Right up front, the use of an ill-fitting/improper-for-the-gun holster instantly negates any idea of an unintended discharge being the fault of the design. I wish nothing bad on anyone carrying regardless of brand. (b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. Glock is being sued too, because once loaded and a round is chambered, it also has a much lighter trigger than a DA/SA. So it never had a history of a potential valid claim for ambulance chasers to work off of. Rather, it's because those LEO P320 pistols are seeing much more physical action than ones carried by civilians. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. Whether or not the suits have merit. This is just blind greed using some careless doofus to sell a lie and cash in because a civil jury, like the average American voter, can be manipulated easily though emotion, tears and stories of anguish, pain and suffering at the foot of some super-rich evil corporations cold-blooded behest. Unless they have to fire their weapon in an on-duty incident most officers only fire their weapons just before and/or at qualifications, which depending on the department are annual or semi-annual. Depending on who you talk to you will get many different answers. selling the 365 with strikers breaking? Now when you lose your grip on lawn mowers or snow blowers they will not keep travelling foreword all by themselves. This subject has two prongs; One is the negligence of those who have shot themselves with 320s through violations of Rule 2, the other the possible mechanical design failing of the gun. Yaaay! 35446 Views 56 Replies 41 Participants Last post by tirod, Sep 1, 2021. He wanted to see how accurate the gun was, especially after the customer got it back after the voluntary upgrade. They cant even make claim to doing a twice a year qual. Later when he was driving he shifted his weight and this caused the trigger to be pushed back further and it went off and shot him and the bullet then also blew a big hole in the floor board of this truck. to docile, too subtle, to contextual. Inside the gun, a metal piece called the sear should keep the weapon from firing until the trigger is pulled. The sheriff's office said its investigation found no mechanical problems with its deputy's gun. Use a proper holster and follow other gun safety protocols. He probably had a double until it was over. They didnt have to, but did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ZZ6pynGLM Then without any extra effort, the normal trigger pull caused the tab on the drop safety to sheer off. ALL OF THEM. MIM strikers made in India and put into Sigs. Profits over reliability and you end up with junk. I own Serpa holsters in multiple configurations (1911, Beretta 96, H&K, Springfield, etc) for most of the time theyve been around and I NEVER had an ND. Going on Sigs reputation I bought a P320. The modular SIG P320 is among the most widely-owned handguns on the planet. First, clearing a loaded firearm with a finger over the muzzle doesnt exhibit even cursory adherence to the Four Rules. Each incident gives them more blood for their macabre dance, and another tic-mark for their context-free gun violence tally. To make the striker leg pull off of the sear, you would have to impart a lot of rearward momentum and stop it suddenly. All polymer guns are cheap, cheap, cheap to make, thats why I threw the Taurus name into the mix. Its hard to say yet but with anything follow the basic safety rules. Bagnell told TTAG that he believes the problem with the striker-fired P320 is an inadequate sear/striker connection (he has images he says illustrate this on his website). The VIP screening with the meet and greet was like $600. I can say we are aware of the statement released by SIG SAUER, said Maj. Amber Bineau. This is this same company that couldnt build their own freaking rifles after multiple attempts (Sig SG550 series) when that rifle had been made in Switzerland for years without issue. And thats just my opinion. But breaking news here, skippy. Additional questions about the Voluntary Upgrade Program are answered in the FAQ. If you want to find the lowest form of life on the planet interview any C.E.O. His annual qualification consisted of shooting 32 rounds. "It has a clear capacity to fire without the trigger being pulled under certain conditions," said Hilton's lawyer, Jeffrey Bagnell. Too expensive to use their customers as beta testers. DND/CAF is not in a position at this stage in its investigation to offer insight into the potential causes because our investigation scope is broader than the technical aspect pertaining to the unintended discharge of the pistol.. The problem is non-existent. While good firearms training and practices among law enforcement officers is certainly the case much of the time, weve seen far too many instances over the years of un-safe or downright dangerous practices by allegedly highly trained individuals to apply that kind of blanket endorsement to all cops or alphabet agency employees. Weird how that might happen. I am also very much a DS9 fan, best series overall. Everyone knows Glocks are the absolute pinnacle of perfection and have never had one single defect ever! Thinking its okay to wrap a loaded gun in a towel and toss it into a gym bag is what we get when departments refuse to hire candidates who score too high on IQ tests. No, it doesnt. Heres the version that ran Tuesday morning during the networks Good Morning America program . Because its flat out bull**it. The investigation revealed the use of an incorrect holster not designed for a [SIG] P320, said the statement, which was released Friday and posted to a U.S. online pro-industry publication, Soldier Systems. It seems safe to assume that while SIG is coming up fast on the outside, GLOCK is still most