The transport convoy escorts for Operation CONDOR II were provided by C Company. The 9th Infantry Division was also known as "The Old Reliables" or "Notorious Ninth". It was an eerie feeling. This was before the company (He is the only openly gay officer of the American Legion of whom he knows, he said.) It is unknown if the 720th MP Battalion participated as convoy escorts in this movement. I introduced mtpyselfcas former Company Commander of US Army unit stationed at Bearcat July 69 to Jan 1970. Middle East Army Life We just wanted to bring our hearts and minds back in one piece. I always found them. Richard Thomas Jackson RIP We flew the 02 Bird Dogs and usually put in strikes for the Thai's and the 9th. We got ambushed the next day on the way to Bear Cat, then mortared about an hour after reaching the camp. Like I said, not sure if this Bearcat. Bearcat was a favorite target for enemy harassment and it occurred on almost a daily routine. The meat (?) Took the water right out of the river below and kept it up pretty much all day long. He started to talk about his experiences and began to get more involved in the VFW and the American Legion. Company C was responsible for operating provost marshal offices at Lai Khe, Xuan Loc, Tay Ninh and Di An, and for convoy escort operations from Long Binh to Bao Loc, Phan Thiet, Song Be, Ham Tam, Bu Dop, and Bu Gia Mop. 15 July With the constant incoming enemy harassment fire, overhead protection during the frequent attacks was paramount. The Division went through eight battles and was already a "veteran Division" by the time that D-Day started. Due to the ferocity and boldness of the enemy attacks, the escorts remained at Bearcat until the roadway could be cleared in the morning. Note the corrugated metal for roofing had a name change after i got out of the army when i was in Viet Nam i was Robert L Hanson, it brings back memories.landed in viet nam jan 1 1968 and was sent to Dau Tieng around jan 11 to 2nd bn 22 inf mech and left on dec 23 1968 those pictures sure triggered some memories. or was certainly processed here. More Huey compound, 11) Scenes I hope you enjoyed my brief reflections back in time to when I was a bit younger than I am today at 80 years of age. What I have found in North Vietnam and South Vietnam is that Vietnamese people are not only not Communist, but are just good folks. How they can make money with so many In 1966 she was sent in Vietnam with the 7th fleet, alternating between direct support on the fire line and screening the carriers. Within a half hour he popped off a couple of rounds headed for the Thai artillery area. 58) 3/47th Riverine. 2) They would attack the civilian defense forces. . "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. We called him "The Magnificent" Colonel Murray. One of the communications elements, the Royal Australian Army 104th Signals Squadron, manned a small detachment of signalmen. It was one of 3 in country on its trial run. Terrorism Again, enjoy and please stay in touch. Although the rear echelons (behind the lines) were considered safe in conventional wars, there were no safe places in Vietnam and standing guard was vitally important duty. As you said the Thai's were in charge and I remember we had our own girls in the compound to keep us occupied and to prevent arguments with the Thai troops over their's. 23 March CPT Rafael Cortes-Dapena of A Company was assigned to the Bearcat Detachment as Deputy Provost Marshal. The company streets, HQ & A Co. 31 is looking, 65) After a few months of that experience it was clear that discretion was the better part of valor! Never enough sleep. Members for the 104th were drawn from the 139th Signal Squadron at Enoggera Brisbane, Australia. Bunker would fill up with water and you had to go topside and endure the rain pounding on your helmet for hours. Looking at the pictures put me right back into the jungle as if I were a 21-year-old soldier again.. This is a continuing project to attempt to identify and honor those members of the United States Army who sacrificed their lives while serving with the 2nd Battalion 60th Infantry 9th US Infantry Division. AAORLL's 1971. Approximately 3,000 U.S. troops of various support units were still operating at the base. At some point we the USA may end up defending Vietnam, our former foe, against additiinal military incurssions by the Chinese aggressive assertive behemouth. 40 years ago. Well, no. Regards. 32) Our unit had a swimming pool between the officers club and the EM club. * Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm for VIETNAM 1967-1968 Do you have 9TH INFANTRY Reunion information you'd like to share. He reached out to younger veterans who had been in Iraq and Afghanistan. I also pulled a lot of guard duty facing the rubber plantation. Felt much more secure when the 9th were in charge. Vietnam has changed radically in the years between the war and now. Their area of operations was the Mekong Delta, located south of Saigon. Get short straw meant you got the first sleep 6-8 PM, then 12-2 AM, real bad. The Division left Vietnam in the summer of 1969 and was inactive for 3 years. Blessings to all. of Army's issues. He reached out to younger veterans who had been in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bearcat Base (also known as Bearcat, Camp Martin, Camp Cox or Long Thanh North) is a former U.S. Army base near the city of Bin Ha in ng Nai Province in southern Vietnam. 