He practised intensively at Lambeth Baths, in the Thames, and in the Channel itself. The Hospital was closed in 1809, and the buildings were turned over first to the Royal Naval College and later the University of Greenwich. While he was at Oxford attending a meeting of these Contrariants, the blue touchpaper was lit. It has been for some years possessed by the family of In January 1861, a minor incident led within days to a major insurrection at St Marys Island Prison in Chatham. Tossed around by wind and tide, he ended up breast-stroking 40 miles in a zigzag course before he reached Calais; strong currents held him up for five hours. The high stewardship of the honour of Otford has In July 1967, the crew of Folkestone Salvage attempted to retrieve the munitions on board. and it is otherwise watered by two other streams which But for Churchills premature label, it might even have been known as the Battle of Kent. On December 4th, 1957, the 5.18 pm electric train service from Charing Cross to Hayes set off with 1,500 commuters. David Polhill, esq. He charged her with making it happen by witchcraft. In 1256, the Bishop persuaded Pope Alexander IV to canonise William, and a shrine was built. Perhaps mercifully, it was never established who set off the fire too soon. In 1808, a cadet called John Grant was found guilty of arson. David Polhill, esq. No sooner than the Hundred Years War with France ended in 1453, the aristocracy got the Wars of the Roses started. and Robert William; for they had, in the 46th year Many cars were damaged, thousands of windows broken, and the town centre covered in what looked like snowdrifts. The Battle of Otford was a battle fought in 776 between the Mercians, led by Offa of Mercia, and the Jutes of Kent.The battle took place at Otford, in the modern English county of Kent.. Any murder featured in the Chamber of Horrors at Madame Tussauds waxworks must be extraordinary. St Bartholomews was built by Archbishop Gundulf fifty years before its more famous namesake in London. It Few Woolwich residents can have lamented the demise of their council, which by then had been subsumed into the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The other third part of He adopted an orphan he came across at a church, naming him Cockermay Doucri or Foundling David, and taught him his trade. afterwards the succeeding archbishop, Walter Reynolds, had the king's licence to purchase lands in that The ship rebuilt in 1660 and renamed Royal Sovereign fought in major battles both against and alongside the Dutch, but was destroyed by fire at Chatham in 1696. She was known for beauty and wits, he for sophistication and hedonism. It was not until the Sunday morning that the wrecked hull and paddles were sighted on Tongue Sands. His stance contrasted strikingly with that of Indias previous overlords, the Moghul Empire, whose founder Mrz Zahr ud-Dn Muhammad avowedly detested India, and tolerated Indians only as a source of riches. An orderly noticed that a fire had been started by a clothes iron that had been left on, and at 6.40 am alerted the Fire Brigade. chief baron of the exchequer, who died in 1778, as did Huguenot was another religious name coined as a term of derision. The plane struck trees, and half the 16 on board were killed. He equipped that ship, the East Goodwin Lightship, for radioing the South Foreland Lighthouse, which was instantly in touch with the Ramsgate lifeboat. of which was worth fourteen pounds per annum beyond that sum. Detective Inspector Arthur Neil lured Smith into revealing himself, and by a clever process of investigation worked out how his victims, including a third at Herne Bay, had been killed. A turning-point occurred on March 31st, 1916, when ten German airships were forced back from London by conditions. The event is marked by a memorial at Lenham church, where a commemorative service is still held annually. The Weald having long been a hive of Lollard dissent, with Tenterden, Benenden, and Cranbrook at its centre, he presided over a purge, starting in April 1511. The lifeboat Friend To All Nations capsized with the loss of nine lives. There is one word to say to anyone who demands that the wreck of SS Richard Montgomery off Sheppey be disarmed: Kielce! Originally called Edgar Wakeman, SS Kielce was a Polish cargo ship that in 1946 collided with the French vessel Lombardy off Folkestone, and sank on her side in 35 feet of water. The following day, they ran the thread from the houses tower to the garden, and finally across 800 feet of paddock. There was significant damage in Folkestone four miles away. It showed 17 seconds of waves crashing against the Admiralty Pier. (fn. Around the age of 40, she took a shine to her doctor, whose wife she secretly poisoned, though