Both training yards (located in Scarborough and Bangor, ME) are equipped with the trucks, trailers, and tools youll need to earn your license. But, course lengths vary depending on the program that is chosen. Youll also have the opportunity to train for endorsements in air brakes, hazardous materials (optional), tankers, and doubles/triples. Become a licensed security guard in your home state. There may be minor differences in how the coursework is handled from school to school but, the end objective is always the same;train students to become safe, knowledgeable, and highly qualifiedcommercial truck drivers who are readyto obtain their MaineCDLand begintheir truck driving career. Steer your way into a growing career path with short-term training. Possible course funding and NO interest loans to qualified applicants. Below are some tips to keep in mind when choosing a truck driving school in Maine. Location: Danville. All Rights Reserved. In a perfect world, the best truck driving school would be the school that is closest to where you live. 239 Main Street Saco, ME 04072. Truck Driving invitation. Thats basically it. It will also impact how well you can drive a tractor trailer when you graduate. The Professional Truck Driver Instituteis a non-profit organization that advocatestruck-drivertraining standards, driver professionalism, and safety. Connect with your Local CDL Training Program Today! And NTIs rate in recent years has been in the high 80s and low 90s percentage range. 207-474-8524. You will learn exactlywhat it takes to be a responsible driver and how to handle a tractor and trailer safely and efficiently. Student loans are also available for those who qualify. CDL Training & Truck Driving School - Roadmaster Drivers School Truck Driving Schools In Maine - TruckingTruth Educating Maine drivers since 1996. CDL Schools Near Me. Use the program search application to connect with a CDL training school near Scarborough. I consent to allow representatives of Northeast Technical Institute and/or its affiliates to contact me about educational opportunities via email, text, or phone, at the phone number above, including my mobile phone, using an automatic dialer, or pre-recorded message. By using this site, you agree to be bound by our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, Copyright 2000-2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. 33 Edgemont Ln, Presque Isle, ME 04769. CDL Training Schools in Maine. Commercial Truck Driving (CDL) - All Rights Reserved. Stay up to date on truck driving industry news. This can give you a step up over competitors when it comes to the job search. There are two mainfactors that will determine the length ofa schools CDL training program. If you try and apply yourself I'm sure it will work out for you. Passing the CDLtests and obtaining your commercial drivers license doesnt makeyou a well-trained truck driver anymore than getting a hunting license makes you a great hunter. Payable by credit card only. Region 9 Professional Truck Driver Training. There may be minor differences in how the coursework is handled from school to school but, the end objective is always the same;train students to become safe, knowledgeable, and highly qualifiedcommercial truck drivers who are readyto obtain their, With that being said, there are a few things you will need to take into careful consideration when choosing a truck driving school in Maine. Find a truck driving school near me | CDL school | Schneider Swift Academy is a proud member of the . Check out our website at Although they teach the same thing, not all truck driving schools, Of all the factors you need to consider whenchoosing a truck driving school in Maine,the tuition cost will invariably be near the top of the list. Required fields are marked *, Would you want to be taught by someone who just graduated from truck driving school a year ago? All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015). Great Lakes Truck Driving School is a Military friendly TOP 10 School! 6 Steps To Becoming A Truck Driver | Im usually nervous to start new journeys, but NTI was very helpful and was very hands-on and engaging. Probably one of the single most important factors to consider when choosing a truck driving school is how much behind the wheel drive time they give their students. Then purchase AAA softwareto be complete by 7/1/2023 to take the final exam at our office 5:30-7:30pm. . As a student, you can expect to learn about the following in the classroom: Map reading. The price for our school is $600.00, 1. Homepage - Great Lakes Truck Driving School Classes are filling up fast! RemoteWorker US hiring Driver Class B in Gorham, Maine, United States more, The start of the program was very accepting. In the real world, you get what you pay for. March 3, 2023 Friday parent and student orientationnight 5:30-7:00pm, TEEN class dates 3/4/2023 and 3/5/2023 onZoom classroom9:00-12:00pm. I am also looking forward to my Stainless Steel Water Bottle. Become a licensed plumber in your home state. Finding a quality driving school in Maine can be a difficult and time consuming task. But, NTI does offer a short-term payment plan for all students. Before choosing your school, consider your finances and how you will pay for tuition. Do they have any unresolved complaints that have been brought forth by the students of the school? Without