likely the reigning champ in terms of the firearms most often carried by law enforcement and other government agencies. The bullet struck a soldier in the leg. 3. Canadian soldier. in Capitalvania. They passed every state and national drop test requirement out there. A few Warbirds decloaking would make me very nervous if it wasnt sci-fi fantasy. A shame but then no one was hurt. Without a loser pays tort system, such abuse will go on and on. The settlement requires the gunmaker to reimburse owners of . And it doesnt take too much Googling to find plenty of reports of LEOs suing the Georgia company as well (see here, here, here, and here for just a few). SIG ultimately settled that lawsuit. Mechanical engagement of sear to striker not deep enough (wanted lighter, smoother trigger pull without giving it any hand workmanship required with the deep notch much safer classic systems made since 1900) Result another big fail. Sigs bid was low because they were still pissed after being beat by Beretta in cost. The same should hold true for the insane marketing of pistols like the totally unsafe Glock. The P320 Voluntary Upgrade Program is a SIG SAUER initiative to upgrade P320 pistols at no additional cost . And have the dropping 320 go off? Slowly people are realizing they arent the only ones having issues. The new guy sucks. Then theres the fact that the branches of the military have put the P320 design through their own batteries of testing and found it duty worthy. But when you set a gun down on a table, and the damn thing goes off seconds after you let go, that sounds like a defective gun. UPDATE:We were just made aware of YouTuber BoomStick Tactical who produced this video the day before our post published. Period. He said there has to be something wrong with the gun if this is happening to individuals with this amount of training, this amount of skill.. There were a lot of changes. 19 Feb 2021 Military.com | By Matthew Cox A former U.S. Marine and federal agent has filed a $10 million lawsuit against Sig Sauer Inc. alleging that his holstered Sig P320 -- a pistol. (unless theyre SWAT or something). (c) If conduct constituting an offense under this section also constitutes an offense under another . 1.A rush to market, and as usual the blind greed of the gun companies who no longer test pistols before marketing them think it is cheaper (so the idiots think) to let the public test them. Especially since they farm it out to the lowest bidder. JTF-2 is the only unit in. Post again when you buy a real gun that you can defend yourself with. That focus drifts. Why you and I are arguing over a gun that neither owns or will own, Search Texas Statutes. A plastic gun that has a tendency to go off by itself. The Glocks lack of a manual safety has caused untold thousands of needless cripplings and death. That being the case, the 320 is a cocked and locked striker-fired gun; However, it only has two safeties, unlike, say, a 1911, which has four: An inertial firing pin, a positive firing-pin locking safety, a manual sear-locking/blocking safety, and a trigger-bar-blocking grip safety. The Milwaukee Police Department reports "multiple unexplained accidental discharges" of the Sig Sauer P320 9mm, a gun all officers are required to carry, making for more than 1,600 firearms. Either one could have been a gun or a Barbie. So does any of this mean theres something wrong with the P320? They both underwent full testing but while the Sig was the cheaper handgun ($1.50), it also quoted higher costs for magazines and spare parts, boosting the overall cost of the acquisition. One, the energy necessary to lift the striker-securing safety plunger may be insufficient due to a too-weak spring, or a too-light plunger, or some other design flaw, to reliably engage the plunger where it belongs. Theres still the P938 extractors snapping they refuse to acknowledge. abprototype.com can add the manual safety as well as add the notches in the grip frame. How many times did Shatner actually watch it? Folks disagree on brands. Ever since the internet went mainstream I have read about the Sigs decline. is the manual safety a kit you add? Yes, a lot of police officers only shoot when they have to for qual. The guide rod is cheap and breaks, it has rotten front sights! converted to the Glock denomination, but are now screaming that the P320 is Too new, not worked out! In 2020, the agent, who is a former marine, was doing his routine training with the P320. The clearest memory I have about the many people experiencing post-upgrade discharges is a cop who set his P320 on a table, and several seconds after letting go, IT DISCHARGED ON ITS OWN! The P320s and P365s were junk, plain and simple. The trigger bar has to push up on it, for it to release. It SHOULD have more engagement width wise, but often doesnt due to things being rounded or out of square. Sounds like most of these cases were off-body carry. Golly didnt Sig catch he!! Were not saying that the suits against GLOCK are any more (or less) substantiated than those against SIG. There are a few examples, I admitS&Ws M&P from around 2014 were near junk and I wouldnt have bothered to own one as a trotline weight, but apparently S&W had righted that ship since then. Dude, your story is THREE years old. The military is already shopping for a new sidearm. For instance theres Lieutenant Thomas Ahern who was was performing a routine function (test) of his P320 when it fired at him without any force towards the trigger, resulting in the bullet impacting his left thigh.. Dont care for them, not my jam. The modular SIG P320 is among the most widely-owned handguns on the planet. Frankly, I think that ship is the best looking sci-fi ship design ever, with the Excelsior a very close second. I went to an outdoor public range with a local SWAT