Leaming DV. However, the cataract surgeon did not document having made this call and the case was settled. For cataract surgery litigation, 119 cases (21 percent) led to settlements, totaling $22.9 million. Furthermore, there was a wide variation in the size of indemnity payment (payment to a plaintiff) across specialties, and the specialties that were most likely to face indemnity claims were often not those with the highest average payments.5 For example, pediatrics was 24th among 25 specialties with regard to proportion of physicians facing a malpractice claim annually, but it had the highest mean amount of indemnity payment. In the univariate analysis, final visual acuity, development of corneal edema, and the difference between preoperative visual acuity and final visual acuity were found to be statistically significant. Medical malpractice experiences of vitreoretinal specialists: risk prevention strategies. The estimated incidence of the complication of retained or dropped lens fragment in the literature is 0.1% to 1.6% of cataract surgeries, but in the current study 12.5% of closed claims related to cataract surgery were associated with retained lens fragments. Kraushar MF, Turner M. Medical malpractice litigation in ophthalmology: the New Jersey experience. The mean defense costs were significantly lower in cases that were dismissed but were considerably higher in cases that went on to a trial, even when there was no indemnity paid. Although the retina can detach not only after cataract surgery but also during or after pars plana vitrectomy by the retina specialist to manage retained lens fragments, it is interesting to note that the cataract surgeon was still more likely to be named as the defendant in this study. WebWe filed a case against the opthalmologist who performed the surgey. Florida and Louisiana each had 10 claims. 19851989. At this time, some bleeding was noted to arise from below the lens nucleus and the defendant elected to stop at this point. A number of studies have found that there is substantial variation in the likelihood of malpractice suits across specialties and the cumulative risk of facing a malpractice claim is high in all specialties.26 The Physician Practice Information Survey by the American Medical Association of 5,825 physicians across 42 medical specialties, fielded in 2007 and 2008, found that an average of 95 claims were filed for every 100 physicians, almost 1 per physician, as a group.2 However, the chance of being sued each year for a physician was about 5%. Therefore, it appears that same-day vitrectomy is not necessary, and it may be better to allow the eye to recover from the complicated cataract surgery prior to vitrectomy. Clinical features and outcomes of pars plana vitrectomy in patients with retained lens fragments after phacoemulsification. Over 3 million cataract surgeries are performed annually in the United States.18 Given the frequency of this procedure, perhaps it is not surprising that cataract surgery is the single most frequently named procedure in malpractice actions against ophthalmologists.1315 An uncommon but potentially devastating complication of cataract surgery that can affect both the anterior segment and the posterior segment surgeons is posterior dislocation or retention of lens fragments during cataract surgery. Associated factors were analyzed for (1) going on to a trial or settlement rather than being dismissed, and for (2) indemnity payment vs no payment. In the univariate analysis the P values for continuous variables were calculated based on nonparametric tests: Wilcoxon rank sum test for two groups (indemnity payment vs no indemnity payment) and Jonckheere-Terpstra trend test for multiple groups (trial vs settlement vs dismissed). 23-gauge transconjunctival pars plana vitrectomy for removal of retained lens fragments. Nevertheless, this study utilized malpractice claims data from the largest insurer of ophthalmologists in the United States with a potential for broad representation of ophthalmologists throughout the country and is the only study to date on legal outcomes related to the cataract surgery complicated by retained lens fragments. Therefore, cases that start out with poor visual acuity and end up with poor final visual acuity are less likely to result in a trial, settlement, or indemnity payment than cases with relatively good preoperative visual acuity that end up with poor final visual acuity. Pars plana vitrectomy for the management of retained lens material after cataract surgery. There was additional $103,000 in legal expenses. Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use, Supplemental Terms, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. The new PMC design is here! For the use in multivariate modeling, an optimal transformation from the Box-Cox family was calculated for each nonnegative continuous variable. One of the ways to reduce the complication of retained lens fragments could be monitoring and reducing the possibility of a sudden patient movement during surgery. Vitrectomy for retained lens material after cataract extraction: the relationship between histopathologic findings and the time of vitreous surgery. Immediate pars plana vitrectomy improves outcome in retained intravitreal lens fragments after phacoemulsification. In 10 cases, the tear of posterior capsule was not recognized by the cataract surgeon or was not indicated in the operative note and only became apparent during the investigation of the case. She underwent pars plana vitrectomy, scleral buckling procedure, membrane peeling, removal of IOL, endolaser, and gas-fluid exchange. Ross WH. In the multivariate analysis, only the amount of change between preoperative and final visual acuity ( logMAR visual acuity) was found to be statistically significant in predicting more severe legal outcome. If you have experienced complications after cataract surgery because of surgical error, consult with the St. Louis