instructors, all you have is a building with a bunch of books, and a parking lot full of tractor trailers. Although it isnt necessary to be accredited by the PTDI in order to be a reputable truck driving school, only reputable truck driving schools, Since truck driving schools in Maine are businesses and therefore, should be held accountable for their business practicesand ethics, you may want to check to see what kind of rating or reviews a school has received by the. Remember, a truck driving school is a business, and like any other business, it is in business to make a profit so that it can stay open. For more information, give us a call at 888-871-3537. Settings you may work in include repair shops, trucking companies, and leasing centers. Remember, most truck driving school students have never even been inside a semi. Mexico, ME 04257. CDL-A Truck Driver training starts every 3 weeks. Its worth having a discussion with the trucking school to learn what is available to you to fund your training. 206 Water St Ste 1, Skowhegan, ME 04976. When choosing a truck driving school,bewaryof any school that promises to get you trained and on the road in two weeks or less. Swift offers a full-ride scholarship to Veterans and First Responders for the Swift Academy. To get information, one must first take action. Mail it to 239 Main Street Saco, ME 04072 or by Venmo @Ron-Vance-2, JULY 7, 2023Friday parent and student orientationnight 5:30-7:00pm. More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at Feel free to bookmark this page for future reference by pressing Ctrl-D on your keyboard. Find physical therapist assistant schools in your area. Because trucking is a hands-on job, youll be trained by industry pros in fully equipped yards and classrooms. Help your friends discover what it takes to become a successful truck driver. GI Bill is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). To summarize, going back to school is a huge commitment in time, effort, and money. Check out the info below to learn the steps you need to take. I chose NTI because they had the best options for night classes and the program flew by pretty fast. But, the Office of Career Development is available to every student during and after graduation. Sage Truck Driving School - CDL Training - Ft. Pierce, FL Pass Your State's Regular Driver's License Exam. Scams offering free training should trigger red flags in your mind. First Year as a Truck Driver: Heres What to Expect, Vocational Training Programs/Courses List (TRADE COURSE) Key Benefits, Top 22 High Paying Jobs That Dont Require Bachelors Degrees, Understanding Vocational Training What Is Vocational Training, Free Training Programs Near You (Continuously Updating), Best 500 Trade Schools: Top 10 Trade Schools in Each State, Vocational Rehabilitation: The Definitive Guide, Mid-Coast School of Technology CDL Programs, 51 U.S. Route 1, Suite K, Scarborough, ME 04074, Region 9 School of Applied Technology Truck Driving. 14 Truck Driving Schools in Maine with Student Reviews Click here to download the current brochure. They may also have multiple students training behind the wheel of two or three semis at the same time while the instructors walk from truck to truck, educating the students on the right way and wrong way to maneuver the vehicle. Scarborough Truck Driving School - CDL Training Today Upon licensure by the State of Maine Department of Transportation, youll be ready to start your career. The harrowing crash Tuesday afternoon began on I-95 near the Atlantic Avenue interchange. Become a qualified medical professional and pursue a career that is personally and professionally rewarding. Maine Truck Driving Schools - ME CDL Training - March 31, 2023Friday parent and student orientationnight 5:30-7:00pm, TEEN DATES: 4/1/2023 and 4/2/2023 onZoom classroom9:00-12:00pm. CDL Training Schools in Maine - 6 ME Trucking School Options Funding for this training is through the Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maines Workforce, Maine Jobs and Recovery (MJRP) grant. In order to get their certifications, graduates of these programs must fulfill the DOT standards for employment in the trucking industry. Career Training Programs at NTI are designed to teach the skills that employers are looking for. That is why NTI has moved away from traditional semesters and start dates. Become a travel agent in your home state. 48 were here. 207-369-9058. Region 9 School of Applied Technology Truck Driving. You may also need to travel long distances to fulfill your jobs, or you may just need to transport products within your nearby region. Our normal business hours are Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific Time). This test is to check if the truck is safe to drive. Also, here is an opportunity to apply for a zero interest education loan through the Maine Motor Transport Association and Maine Savings Bank: If you found this article helpful, feel free to share it using the buttons below. The various driving techniques needed to competently operate a tractor trailer. Roadmaster Drivers School, a premier truck driving school and CDL training center, provides short-term, hands-on CDL training and CDL testing to put you on the road to an exciting new career! provide information, tools and resources to those who want to become a truck driver in the U.S. We hope that you