200th later re-designated A Co, 159th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion of the 101st. Just wonder if anyone might remember him, if so, i would like to have further discussions about time there. Welcome to the discussion. I remember most of went on like the photos show. Ya all know how far out the tree line was With it's laser sighting system they could start at the top of the tree and chop it down to it's base. It sure grew a lot in 1967.I spent my time in those guard bunkers too. President Ky's palace, downtown Saigon. Thanks for your service and thanks for writing about your experiences. Good stuff. I arrived in Nov 68 and stayed until Nov 69. I arrived at Vung Tau by ship Oct. 1966 with the 15th combat engineers. Convoy truck driver. the, white hospital ship. and kids from the 709ths civic action village. When it was in full fire mode the ground litterally trembled. All specific significant dated events and corresponding "dated or mission specific" photographs of this detachment-convoy Timeline have been incorporated into the main Battalion Timeline pages. The US had stayed out of this area until 1967 when they had to sent in a division. Election 2014 They sometimes landed on it while I was there and some (especially the Chinooks) blew pot holes in the surface which made your take offs and landings uncomfortable/dangerous. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. During the early part of December 1965, the 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry, was in Alaska preparing for its annual winter maneuver to be conducted in January 1966 in temperatures of 50 below zero. The division operated primarily in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam, operating in conjunction with Mobile Riverine Force and Brown Water Navy. Approximately 3,000 U.S. troops of various support units were still operating at the base. Though he does not want to make any money from the images, he tried to get his exposure for his photos in order to help other veterans connect with their memories, self-publishing a book of his photos and letters from the war. Technology If you stared at the tree line long enough you'd think it moved. Widely considered the definitive resource on the Vietnam War, Where We Were identifies the name, location and provides a brief historical synopsis of every military installation, firebase, landing zone, airfield, port, signal site, vessel and significant terrain feature of the American war in Vietnam. I could not see ten feet into the rubber. Oh Dark Thirty 114 likes. All the guys in the detachment spent a bit of time on QL-15. Dick Jackson (with glasses and camera) checks out the crush of villagers as our convoy slows to a crawl. To work with the U.S. Military Police is a great honor. Through cooperation and working together we have established a good relationship with the troops.. 37) But now stuff keeps popping up. Paul Tilzey. They had welded together a steel bucket to go over the forks of the forklift which was used to dig the pool before I got their. 4th Bn. The division would be critical in reshaping the U.S. Army in the 1970s and 1980s as it was transformed into a voluntary force and reshaped to fight a new type of war. Untrained but inspired by combat photographers, he brought one of the eras ubiquitous Brownie camerasbefore investing $94 in an Asahi Pentax SLRto record his experience. I was with the SLS (Special Liaison Section) out of II Field Force to the RTAVV. Rep. The name Bear Cat is found spelled two ways, Bearcat or Bear Cat. I was in the 9th Sig Bn at bearcat also, via USNS Barrett, Dec 1966 to Vungtau Thank you for your service! Reactivation of the 9th Infantry Division, nicknamed the "Old Reliables," took place at Fort Lewis on May 20, 1972. HQ were also located there. Hunt Jr. details the innovative strategies of the 9th Division in their fight to overcome the Viet Cong. Click above to view photos 18 May The battalion realigned the combat support and combat service support missions within CTZ/MR III previously accomplished by A and C Company. monsoon hits - wind and rain, A company street, Bearcat. Bearcat -- the 709th area was in the upper left, HI to all My Name is Harry Ingram arrived RVN Aug 1967 with the 548th Maint Co out os Ft Benning our heavy equipment didnt arrive as scheduled was sent to 11th ACR at Black Horse got back to the 549th in Jan 1968 then transfered to the 590th at Bearcat trying to contact anyone that was there guys on my contact team that went to the Mekong Delta are you out there Blair, Nueman or Newland Edward went over to gunships in the Bounty Hunter platoon My best Friend Sorry to tell you Ed died of cancer at the age of 49 went back to Vermont to see him before he passed Great Trooper Best t all Harry. and thank you for it. just like this for nearly 100 miles. We never did that because that would only give you 4 hours if you could go to sleep immediately. Rod - I thank you for preparing the base for the rest of us guys that arrive on the 19th of Dec.. My buddy Norm Faught with the 9th Signal Bn arrived with you guys to set up early commo. Sense of humor there. 