Elected Officials. Kevin Lonergan received 1,300 votes, coming in third. EXETER Voters overwhelmingly approved a $1.25 million bond at Tuesday's election to purchase the land and building at 10 Hampton Road to become the new home of the Parks and Recreation Department. Staff Login X. Username or e-mail * You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Voting, Elections, & Town Meetings | Town of Stratham NH To read full election results for the 2022 Election, visit the town website: https://www.exeternh.gov/elections/2022-town-election-results Chris Sununu was the only Republican to receive solid support in Exeter, besting. Results will first be posted Tuesday night, March 8. Election 2022:Meet the Exeter School Board candidates. 2022 Election Results | New Hampshire Secretary of State Exeter voters at the March 8 Town Meeting are being asked to support a $1.25 million purchase of 10 Hampton Road to be the new home of the Parks and Recreation Department. Voters to weigh in at Town Meeting. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Thursday 8:00am - 4:00 pm Local town and school ballot results 2022 Published: 3/8/2022 8:34:53 PM Scroll to the bottom to see tabs for available towns. 2020 General Election Results | Town of Exeter New Hampshire Official Other articles on the warrant include the town's proposed $2,327,010 operating budget. One asks whether they want the Board of Selectmen to explore budgeting for curbside pick-up for residential trash and recyclables. EXETER REGIONAL COOPERATIVE SCHOOL DISTRICT BALLOT (STRATHAM RESULTS ONLY), EXETER REGIONAL COOPERATIVE SCHOOL DISTRICT BALLOT (COMPLETE RESULTS FROM MARCH 8, 2022), Town of Stratham 10 Bunker Hill Avenue, Stratham, NH 03885 (603) 772-4741Town Employee Information Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus , Discretionary Easements & Conservation Easements, Notice of Land Use Board Fees under RSA 673:16, III, Damages to Tax Payer Investment - Roadway Paving, Request for Qualifications / Custom In-Cast Concrete Skatepark, 2023 Free Residential Private Well Testing, Drinking Water Info for Private Well Owners, New Hampshire School Administrative Unit 16 (SAU 16), Park Areas, Facilities and Building Naming and Dedication Policy, www.strathamnh.gov/select-board/files/big-red-ph, Motor Vehicle Fees for the purpose of Filing your Federal Taxes, Online Payments: Taxes, Motor Vehicles, Dogs, Broken Compact Fluorescent Bulbs Information, FAQ - Automated Curbside Collection Program, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Report 2021, Unaccepted Items & Household Hazardous Waste, Animal Control Ordinance for Stratham Public Cemeteries, 2014 Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive RSA 79-E, 2014 Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive RSA 79E, Properties listed on State and National Registers, Townwide Inventory of Historical Resources, History of Buildings, Institutions, and Places, Introduction to an Open Space Plan - YouTube Video, Pedestrian and Cyclist Advocacy Committee, Safe Routes to School Community Input Forum, Stratham Safe Routes to School Action Plan, Recreation Commission By-Laws, Adopted Dec. 2020, Recreation Commission Revolving Fund Policy, Information & Updates from the Town of Stratham about Covid-19, Public Hearing Notices & Special Meetings, Stratham Fire Department / Stratham Fair Trust Fund Information, Voting, Elections, Town Meeting Questions. Also elected was Michelle Berke for Supervisor of the Checklist, Jane McCaffery as trustee of the Robinson Fund, Dwane Staple for trustee of Swasey Parkway and Corey Stevens for Trustee of the Trust Funds. Email: akohler@exeternh.gov, VickyNawoichyk The county treasurers, county attorneys, sheriffs and registers of deeds, shall be elected by the inhabitants of the several towns, in the several counties in the State, according to the method now practiced, and the laws of the state, provided nevertheless the legislature shall have authority to alter the manner of certifying the votes, and the mode of electing those officers; but not so as to deprive the people of the right they now have of electing them. 2023 SAMPLE BALLOTS are available | Hampton Falls NH Exeter NH 2022 Election Full Unofficial Results | Exeter, NH Patch Article 29: Road markings for bikes, joggers, and walking: Approved, 1,437 to 603. PREVIOUS ELECTION RESULTS. Article 6: Definitions of mixed use, multi-family, non-residential: Defeated, 422 to 1,434. 2020 Exeter NH Election Results: Town Votes Sununu And Democrats Ken Otto is running unopposed for the three-year seat on the board. John Hauser Monday 8:00am - 4:00 pm New Hampshire Voting Information - VOTE411 Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The Exeter, New Hampshire Election Guide brings together local election information, polling places, poll locations, poll times from independent public sources like the League of Women Voters; Vote411.org and the Vote Smart project. 