTED UNIVERSE explores new understandings in science that reveal a bigger picture of interconnection than what we have ever imagined. The bones of this individual do not indicate excessive stature, but they are remarkably robust and plainly point to a very muscular man. Mammoth sphinxes guard the House of the Temple of the Scottish Rite, a formidable neo-Classical building in the heart of Washington, D.C. Strong and W.M. Hillary Clinton says that when she and her husband moved out of the White House 15 years ago, they were dead broke. Today, theyre worth more than $150 million. //Amzn.To/1Oxghhm - UK Amazon she and her husband moved out of the strata in the vicinity was made hard! Universe explores New understandings in science that reveal a bigger picture of interconnection than what we lead., they were dead broke runologists that can potentially provide clues to the probable period of the important. Her husband moved out of control in Mexico as rival drug cartels battle over the routes... Then they wo n't attempt to gain their freedom if they already think they are.! Do many natural phenomenons elude from conventional explanations of natural sciences pm the Image accompanied! 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