63) The company streets, HQ & A Co. 31 is looking up the street toward the Bn quonset hut. I was with 5/42 at Bearcat from June 68 thru June 69 as an artillery surveyor and shell recon (chasing down those incoming 122mm rockets that would come in randomly). Sorry I can't remember your face, but maybe you'll Woke up one night with one on my chest. Thus we were probably there at same time. Some categories (listed below) are self explanatory, others require some explanation (see below): Every base camp perimeter was a front line in the Vietnam War, Oh-dark-thirty: Random thoughts that wake me up in the middle of the night. Bearcat was originally a French airfield, later used by the Japanese during World War II. Just stumbled on your site (again?) Man, this is something to read. Gen. Reese M. Howell (Acting) Assistant Division Commander. But the world he encountered when he got back to the United States wasnt exactly ready to look at them, and neither was he. I was in Bearcat for a couple of weeks when I was assigned to the Nha Be Detachment. Local kids The USA paid for destruction of the rubber so naturally we blew it up every chance we got. They handle any vehicle crashes, traffic enforcement, transportation of illegal contraband, thefts, etc. Hope this finds its way to you and that you are in good health. In The News Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Brennan.I am in Vietnam right now retracing his stepsAny pointers? The base was abandoned and turned over to farmland although the Long Thanh North airfield is clearly visible on satellite images. 73,000, 68) 1) Also, did you earn your dragon pin for eating with the Thai Regiment? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Note Every possible . seconds.). water. Many nights of sweltering heat, monsoon rains, and all that went with it..Thanks for the memory. Dust devil on chopper landing field, 34) Wish I knew where the old crew was . I was in the Air Force seven months having "retreaded" out of the Army (1st 34th Inf, 24th Inf Div). Park, including a High Tech Park. More dust I was at Bearcat with the 1st Cav. (He is the only openly gay officer of the American Legion of whom he knows, he said.) here. Dont remember the name of the ship. Later, the division was an important unit of the United States Army in World War II and the Vietnam War. Have a look! tent going up in HQ&A shop area, 33) Thank you, Christopher Gaynor, for sharing this article. Infusion, 1967: "Soldiers of the 9th Infantry Division (red, white and blue unit patches) based at Bearcat (Camp Martin Cox) are trucked to a waiting Caribou aircraft for the flight to their new . Long Binh is now a small Vietnamese army installation and a large Industrial Park, including a High Tech Park. It was incredible what the 709th troopers, 55) In my opinion, we might have been unimportant during our day jobs, but guard duty was the most important job on the base. He came home and passed away a little over 10 years later never developing the film. This was my initial and final home. I'm always happy when another member of the 9th wanders by and leaves a message. Hope to hear from some folks via my e-mail: Enjoy the day and hope for tomorrow as we would always say :-). We had an M-60, Claymores, an M-79 grenade launcher, our own rifle, and flares. God bless you all who served and all those who waited and prayed for us stateside. I recall Bearcat as a GREAT PLACE as compared to my first tour in VN, Aug 1965-July1966, with the 1st Cav. The bunkers belongs to the rats. I had a few hundred slides but they all disappeared when my ex left, so nothing to share except the feeling of brotherhood which I shall never, ever forget! I assume it was at Bearcat but I could be mistaken. This was the sign along Hwy 15 when entering Bearcat . She is putting them in to collages. In 1969, I was a USAF radio operator with a FAC unit attached to the Thai Army at Bearcat, my last six months in country. I spent most of my time at Bearcat, but later was sent down to DongTam, You were lucky that you were in those bunkers when they were first built. His former wife found the film and had it developed and gave it to his Son who I found 3 years ago and he sent me the photos which with his permission, were posted on the Vietnam Security Police Association Website. I was Company Commander of the Signal company in Bearcat belonging to Sig Bn hqs in Vung tau for six months from July 1969 to January 1970. AAORLL's 1968. I never saw anything or fired but it was nerve racking. February The remaining half of the Thai Black Panther Regiment stood down and was returned to Thailand. August The HQ and colors of the 9th Infantry Division relocated from Bearcat, to Dong Tam, IV Corps Tactical Zone, Mekong Delta, where they remained until the Division withdrew from Vietnam in August 1969. It sounded like the whole place was under attack. Glad you made it back. US Embassy, University instructor, primary staff of newly opening International hospital near Saigon in Binh Duong Province. Mike Williams, HQ & A Co Commander. 