If a taxpayer requires an extension of filing Form 5471, then they would file an extension on Form 4868 for their regular tax return and then the 5471 will go on extension as well. Include payments in lieu of dividends that are made as required under section 1058. Sum of the excluded amounts described in section 954(c)(1)(C)(i), (ii), and (iii). See Categories of Filers, earlier. Section 956(a)(2) amount. Pre-1987 U.S. dollar PTEP should be translated into the foreign corporation's functional currency using the rules of Notice 88-70 and added to post-1986 amounts in the appropriate PTEP category. Report the total of the amounts listed in column (l) on this line 5. In the case of a CFC owned by a foreign disregarded entity (FDE), please include the information of the FDE and the regarded entity owner. 2019-40 as well as Rev. Enter the appropriate code on line a (at the top of page 1 of Schedule P). Adjusted net foreign base company income (lines 1 through 17). Subtract line 18d from line 18c" field, "19.Adjusted net foreign base company income. Enter the result here and on Form 5471, Schedule I, line 1d. The amounts reported in columns (x) and (xii) on line 1(a) are the sum of the amounts reported in each column on lines 1(a)(2) and 1(a)(3), which is equal to $8 ($5 + $3). Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Corporations) is a required disclosure for certain U.S. citizens and residents who are officers, directors, or shareholders in certain foreign corporations. In other words, are any amounts described in section 954(c)(3)(A)(ii) excluded from line 1a of Worksheet A? See Regulations section 1.861-20(d)(3)(v)(C)(2). Enter the line 5c functional currency amount translated into U.S. dollars at the average exchange rate for the foreign corporation's tax year. Category 1b and 5b filers are not required to file Schedule G for foreign-controlled corporations. The form and schedules satisfy the reporting requirements of sections 6038 and 6046 and the related regulations. Enter the amount of the dividends received by the shareholder from the foreign corporation that is an extraordinary reduction amount. See also section 1293(f) for inclusions with respect to a passive foreign investment company. However, in the case of Schedule E (Form 5471) filers, if a foreign corporation has more than one of those categories of income, the filer must also complete and file a separate Schedule E (including Schedule E-1) using code TOTAL that aggregates all amounts listed for each line and column of all other Schedules E and E-1. These lines of column (d) account for the balance of prior year hovering deficits and suspended taxes that have not yet been deducted. However, see Certain Category 1 and Category 5 Filers, later, which may apply. An amount equal to the deficit reported in column (a), (b), or (c) of line 5a is included as a positive amount on line 5b of column (a), (b), or (c), respectively. Enter the method of acquisition (for example, purchase, gift, bequest, trade). The name, address, and EIN (or reference ID number) of the foreign corporation(s). Complete a separate Schedule Q for each applicable separate category of income. A Category 1 or 5 filer does not have to file Form 5471 if no U.S. shareholder (including such U.S. person) owns, within the meaning of section 958(a), stock in the foreign corporation on the last day in the year of the foreign corporation in which it was an SFC or CFC, and the foreign corporation is an SFC or CFC solely because one or more U.S. persons is considered to own the stock of the foreign corporation owned by a foreign person under section 318(a)(3). The corporation is required to complete line 5 only if the corporation itself incurred intangible development costs. See Regulations section 1.482-7(e) for rules on a determining and updating controlled participants RAB share. Also, timely information reporting is important to the extent the U.S. shareholder chooses to amend its return in a later year to make the election under section 962. In other words, are any amounts excluded from line 3 of Worksheet A by reason of Regulations section 1.954-3(a)(4)(ii) or (iii)? However, if 20% or more of the foreign corporation's gross income is from U.S. sources, depreciation must be figured on a straight line basis according to Regulations section 1.312-15. You must round the result to more than four places if failure to do so would materially distort the exchange rate or the equivalent amount of U.S. dollars. If there is a PTEP distribution related to more than one PTEP group within an annual PTEP account, complete a separate line for each PTEP group within an annual PTEP account. If there are multiple reasons for differences, include the explanation and amount of each such difference on the attachment. At the time of investment in such property, CFC2 continues to maintain a $36 balance in its section 959(c)(2) previously taxed E&P account. These amounts are figured in U.S. dollars using the rules of Regulations sections 1.964-1(a) through (d), and translated into the foreign corporation's functional currency according to Notice 88-70, 1988-2 C.B. This is a fairly benign example of tax law. Add lines 26, 29, 32, and 35." Adjusted net related person insurance income. Base erosion payments also include amounts received or accrued by the foreign corporation in connection with the acquisition of depreciable or amortizable property (section 59A(d)(2)), reinsurance payments (section 59A(d)(3)), and certain payments relating to expatriated entities (section 59A(d)(4)). For example, if both income equivalent to interest and income from notional principal contracts are included on line 1e, on the statement, identify the amount related to each of those income groups for each column. Do not include adjustments required