It is the Americanized variant of Pompei, a toponymic Italian surname referring to someone from the place called Pompei in Italy. It likely comes from the Old English word Cyppe, meaning to swell., The surname Lewis is a Native American surname and means victorious. It likely comes from the Old German name Ludwig, meaning famous battle.. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The Apache TribeThe Apache tribe of Native American Indians are famous for their fierce fighting qualities and fought for nearly 50 yeras in the Apache Wars. History: Jewelry. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. Altaha - Possible a derivative of Greek or Latin meaning high or elevated for people who resided in the mountains. However, formerly 'they had no permanent homes, so they didn't bother with cleaning.' It originates from Maiz, the Spanish word for maize or corn. Fuerte), leader of the Warm Springs Mimbreo Apaches, was killed by Mexican soldiers near Janos, and his son Cuchillo Negro (Black Knife) became the principal chief and war leader. In the post-war era, the US government arranged for Apache children to be taken from their families for adoption by white Americans in assimilation programs.[27]. Whistles were sometimes used to lure animals closer. Although the Western Apache usually practiced matrilocal residence, sometimes the eldest son chose to bring his wife to live with his parents after marriage. [16] Other Athabaskan-speaking people in North America continue to reside in Alaska, western Canada, and the Northwest Pacific Coast. When the United States went to war against Mexico in 1846, many Apache bands promised U.S. soldiers safe passage through their lands. A DNA test may be able to tell you whether or not youre Indian, but it will not be able to tell you what tribe or nation your family comes from, and DNA testing is not accepted by any tribe or nation as proof of Indian ancestry. When we settled down, we used the wickiup; when we were moving around a great deal, we used this other kind [31], Recent research has documented the archaeological remains of Chiricahua Apache wickiups as found on protohistoric and at historical sites, such as Canon de los Embudos where C.S. This Navajo surname comes from b, meaning him, and llee, meaning magical power. The Native tribes believed in magical powers bestowed upon some members. "Athapaskan bears". It is seven feet high at the center and approximately eight feet in diameter. Holt is a Proto-Germanic topographic surname referring to a small grove of trees. Common Apache Last Names The Apache are a group of Southwestern tribes that are culturally related. Over them a thatching of bundles of big bluestem grass or bear grass is tied, shingle style, with yucca strings. The Apache Tribe of Oklahoma is federally recognized and has had a formal governmental structure, embodied in a business committee, since 1966. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. United States' concept of a reservation had not been used by the Spanish, Mexicans or other Apache neighbors before. The surname Alexander originated in Scotland and was initially an Anglicized version of the Scottish Gaelic name MacAlasdair. Certain animals - owls, snakes, bears, and coyotes - are considered spiritually evil and prone to cause sickness to humans. They dress in the skins of the cattle, with which all the people in this land clothe themselves, and they have very well-constructed tents, made with tanned and greased cowhides, in which they live and which they take along as they follow the cattle. It could also be a toponymic name referring to someone who lived near a paddock. An important division of the Apache Indians, so called from their former mountain home in southeast Arizona.Their own name is Aiaha. (2004) "A Ranchera in the Gran Apachera: Evidence of Intercultural Interaction at the Cerro Rojo Site". A smoke hole opens above a central fireplace. The naming traditions of Native American Indians varied greatly from tribe to tribe but were generally based on gender, nature, totem animals and descriptions of the appearance or features of a baby. Fly photographed Geronimo, his people, and dwellings during surrender negotiations in 1886, demonstrating their unobtrusive and improvised nature. [citation needed] The Plains Apache have a significant Southern Plains cultural influence. Ohitekah is derived from the Lakota word ohitika, referring to someone bold, ferocious, and warlike. A list of 54 ethnobotany plant uses for the uncategorized Apache can also be found here. Opler, Morris E. (1983c). Or check the index of mailing lists for a sound-alike name. Hoijer (1938) divided the Apache sub-family into an eastern branch consisting of Jicarilla, Lipan, and Plains Apache and a Western branch consisting of Navajo, Western Apache (San Carlos), Chiricahua, and Mescalero based on the merger of Proto-Apachean *t and *k to k in the Eastern branch. Other times a band would leave without permission, to raid, return to their homeland to forage, or to simply get away. Brugge, David M. (1983). We can also compare 2010 data for Apache to data from the previous census in 2000. Chiricahua Indians, Chiricahua Apache Indians (Apache: `great mountain'). The name Apache is believed to be from the plural form of the Zuni name pau 'Navajo'. Here are the top 1000 last names (surnames) in