The parents said their daughter had cerebral palsy. One brother, John Daniel Kingston, was taken to court for neglecting this children. Some 42 different Klan groups were active in 22 . "In this isolated religious society north of the Grand Canyon, few secrets have been more closely guarded than the presence of fumarase deficiency. But [FLDS members] don't think of it as sexual predation. Click to reveal ", -The Prophet Brigham Young, "Journal of Discourses," vol. Video unavailable This video. 'I could choose, but it had to be a brother, uncle or cousin.' . "Finally exposed in the news, the facts of life inside [the Mormon offshoot Kingston clan's] religious/cult compound are stunning Mormons, Utahans, the nation, and the world. Moore-Emmett suggests that the heavily Mormon Utah government is unduly tolerant of polygamy and reluctant to acknowledge the abuses of many polygamous families. Have you also noticed all the genetic and other debilitating defects, deformities and diseases that comes along with your poisoned patriarchal plurality-of-wives club? "For more than 70 years, all marriages in the isolated towns have been arranged by the leader of the FLDS, a breakaway sect of the Salt Lake City-based Mormon Church. . 13, p. 195, "We breathe the free air, we have the best looking men and handsomest women, and if they (non-Mormons) envy us our position, well they may, for they are a poor, narrow-minded, pinch-backed race of men, who chain themselves down to the law of monogamy, and live all their days under the dominion of one wife. "Community historian Ben Bistline said most of the community's 8,000 residents are in two major families descended from a handful of founders who settled there in the 1930s. These babies usually do not leave the hospital and die as infants. [21][26], The Latter Day Church of Christ is based on a belief in Jesus Christ and the restoration of his gospel in these latter days. . By the time Joseph Smith Jessop died in September 1953, he already had 112 grandchildren, the majority of them directly descended from him and Yeates. Women, meanwhile, allegedly gain status by being pure of blood and obedient, becoming the first wives of higher-ranking numbered men, and bearing many children. . The three marriages between second cousins have produced at least eight children afflicted with fumarase deficiency, according to a report in the May 2000 'Annals of Neurology' (based on the study conducted by the group led by Tarby and Aleck), interviews with doctors treating the disease and anecdotal evidence gathered from the community. While engaged in that enterprise, he reportedly received an angelic visitation. The Latter Day Church of Christ,[1] is considered a Mormon fundamentalist denomination by some in the Latter Day Saint movement. Supposedly, these sacrifices are part of the united order. That leads to problems." "While none of these can positively be linked to incest without DNA testing, geneticists say most of the conditions are exacerbated by incest. Precisely where Elden obtained valid priesthood authority is a matter of dispute. . "Two years later, a pair of geneticists from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Md., flew to Utah where they hoped to stage a seminar for Kingston family members about the dangers of incest and birth defects, and, presumably, gain permission to study the clan. 'All of a sudden [with] this one little baby, everything tightened up and she arched her back so hard her head was almost touching her toes,' Wyler says. [41][42] Despite this, the latest suit alleges marriages as young as 16 within the Latter Day Church of Christ have continued. . . . One of the most devastating hereditary malformations is fumarase deficiency, a rare genetic condition marked by severe mental retardation and seizures. "Fumarase deficiency is caused by a lack of the fumarase enzyme, an essential component in a biological process called the Krebs cycle, which converts food into energy within each cell. . Let's now examine how this supposedly "divinely-inspired" Mormon program of heavenly eugenics has actually worked in practice. . 5, p. 22, "Brethren, I want you to understand that it is not to be as it has been heretofore. . [23] The group claims no preference for any particular family or surname stating members join every year "from a variety of different backgrounds and surnames. . [39], In 2016, the State of Utah with federal law enforcement raided various properties in connection with the Kingston family or Davis County Cooperative Society with the intention of finding welfare fraud. ", ("Understanding Polygamy," from "Humanists of Utah, an Incorporated Utah Non-profit Corporation Has a Mission to Promote Joyful Living, Rational Think)ing, and Responsible Behavior," July 2005, at: David Kingston was released from prison in 2003. Rather than take steps to avoid the problem, the FLDS loyalists may believe it is their duty to accept their fate. LuAnn Kingston, a former member of the clan who in 1995 at age fifteen was forced to marry her first cousin, shared: The joke used to be that if you werent married by 17, you were an old maid.