not fatally, with a chocolate cream. The other battle was fought in 1016, between King Edmund, surnamed Ironsides, and Canute, the Danish King. of Chepsted. Charles would personally receive a monumental bribe from France, plus the help of French troops in case of rebellion. With the Napoleonic Wars over, the Royal Navy had unused resource. Conscious of its status as the nations senior county, Kent was never backwards in putting forward its opinion on national matters, never mind how unpopular they might be. Otford. On September 25th, 1975, an alert sapper called David Campbell noticed something suspicious beneath a car parked opposite the Hare & Hounds, a pub facing Maidstone Prison that was frequented by soldiers from the adjacent Royal Engineers barracks. On October 21st, 1639, a sea-battle took place in Kentish waters between two alien powers. mentioned before, remained in the crown till king Edward VI. Stillman In a matter of a fortnight, however, spring was bypassed and high summer arrived early. Her life ended tragically. 14), This estate afterwards came into the name of Palmer, ancestors to those of Bekesborne, who bore for Louis departed the scene, returning in May 1217 to renew his assault with a huge siege engine. Sadly, Rolls was killed a month later when a control cable on his aeroplane broke, making him the first British aviator to die. It is astonishing to think that the worlds largest democracy traces its origins to a civil servant born in St Mary Cray. Kents Petition of 1642 had only goaded Parliament into civil war. THE MANOR OF SERJEANTS OTFORD, with the (Cropped). Among other monuments and memorials in this church, in the Another three were saved the same way minutes later, but a third attempt proved fruitless: the other eight had drowned. name, conveyed it by sale to king Henry VIII. He was proclaimed King of England by his supporters, and went off to suppress much of the South, while John skulked in the West. HEREABOUTS TOOK PLACE/ ON THURSDAY THE 18TH OF JUNE A.D. 1450/ THE BATTLE OF SOLEFIELDS/ FOUGHT BETWEEN ROYALIST TROOPS UNDER/ SIR HUMPHREY STAFFORD - AND MEN FROM/ KENT LED BY JACK CADE Inscription legible? She had just completed trials after a refit, and was returning after dark to Sheerness from Chatham with her full crew and 18 workmen. Eight months after the collision, she was stopped off Dover and confiscated. The name was changed to the Imperial War Museum in acknowledgement of Indias contribution to the British Army. The inquiry pinpointed five contributory factors. The next morning, Tromp attacked with fire-ships as the enemy tried to break out. A Yorkshireman, he served in the Army before taking up a favourite occupation of ex-soldiers, highway robbery. There was much wisdom after the event, with pundits especially blaming insufficient testing. Eleven of the twelve carriages came off the tracks, and four overturned when they reached points. The engine struck it and turned sideways, causing the following carriages to pile into it. In view of the nature of its occupants, it was built outside of the city wall in a part of Chatham under Rochesters jurisdiction. Sir George Harper, anno 33 king Henry VIII. Four hours before high tide, the normal high-tide mark had already been reached. They had been found guilty of burning down a haystack, for which they obviously deserved to be strung up. The arable land is 42 carucates; in demesne there are 6 carucates. This was a so-called Liberty ship one built for Britain in the USA during WW2 that the Americans had cheekily named after one of their Revolutionary War heroes. On January 24, 1809, they found themselves together in the Downs off Deal, ready to make their way to Madras. The source was identified as the spring at Farleigh supplying parts of Maidstone with water, which had probably been polluted by hop-pickers down from London. The Indemnity & Oblivion Act pardoned most conspirators, but for 104 Regicides there was to be no amnesty. The battle was lost, Audley was executed, and reparations were exacted. The landlord, Brian Wooster, was in the habit of watching out for trouble coming through the door, but had not expected a threat from across the street. They all served little use. The tremors were felt right across southern England; so the effects of the two-minute quake were considerable in Kent, particularly in Canterbury, Dover, and Sheerness. In 1912, it was also the birthplace of the Royal Naval Air Service, which in 1918 merged with the Royal Flying Corps to form the RAF. 9) but this afterwards After divorcing Jacqueline, Humphrey settled with Eleanor at Placentia Palace in Greenwich, where they ran a celebrated court frequented by the artistic slebs of the day. In March 1642, with hostilities looming, an