And its really no surprise that Selenite is used in healing in holistic treatments. And this will endear you even more to your loved one. As Leavy notes, selenite is commonly used for clearing blockages at energy centers. Selenite Bracelets For Sale | Beadage By doing this you will be creating a powerful force field of protection a place where you can retreat to when you are feeling vulnerable. Historically, large, thin sheets of selenite (sometimes called windowpane selenite) were used for windowpanes, and smaller sheets were used as eyeglasses, she says. This black iron ore may not look like much, but beneath its unassuming exterior is an incredibly powerful protective stone. Required fields are marked *. Selenite is one of the most important tools in any energy worker or crystal lovers arsenal. Known as the universal cleanser, selenite stone meaning is linked to angelic realms, purity, spirituality, inner peace, wisdom, and beauty. You will become more conscious of the world youre in and the energies surrounding you. Keep selenite crystals on your bedside, and youll surely sleep like a baby. This apt nickname is indicative of the way in which it functions as a gentle yet effective healing tool and shifter of energies. And, simply wearing or displaying Selenite has so much aesthetic appeal in its own right, that its certain to beautify either the home its placed in or the wearer of jewelry with it in in the most delightful ways. Blue Quartz Meaning and Benefits | Conscious Items . However, selenite gypsum can be richly found in Mexico, Morocco, Australia, Brazil, Greece, Japan, etc. In fact, with the right approach, Selenite can more or less maintain itself. Energies from Selenite can help melt away strong and overwhelming emotions. There you have it, your complete guide to get benefit from all the healing and metaphysical selenite properties. Selenite Tower Skyscraper Crystal Benefits | Village Rock Shop In as quickly as 15 minutes, you will feel the balance restored in your body. Selenite Crystal would be a good and powerful ally because of its vibration's high frequency. Selenite crystal comes in different shapes and varieties like a wand, tower, stick, plate, sphere, point, stone, beads, slabs, ball, etc. Selenite is considered a universal cleanser crystal, which cleanses all the bad auras around you. Selenite crystals are clear and white in appearance. Because of its soft nature, it was used in the manufacture of vases that hardened when fired in a kiln at low temperatures. Yet Selenite can help you to embrace the age-old mantra that cooler heads prevail. In clearing out stagnant and heavy energies, selenite allows for a flow of energy - new and joyous energy - that is liquid-like. It dulls the best of its metaphysical properties, and youll find that the stone almost seems to have no shine when you retrieve it from a dark place. The body is made up of the same minerals and energy with which the universe and nature are made. If you do not put in the necessary work, no amount of lucky charms can make you wealthy, happy, and successful! Love can be a difficult and finicky road, fraught with uncertainty and tender feelings, both good and bad. The combination of these two stones is highly beneficial, as they both greatly enhance each other resulting in amplified visualisation abilities. Selenite will work alongside Celestite, strengthening its ability to raise vibration even further and remove negativity from your life. Selenite is actually popular for charging and clearing other crystals, making it a particularly special stone. Selenite Grounding Bracelet A172. We can use Selenites energy whenever we need a reminder of our potential or destiny. It will break down the walls and make you believe in the beauty of love. Utilize the magical selenite properties to bring balance to your life! Selenite will make love happen by removing all your old and outdated notions about the perfect partner and the right kind of love. Remember that Selenite greatly enjoys the sunlight. Both Cobalt Blue and Selenite work together to raise ones vibration, encouraging them to be more present in the here and now. The crystals are said to look like flowers (hence the name) and are often found in clusters of hundreds of small crystals. Selenite is a very sensitive stone. It helps us realign our bones and spine by strengthening our muscles. They are a high vibration crystal with a powerful energy to assist your healing. It can help you to work smart, rather than hard, and invest your energies in the right direction. Selenite forms crystals and these can vary quite a lot in shape and size; they are sometimes parallel to one another or tessellate with other Selenites. Your days of wondering when you will finally find love will soon be over. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. "I would not use them for massage or direct contact with the skin that wayit's much better to use them more energetically," she says, adding, "Even the cut, polished, and shaped wands can be used the same way as the rough blade or stick, to sweep energy from the aura or energy field.". Most of the crystals found are clear and colorless; however different colors specimens can be found, for example, there is a deep green variety. Wearing jewelry is one of the most effective ways to gain constant access to the energy of your stone. It has been used by shamans all over the world for protection against dark magic/curses/hexes etc., and can be used to protect against geopathic stress. Benefits of Wearing Selenite Bracelets This mystical crystal radiates with universal protection and beneficial spiritual vibrations. Both methods are equally effective in cleansing your energy field and your mind, body and spirit to restore your natural state of being. It helps in understanding what you need and what you want to remove from your life. Sodalite Meaning & Healing Properties | Energy Muse The best way to make a fashion statement with crystals is to wear a crystal bracelet. By focusing on its power, you can begin to hear the guidance and protection of these heavenly beings singing to you. Lastly, Leavy notes selenite is great for connecting with your intuition, as well as guidesparticularly the angel wing or fishtail varieties. 7 Best Crystals for Ostara (Important Facts) As well as sharpness and presence of mind, Selenite can also clear away any fuzziness or mental fog that surrounds psychic insights, or visions received during meditation. Shubhanjali Store has an extensive collection of quirky and beautiful crystal bracelets for men, women, and kids. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Here's why this crystal is a fan favorite of so many, plus how you can use it yourself. Handmade selenite crystal bowls effective for smudging, crystal recharging, or drawing healing energy. Gypsum rose, sand rose, or desert rose is a type of selenite made from sand, water, and air. $ 29.95. When your head feels like its spinning and the windmills of your mind just wont stop turning, find a quiet and safe space to hold your Selenite crystal lightly in both hands, and just let the world slow down and embrace you. It is easy to feel the moon goddesss energy envelop you as you gaze upon its brilliance and move it around your energetic body and auric field. Your selenite necklace work to constantly purify your energy, clearing away any negative or low vibrational energy that may arise internally or externally. PLUS: well send you a code for 10% off sitewide, good on your first order! By placing a Selenite crystal upon your forehead, you can feel the energy of your guardian angels coming down upon you. Ocean Jasper, Citrine, Azurite, Dendritic Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Amazonite, and Chrysoprase are among the best crystals for Ostara. Those who carry Jade will also benefit from a healing of the spirit, increasing their connection to spiritual realms and gaining much strength and wisdom along the way. from $ 12.95. Selenite will work to clear your confusion and assist you in seeing the bigger picture. If you are working on raising your vibration and plugging into the light, create a Selenite crystal program for yourself that includes wearing it, carrying it, and placing it in your space. Selenite crystal stones can also help you when it comes to releasing anxiety or anger or any other form of negativity that might be holding you back from improving your life. This crystal is wonderful for protection against psychic attack and negative energy, and will also protect your physical body from harm. This helps to draw your focus and attention to the here and now. Jewelry Inc. All Rights Reserved. In addition to wearing the stone, carrying a Selenite stone in your purse or pocket allows you to carry your very own energetic purifier with you. Whether you want to clear your mind, your energy body, or even your home, selenite is the perfect crystal to reach for. Harness these 3 crystal energies and get into a positive & magical mindset! Selenite is formed when gypsum (CaSO4) crystallizes out of sulfate-rich solutions such as hot springs or salty lakes, however, it is also found in sedimentary deposits. This can help improve your chances of getting pregnant. Selenite Crystal - Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras While the name selenite originally referred to the transparent variety, nowadays, it can also refer to the striated, fibrous version called satin spar (which is also a variety of gypsum). After working with a Selenite crystal stone for energy clearing, you will feel brighter, lighter, happier, and uplifted. They also help to bring strong feelings under control. Wearing Selenite in the form of jewelry is a powerful way to connect with the Selenite crystal meaning throughout the day. Wearing selenite jewelry improves your style, as well as your surrounding energetic field. It can also help to promote clarity of thought and aid in meditation. If youre having problems getting pregnant, keep a Selenite close to your body every day. Because selenite is used for clearing on its own, some people don't think it needs to be cleansed itself. Be sure to check out our full guide for cleansing and charging crystals for more information. The