surgical error attorneys at Zevan and Davidson Law Firm, LLC at (314) 588-7200. Among these, the patients sought a second opinion and referred themselves in 3 cases. WebIt was discovered that a 23-power lens was inserted in the left eye, instead of the intended 20-power lens. Complications of retained nuclear fragments in the anterior chamber after phacoemulsification with posterior chamber lens implant. Indemnity payments totaling more than $3,586,000 were made in 32 (30%) of the cases. Initiation and compliance with any medications to treat inflammation or increased intraocular pressure should be documented. One unit change between preoperative and final visual acuity ( logMAR visual acuity) resulted in a 2.30-fold increase in likelihood of indemnity payment (P=.001). Claims that were dismissed, dropped, or closed without compensation were combined as dismissed, and the term dismissed was used interchangeably with closed without compensation, dropped, and withdrawn, unless specified. Plaintiff files a medical negligence lawsuit in Worcester County, alleging that the Defendants violated the standard of care by failing to calculate properly the Although these findings may cause fear and increased practice of defensive medicine by physicians, better understanding of the incidence, associated factors, and outcomes of medical malpractice claims may result in increased knowledge to the physicians and more effective and improved care to the patients. Since the number of OMIC-insured ophthalmologists continued to grow each year over this 21-year period, the frequency of closed claims related to retained lens fragments relative to the total number of physicians insured per year was actually the highest in 1997 (Figure 3). An official website of the United States government. Medical malpractice and respondeat superior. Scott IU, Flynn HW, Jr, Smiddy WE, et al. Oruc S, Kaplan HJ. Cataract surgery involves removing a cloudy lens from the patient's eye and replacing it with a clear, artificial lens. Although cataract procedures have become fairly routine and rarely have serious complications, there are some risks still associated with the surgery. The most common risks are: When Is It Medical Malpractice? Claims data of all the identified claims based on coding were reviewed and further narrowed to include only those claims where there was a mention of a retained, dropped, or dislocated crystalline lens fragment with or without other comorbidities. She underwent corneal transplantation, pars plana vitrectomy, membrane peeling, and silicone oil placement. However, he could not complete the surgery and his retinal colleague needed to intervene intraoperatively. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. To win a malpractice case against your ophthalmologist, you will first need to prove that your ophthalmologist did not provide treatment that was in line with the "medical standard of care," which is usually defined as the level of care that a reasonably competent health care professional, with similar training and in the same medical community, would have provided under the circumstances. These items can be broadly separated into those pertaining to (1) the physician, (2) the patient, (3) preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative clinical data, and (4) the litigation. Bettman JW. Vitrectomy with endoscopy for management of retained lens fragments and/or posteriorly dislocated intraocular lens. The claim alleged that the physician was inappropriately aggressive in attempting to retrieve the nucleus and that he was not qualified to do so. Rosenbaum JT, Samples JR, Seymour B, Langlois L, David L. Chemotactic activity of lens proteins and the pathogenesis of phacolytic glaucoma. Furthermore, they estimated that an additional $45.59 billion was spent on defensive medicine, most of which went to pay for tests, procedures, and treatments associated with defensive medicine. The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of the Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) framework to sustainably reduce wrong intraocular lens (IOL) implants in cataract surgery. WebAllegation Wrong power IOL insertion led to complicated lens exchange surgery. LIST OF ALLEGATIONS IN THE CLAIMS RESULTING FROM CATARACT SURGERY COMPLICATED BY RETAINED LENS FRAGMENTS. The case was closed with an indemnity payment of $215,000. Best bet is to get a second medical opinion, and have a local Palestine malpractice lawyer order your records to investigate. Use Avvo's lawyer fin Simon JW, Ngo Y, Khan S, Strogatz D. Surgical confusions in ophthalmology. Physicians with higher clinical activity also may have greater exposure or deal with more complex medical situations. When the verdict was in favor of the plaintiff, the indemnity payment was higher than the settled cases and the legal expense related to the claim was higher than the mean of all closed claims for retained lens fragments. Although the final visual acuity was important, the most important factor associated with going to a trial or resulting in an indemnity payment was found to be the amount of visual acuity loss following cataract surgery complicated by retained lens fragments, such that the greater the difference between the baseline visual acuity and the final visual acuity, the greater the likelihood of a claim resulting in a trial or indemnity payment. Over twice the amount was spent on cases that eventually went on to an indemnity payment compared to those that did not end up with a payment. In the multivariate analysis, two factors were found to be associated with indemnity payment: (1) the difference between preoperative visual acuity and final visual acuity and (2) the development of corneal edema or corneal decompensation. However, they could not eliminate the possibility of the second week of surgery being just as adequate, since this time point could not be analyzed based on the published studies. WebMedical board