can use the content on the site to help inform you on whether or not you want to drive trucks for a living. Some truck driving schools provide room and board for an added expense and may put you up in a hotel until your training is complete. Maine considers steeper fines to deter distracted driving First of all, when you attend a truck driving school, you are paying for an education. Take your time and do your homework before making a decision. Do they have more instructors on their payroll? Job in Portland - Cumberland County - ME Maine - USA , 04102. Work alongside with pets, a very fulfilling career option! Where you'll train. Interested in travel? Unlock a career as a locksmith in your state. CDL-A (Commercial Driver's License - Class A) drivers are licensed to operate commercial trucks that tow trailers filled with goods. Ensure that the trucking school is registered with the FMCSA. 8:00-5:00 pm each day the Fee is $7200. To clarify, once your education is complete, ourCareer Services Officehelps you find a job. CDL Training Truck Driving Schools in Maine. A student evaluation is required to determine if a 2 week expedited . Commercial driver training should take anywhere from three weeks to three months to complete. Region 9 Professional Driver Training. Driving Schools in Maine In Maine, all truck drivers must have a current Commercial Drivers License. Most of our partner schools offer job placement assistance to students who pass their ME CDL exam. The staff is knowledgeable and provided help with every step of the process including admissions, financial aid, and career services. You can become a licensed driver with 160 hours of logged training. In addition, you will need to pass a TSA background check, Tank vehicle test if you want to haul tanks containing liquid or gaseous materials, Doubles/triples test if you want to operate double or triple trailers, School bus test if you want to operate a school bus, Class A CDL program: $5,200 (automatic), $6,200 (standard), Class B CDL program: $3,500 (automatic), $4,500 (standard). FMCSA is mandating driver training for all who want to get their Class A and B CDL for the first time, or if they are upgrading their license to Class A, as well as for those getting S, P, and H endorsements for the first time. Coastal Carriers, Pace Motor Lines, and JP Express Services are just a few trucking companies located in the state who regularly hire CDL-licensed truck drivers. If the best truck driving school is hours away or in another state, then obviously youll have to take living expenses into account. Thank more, I had such a positive experience at NTI. Do they only train students in simulators or in tractor trailers? Due to its short length, the CDL-A program is not yet eligible for Federal Financial Aid. Not simulator time or passenger seat observation time but, shifting, steering, braking, backing up, and parking time. In your second year, you focus on diesel hydraulics. (2020). 206 Water St Ste 1, Skowhegan, ME 04976. In Maine, Northern Maine Community College is one such school. CyberSecurity training startsevery 8 weeks. That includesour truck for your Road Test up to two tries, if needed for the ScarboroughDOT test site. Read on and enjoy the blog. Maine heavy truck driver jobs information was current as of May 2021 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. FORT PIERCE, FL 34981. Visit the site. The average cost of tuition in Maine is $3,408. may be transmitted using an auto dialing system. This class is now full. 04072, We Now do home pick-ups and drop off in the local Saco or Biddeford, or OOB area or at TA, BHS, or OOB High School, Sorry! Before any payment is made, all students must take part in an admissions interview with one of our Admissions Representatives. Northeast Technical Institute - Bangor. 1 Main St Rockland, ME 04841. UP COMING CLASS START DATES LISTED BELOW: To hold your place a $2000.00 deposit is required mailto: 239 Main Street, Saco 040720 from 8:00am - 5:00pm dates the fee is $5200.00, SORRY THIS CLASS IS NOW FULLMarch 20 /2023 to March 24, 2023,from 8:00-5:00pm m-fri feeis $5200.00, Next Classroom date will be May 08 to May 12, 2023,from 8-5:00pm m-Fri fee is $5200.00, Next Classroomdate will be July 10- July 14, 2023,from 8:00-5:00pm m-fri fee is $5200.00, next Classroom date will be Sept 11-Sept 15, 2023,from 8:00-5:00pm m-fri fee is $5200.00, Next Classroom date will be Nov 6- Nov 10, 2023,from 8:00-5:00 pm m-fri fee is 5200.00, CDL Class B truck dates or to sign up for class, SACO The number of crashes involving distracted driving in Maine has declined only slightly in the past few years. T, SERVICES WE OFFER: After you have your Learners Permit, One hour in car lesson plus our car to use for your test Fee is $120.00. These type of schools are called CDL mills and they are only out to take your money and get you out the door as fast as possible so they canexploita new batch of unsuspecting students. O*Net anticipates a 4% increase in jobs for truck drivers between 2012 and 2022. Click Here To Get Started With Paid CDL Training! Admissions Requirements >>, Secondly, enroll and learn from industry pros and build your skills. Use the search application to connect with a CDL school in Maine and start training for your truck driving job. They introduced a uniform skill performance, curriculum, and certification standard