[5], Within the Kingston Group, the primary polygamists are the immediate Kingston family and heirs. "Of the Kingstons, Williams says: 'There is not much you can do about them. They have no movement. . "The rate at which Kingstons marry each other is 'frightening,' she says. Current scientific knowledge indicates Grants lack of sons resulted from his own genetic defect, since only men carry the male Y chromosome to make a son. Let's revisit the boastful words of Mormon Church Prophet John Taylor and Mormon Church Apostle Heber C. Kimball, both quoted earlier: -Taylor, "Millennial Star," vol. But residents who are aware of fumarase deficiency fear that the number of children afflicted with the disease will indeed increase. Paul continued to practice his fathers ideas regarding intra-family marriages. Kingston members today generally claim that keys were received anew from heavenly messengers directly to Elden in 1935, although it appears he left no formal testimony to that effect. . present a troubling scenario for law enforcement: these are crimes of a sexual nature committed in private in a closed society. "52 years later, more than half of the 8,000 people . 'And I've seen others that are totally laid out. . Some of you may not believe this, but I not only believe it but I also know it. Or was it true no one knew the answers, because they could not be known, because no one wanted to know? ", ("Mormon Polygamy: Frequently Asked Questions," at: 5, p. 22. "Now 16, Rugg's sister was married to and subsequently left one of her half-brother's sons. The SPLC estimates there are . A member of a polygamist clan today was convicted of incest with his 16-year-old niece, who testified that she had been forced to become his 15th wife. "In 1996, the now 31-year-old Kingston mother of two slow-growing children sought explanations at Primary Children's Medical Center. Legitimate businesses, including those in the Cooperative, argued that Jacob hid the scheme from business partners as well as Co-op leadership. "Marriages among first and second cousins have been common for decades in the community, where religious doctrine requires men to have at least three wives to gain eternal salvation. . FOX 13 spoke to the man who filed the IRS. This is inadequate information for purposes of establishing the true incidence of consanguinity within a family or community. KUTV When several businesses inside the Kingston polygamist empire, including Washakie Renewable Energy, was raided by federal agents Wednesday, officials where tight lipped. . the tight-lipped adult answer, 'We dont know,' seemed woefully inadequate. They do develop to some degree, but it's way behind their peers.'. Unfortunately, there are also numerous reports of members who lived in squalor in order to advance the monetary gains of the Co-op. ", (Linda Walker, "Fatal Inheritance: Mormon Eugenics," under "Science as Culture," originally written in the fall of 1991, updated in the summer of 1999, citations included, at: . "The Mormons, well-known for genealogical record keeping, maintain birth, marriage and death information at church libraries and now on the Internet. "There is too little empirical data of uncle-niece, half-brother/half-sister mating to draw firm conclusions about the IQ, survival rates, birth defects or longevity of their offspring, he says. . [Andrea] Moore-Emmett [author of 'God's Brothel: The Extortion of Sex for Salvation in Contemporary Mormon and Christian Fundamentalist Polygamy and the Stories of 18 Women Who Escaped'] contends that [in polygamy] incest, statutory rape, torture, physical abuse, forced marriages, and trafficking of girls is rampant. . Lesser known children hidden in families sympathetic to polygamists might remain ignorant of their genetic kinship. . . If the FLDS faithful believed that Jeffs was relying on science to determine marriages rather than divine revelation from God, he could lose control of the church. 11, p. 128, ". . D. Michael Quinn, former Brigham Young University professor, states, 'The Mormon practice of polygamy enabled men to marry daughters, nieces, cousins, granddaughters and former wives of other General Authorities.'