the United States, according to the most recent U.S. census. posits their migration south, through the Rocky Mountains, ultimately reaching the American Southwest by the 14th century or perhaps earlier. Tsosie. Many of these stories involve Apache raids and the failure of agreements with Americans and Mexicans. The surname Acothley is of Native American origin and means a cowboy.. The position was not hereditary, and was often filled by members of different extended families. This last name comes from the Portuguese word mato, meaning bush or scrubland. It could be a toponymic last name for someone who lived near a bush or scrubland. The terms depend on the sex of the speaker (unlike the English terms brother and sister): -kis "same-sex sibling or same-sex cousin", --lh "opposite-sex sibling or opposite-sex cousin". The terms are also used of a grandparent's siblings according to sex. Additionally, there are two terms for a parent's opposite-sex sibling depending on sex: -da "maternal uncle (mother's brother)", -bj "paternal aunt (father's sister). The name Apache is believed to be from the plural form of the Zuni name pau Navajo. #1 SMITH - A smith is a craftsman, and was used for as an occupational title for many different crafts. Altaha. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This surname could also be a toponymic name referring to settlers from many places named Hensley in the UK. What type of medicine do you put on a burn? The surname Begay has been derived from the Navajo word biye, which means his son., This last name has been adopted from the Navajo word binl, meaning his grandchild. Binali is further derived from the word anl, referring to a paternal grandchild.. A similar method involved chasing the prey down a steep cliff. In the 1930s, the anthropologist Greenville Goodwin classified the Western Apache into five groups (based on his informants' views of dialect and cultural differences): White Mountain, Cibecue, San Carlos, North Tonto, and South Tonto. In late fall, juniper berries and pinyon nuts were gathered. Over the centuries, many Spanish, French and English-speaking authors did not differentiate between Apache and other semi-nomadic non-Apache peoples who might pass through the same area. A list of 198 ethnobotany plant uses for the Chiricahua can be found at, which also includes the Mescalero. The toponymic surname remained through the ages and is still common in modern times. [21] This theory does not preclude arrival via a plains route as well, perhaps concurrently, but to date the earliest evidence has been found in the mountainous Southwest. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our. A toponymic last name Ahoka means the district., Awiakta in Cherokee means eye of the deer.. The shoots were also eaten. (1960). We found 1,806 records for Mescalero-Apache last name 58 Family Trees 6 Military 3 Photos 0 Birth, Marriage & Death View all records Explore your family history with: 5.3 Billion However, men helped in certain gathering activities, such as of heavy agave crowns. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Another technique was the relay method where hunters positioned at various points would chase the prey in turns in order to tire the animal. in which he overturns social convention. Altaha is a Native American surname from the Apache tribe. Other Northern Athabascan languages are high-marked: their tonal development is the reverse. [10] A less likely origin may be from Spanish mapache, meaning "raccoon". Any of the various powers may be acquired by man and, if properly handled, used for a variety of purposes.[41]. According to the data, Apache is ranked #77,788 in terms of the most common surnames in America. It is derived from the parrock, meaning a small enclosure, usually for horses. There are also three sibling terms based on the age relative to the speaker: -ndd "older sister", --na "older brother", -shdzha "younger sibling (i.e. 49. Kadoka means hole in the wall and is rooted in the Sioux clan of America. However, columns in CSV files often have a name, for example: ID, CustomerNo, Birthday, etc. Beavers, minks, muskrats, and weasels were hunted for their hides but body parts but were not eaten. Plains Apache hunters hunted primarily buffalo and deer. 1886, he was the last Native American . The last name Peshlakai is of Native American origin and means something shiny and silvery.. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Nakaidoklini (? It refers to someone who lives by or near a bank or ridge of yew trees. NOVA; PBS 2. (2009a) "Nineteenth-Century Apache Wickiups: Historically Documented Models for Archaeological Signatures of the Dwellings of Mobile People". [20] The Plains migration theory associates the Apache peoples with the Dismal River culture, an archaeological culture known primarily from ceramics and house remains, dated 16751725, which has been excavated in Nebraska, eastern Colorado, and western Kansas. After the meat was smoked into jerky around November, they migrated from the farm sites in the mountains along stream banks to winter camps in the Salt, Black, Gila river and even the Colorado River valleys. Some scholars do not consider groups residing in what is now Mexico to be Apache. "Western Apache witchcraft". Many books were written on the stories of hunting and trapping during the late 19th century. These were drawn from records of about 1000 baptisms from 1704 to 1862.