to be reported on line 1b or line 6. Column (ix). Is the U.S. person filing this return relying on any exception(s), exclusion(s), or other provision(s) not listed above to reduce or exclude any amounts reported or reportable as subpart F income (of or with respect to the CFC)? Certain current year deficits of a member of the same chain of corporations may be considered in determining subpart F income. Instructions for Form 5471 (01/2022) Line 1b. Demystifying the 2021 IRS Form 5471 Schedule Q 14 Feb 2022 By Anthony Diosdi Schedule Q is used to report a controlled foreign corporation's ("CFC") income, deductions, and assets by CFC income groups. New line c has been added at the top of Schedule E to accommodate reporting of treaty countries in cases where a resource by treaty code is entered on line a. 374, for rules for computing section 986(c) gain or (loss) and Regulations section 1.986(c)-1(a) and (b) for rules for computing section 986(c) gain or (loss) recognized with respect to distributions of PTEP within the reclassified section 965(a) PTEP group and the section 965(a) PTEP group. So, if necessary, enter negative amounts on line 15 of columns (a), (b), and (c) in amounts sufficient to reduce line 13, columns (a), (b), and (c) to zero. For purposes of Category 1 and Category 5 filers, an unrelated section 958(a) U.S. shareholder is a U.S. shareholder with respect to a foreign-controlled corporation (defined below) who: Owns, within the meaning of section 958(a), stock of a foreign-controlled corporation; and. For each Category 4, 5a, or 5b filer that is required to file a Schedule I, send a copy of their separate Schedule I to them to assist them in completing their tax return. To determine the appropriate code, see Categories of Income in the Instructions for Form 1118. If the Yes box on line 17b has been checked and the U.S. shareholder filing the Form 5471 is a controlling section 245A shareholder of the foreign corporation, the U.S. shareholder filing this Form 5471 must attach an Elective Section 245A Year-Closing Statement pursuant to Regulations section 1.245A-5(e)(3)(i)(C) containing the information required under Regulations section 1.245A-5(e)(3)(i)(D). Taxes paid, accrued, or deemed paid with respect to section 951A PTEP that is in the section 951A category are reported on the Schedule E completed for the general category. In addition, lines 1b, 1c, and 2 have been shaded in columns (a), (b), (c), and (d), and a pre-printed zero has been inserted on line 16 of columns (a), (b), and (c). Report foreign income taxes related to the current tax year that have been suspended due to the rules of section 909. The form and schedules are used to satisfy the reporting requirements of sections 6038 and 6046, and the related regulations. If the U.S. taxpayer engaged in multiple PCTs during the tax year with the foreign corporation and used different methods to price the PCTs, check the appropriate boxes on line 5c to indicate which methods were selected as the best method for one or more of the PCTs reported in the tax year. Lines 24, 27, 30, and 33. It begins with the inclusion of gross CFC income, followed by the list of the applicable exclusions. Schedule I is completed with a Form 5471 to disclose the U.S. shareholder's allocation of Subpart F income from the CFC. Specifically, if you are reporting with respect to more than two units, add to pages 1 and 2, as appropriate, new lines (3), (4), (5), etc. No amount should be reported in column (xii) of line 4 as foreign tax on residual amounts are not creditable. This amount must be converted from functional currency to U.S. dollars using the average exchange rate for the year of the CFC. Persons With Respect To Certain Foreign Corporations The requirements to file are established in IRC 6038 and 6046. During its annual accounting period, the foreign corporation paid income taxes of 30,255,400 Yen to Japan. For purposes of Category 1 filers, a U.S. shareholder is a U.S. person who owns (directly, indirectly, or constructively, within the meaning of sections 958(a) and (b)) 10% or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of voting stock of a section 965 SFC or, in the case of a tax year of a foreign corporation beginning after December 31, 2017, 10% or more of the total combined voting power or value of shares of all classes of stock of a section 965 SFC. "field, "49.Section 954(c) subpart F Foreign Base Company Sales Income subtotal. If an amount is entered on line 29, you must attach a statement that includes the following information. Answer: One potential check would be to make sure that Tested income (loss) on Line 6 of Schedule I-1 ties to Column (xiii) Net Income of Line 3 Tested Income Group on Schedule Q. If a section 338 election is made with respect to a qualified stock purchase of a foreign target corporation for which a Form 5471 must be filed: A purchaser (or its U.S. shareholder) must attach a copy of Form 8883, Asset Allocation Statement Under Section 338, to the first Form 5471 for the new foreign target corporation (see the Instructions for Form 8883 for details); A seller (or its U.S. shareholder) must attach a copy of Form 8883 to the last Form 5471 for the old foreign target corporation; A U.S. shareholder that files a section 338 election on behalf of a foreign purchasing corporation that is a controlled foreign corporation pursuant to Regulations section 1.338-2(e)(3) must attach a copy of Form 8023, Elections Under Section 338 for Corporations Making Qualified Stock Purchases, to the Form 5471 filed with respect to the purchasing corporation for the taxable year that includes the acquisition date (see the Instructions for Form 8023 for details). A CFC's subpart F income is limited to the sum of the following. A U.S. person described in Category 