. First, the truth and the priesthood keys are dispensed from heaven to a prophet on earth. . . During a recent interview with the Intelligence Report, Jessica Kingston, a former member of the secretive, Salt Lake City-based cult and a star of the A&E reality series "Escaping Polygamy," remembered, when she was 12, her Sunday school teacher coming into class with a bucket of water and a vial of black food coloring. Jacob Kingston pleaded guilty to 41 charges, including conspiracy to commit mail fraud, aiding/assistance in filing a false claim, money laundering and obstruction. This is a humane coping strategy devised to deal with a dilemma that devastated a woman taught from birth her only value was in the number of children she bore for the Kingdom of God. An MRI of the brain of one fumarase deficiency child showed that more than half the brain was missing. Bearing in mind I'm not American and have only a vague knowledge of Mormonism, a video came across my youtube from a former member of the Kingston clan/the order and wow is this terrifying. . In response to questions from the newspaper, Kent Johnson, a spokesman for the Davis County Cooperative. "Of even greater concern was the fact that the recessive gene that triggers the disease was rapidly spreading to thousands of individuals living in the community because of decades of inbreeding. Kingston began preaching polygamy amongst fellow members of the LDS Church and distributing pamphlets and the book he had co-written, Laman Manasseh Victorious: A Message of Salvation and Redemption to His People Israel, First to Ephraim and Manasseh. . and several polygamist men serve in local government positions, including as mayors . The stage was set for the appearance of the rare disease when their 12th child, Martha Jessop, married her second cousin, John Yeates Barlow, in 1923, according to LDS genealogy data and Colorado City historian Ben Bistline. All are retarded, the neurologist told Salt Lake City television station KSL-TV. They maintain a secretive but powerful presence in Utah's Salt Lake Valley, and their estimated 7,500. . "All of the fumarase deficiency children Wyler has seen remain dependent on the parents or caregivers. lost the priesthood which had come down to them from the Prophet Joseph Smith. 'And their claim is they marry closely to preserve the royal bloodline, so to speak.'. . . . The adoption of children among family members sometimes disguised sterility. . "It is possible that positive genetic traits could be passed along through human inbreeding. Believing that Elden received lost priesthood keys in 1935 also seems to contradict an 1837 scripture given to Joseph Smith stating that the priesthood had then (in 1837) been restored for the last time: For unto you, the Twelve, and those, the First Presidency, who are appointed with you to be your counselors and your leaders, is the power of this priesthood given, for the last days and for the last time, in the which is the dispensation of the fulness of times (D&C 112:30; see also D&C 27:13). . The Twelve Apostles of Mormonism then acted to increase this familial relationship by marrying other relatives until in 1877, at the end of Brigham Youngs reign as Mormon Prophet and King, the polygamous hierarchy became l00% interrelated. . "By the late 1990s, Tarby and his team had discovered fumarase deficiency was occurring in the greatest concentration in the world among the fundamentalist Mormon polygamists of northern Arizona and southern Utah. If such a test were developed, a community-wide screening program could be instituted that would identify those carrying the fumarase gene. Most populations outbreed and so these lethal genes rarely match to cause any serious diseases. . . Order girls are taught from birth that their primary purposes in life are to be obedient, a submissive wife, and to bear as many children as possible, the suit states. Literally, if they're 8 years old, it's like taking care of a baby.' "Tarby and a team of doctors from Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix and the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson began researching the disease and soon discovered that fumarase deficiency was occurring in at least two other families living in the same isolated community that practiced an unusual custom. According to Mormonism's top leaders: "Since the founding of the Roman empire monogamy has prevailed more extensively than in times previous to that. . The samples could be tested for the gene at the Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix. "I never knew if I carried this deadly disease or if any preventative measures would halt its insidious march. In fact, the leaders of the Co-op just seem to be getting richer and the poor get essentially ignored. 