entry team leader. A too light 1911 as some use in competition or God Forbid for carry- could jump the sear if dropped. Thats the American system at work in all its corrupt majesty. Companies stay silent There are several stories about her in the news for various no reasons, she must be throwing them out by a dozen. Effectively: you must be this dumb to get this job. This will include an alternate design that reduces the physical weight of the trigger, sear, and striker while additionally adding a mechanical disconnector. Wow new finger grooves, crazy innovation. If the P320 was so great then why did special forces go to the Glock 19? Bagnell said he thinks the discharges are due to both design and manufacturing flaws on SIGs part. Remember the highly trained FBI officer whose gun went off in a nightclub? . You would have to conclude theres a problem with the product, not with the people., In the Nightline version, Bagnell says, Firearms are not subject to federal regulation. The American manufacturer of the new pistols belonging to Canadas special forces claims the soldier wounded in an accidental discharge last fall was using the wrong holster for the weapon. Training and experience are not a talisman that magically prevents accidents. We will respect the ongoing investigation and will not offer further comment at this time, Bineau said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jsu6WsSQ2_g. The incident with the P320 - a contender for a major Canadian Armed Forces procurement of thousands of pistols and holsters that has a Aug. 3 deadline for industry proposals - occurred at JTF-2's Dwyer Hill training range just west of Ottawa. . I dunno if its a case of lowest bidders blues or what. They didnt see a problem at all and in fact, saw it as an upgrade over Glock. You need to deliberately thumb the Pythons hammer back to get that trigger pull, each and every time. Sounds like these officers and others are attempting to cover their posteriors. The SIG P320, which has been manufactured since 2014, is known to go off without the trigger being pulled if it's dropped and lands on the ground at a certain angle. Not only is it now the designated sidearm of all branches of the U.S. military, there are over a million of them in civilian hands. Heres the version of the report that ran later that night, during ABCs Nightline program . The P320 should be scrapped and SIG Sauer USA should redesign a new pistol around the striker firing mechanism instead of just retrofitting a hammer fired pistol (P250). I still own them all. First off, no joke on me. I sold that pistol when I got it back. At this point I would have to say that Taurus is a better handgun. Canadas highly-trained counterterrorism force, JTF-2, is the only military unit with the SIG P320 in its inventory right now. Grow up, you aint all that! The Glocks trigger had caught on a fold in the leather holster and it pushed the trigger part way back. The weapon was out of battery when it fired.. Personally they should have gone with the Glock, its not for me but is a proven gun. Sig makes a damn fine weapon and theres nothing wrong with it. So even if, as the ambulance chaser claims, the striker leg could vibrate off of the sear face, it could not discharge unless the drop safety was also disengaged because the drop safety prevents movement of the striker sufficient to make the firing pin protrude from the breech face. When he put his hand on the grip, the weapon fired, according to the lawsuit. Charlton posted to the online commercial forum Canadian Gun Nutz, describing the CBC News piece as inaccurate and promising SIG Sauer would release a statement. This guy had been working at the LGS for over a decade and never had an AD or ND, he was the strictest when it came to safety. They are plaintiffs versions of what they say happened. The best take on this subject is by the author himself: this is about slime lawyers looking to build a national narrative and get a few wins in, so they can more easily get the next win and the next one, the next one and so on. Ron, And they think hey have an actual legit lawsuit on their hands? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Kyle . And the fact they used real models, and big ones, gives the ships a real sense of heft, mass, movement and solidity that the garbage CGI ships of the new movies just cannot remotely compete with. At rest, cocked, it may very well have enough oomph to set some primers off. Their visceral hatred for that which they see as competition to their little golden calf god and their blind, myopic, childish self-identification with an external dynamic is hilarious! The Defiant regardless of who is the captain. Canadian Special Forces Command has not said what caused the gun to go off unexpectedly, but the company said a conclusion has been reached. As far as ships go, Im drawn to the original movie vessels because they look the most, to me, like something youd really see humans build in space in 300 years. To me it was unreal, $600 to ask a question about WOK and a picture. The pistol is popular with commercial gun owners and law enforcement south of the border. Sig Sauer Inc. has agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit over its P320 pistol, on which the Army 's Modular Handgun System is based. To be sure, Ive informally asked every other owner of a Serpa holster when I meet them, whether they have ever had an ND because of the holster. Hey, Im sitting here staring at my P320, waiting for it to go bang! Fourth, no one takes Taurus seriously. Quite frankly, a sizable number of the LEOs that go there, would benefit from a Gun Safety 101 class. This gun had been voluntary upgraded. It has nothing to do with Glock. In 2020, the agent, who is a former marine, was doing his routine training with the P320. This is what happens when you go with the lowest bidder. The weapon had a history of going off unexpectedly when it was dropped at a certain angle. Stupid marine, cop, citizen, its their fault. My gun just went off! It nicely describes what has to happen in a striker-fired P320 for an un-commanded discharge to happen as the plaintiffs have claimed. The second, longer version of the ABC story again included comments from Joshua Harrison, the consultant ABC hired to independently assess the P320. 