wand should be used before you begin the reiki to clear the subjects negativity and tension. As an added bonus, it also raises ones overall vibrational frequency! No matter what your intention is, a citrine crystal will help bring your intentions to life. Selenite can be found in most countries around the world. Selenite bracelets can be worn as a reminder to stay grounded and connected to your highest self. You may not realize it, but you pick up a lot of energy throughout your day and your lifetime, and not all of it is good energy. It can help to shield you from negative energy and EMF radiation. Add pieces of selenite to the windowsills in every room of your home for a protective boost, she suggests. Selenite and satin spar are both varieties of gypsum minerals. Daily selenite use is said to align the spine and boost flexibility in the body. Healing Bracelets - Guide to Healing with Crystal Bracelets It will carefully direct your feelings so that you dont end up hurting yourself or others. Selenite Crystal Bowls for Smudging, Healing, Recharging Crystals Selenite, Luck and Wealth Like many healing crystals and stones, Selenite is great to have to attract wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Selenite works in perfect harmony with Black Tourmaline by strengthening its protective properties even further. By wearing Selenite crystal jewelry, carrying the stone, and placing it in your home, you can ensure that your energy and your environment is clear and cleansed at all times. Crystals such as amethyst, lavender quartz, and lepidolite are some of the best crystals for the bedroom, as they are known for their calming and soothing properties. Selenite is studied in the Naica mine in Chihuahua, Mexico, home to a magnificent cavern filled with these white crystals. But Leavy contends that this arguably makes it more necessary to give your selenite a regularly cleansing. Clear or white selenite crystal is also considered the master healer, which can accelerate the emotional balance, enhance concentration, and help in improving the immune system. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. It acts just like a liquid light, shining from this world to the higher realms and vice versa. Feel a strong positive aura building around you, cleansing your soul from all the bad thoughts. By connecting Selenite to the work we do around our crown chakra, we can wash away impurities of the mind. After charging under the light of a full moon, we can set other stones and crystals on top of Selenite and its auric field. These can be purchased from specialist vendors, and often combine other crystals in some way in the more ornate and expensive ones. Selenite is softer than gypsum and is often found as botryoidal masses. "People have gone so far as to say satin spar isn't real selenite, and although it's true that there's a subtle distinction, they're chemically the samethey're the same type of stone," Leavy adds. The translucent white nature of Selenite represents spiritual purity, light, and connection to the angelic realms. It will inspire you to believe in the power of love. [CDATA[ Please remember, although the powers of crystals and stones are well documented and have been proven to help bring positivity into peoples lives they are never a substitute for medical advice. Lastly, write to us which crystal or healing stone information you want to read next. So, use this powerful gypsum stone and bring balance and peace to your life. Other factors that can affect the cost are quantities ordered, modifications such as carving or polishing (which may be charged additionally), and additional costs incurred during shipping such as custom duties or importation taxes. We also offer a special Prayer to each crystal and include it with every order. Selenites vibration is amplified by Jade, which raises ones higher consciousness to even greater heights! Healing Properties. Light Worker Bracelet | Ethical Crystals, Ascension Jewelry and Energy Gold will encourage you to live a more fulfilling existence but only if there is room for improvement! Some even believe this crystal never needs to be charged itself, she addsbut more on that later. Selenite Bracelet Selenite: Complete Guide (Updated 2023) | Healing Crystals Co. Their calming properties, ideal for spiritual work and meditative practices. Whether you are clearing your own energy field, your environment, or your crystals, the Selenite crystal healing properties are perfectly suited to remove unwanted energy and replace it with light and positive energy. Click to read more. It can be helpful in all diseases related to calcium absorption. Moldavite healing crystal therapies include slowing the aging process, awakening latent memories . By filling your entire being with light, you can block out lower vibrational energy to protect your spirit. It forms hexagonal crystals which tessellate with other selenite crystals, and sometimes parallel to one another. Luckily though, this is not manipulative or affecting any notions of free will. Terms of Use | Selenite was named after the Greek word, Selene, which