[12]. . It comes from Mescalero Apache or Mescalero, an Apache tribe that lived around south-central New Mexico. Cosay - This name was common among Apache who lived on the White Mountain Apache reservation. He was a naturally gifted hunter, who, the story goes, as a boy swallowed . This Native American surname denotes someone as strong as a bear. By default, Listen runs on port 80 but Apache can be bound to different ports for different domains, allowing for many different websites and domains to be hosted and a single server. Apache of the desert of northern Mexico lived in hogans, an earthen structure for keeping cool. Today Apache live mainly on reservations covering over 3 million acres in Arizona and New Mexico. They spoke several indigenous languages, and the Dakota language was the most common of them. The tepee type was just made of brush. Western Apache criteria for a good chief included: industriousness, generosity, impartiality, forbearance, conscientiousness, and eloquence in language. The Apache people are subdivided into various subtribes. She also specializes in baby names. Other items include: honey from ground hives and hives found within agave, sotol, and narrowleaf yucca plants. Ancient Native Americans were considered to be hunters. [3] All Apache languages are endangered. The term jicarilla comes from the Spanish word for "little gourd. The one Chiricahua band (of Opler's) and the Mescalero practiced very little cultivation. In addition, an Apache individual has different ways of identification with a group, such as a band or clan, as well as the larger tribe or language grouping, which can add to the difficulties in an outsider comprehending the distinctions. Apache Name Meaning Native American (Navajo): ethnic name from the name of the Apache people denoting a member of this people or of any of the Navajo clans with the Apache ancestry such as Naashgal dine' 'Mescalero Apache People'. Foster, Morris W; & McCollough, Martha. Apache surname comes from the name of Apache, a famous Native American tribe. The Apache are Native American tribes who originally resided in the South western United States. Today, the Apache have reservations in Arizona and New Mexico. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. He includes Chicame (the earlier term for Hispanized Chicano or New Mexicans of Spanish/Hispanic and Apache descent) among them as having definite Apache connections or names which the Spanish associated with the Apache. Apache Servers Further Development. The surname likely refers to a clan within the various Native American Cherokee tribes. The most Apache families were found in USA in 1920. 1. The Apache presence on both the Plains and in the mountainous Southwest indicate that the people took multiple early migration routes. Hoijer, Harry. The surname Thunderhawk is a combination of the power of thunder along with the hard work of a hawk. Thus, the same word refers to either a sibling or a cousin (there are not separate terms for parallel-cousin and cross-cousin). The most important plant food for the Chiricahua was the Century plant (also known as mescal or agave). The Apache family name was found in the USA between 1880 and 1920. An archaeological material culture assemblage identified in this mountainous zone as ancestral Apache has been referred to as the "Cerro Rojo complex". This surname was a combination of two elements, brave and bird. "A study of the Apache Indian: Parts 13", in. These two terms can also be used for cross-cousins. The oval hut was covered with hide and was the best house. Indeed, there can be little doubt that the Apache has been transformed from a native American into an American legend, the fanciful and fallacious creation of a non-Indian citizenry whose inability to recognize the massive treachery of ethnic and cultural stereotypes has been matched only by its willingness to sustain and inflate them. [citation needed]. Apache Last Names Sioux Last Names Cherokee Last Names Infographic: Native American Last Names Native Americans inhabited America even before the arrival of the European settlers around the 15th century. Most Southern Athabascan gods are personified natural forces that run through the universe. There are different words for an opposite-sex sibling's child: -da "opposite-sex sibling's daughter", -da "opposite-sex sibling's son". CloudStack is a turnkey solution that includes the entire stack of features most organizations want with an IaaS cloud: compute orchestration, Network-as-a-Service, user and account management, a full and open native API, resource accounting, and a first-class User Interface (UI). Slaughter follows religious guidelines (many of which are recorded in religious stories) prescribing cutting, prayers, and bone disposal. These Native Americans from Denton County adapted the surname Denton as a habitational or geographical surname. These two terms are reciprocal like the grandparent/grandchild terms. This Native American last name is also an English family name. What is the most common native American last name? On a larger level, Western Apache bands organized into what Grenville Goodwin called "groups". [30] The Chiricahua-type system is used by the Chiricahua, Mescalero, and Western Apache. Thus sites where early Southern Athabaskans may have lived are difficult to locate and even more difficult to firmly identify as culturally Southern Athabaskan. The meaning of Nez is tall or big. It is a common Native American Navajo last name. Coronado observed the Plains people wintering near the Pueblo in established camps. In April 1541, while traveling on the plains east of the Pueblo region, Francisco Coronado referred to the people as "dog nomads." Most United States' histories of this era report that the final defeat of an Apache band took place when 5,000 US troops forced Geronimo's group of 30 to 50 men, women and children to surrender on September 4, 1886, at Skeleton Canyon, Arizona. 