9th Infantry Division, Viet Nam, 1967. English: Bear Cat cantonment of the 9th Infantry Division. Humor I was also a REMF but I never had the Tv sets, cold beers and movies we REMF were supposed to be enjoying every night in the rear along with those hot home cooked meals I heard about. I needs to spend some time studying much more or figuring out more. I didnt know about the agent orange spraying of Bear Cat, I lived there for eight months. AAORLL's 1969. Bearcat was the base Nicknamed "The Old Reliables" during WWII, the 9th Infantry Division served with the Mobile Riverine Force in Vietnam's fertile Mekong Delta, a vast maze of rice paddies broken up by rivers, swamps . No one was hurt as it Bearcat was just beginning to grow, (all tents). 596k followers Vietnam Tank . in Dec 1966. 48) I read that you took food to the guys on perimeter. But life on eagle was easy compared to the grunts out in the bush. 1st infantry division (2nd brigade) turned Bear Cat over to 9th infantry in Nov. '66 & relocated to DiAn. 4) We were considered the soldiers with the least important day time jobs. 6) Based on Hunt's experience as colonel and division chief of staff, the volume documents how the 9th Division's combat effectiveness peaked in 1969. higher, high enough to prevent direct rifle fire from coming into the berm from outside 709th's area.Note bunker. The primary allied units stationed at Bearcat in 1969 were elements of the Royal Thailand Army Vietnam Forces, 173rd Airborne Division, and a varied collection of assorted helicopter transport and assault units, artillery, armor, transportation, logistics and communications elements. [2][4], In 1972 the Army of the Republic of Vietnam infantry school and armor school began moving to Bearcat Base from Th c.[5]. Hello Jack, excellent blog. I was a replacement guy so didn't know a soul but was welcomed by everyone. Better thee than me Bill I was a surveyor at Bearcat May 68 to July 68. It was portraiture, not fighting scenes, that brought back the memories. Commanding General. Bearcat berm from outside 709th's area.Note He is not doing well and having contact with anyone who served with him would be the best medicine he could receive. was spread out, but most of the multi square mile base was evacuated to Our daily run was round robin Bearcat, Tan An, Dong Tam with an occasional special mission. III CORP TRANG SUP LONG HAI. 50) This site has been very informative, great reading! money from John Allison's unit. The enemy was everywhere. In 1972 the "Old Reliables" were reactivated at Fort Lewis, Washington, where they tested new . If it came to Vietnam, chances are it either arrived here It was completely overwhelming. AAORLL's 1967. tree. some of our guys wound up with girlfriends, not me. It would have been two or three feet Capt. I am not able to get much information on my unit because we all came and left at different times and came in alone. I stoide over to the elongated lunch table at which the male Thai Army Officers were seated. Hello John, I was assigned to the 36th Signal in June 69. I wonder if you saw a GE fan in my old hooch and if it was still working. Today, Bear Cat is an Army Officer's School for the Vietnamese Army, a 3) Jack, for the 9th Inf Division during 1967. contact team sites in bad guy country, 38) ARMY 1969 1-9th Cav Ops Report Apr . 590th maintenance group Mama San, 1967: A term used by GIs in Vietnam for any older Vietnamese woman. Use to have stories of his time there but the memory is starting to fade. Having health problems now and all he remembers is Harry Whiteside, Doug Kalora, and 1st Lt Malone. Finding the pictures completely changed my life. I went to 5/60 mech in Binh Phouc and later rotated out and went to the 3/39 in Rach Kien. Thank you for visiting my website/weblog and commenting. July One half of the Thai Black Panther Regiment stood down and was returned to Thailand. But I had a job and had to decline. 27) 40) In the foreground is the cantonment of the Thai Volunteer Regiment which occupied the area during September. ARMY 1969 1-9th Cav Ops Report Aug . If anyone hasn't seen the video on you tube of the barrett, from 1966 check it out. If you're interested, I can send you a picture of Col. Meyer and the Thai commander. Monsoon season. Thanks. I was with the 229 self service supply company. Opinion Coming through Long Thanh going toward Vung Thau, just outside the town, the Rubber Plantation in which our company compound in Bearcat was located appeared on the left in the distance. The picture with the Vietnamese flag is actually a plant for a foreign corporation. I worked for LTC Foley in hq hotch. If you ever had company duty, youll know what Im talking about. (LST) component deployed to Vietnam in 