1, 3, 4, or 5 (shareholder) does not have to file Form 5471 if all of the following conditions are met. The current year tax is allocated and apportioned to the income group to which an amount of gross income is assigned by reason of the receipt of the reattribution payment. Check Yes if, during the tax year, the filer engaged in at least one of the transactions described in Regulations section 1.385-3(b)(2). The corporate U.S. shareholder should include the line 5c amount on Form 1120, Schedule C, line 14, column (a), or the comparable line of other corporate income tax returns. Include the amount, if any, that is not eligible for the section 245A dividends received deduction pursuant to section 964(e)(4) on line 1e. A CFC that would not be a CFC if the determination were made without applying subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of section 318(a)(3) so as to consider a U.S. person as owning stock that is owned by a foreign person (for purposes of Category 5 filers). See section 959(b). See Item 1(b)(2)Reference ID number for more information about reference ID numbers. Schedule Q (Form 5471), CFC Income by CFC Income Groups, is used to report the CFC's income in each CFC income group to the U.S. shareholders of the CFC so that the U.S. shareholders can use it to properly complete Form 1118 (Foreign Tax Credit - Corporations) to compute the high-tax exception, high-tax kickout, and Code Sec. Attach a statement explaining why such taxes were not deemed paid under section 960. Differences between the functional currency amount of income tax expense (benefit) reported on line 21 and the amount of taxes that reduce or increase U.S. earnings and profits (E&P) should be accounted for on line 2g of Schedule H. Report all information in U.S. dollars. On page 1, Schedule E, Part I, Section 1, new column (c) (unsuspended taxes) requires taxpayers to check the box in that column in cases where taxes were previously suspended under section 909 and the related income is now being taken into account in the current year. Line 7. Unaudited separate-entity financial statements of the foreign corporation that are prepared on the basis of IFRS. Enter the total of any illegal bribes, kickbacks, or other payments (within the meaning of section 162(c)) paid by or on behalf of the corporation, directly or indirectly, to an official, employee, or agent of a government. "field, "64.Amount of line 61 that applies to section 954(c) subpart F Foreign Base Company Sales Income. Such taxes may include, but are not limited to, certain taxes on the purchase or sale of oil and gas (section 901(f)), certain taxes used to provide subsidies (section 901(i)), and taxes for which no credit is allowed because of the boycott provisions of section 908. Schedule J reports PTEP by subgroups because those groups may be subject to different rules under sections 960, 965(g), 245A(e)(3), and 986(c). Part I Taxes for Which a Foreign Tax Credit Is Allowed, Item H Person(s) on Whose Behalf This Information Return Is Filed, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, The identifying information on page 1 of Form 5471 above Schedule A; see, Schedule E-1 (included with separate Schedule E), 1. See the instructions for lines 1 through 4. Line 19. In general, tested income will be in a single tested income group within the general category. Report on line 10, column (e), the taxes that relate to PTEP of the foreign corporation that are deemed paid by a shareholder of the foreign corporation, either an upper-tier foreign corporation or a U.S. shareholder, with respect to a distribution of PTEP made by the foreign corporation. Subtract line 10b from line 10a and enter the result on line 10c. CFC2 reclassifies such amount as section 959(c)(1) previously taxed E&P on Schedule J. Proc. Report on line 2 earnings invested in U.S. property (Worksheet B). Proc. Domestic Corporation, a U.S. shareholder, wholly owns the only class of stock of CFC1, a foreign corporation. More than 50% of the total value of shares of all classes of stock of the foreign corporation. The hovering deficit offset included in column (d) is reported as a positive number. Any outstanding balance from these transactions should be reported on the Balance Sheet (Form 5471, Schedule F, page 4) and possibly also on Schedule M, lines 31 and 33. "field, "66.Amount of line 61 that applies to section 954(c) subpart F Foreign Base Company Services Income. The U.S. filer made or accrued a base erosion payment to, or has a base erosion tax benefit with respect to, the foreign corporation. See Regulations section 1.6046-1(i) for rules on determining when U.S. persons constructively own stock of a foreign corporation and therefore are subject to the section 6046 filing requirements. The amount of gross income entered on line 1 will generally be a positive amount. U.S. shareholder's pro rata share of the amount on line 3" field, "5. See the instructions for lines 1 through 4. Noncorporate U.S. shareholders should leave line 1a blank. during the tax year" field, "11. If the Schedule Q is being prepared to report the FOGEI or FORI of a CFC, check the box for Item D. Indicate the amount of FOGEI and FORI in each income group. 960 deemed paid taxes. New line c has been added at the top of Schedule E to accommodate reporting of treaty countries in cases where a resource by treaty code is entered on line a. Do not include foreign income taxes that are disallowed and are reported on Schedule E, Part III. Any liability of the corporation the shareholder assumes in connection with the distribution. The name of the person filing Form 5471 is generally the name of the U.S. person described in the category or categories of filers (see Categories of Filers, earlier).
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