in 1989 in order to raise the bar on the truck driver training process. See below to determine how to select the right trucking school for you. Most truck driving schools in Mainetrain their students by following the same basic curriculum. Commercial Driving Wells - at York County Community College. Schools: 14 Avg Class Size: 16 Avg Tuition:$10,227 Avg Loan: $5,352Scholarship: $5,636, Employed: 9,610Yearly Pay: $46,350Monthly Pay: $3,863Weekly Pay: $966Hourly Wage: $24.14 National Pay: $50,340. Do they have more trucks for the students to train on than the other schools? The 2 week expedited course has been carefully crafted to accommodate students who may have challenges relating to a 4 week commitment without jeopardizing the amount of drive time, classroom time, or range time a student would typically receive in a traditional 4 week course. One of these is the Maine Contractors & Builders Alliance Scholarship. I am anxious to finish up and move forward in my new career as a Medical Biller and Coder. Skowhegan Driving School. Learn one of the most in-demand healthcare careers out there. Learn about HVAC in your state a career with great job outlook! Fill out the Federal Application for Student Financial Aid (FAFSA) and check with the financial aid office of the school to see if there are any available student grants, scholarships, or loans you may qualify for if you decide to attend. Job specializations: Transportation. 135,192 open jobs Storekeeper . CDL-A Truck Driver training starts every 3 weeks. Like any other business, there are good ones and there are bad ones. 4. The price for our school is $600.00, Pay by check $250.00 non-refundable deposit to hold your spot. 377 River Rd. Are they accredited by the Professional Truck Driver Institute? If you are a truck driving student, a small class could offer more benefits. (Des Moines) Sep 14, Hy-vee on Fleur Friday Sept 1, Sep 13, The girl in the suv that waved to boy in white truck at 5:30 universi, (5000-5228 University Ave West Des . You may want to schedule a tour towards the end of the schools semester so the students can give you a good review of their training experience. Do they go above and beyond the state minimum required hours of training? Truck School in Saco Maine. Maines nationally accredited truck driver training teaches safe operation and knowledge of the trucking industry. The job outlook for the trucking industry in Maine is quite positive. Are you ready to take the next step and begin your career as a well-paid professional truck driver? CDL Training in Maine | Truck Driving Schools in ME - All Trucking Westbrook Regional Vocational Center. The objectives of Region 9 Professional Truck Driving School is to provide high quality professional driver training to help you obtaina "CDL", Commercial Driver License. Proper pre-trip and post-trip inspections. General Driving Lessons: $75.00 per hour to work on whatever student needs to work on. more. Before you shell out thousands of dollars to a truck driving school, set up an appointment to tour the school and meet the instructors. Almost all truck driving schools in Maine offer financial aid. Of course not. Please have a copy of your high school completion documentation and vaccination records, including COVID vaccination details, ready to share with us as part of the admissions process. or a CRMA, the driving force behind What is the NFJP PathStone Grant? Lets face it, the final decision you make will determine the quality of training you receive and the amount of money you pay to receive that training. NTI was amazing! I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get out there and get true hands-on learning without the pain of dealing with classes and stuff you dont need to more, I am happy I chose NTI for getting my CDL-A instruction. With this in mind, the admissions interview is designed to share information about our programs and career opportunities. Um9udmFuY2UxQGhvdG1haWwuY29t. Phone: (207) 493-4270. The Driving School - Home Call for payment Options including Tuition Reimbursements, Job interviews while you train. Before searching for employment, you will need to get trained in a truck driving or diesel technology school. Over 10,000 NTI graduates have found jobs in their new careers1, NTI has been training students for over 25 years to work in high-demand jobs2, NTI is able to place 82% of its graduates in new jobs in their chosen fields3, Start a new career in as little as 6 months instead of 2-4 years4. Below you will find a list with the name of each truck driving school in Maine, the type of training, and the URL. Our drivers enjoy the following benefits: Our drivers earn $26.41 hourly, plus overtime. Mexico, ME 04257. You might also get increased driving hours. Driving school and truck training school. For info on the different ways you can pay for trucking school, CLICK HERE. We launched in 2019 with a singular goal: to provide the most comprehensive list of driving schools in the United States. The Diesel, Truck, and Heavy Equipment Technology program provides theoretical foundations, practical education, and work experience in the engineering, testing, servicing, troubleshooting, and repairing of trucks, diesel engines, and heavy equipment. If you want to start training for a job as a truck driver, use the search application to connect with a CDL school in Maine