1. Chaske is another surname from Native America and refers to the first born son., Toadlena is another Navajo last name native to America. This means they would farm and stay in one place part of the year. Medicine men learn the ceremonies, which can also be acquired by direct revelation to the individual. It comes from the word apacu, meaning Navajos.. Dosela - A common Apache last name. The collection of Native American Apache Names includes baby names for boys and girls. "The loss of Athapaskan words for fish in the Southwest". A native American man. Seymour, Deni J. Thus, as can be seen in the example below, when the Western languages have noun or verb stems that start with t, the related forms in the Eastern languages will start with a k: He later revised his proposal in 1971 when he found that Plains Apache did not participate in the *k/*c merger to consider Plains Apache as a language equidistant from the other languages, now called Southwestern Apachean. Copyright 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. Some of these names are indigenous and have roots in other cultures and nations, including those that belonged to people who settled in America over the ages. Unlike the Chiricahua system, the Jicarilla have only two terms for grandparents according to sex: -ch "grandmother", -tsy "grandfather". 7 What kind of software is the Apache server? Western Apache hunted deer and pronghorns mostly in the ideal late fall. Seymour, Deni J. The Apache quickly acquired horses, improving their mobility for quick raids on settlements. Europeans often did not learn what the peoples called themselves, their autonyms. Goodwin's formulation: "all those Apache peoples who have lived within the present boundaries of the state of Arizona during historic times with the exception of the Chiricahua, Warm Springs, and allied Apache, and a small band of Apaches known as the Apache Mansos, who lived in the vicinity of Tucson. The second most utilized animal was deer. Fresh deer blood was drunk for health. (2001). The Jicarilla used acorns, chokecherries, juniper berries, mesquite beans, pinyon nuts, prickly pear fruit, yucca fruit, and many other kinds of fruits, acorns, greens, nuts, and seed grasses. In Native American parlance, Adakai referred to a gambler or card player. Chubbuck is the Americanized spelling of the German name Schubach, meaning fur. . The Apache surname appeared 246 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 0.08 would have the surname Apache. View Social Security Death Index (SSDI) for Apache. To search, press CTRL-F on a PC, or -F on a Mac, then enter your last name. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The Navajo system is more divergent among the four, having similarities with the Chiricahua-type system. 2 What is the most common native American last name? This Native American surname has been derived from Middle English word Kipp. It was based on some existing code and a series of software patches, a pun on A PAtCHy server. Swiftwater is a toponymic last name referring to a family that lived near swiftly flowing waters. Albert Schroeder) consider Goodwin's classification inconsistent with pre-reservation cultural divisions. Tsosie comes from the Native American suffix -tss, which means slender or slim. It is also a Navajo last name. This was the real name of the Apache leader Geronimo (1829-1909), who fought against Mexican and American expansion into his territory. Some of the most well-known American last names are inspired by various tribes and languages from across the globe. Henderson, Richard. Apache in Ancestry Message Boards: Apache in Ancestry Family and Local . How much longer should the Sun remain in its stable phase? Wickiups were common in the highlands; these were 8-foot-tall (2.4m) framed of wood held together with yucca fibers and covered in brush. To some historians, this implies the Apaches moved into their current Southwestern homelands in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. This Sioux last name means having a courageous appearance or to roar bravely in the face of danger., The Lakota last name Galilhai means gentle or delicate., This last name of Native American origin means mysterious voice. In Lakota, it also means a strong voice or a sacred voice., This Sioux Native American last name means dark-eyed in Lakota. Opler, Morris E. (1975). The following is a formulation by the anthropologist Keith Basso of the Western Apache's concept of diy': The term diy' refers to one or all of a set of abstract and invisible forces which are said to derive from certain classes of animals, plants, minerals, meteorological phenomena, and mythological