1967, and all that remained at Bearcat was a token force of 204 personnel. Even after his return to the United States, decades passed before he decided that he should do something with that box. We learned in the beginning to keep our heads down and be aware of our surroundings. And, I suppose that my wife's advice will work for you just about as well as it did for me. June A Company was tasked with assigning an eleven man detachment to assist the Thai Military Police with combined patrols to enforce discipline, law, and order for 3,000 man Royal Thai Army Vietnam Forces, Black Panther Regiment that was due to arrive. Bearcat from the air. base. The ancient language with which it was named is now extinct. The Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your memories. Podcast: Mother Nature and the Infantry Soldier. There were only empty bags when we A combined U.S. and Thai MP Desk was formed and motorized patrols were assigned. Military Working Dogs . Inactivated 13 October 1970 at Fort Lewis, Washington. In the first edition of Ninth Division News, (a likely forerunner of the Octofoil) dated 13 June 1945, the first article was entitled "Ninth Division Association Boasts 4000". Primary aircraft were the C7A Caribou with an occasional C-130, as when we airlifted units of the 3/5 Cav up north. Fun times. If willing. From there we were of to Bear Cat. I did my Training at Fort Riley Kansas and was shipped off on The USS General John Pope. and am making dioramas of 9th Infantry Division Units in Vietnam as military miniatures are my hobby. For the purpose of continuity throughout this Website I have used the term Bearcat. great info. I recall the ground attacks and the cobra firing red lines with the tracers. Do you remember how horrible our food (?) I was in a Civic Action group and left the airbase every day to "Win Hearts and Minds". Scene along the main road entering Saigon. I was in the thick with the big losses in June of 1967 and lost a great number of friends and acquaintances in that battle. The 86th Land Clearing Team had been in existence in South Vietnam from mid-1967 through December of 1968, while operations were initially based at Bearcat base camp until the 86th Engineer Battalion moved it's construction companies and base of operations south to the Mekong delta town of My Tho in mid-1968, to follow and maintain it's assigned support of the 9th Infantry Division . was for the first month? Dry dirt to standing water in 30 I also remember the monkey incident. here, up north. Bearcat was the base camp. Like This Movie Trailer? I never made a fuss, just released contents of clear plastic bags to the breezes flowing through the company parade ground as my fine leader and man of goid humor First Sargeant "Curly"Hays stood by. I got there a couple of months later and already the termites had eaten away a lot of the structure and the sandbags were rotting. It has been 51 years but so many memories. Id be interested in talking. and kids from the 709ths civic action village. This Timeline has been reduced to a summary. If you haven't already, check out the MP site These are examples of battle-damaged vehicles, 56) Convoys leaving or entering at the berm entrance, 61) I basically was a one man aerial port supporting the 9th's airlift requirements of men and supplies at the Long Thanh airfield. A lone midfle aged woman sat on the front porch of her small home within the forest of rubber trees. I was with the 1011th S/S Co. The 9th Div set up home here in 1966. Glad you are still around to share the memory. The 9th is based in III Corps near Saigon, completing a ring of U.S. divisions that are assigned to protect the heavily populated capital . Nose art on air cavalry Huey chopper. I was with the 82nd engineers ans attached to the 3/39 to operated the water supply point. I also highly recommend Theyve continued to reward me and live on.. world, probably. CriticalPast is an archive of historic footage. The Mama & Papasans were letting us know that there was someone in the water caught in the truck. I got there Jan. 1, 1967 with the 9th Division's 1/11th Artillery after 19 days on the glorious Pacific aboard the USNS Gen. Maurice Rose. The company streets, HQ & A Co. 31 is looking. Bear Cat was the WelcomeHome Brother! Hopefully you'll meet up with some other 9th Inf Div MPs. Also check out The other half of that TALO team wouldnt have happened to be Charlie Head, would it? In 20 August 1967 the Royal Thailand Army Volunteer Forces Queens Cobra Regiment arrived in Vietnam and moved their headquarters into the Bearcat base camp. Camp Bearcat outside the berm (click to enlarge). Infantry School Bearcat was originally a French airfield, later used by the Japanese during World War II. It could have been. Good to contact other people from Bearcat. While that was going on, Gene got the soldier out of the water up on the bank and was trying with every breath to save him. I guess we just missed each other. I was with 1st Aviation Brigade at LTN which was more or less next door to Bearcat. History The manicurists were invariably Vietnamese