means moon. One of the most popular stones in history for protection purposes, Jade has been revered for thousands of years as it possesses some truly incredible healing powers. You will feel a difference right away. Wearing a green selenite necklace or beaded bracelet can make a person feel good and relax. With the selenite helping to clear any unwanted energy, you'll be better able to deepen your practice. Since 2012 has been the fastest growing collection expert articles, media and information on the powers of crystals and their meanings. Selenite has a certain steadiness to it and a way of helping you to see the bigger picture. Mental uses: Selenite brings mental clarity and helps you maintain focus. But of all the crystals available, few are better for clearing energy than selenite. If you decide to purchase Selenite stones, they will work for you in protecting your space from external influences and lower vibrational energies. Its a wonderful stone to place on the heart chakra during meditation or healing work, as it helps you connect with your higher self. We all enter love affairs with a little baggage we are only human. The negative energies surrounding you and your partner will be cleansed with its energies. Selenite can be a powerful crystal to incorporate into any chakra-balancing or clearing rituals. But, it also has endless advantages too. The striations that you can find on the Selenite crystals surface serve as a pathway for the spirit. Blue Lace Agate: Meaning, Properties and Powers. A selenite crystal is said to help with the following: promotes peace and quiet. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Selenite is found in Mexico, Morocco, the United States and many other places around the globe. So often, we are bombarded by information and things requiring our attention in todays world. Selenite can also be used in cleansing and purification 5 benefits of Selenite bracelet: Selenite is a powerful cleansing crystal, and it can help clear away negative energy and psychic debris. Selenite crystal stones are associated with spirituality, spirituality, and inner energy. Many carry a Selenite Nugget in their pocket or wear a Selenite Pendant or necklace to help keep anxiety at bay. This crystal is the perfect mechanism for identifying and remodeling the causes of physical, spiritual, and emotional disorders. Its a very powerful crystal that will effectively cleanse your aura and remove all the bad vibrations and negative energies surrounding you. Indeed, Selene, the moon goddess, loves to wear a crown of the crescent moon itself on her head. Rather than letting chaotic energy take hold of your aura, the properties of Amazonite soothe a troubled mind and spirit to bring peace one and for all. Selenite works very well with Lapis Lazuli as they both have the same high vibration this makes them a formidable pair when it comes to banishing dark entities! The Selenite crystal meaning is highly effective for clearing and cleansing your energy, as well as the energy of your environment and even your other crystals. When you think that youre not feeling energetic enough, or if youre feeling tired and lethargic, Selenite can help clear the glands of your body and give you the energy that you need. Sunlight often overpowers this soft, fragile stone when we want to recharge this crystals spiritual power. It takes the form of a rosette and can have tan, brown, white, or cream color. The piece is also said to aid dis-ease (mental, emotional or physical) by removing blockages that may be hindering the healing process. Selenite is closely associated with the crown chakra. Similar to Agate, this stone is very helpful when it comes to mental flexibility and decision making. Yet, often it can be as simple as sitting with your stone held in your hands and willing the energies of the universe and of the Spirit to cleanse and revitalize it for you. And it will make you feel grateful and blessed that you have a love so strong and true. Transmit the healing power of these powerful stones to your body and put these crystals on the spine or back. It helps you access your intuition. Like many healing crystals and stones, Selenite is great to have to attract wealth, prosperity, and abundance. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Selenite promotes a feeling of harmony and is unlikely to make you the hard nose entrepreneur who puts money and workaholism before all else. It will not only work on your emotions but with how your loved one reacts to you, responds to you, or deals with conflicts with you. Listed on Mar 3, 2023 It is also found alongside gypsum, vesicles, and speleothems; all of these minerals are formed from various types of solutions and water. The crystal formations can vary from cubic crystals, which have octahedral faces and sometimes may be striated; to hexagonal plates and columns. It will work alongside other Clear Quartz crystals, Calcite, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Beryl, Aquamarine, Citrine and many others. Selenites natural healing properties can remove any blockages that are preventing the healthy