figures within the Western Apache universe. The surname comes from Lakota and means soil, ground, or earth., Macawi is a Lakota surname found in several Native American tribes. Native American names is a collective term used for the names of many tribes that feature in this list. The Apache tribe of Native American Indians are famous for their fierce fighting qualities and fought for nearly 50 yeras in the Apache Wars. The Cherokees are an indigenous group of Native Americans living in the Southeastern Woodlands of the United States. Gatewood, Charles B. By 1835 Mexico had placed a bounty on Apache scalps (see scalping), but certain villages still traded with some bands. While these subgroups spoke the same language and had kinship ties, Western Apaches considered themselves as separate from each other, according to Goodwin. This Apache surname was found amongst Native Americans who were residents of the White Mountain Apache Reservation. In early 20th century Parisian society, the word Apache was adopted into French, essentially meaning an outlaw.[11]. "[15], The Apache and Navajo tribal groups of the North American Southwest speak related languages of the Athabaskan language family. Apache is a cute name which stuck. Begay. #2 JOHNSON - Son of John. This Native American Apache last name was given to inhabitants of the White Mountain Apache Reservation. The Sioux are a league of several tribes from America. Goyathlay m Indigenous American, Apache Variant spelling of Goyaa. Teepees were common in the plains. . Later Spanish sovereignty over the area disrupted trade between the Pueblo and the diverging Apache and Navajo groups. If a family member died, the wickiup would be burned. "The Apachean culture pattern and its origins", in A. Ortiz (Ed.). Hence, some natives retained their traditional surnames, while the others adopted European surnames. same-sex father's brother's child or mother's sister's child)", --lh "opposite-sex sibling or opposite parallel cousin (i.e. posits that they moved into the Southwest from the Great Plains. "Plains Apache", in R. J. DeMallie (Ed.). Benally. Most American Indian names refer to some quality or physical or psychic characteristic of the newborn and elements of nature, with which they . Branham from the habitation of the Bramham tribe in West Yorkshire. Cly is a Native American surname derived from the Navajo word tlaai, meaning the left-handed., Etsitty was a Native American surname given to a pounder, such as a meat pounder. They were close allies of the Natags. When a daughter married, a new dwelling was built nearby for her and her husband. Opler, Morris E. (2001). Raiding was traditional for the Apache, but Mexican settlers objected to their stock being stolen. View Census Data for Apache | Data not to scale. Search for the meaning of the surname - Apache. He was arrested and . The Apache and Navaho called themselves the Dine, pronounced din-eh. The crowns of both plants were baked and dried. [24], In 1875, United States military forced the removal of an estimated 1500 Yavapai and Dilzhe'e Apache (better known as Tonto Apache) from the Rio Verde Indian Reserve and its several thousand acres of treaty lands promised to them by the United States government. Shikha is a writer-turned-associate editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Yazzie. Bitsuie is a title derived from bits, which means his grandchild. The surname is popular among Native Americans and Native Alaskans. Read on for a list of traditional native American last names with their meanings. A hide, suspended at the entrance, is fixed on a cross-beam so that it may be swung forward or backward. Chee. Where did the name Apache HTTP server come from? It comes from the word fen, meaning a marsh. The surname refers to someone who lives by a marshland or fen. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The list below is based on Foster and McCollough (2001), Opler (1983b, 1983c, 2001), and de Reuse (1983). Opler, Morris E. (1936b). In the mid-16th century, these mobile groups lived in tents, hunted bison and other game, and used dogs to pull travois loaded with their possessions. List of Apache Names for Girls A name is the very first present that we give to our baby. Browse for all the origins, histories, and meanings of Apache and almost 2,000,000 other surnames. See the Bands and Groups below for at least a partial listing of federally-recognized the subdivisions of the tribe, with their locations and reservations. A group representing Indigenous people in technology is calling on the Apache Software Foundation to change its name, based in part on the foundation's . The most warlike of the Arizona Indians, their raids extended into New Mexico, southern Arizona, and northern Sonora, Mexico. The chief's influence was as strong as he was evaluated to beno group member was obliged to follow the chief. For the web server software, see, Conflict with Mexico and the United States, Undomesticated plants and other food sources, Opler lists three Chiricahua bands, while Schroeder lists five. Origins and Meanings of 45 Common Hispanic Last Names. The dome-shaped dwelling or wickiup, the usual home type for all the Chiricahua bands, has already been described Said a Central Chiricahua informant. 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Will Shanahan Ground Force, Articles A