and they invariably asked me the same question: "Did you leave any Vietnamese children behind?" Don't remember much about the great food or accommodations other than always smelled like something was rotting and it was way too hot for me. Thanks for the tremendous support from Bearcat. Unfortunately we learned later on that the soldier did not make it. it's a military film clip so no sound. . US base camp from air, possibly Long Binh. (I think B company). Whats the Significance of the Missing ManTable?, Photographs from Vietnam That Changed a VeteransLife, Videos, Film, Music, and Movies about VN War, A Chat Between Three Veterans [live video with author], Lest We Forget Meet the Authors & Book Signing April 4th: Cherries and Donut Dolly, Interview with author John Podlaski in Examiner Magazine, American Heroes Radio interviews author of Cherries A Vietnam War Novel, Cherries Author Interviewed on British Website, U.K. Blogspot posts interviews author, John Podlaski, More Book Reviews and author interviews about Cherries,,, Podcast: Mother Nature and the InfantrySoldier. Please contact: Ray Swan Mailing address: 289 Prospect Ave City, State, Zip: East Aurora, NY 14052 He became a consultant on the Vietnam-reenactor documentary. To develop each roll of film, he took it to the Post Exchange on the base camp, they, it to Kodak for processing, Kodak mailed it back to Vietnam and, finally, Gaynor, And it wasnt just a matter of remembering moments long buried. 59) Hospital at Bearcat 1967 Bear Cat PX. Most of the division's repair parts were The 9th Infantry Division ("Old Reliables") was created as the 9th Division during World War I, but never deployed overseas. Hearts and minds back in one piece that brought back the memories of your service time with your brothers amp... Group and left the airbase every day to `` Win hearts and minds back in one piece waited! Handle any vehicle crashes, traffic enforcement, transportation of illegal contraband,,... Bill i was assigned to the 36th Signal in June 69 guys wound with..., chances are it either arrived here it was one of the Barrett Dec... From 1966 check it out bunker would fill up with some other 9th Inf Div MPs 9th. 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Assault support Helicopter Battalion of the American Legion bunker would 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat up girlfriends... With girlfriends, not fighting scenes, that brought back the memories of! Was with 1st Aviation brigade at LTN which was more or figuring out more launcher, our own rifle and. A High Tech Park purpose of continuity throughout this Website 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat have used the term Bearcat it. N'T know a soul but was welcomed by everyone 3/39 to operated the water caught in the supply... Bear Cat, then 12-2 am, real bad formed and motorized patrols were assigned i could be mistaken operating... Pulled a lot of guard duty facing the rubber so naturally we blew it up every we. Stories of his time there never developing the film rubber trees hello John, i lived there eight. On the front porch of her small home within the forest of rubber trees i would to... The tracers a picture of Col. Meyer and the Thai Regiment Rafael Cortes-Dapena of a company was to... Military Police is a great honor hits - wind and rain, a company was assigned to the 3/39 operated! Wanted to bring our hearts and minds '' were provided by C company over! Large Industrial Park, including a High Tech Park by C company he should do with... Meet up with some other 9th Inf Div MPs popping up making dioramas 9th! Didnt know about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old hooch and if came! For a foreign corporation checks out the crush of villagers as our convoy slows to a crawl group left... Reaching the camp members for the purpose of continuity throughout this Website i have used the Bearcat! Were provided by C company hospital at Bearcat also, did you leave any Vietnamese children behind?,! Waited and prayed for us stateside set up home here in 1966 n't seen the video on you tube the. Not fighting scenes, that brought back the memories Wish i knew where the old crew was you stared the... So, i was a replacement guy so did n't know a soul but was welcomed everyone. Prayed for us stateside did that because that would only give you 4 hours if stared... Great reading PLACE as compared to the guys on perimeter GIs in Vietnam right now retracing stepsAny... Dioramas of 9th infantry Division units in Vietnam right now retracing his pointers. Water and you had to go topside and endure the rain pounding on your for. Military Police is a great PLACE as compared to the Bearcat detachment as Deputy Provost.... Small detachment of signalmen Co. 31 is looking, Claymores, an M-79 grenade launcher, our own,... And prayed for us stateside every day to `` Win hearts and minds back one! Destruction of the Thai Black Panther Regiment stood down and was returned to Thailand a military film clip no! Developing the film all day long: Bear Cat is found spelled two ways, Bearcat stopping and.