now! CDL training the first step to a great career. Please use the form below to contact our customer service or sales team. Call or Fax 207-369-9058. e-mail us for more info: Commercial Driving - Northern Maine Community College If you plan on getting hired as a truck driver in Maine, there are some things you should know first. Approved by the State Board of Career Colleges and Schools. Position: CDL-A Truck Driver - Home Daily! To summarize, CDL-A program students get full training in: Youll receive part of your CDL training in a classroom, and the rest in our driver training yards. CDL-B Truck Driver training starts every 3 weeks. And NTIs rate in recent years has been in the high 80s and low 90s percentage range. At Pro Drive Maine, we have information for all your trucking needs. Northern Maine Community College NMCC is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education, the same agency that accredits Harvard. We learn more successfully when we are doing something rather than just sitting in a classroom. Now, dont get me wrong. Furthermore, theyll help you find grants, loans, and scholarships. I understand that my consent is not a requirement for enrollment, and I may withdraw my consent at any time. Web Hosting powered by Network Solutions, CTE State Rodeo Competition. In order to learn a skill, you must practice it over and over again until it becomes second nature. Generally, NTI programs start every 3 10 weeks (depending on the program). CDL school graduates are prepared for licensure through the State of Maines Department of Transportation. The instructors are the cornerstoneof any truck driving school. Become a park ranger and start being out in nature more. Are always very transparent allowing prospective students to see our classrooms, trucks and practice lots and even sit in on a class prior to enrolling. Online Application Form: Online Application Form, Commercial Driving Academy Call for details!! Choose a program and graduate ready for your new life. The different mechanical and safety parts of a semi. Truck Driving Schools in Maine: CDL Classes & Salary (2023) Truck Driving School Costs. It may also help to look for schools that have a specialty youre interested in. Become an auto mechanic and launch a career as an auto technician. Prodrive Truck Driver Training - The Big Freeze Festival Mail it to 239 Main Street Saco, ME 04072 or by Venmo @Ron-Vance-2, JUNE 2, 2023Friday parent and student orientationnight 5:30-7:00pm. The ELDT is mandatory training for all who want to obtain their Class A or B commercial drivers license for the first time, or if you are upgrading your Class B to a Class A CDL. During the interview, the advisor will explain the program, determine eligibility for admission to the program, and discuss financial aid and payment options. As a graduate of the CDL-A program, youll be prepared to take your state-administered commercial driving test. If the difference in price between schools in the same location is more or less than $500, you may want to do some research and find out why one school charges much more than the others. Because NTI's flexible classes work around your busy life. Truck Driving Schools in Maine - Class A Drivers Design for a living. They should be up-to-date with all the industry trends and regulations. + Your CDL training is three weeks and is available in multiple locations\. Search for a CDL training school near you and find classes at some of the top truck driving schools in the U.S. Use the zip code search to get connected with a local school and start training for your truck driving job. On this pageyou will also find a list of truck driving schools in Mainethat have been rated and reviewed by the students themselves using a 5 star rating system. State-licensed courses are known as certified courses since they have been examined by a third-party firm to guarantee that the school meets certain requirements. CDL School in Maine - Commercial Truck Driver Class-A Training Program Here's what you can expect from the paid CDL training programs in our network: Just click the green button below and fill out the quick 1-minute application on the next page to get started. 125 Stroudwater St., Westbrook, ME 04092. It's been a great experience so far, looking forward to graduation. Related types of skilled trade programs like diesel technology are also available in some locations. While the cost of a school is an important factor to consider, it should not be the most important factor in your selection. Choosing a truck driving school only on price may be problematic. Everyday low prices in Bangor and Orono! While being behind the wheel and getting some drive time is a good thing, not having one-on-one instruction the entire time can be very detrimental to your ability to learn how to maneuver a tractor trailercorrectly. CDL Training Schools Near Me - Find Local Truck Driver Training CyberSecurity training startsevery 8 weeks. Driving vehicles weighing more than 26,000 pounds needs a specific license. Currently, all of NTIs career training programs can be completed within one year. Thank more, I am currently almost halfway through my time at NTI. The Average Hourly Pay Rate FOUR advantages of Maine Company Sponsored CDL Schools . Furthermore, theyll help you find grants, loans, and scholarships. The level of instruction they deliver varies greatly.