initiative arose from Maidstone Assizes. September 27th, 1940 saw the last armed confrontation between British troops and a foreign enemy on home soil. at which time it appears that there was a park here, The two survivors were given leave to stay in Britain for four years. This one was a gift from Henrys French brother-in-law, Louis IX. manoeuvres that ended in the battle of Otford. The conspirators met at Saltwood Castle to plan their attack, and assembled at Conquest House in Canterburys Palace Street immediately before going to confront their victim. rout to the Isle of Shepey, and had he not desisted [5] Edmund was then joined by his brother in law, Earl Uhtred of Northumbria, and attacked towns which according to Anglo-Norman chronicler William of Malmesbury, had sided with Cnut. Parliament responded prudently by striking an alliance with the Dutch and Sweden to counter French aggression. RYE-HOUSE is an estate here, which was formerly For Britain, it was a classic victory over a world-class opponent for a nation that, a thousand years later, would possess the finest fleet in the world. Edmund joins forces with the Northumbrian Uhtred Edmund and Cnut ravage Cnut's army closes on York, and Uhtred and the Northumbrians submit to Cnut April 23, 1016. He was in effect a harbinger of the English Reformation. surviving son, Sir Robert Sidney, by letters patent, When he was charged with the robbery, the Mayors alibi sufficed to get him off. One particularly startling accident took place on June 18th, 1951. On the On December 24th, three farm-workers were hanged together: Henry and William Packman, and John Field, a.k.a. She then began obtaining chocolate creams from a local confectioner, John Maynard, and returning them after adding her own ingredient: strychnine. parish towards the enlarging of it, (fn. But the little or Lesser Park, lying on the north Ignored, Cade convened an army of 5,000 at Blackheath. Greatness farms, containing about eight hundred and All but the foremost group of cadets had been mowed down. Sampson Waring, of Rochester, who, some few years (fn. The loss appears trivial alongside the Senghenydd disaster of 1913, when 439 coalminers died in an explosion, but no less harrowing for those affected. 30th year of his reign; (fn. of Bradborne, in Sevenoke, who dying After a very Kentish show of defiance, they gave up. Its publisher was James Abree, who eventually distributed it in all major Kent towns east of the, The military operation in Flanders devised by Captain Home Popham during the Revolutionary War with France was an eerie forerunner of the disastrous. Rail travel was never the safest in the Victorian era, and accidents were commonplace. sculpture, with a busto of statuary marble, and inscription, for The county had little practice in shifting pachyderms around, its only previous experience being one that arrived at Sandwich with the Romans in AD 43. to the British churches and monasteries in general were It remained there for four years, but was then taken to South Kensington. Kent, with its long coastline and position between France and London, was the C18 Chicago. There was panic in the dark, and 293 people were drowned, including the captain. When the Catholic Princess Mary usurped the throne from Lady Jane Grey in 1553, England was divided in a way not unlike Britain today. After a skirmish with Maarten Tromps Dutch fleet in the Channel, the Spaniards took refuge in the Downs. Edmunds sent parcels of chocolates to notable people, including the doctors unfortunate wife. He led them past London to Kent, presumably expecting to raise support among similarly bolshy Kentishmen. As soon as France fell in June 1940, after just six weeks resistance to the German invasion, Flamboyant fighter ace Leutnant Franz von Werra claimed during the, A Yorkshire lass, Amy Johnson had it all: brains, looks, charm, skill, and guts. Great Securitas Robbery: Old Bunyard, 2021. worlds first shore-to-ship communication, Royal Naval Air Services Kingsnorth station, Thames Richard Montgomery KC 7722 (Modified) (cropped), St Johns Lewisham Rail Crash Geograph-2042851, Barming Asylum now Oakwood Hospital. M.P. The consensus was that Gods will was supreme, but there was endless dispute about the detail. Four firemen were killed, including the hospitals chief fireman, as well as another staff member and a patient. Two columns of flames seconds apart leapt 300 feet into the air, marking the spot where the 395-foot ship had lain moments before. whose son, Sir Charles Farnaby Radcliffe, bart. After Margaret Thatcher returned to power in 1983 with a landslide, the hard left reverted to its 1970s strategy of causing economic disruption by industrial action. Needless to say, the effect was devastating. The curate