3 disaster is true and if it is Sig will go all out to cover it up if it was. Maybe in South America a poor military did, but thatd be about it. The 1911 had one added, the FN 1905 had one added in 1906. He takes your wallet and car and leaves the SIG. The pictures on the internet were enough to scare the shit out of you especially his wound in the thigh. But it also has much worse quality control on the parts in my experience owning and working on both. OR some gorilla with more brawn than brains ignored the 40lb trigger pull they suddenly had to break the tab. Glocks biggest problem is they havent innovated since 1985. Sig P320 is just one of many pistols with Safety related. To give you an example of early self-propelled lawn mowers if you lost your grip on the handles the mower would not shut off and it would take off on its own right down the street all by itself. Remember also that with a handful of notable exceptions, modern firearms do not just go off, no matter what is later claimed by those who may be held responsible. Someone is going to read this thread and be bewildered. If you did the same with a Glock or an M&P without the thumb safeties, youd get the same result. So your fanboy perjorative falls not only flat but false. The Nightline segment includes an interview with Major Peter Villani, an expert (paid) witness for Hilton. The new Kirk does suck. My dad owned one and that is exactly what happened one time when he was using it. Dont quote the four rules of safety in your article when all the hotness in the gun world is appendix carry pointing something at an extremity and the photos you use showing front slide serrationsputting your hands fingers near the business end of the barrel, because press checks from the front is the way all the cool operator guys do it. Infact you have to pay shipping cost to get that fixed even though its their screw up. I agree. I have almost a hatred for Glocks but the one thing that they are is reliable. The more someone touches, loads, clears, cleans, holsters, un-holsters, or otherwise deals with their firearm, the higher the statistical likelihood that complacence kicks in. I continue to bet my life on them. Let us look at the history of other consumer products. As a striker-fired pistol, the P320 is "under constant pressure to fire," Bagnell said. Wont last!. It has an unsafe takedown procedure that requires you to pull the trigger to get the slide off. Ironic that the trendsetters of yesteryear are trying to tear down the innovator of today because its Not perfected yet! and the Design isnt worked out!. Using an example from the first prong, we legitimately fault the user who shot himself in the palm, rightfully asking why in the WORLD his palm was in front of the muzzle when he set the gun down. Hammer guns have a half cock notch for a reason. Hilton's $15 million lawsuit said, "there have been 54 reported uncommanded discharges of the P320," meaning the gun went off by itself, over the last five years in 22 states and Washington, D.C. Sig Sauer did not respond to ABC News' request for comment. The drop-bang thing only happened at a very narrow event window, it was only once the Internet doom-preachers figured out that narrow window and did it over and over online did it appear to be a thing. Sig adapted and changed the pistol sufficiently to prevent even that issue. Or you would have to have enough slide play for the slide movement to physically disengage the sear and striker leg mating surfaces. Sig fanboys are almost as bad as Glock fanboys. 3) If the sear fails, there is the drop safety in the way of the striker. The main difference is that the M&P never had the problem the p320 did with trigger mass. 1) The p320 doesnt hold the striker fully to the rear. Even if it was an issue with the sear interface, there is still a firing pin safety that will not move unless the trigger is held firmly to the rear. And on the flip side of the coin is the decades of denial by Remington on the 700 which Ive seen firsthand. I would trust the intelligence of a Gorilla in a zoo before any one in the Far Right. They habitually use their customers as the product testers by selling what are essentially prototypes while quietly implementing rolling revisions. I have no idea. His haste to avoid the embarrassment of his gun being seen on the floor turned the incident from a wardrobe malfunction (accidental exposure of a concealed weapon, probably just a reprimand from the OPR) into a negligent discharge (the gun being fired led to him personally getting fired!). No the devil went down to Georgia to learn how to play a fiddle. I was tempted to buy one at one time but no more. So if, say, a person was to accidentally get shot through no fault of their own and need to sue, which specific cartridge/appendage combo would yield the most favorable least pain/permanent-damage : highest-payout ratio? Thats why NY demanded the NY Trigger be installed on Glocks before theyd buy them. How about something more relevant. Keep the phrase legal momentum in mind. Im a Kirk guy, a Shatner Kirk guy. SIG is choosing to litigate their problems away. Second, pardon us if were more than a little skeptical that the P320 in question or any other handgun fired when it was out of battery.
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