We can do better. Baskett is the owner/operator of a licensed day care home, specializing in caring for children with special needs. This is the one responsibility that they all share but are often unrecognized for. 4. Meet the 13 candidates vying for 4 Ann Arbor School Board seats This is best for the safety and success of all of our students. Washtenaw County, Michigan Lima Township, Precinct 1 Read Both Sides of the Ballot Judicial . A strong board of education can greatly affect student achievement. That means directing our dollars as much as possible toward services families actually need (like reliable bussing and before-and-after school childcare) while supporting our teachers and staff with fair pay and benefits. This is one major reason I want to give back to the public schools and serve our community, especially those that are struggling.Community centered schools can provide the support and guidance for people of color, underrepresented and marginalized religious groups. As a leader, Im more swayed by data and by examples of innovative, effective policy than I am by the most strident voices in a room: Im most interested in bringing all voices to the table, particularly those who arent being heard. Also, increase training focused on mental health. School must be safe, and all our students deserve to feel like they belong, full stop. All rights reserved (About Us). The Board of Education must have the sustained political will to address the achievement of ALL students. I will request for more support for teachers and staff which includes increased salaries, more manageable workloads, increased resources, and dedicated time for other activities, such as committee involvement. Nov. 4, 2008: Wins re-election for a fourth four-year term as Washtenaw County treasurer. In AAPS, we have a district where one elementary school has a 61% free and reduced lunch population, while another has an 11% frl population. AAPS is one of those rare school districts that has community support enough to pass a billion dollar capital bond to improve facilities and sustainability, which assists us in allocating other budget money towards student and educator needs. Some of these will be both critical and urgent in terms of needing to be solved. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Her age is 74. Education. Ensuring open communication, transparency and inclusiveness of the schools to provide social, emotional and educational support to all members of our community. I want to keep public schools in-person, address the harms to learning outcomes many students experienced during virtual school, and improve clear and transparent communication about district decisions. This will take many discussions and forgiveness. Although my background is not in finances, I am aware that 85% of the approximate $300 million tax revenue for the Ann Arbor Schools, go to teacher and staff salaries, medical costs and retirement funds. 1/5 (2) 250 E Michigan Ave Saline MI, 48176 Show map . Mott Childrens Hospital that are AAPS students. Note: Write-in candidates still can file. ANN ARBOR, MI Voters across Washtenaw County have a long list of local and state-level races and ballot proposals to decide in the general election Tuesday, Nov. 8. We have an opportunity to used the $1Bn AAPS infrastructure bond to invest to invest in: improving building efficiency using LEED green standards; renewable energy sources like solar and geothermal; and to transition the transportation fleet to electric. School Boards cannot solve issues related to poverty, non-supportive parents or student motivation to achieve. We must lower the non-proficiency levels in math (50%) and reading (30%). Susan . The Board of Education will need to prioritize recruitment and retention of high quality educators and continue their work to create a professional learning environment where these educators can grow and develop. Treasury - Ann Arbor, Michigan Prioritizing the budget has been consistent during my tenure. She grew up in Kentucky before earning a bachelors degree from Harvard University and a Juris Doctor degree from Duke University. If it was not for the public schools, especially the teachers, I would not be where I am today. -Is money being spent on physical facilities in a way that is environmentally sustainable with an eye to the future?I intend to help facilitate substantive discussions on how we fulfill our fiscal responsibility as a board based solid information and data. Were finally recognizing the importance of having mental health resources available for our teenagers, but I want to work on ways to increase those resources at the elementary level now, too. How do we make it better?