'I try in my own, quiet way and tell them to outbreed. [O]ver the first 50 years of Mormonism, a highly inbred hierarchy became even more inbred through their illegal marriage and childbirth practices. "'This problem is going to get worse and worse and worse,' predicts . Not enough of the fumarase enzyme can lead to severe mental retardation and physical deformities. This is why those laws need to be enforced. . My great-grandfather, like scores of English immigrants eager to escape a life of poverty, . Three others, including Grant, said they had to flee to escape such a fate. . ', "Wyler says he has seen some fumarase deficiency children who can walk, but others can barely move and spend their entire lives prone. Aleck is a geneticist who participated along with Tarby and others in the groundbreaking study of several polygamous families with fumarase deficiency in the late 1990s. "'My mother should not have produced another baby," says Rugg, also Isabell and John Ortell's daughter and the baby's full sister. [in order] to reduce competition for wives. Kingston was able to name only nine of his thirteen children by a second woman, Rachael Ann Kingston. [10], According to his autobiography, Charles W. Kingston became disenchanted with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) in 1926 because it abandoned plural marriage. Not only were there possibly too few fathers making it easier for defects to clump in the large interrelated kindred but succeeding generations of children from these isolated rural Mormon towns married within a few kindred as well. "', "'Joseph Smith was also selecting for the "obedience gene." SALT LAKE CITY A local non-profit with ties to the polygamous Kingston group is facing multiple questions and accusations regarding its taxes. Then he scooted away, smiling, aboard a plastic toy car, his feet smacking the sidewalk. The Kingston Group is believed to have a few thousand members, mostly in Utah and Idaho. refuse to accept advice from any outsider, including doctors such as Tarby, who has treated their children for years. . . . In this regard, officially-canonized LDS scripture that currently endorses polygamy is not the only image problem for the Mormon Church (thank you, Warren Jeffs). "Nearly everyone in Colorado City, Arizona, and the adjacent town of Hildale, Utah, was a member of a fundamentalist Mormon sect that practices polygamy and had long encouraged multiple marriages between close relatives. Thanks for contacting us. It alleges sex trafficking, sexual battery and child abuse, and seeks a jury trial and unspecified damages. . Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a302ff8194befb0 It is a common and intentional practice in the Order to require girls and women to submit sexually to their husbands even if the sexual submission is against their will because having children results in workers for the benefit of the Order, the lawsuit states. . These defects could be life threatening like nephritis and spinal bifida, or merely debilitating like asthma. Through diligent money management and hard work, the Davis County Cooperative Society became very financially successful. . This denial is hollow considering the record. Elden received the covenant of consecration and also the plan of temporal salvation.[2]. "Another of Rugg's full sisters, Andrea Johnson, died in 1992 of complications of pre-eclampsia, a condition of pregnancy that was not treated until after the young girl, swollen with toxic fluid, was rushed to the emergency unit at University Hospital. They offer no support, no exit route and no programs for the people trapped inside polygamy endeavoring to escape these closed polygamous communities or compounds. ", (Joseph Carroll, "One in Four Americans Think Most Mormons Endorse Polygamy; Only 2% Think Most Americans Support Polygamy," by Gallup News Service, Princeton, New Jersey, 7 September 2006, at: . Tarby asked them to bring the girl to him for an examination. Half and full siblings are marrying in religious ceremonies. . . ", -Apostle George A Smith, "Journal of Discourses," vol. The records of the marriages sealed at the Nauvoo Temple before the general exodus to Utah in the 1840s, may be the most important ones of all; yet, these are . . . "'The kids that I have seen have terrible seizure disorders and developmental delays,' says Dr. Aleck. Members of a powerful polygamous group in Utah claim they were forced into underage marriages with their relatives to keep their blood pure, were raped by their husbands and had to perform child labor, according to a bombshell lawsuit. [12] In 1977, Elden's brother Ortell Kingston began to file for legal recognition of the church later organized as The Latter Day Church of Christ. The two Kingston brothers and their business partner, Lev Dermen, are in jail awaiting trial, scheduled to start in July and last six weeks. Elden clearly claimed to hold the priesthood keys, saying, I have those keys of power.[3]. "In May, the girl said she was belt-whipped by her father inside a Kingston-owned barn in Box Elder County for fleeing the marriage, and was abandoned in the home of another of John Daniel's wives. Naming a father could expose the truth, unveil secrets of paternity and subject the clan to further scrutiny from those who don't approve of incest. A recently created critical website can be viewed ". "Tarby said the victims require constant care from parents and close relatives. "Goodman soon made a startling discovery: Tarby's young patient was afflicted with an extremely rare disease called fumarase deficiency. Outwardly, she appeared to have no sex organs.
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