of this church, in 1719, had a stipend The Dutch withdrew with the loss of one ship, but the Commonwealth declared war two months later. The Germans waved a white flag before firing again, but surrendered properly when one was hit in the foot. In its day, however, it was a significant institution, being the first ever nunnery to be established in England. In 1960, the Metropolitan Borough of Woolwich pioneered a futuristic new vision for municipal car-parking. Gillingham bus disaster: British Movietone, 1951. Without his leadership, the rebellion fizzled out. What did make a difference was the quick thinking of a truck driver who positioned his vehicle to force others to slow down. The Adelaide was last seen late on the Saturday evening from a lightship 15 miles north of Margate. It was not until 1904 that a standard emergency code was introduced, namely CDQ, but this was soon superseded by the snappier SOS. Fortunately, local boatmen were able to save all but seven of Britannias crew, and most of Admiral Gardners. When Henry VII sought to raise funding for Englands defences against threatened invasions by both the Scots and the pretender Perkin Warbeck, a 15,000-strong peasant army was raised in Cornwall, and marched on London. 115 men and boys were killed; seven could not be found, having been vaporised. They were not flawless: for example, the name Pilgrims Way was enduringly applied to the wrong route. Otford; A view along Otford high street, just along from the central pond: Otford. (fn. year of queen Elizabeth, in whose descendants this Britain, France, and Russia together would surely make light work of the Hun, and it would be over by Christmas. of It was also commemorated in a 1975 folk song, and a plaque was unveiled in 2013 bearing the names of the dead. Two miles further on, she ran into trouble. The ship drifted onto the Nore sandbank, and broke her back. Walter Arnold of East Peckham was something of a pioneer of the British automotive industry. Action broadened to attacks on barns, haystacks, and even farm animals. It lies on the River Darent, 3 miles north of Sevenoaks. devised this estate, consisting of the ruins of the palace, On May 29, The Dutch attack on the Royal Navy in the. see, in the 4th year of the Conqueror's reign, anno They from their fields can see the countenance Of your fierce war, may ken the glittering lance And hear you shouting forth your brave intent. He spent decades leaking secrets to the Soviets, even during WW2 when the USSR was Britains ally. laid into his park here, all which continued pretty entire in the crown till king Edward VI. The battle was fought as part of a campaign by Cnut to conquer England. There was no desire for regime change; but the nation spiralled downwards as the impasse continued. It is therefore in the highest degree unlikely that Canute would have placed . Being unreliable, however, she was eventually converted to a man-of-war. render it very moist and marshy, yet it is here rather fertile. From this period of time Otford continued part of Structural damage was also widespread. The Celts retreated to the Thames, but were only delaying the inevitable. De Burghs indomitability at Dover Castle tied up the invaders resources so seriously that Prince Louiss allies in the North were emphatically defeated at Lincoln. large as life, standing and leaning on an urn, over him is the head thelred dies Edmund Ironside chosen as king by London, and besieged there Cnut chosen as king by the rest of England at Southampton (?) The king did eventually relent, whilst acknowledging Kentish loyalty by building the historic Placentia Palace at Greenwich. Wyatts 4,000-strong force was nevertheless repulsed at Southwark by London loyalists, and instead crossed the Thames at Kingston. Flight Lieutenant Gordon McDonald of 41 Squadron was flying over Biggin Hill when his Meteor Mk.8 went dramatically out of control, possibly disturbed by the wake turbulence of another plane. From 1791, the growing threat of a French invasion demanded a detailed survey of the likely theatre of war, which in practice meant Kent. He permitted a formal inquiry by many of the top nobles in England, even including some Saxons. this manor descended from the Rev. Seven years later, it opened as Rosherville Gardens. and built a good genteel house on the scite of it, in On the night of January 11th, 1978, a violent storm blasted much of the jetty to smithereens. She ascertained that the tenant, 29-year-old bricklayer Sharrock Bragg, had taken a hammer to his wife Mary, and then their 5-year-old daughter Ellen, and finished by cutting his own throat with a razor. Worth fourteen pounds per annum beyond that sum fortnight, however, was... 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