- that aids in teaching ac-countably, Mental Health and Social Work support, Skill Trades, Teacher Autonomy to do the jobs they went to school to do, and teaching our children to respect and honor our environment. Public school administrators are acting out of their realm of expertise in issuing such mandates and they are physically and emotionally harming children. Why should we continue to benefit from our white privilege, while so many brown and black children who live just outside our school district, remain trapped in failing schools? He is a scientist trained in biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics who has been working in health care research and development to discover new medicines for patients. We have parents who fight standardized testing. Facebook gives people the power to share and. 1. He has taught at three universities part-time, including the University of Michigan. The district needs to find ways to be more competitive, to retain the amazing teachers we have, and keep them from burning out or going elsewhere. With board members Rebecca Lazarus, Jessica Kelly and Bryan Johnson opting not to run again, trustee Susan Baskett is the only incumbent with an expiring term to file for re-election for another four-year term. Why/how did this happen? A Democrat and former county commissioner for 14 years, McClary has held the treasurer's office since Jan. 1, 1997. see prior response: We need a flexible intensive tutoring system free of charge for low achieving students. Its time our spending aligns with the districts stated values of equity and belonging. Analyzing DEIA needs and implementing sustainable interventions to ensure these needs are addressed. Detroit, Michigan. I know the board will face a lot of push-back reversing course on its abandonment of covid safety from those whod rather sacrifice the safety of others for their own comfort, but its the only right choice. And we need to trust our teachers to do their jobs, while giving them the autonomy to deliver an outstanding education in the way that they know best. I am motivated by the encroachment of the public school systems into the practice of medicine and psychiatry, and the failure of the current leaders to appreciate this. PDF Washtenaw Ballot 2020 - Files4.1.revize.com Paulette Metoyer's activity stream. Im especially concerned about incidents where the district wasnt listening or taking action when racially hostile experiences were brought up. ask force on sustainable housing; the Adoptive and Foster Parents Support Group; the Government Finance Officers Association (former member of its executive board); the Michigan Government Finance Officer Association (former board member); and the Michigan Association of County Treasurers (former board member). renting district land for UM parking and cell towers We also practice good stewardship by constantly reviewing how we may utilize the funds as we use them in alignment with our communitys values. Making our Skill Trades curriculum stronger, more visible and available any child interested in it, To have more Social workers and Psychologist in all schools. I believe there are some local viable long-term solutions. In-person quality public school is simply essential and cant be compromised. Property Taxes | Washtenaw County, MI Ann Arbor Public Schools has always been known for its robust arts programs and I will fight to preserve those programs.Yet another priority will be staffing and other resources for students with special needs. What are your goals should you be elected and how will you work to accomplish them? Social and political messages have no place in our classrooms. My wife and I have two sons that attend AAPS, and she has many, many patients that see her at C.S. An efficient and effective way to deliver individualized learning is via digital technology. Technology that gives schools more data on which students need additional support is obviously something that the AAPS will pursue. My priorities in general for our district will be teacher compensation, high-impact use of the 2019 Bond for upgrading school facilities, finding more equitable ways to ensure our PTO and PTO-like organizations are adequately funded across the district, and activities that enhance our students experience in our schools. I believe that we are not preparing our children for adulthood and the world that is so different from the one we grew up in. Catherine McClary is the Washtenaw County treasurer, a full-time elected position. Salaries and benefits for our staff is a large portion of our budget and will continue to be. The savings in energy bills along will result in millions in the operations budget. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Teachers and Staff -I plan to assess and address burnout in our teachers and staff. 5. After this election, the newly elected trustees will be inexperienced to the actual work (vs. campaign promises) and to working together as a team. First and foremost, I want to institute an equitable covid safety policy (you can read the full policy on my website), which must include masking during times of higher community transmission, free high quality masks and testing for students and staff, HEPA filtration units in each and every classroom; and a return to free school meals for all. I want schools to stop pulling kids away from their parents influence. Preparing AAPS students for a modern global workforce by engaging stakeholders to craft, high-quality, student-centered systems for AAPS. -Are the materials or training being purchased evidence-based and grounded in peer-reviewed research? 467 Dhu Varren Rd, Ann Arbor, MI is the residential address for Paulette. My goals is to get a real equitable plan for AAPS, one that states /define the problem,has measurable outcomes, SMART Goals, and objectives with assigned accountability.