flow of good energies throughout your body a room. Selenite: Properties, Benefits & Different Ways To Use It - mindbodygreen Selenite Bracelet, Selenite Bead Bracelet for Energy. Likewise, fresh pure water is a good way of washing your Selenite, both physically as much as energetically and esoterically. Lepidolite recharges itself during the night so its ready to block new attacks or harmful influences first thing in the morning! When combined with Bixbite, this stone increases libido and promotes fertility. Here are a few other areas Selenite is believed to aid in: Relieving muscle tension Reducing inflammation Stimulating the immune system Aiding in digestion Regulating blood pressure How to use Selenite Having Selenite crystals with you at work or at home can greatly shift the energy present there. No, they are not the same. The Selenite crystal stone meaning is so effective because it has the ability to both remove lower vibrational energy and recharge whatever it is clearing with higher vibrations. On the other hand, Black tourmaline is known for its protective properties. Om Symbol Etched Selenite Charging Plates. Partners | . But that is only the literal meaning of Selenite there exist important spiritual meanings, too. Here, have a look at some selenite crystal uses for a better and improved life: Note: Get a crystal wand infused water bottle and release negative energy and pain from your body, Note: Buy an authentic selenite tower lamp to add light and positivity to your surroundings, Note: Let this magical obsidian crystal stone necklace cleanse all your negative energies while you are wearing it. A Selenite wand is a beautiful and ornate way to welcome the energies of this crystal into your life. Clearing confusion and encouraging strong decision-making abilities. The advice we give, or products we recommend, are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Yin and Yang, Selenite Crystal Bracelet, Healing Selenite Bracelet, Obsidian Crystal Bracelet, Metaphysical Crystals Ad vertisement by theindigosol. Two of her favorite methods include sound and moonlight. So it can bring you on your way to spiritual enlightenment, too. Plus, "All objects and spaces can use energetic cleansing from time to time," she notes. Selenite Charging Plate. After the reiki, close the session by placing the small stones on the chakra points to align and balance their harmony. In addition to daily energetic maintenance, the Selenite crystal meaning is powerful for an on-the-spot treatment when you find yourself in a lower vibrational state. Rose Quartz. A Selenite crystal is the ultimate energy tool to purify, clear, cleanse, and uplift your home, plus everyone and everything in it. Given that selenite is so great for energy clearing, one simple way you can work with it is by sweeping the body free from any unwanted energies, Leavy says. The metaphysical properties of selenite in any form like a wand, tower, ball, sphere, etc., can be used to emit soothing vibrations that will make your home or office a calming sanctuary. It gives you strong instincts over time and is the perfect companion when you are doing your meditation. This is because they infuse the body with a white light that can heal. It is believed to bring good fortune, wealth, and wisdom to ones life. However, some combinations are more powerful than others. The most popular places would be the kitchen, the bedrooms, and the living areas. Because it is one of the most powerful and effective tools to cleanse and charge crystals, its worthwhile to dedicate one of your Selenite stones specifically to this purpose. Selenite is the highest vibration stone that will allow you to think without confusion and open all the blocked doors in your mind. Yes, sometimes relationships can be a lot of work! Inexpensive Gifts for the Woman Who Has Everything, Christmas Gifts For Husband Who Has Everything, Selenite Crystal Properties Based on Colors, From Boring To Beautiful: Elevate Your Nails With These14 Best Nail Care Products, Get Ease From Osteoarthritis With 13 Of The Best Knee Pain Relief Products, Physiotherapists Recommended Easy To Use And Efficacious Best Back Pain Relief Products, 8 Best Posture Correctors That Are Guaranteed To Alleviate Aching Shoulders, Neck, & Back, 6 Best Knee Pads To Ensure Your Safety For Everyday Commutes, Eliminates unwanted energy from the body and environment, Connects with the heart chakra to release nervousness and anxiety, Charge, energize, and purify jewelry and accessories, Placing a selenite tower in the windows keeps the ghosts and bad spirits away from your house, By putting jewelry and accessories on selenite slab, crystals, or plates, they can absorb the positive energy, Rubbing a selenite wand can ease the pain, soreness, and discomfort in the body, A selenite bracelet can suck up all the negative energy from the body and helps to relieve anxiety, Keeping a selenite sphere, tower, or crystal ball absorbs bad vibes from the room or office space, Selenite stone helps in improving and encouraging psychic communication, Wearing a selenite necklace keeps oneself calm.