investigations are now often triggered by mandatory reports from surgery centers and hospitals. Currently OMIC is the largest insurer of ophthalmologists, with 40% of the market share, and has twice as many ophthalmologists as policyholders as the next largest insurer of ophthalmologists.17 Claims data from OMIC has been utilized in other previous studies related to ophthalmology.911 The OMIC Risk Management Committee gave approval for this study and granted access to the data under agreements protecting the identities of the patients, surgeons, and institutions. In: Gonzalez ML, editor. The technical lens was suppose to give me even better vision in the right eye. The estimated effects of each predictor are shown in Table 8. OMIC underwriting applications and claims records were reviewed. They ranged from a low of $7,500 to a high of $500,000. Wilkinson CP, Green WR. After performing an anterior vitrectomy, the cataract surgeon may consider putting in an IOL at the time of complicated cataract surgery but should have the correct type and power of IOL available in order to avoid poor visual outcome and subsequent allegations. Therefore, the total cost of malpractice claims for these 108 cases was nearly $7 million. Posterior-assisted levitation in cataract surgery. Hickson GB, Federspiel CF, Pichert JW, Miller CS, Gauld-Jaeger J, Bost P. Patient complaints and malpractice risk. Among these 10 cases, general anesthesia was not cleared, and the surgery was performed under monitored sedation in 1 case, the patient woke up suddenly during surgery in 2 cases, and the patient reportedly moved suddenly during the cataract surgery in 4 cases. According to the Physician Insurers Association of America (PIAA), a large multispecialty liability insurance carrier, the following occurred in 2008: 65% of claims were dropped, dismissed, or withdrawn; 25.7% were settled; 4.5% were decided by alternative dispute mechanism; and 5% were resolved by trial, with the defendant prevailing in 90% of those tried cases.79, It is important to point out that the claim frequency should not be used as an estimate of the error rate or malpractice rate in medicine. Baldwin LM, Larson EH, Hart LG, et al. An opening in the inferior portion of the posterior capsule was seen and retinal detachment was confirmed. Outcome of vitrectomy for retained lens fragments after phacoemulsification. Most cases of elevated intraocular pressure can be managed with medication or be resolved with pars plana vitrectomy.2024,2834,50,51 However, there were claimants in this study who required glaucoma surgeries to lower intraocular pressure and others who had suffered permanent visual field loss despite improved visual acuity. 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The vitrectomy probe was inserted in an attempt to aspirate the lens, but the lens could not be aspirated to be removed. Sponsored by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, OMIC is the largest professional liability insurer for ophthalmologists in the United States, currently insuring over 4,300 ophthalmologists throughout the 49 states (all states except Wisconsin). One study shows that 12.5% of closed medical malpractice claims associated with cataract surgery were related to retained lens fragments. This gender spread was compared with OMIC data on demographics. Margherio RR, Margherio AR, Pendergast SD, et al. Bessant DA, Sullivan PM, Aylward GW. It also does not answer whether true negligence and damage were present in these malpractice claims. Among the 3 claims involving retina surgeons, one claim alleged negligent surgery to remove the dropped nucleus and dislocated IOL, which allegedly led to a subsequent retinal detachment. Mean change in visual acuity between preoperative visual acuity and final visual acuity for all patients was a worsening of 2 lines. Once an insured becomes aware that a wrong site surgery or incorrect power iOL insertion has occurred, the incident should be reported to OMICs Claims Department or confidential Risk Management hotline at (800) 562-6642, option 2 HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The retina successfully reattached with a final visual acuity of 20/25. Since corneal edema is a common finding in eyes with retained lens fragments, close postoperative monitoring and appropriate treatment are advised.2022,27 Furthermore, the cataract surgeon should minimize significant trauma to the cornea intraoperatively during an effort to handle posterior dislocation of the lens material. Retained nuclear fragment in the anterior segment. Although documentation of informed consent does not prevent a malpractice claim, a better informed decision process may set realistic expectations by a patient, and presence of an appropriate informed consent is crucial when there is a malpractice claim. The term claim was used in this study to include suits, unless specified. Kane CK. Estimated fees to plaintiffs attorneys were $2 billion, which was included in indemnity payments. There are reports of using a technique called posterior-assisted levitation by cataract surgeons to attempt removal of posteriorly dislocated lens fragments.6668 The chopstick technique and other methods have been reported as well.69,70 However, unless one is experienced in these techniques and is ready to defend the use of these techniques during the litigation, it would be best to avoid aggressive retrieval of the nuclear fragment during an impending posterior dislocation.42,48,61,71 In one of only two claims that resulted in a plaintiff verdict, the cataract surgeon also had some retinal training but the jury felt that he was not sufficiently trained to properly handle the situation. Patients sought a second opinion and referred themselves in 3 cases between preoperative visual acuity for all was. Lens, but the lens could not complete the surgery to complicated lens exchange surgery Hart! 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