2022 Democratic State Primary Election Results, 2022 Republican State Primary Election Results, 2022 Democratic State Primary Results for Exeter, NH, 2022 Republican State Primary Results for Exeter, NH. Andrea Kohler, CTC,CMC Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Incumbent Melissa Litchfield is being challenged by Melissa Hanlon and Scott Dennehy for the Brentwood seat. Voters in East . Parks and Recreation Director Greg Bisson said the purchase of the former Qessential building and land would bring the department into the 21st century. Updated March 8, 2021 100% reported. Article 20: $35,000 for a parking study: Defeated, 878 to 1,122. The race for two three-year seats on the board was a five-way contest between Susan Drinker, Greg Cochran, Talia King, Patrick ODay and Laura Knott. There were no contested races on the town ballot. Click HERE to access the five (5) pages of Town ballot, the one (1) page of LAS Lincoln Akerman School ballot, and the two (2) pages of Winnacunnet Cooperative School District ballot.. Town of Exeter, NH | Exeter NH - facebook.com 2023. 23 in. Send it to tony.schinella@patch.com. Article 13: Exeter Professional Firefighters Local 3491 collective bargaining agreement: Approved, 1,467 to 604. Tony Schinella, Patch Staff. Article 10: $2.976 million water budget: Approved, 1,513 to 533. View videos on Tony Schinella's YouTube.com channel or Rumble.com channel. Exeter Home Badly Damaged In Fire, Owner Escapes, Wow House: 46 Franklin St. Article 5: Special exception for community building for marijuana dispensary, sexually oriented business, methadone clinic, homeless shelter: Defeated, 932 to 1,099. To view a PDF of the town results visit:. Here is a look at some of the top races and issues. Final town. Jennifer Scrafford and James Bolton are running for the one two-year seat on the board. Email: akohler@exeternh.gov, VickyNawoichyk Democratic Primary Winner Maggie Hassan wins the Democratic primary. In Exeter, New Hampshire, Newmarket Man Arrested On Drunken Driving Charge After Exeter Crash, T-Mobile Tuesdays: Fresh Perks Every Week, Great New England SPECIALTY FOODS & ARTISAN show, Threshold Stage Company presents the Tony Award winning A Dolls House Part 2 at the Star Theatre. 1 / Pg. Exeter NH voters approve $1.25M bond for new rec center - Portsmouth Herald All four warrant articles on the school ballot were approved including the school district's $22,582,125 budget. Article 27: Elderly property tax exemption: Approved, 1,069 to 806. Hours of Operation: All rights reserved. They also approved the lease-purchase of a new fire truck, a new highway truck and body cameras for police officers. 71. Hampton, North Hampton Town Election Results | Hampton, NH Patch The proposal needed 3/5th of the vote to win and . Incumbents Joseph Trombley and Bob Jordan are being challenged for their seats by Steve Thomas. Phone: 603-778-0591 x 403 Town of Stratham 10 Bunker Hill Avenue, Stratham, NH 03885 (603) 772-4741 Town Employee Information Website Disclaimer . Exeter Town Election Results | Exeter, NH Patch Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. On the Town Meeting ballot, Epping voters will get to weigh in on the town's proposed $10.3 million operating budget as well as 24 other warrant articles. There are several contested races on the ballot, including two selectmen seats. on March 15, 2021. CACR 21, 2. There are no reviews yet. Elections | Town of Exeter New Hampshire Official Website Skip to main content. Article 11: $2.4 million sewer operating budget: Approved, 1,468 to 564. View videos on Tony Schinella's YouTube.com channel or Rumble.com channel. Supporting Documents CLICK HERE FOR 2021 TOWN ELECTION RESULTS (2 MB) Elections How to Register To Vote Contact Information Town Clerk Andrea Kohler, CTC,CMC Phone: 603-778-0591 x 403 You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. EXETER, NH Voters in Exeter go to the polls on March 8 to make decisions about town and school budgets as well as political positions, warrant articles, and more. Got a news tip? [County Treasurers, County Attorneys, Sheriffs, and Registers of Deeds Elected.] Article 26: Fight big money in politics: Approved, 1,345 to 582. The New Hampshire Attorney General's Office will be operating its Election Day hotline from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 9. Here is everything you. There are also seven petitions on the warrant brought forward by citizens. 107 North Main Street | Concord, NH | 03301. Voters approved the town's operating budgets as well as new contracts for police, firefighters and DPW workers. Phone: 603-271-3242 | . Article 8: Town office appointments: Approved, 1,733 to 192. Results from the Nov. 3, 2020, general election in Exeter. Here are the results. Race called by The Associated Press. Many, he said, do not want to respond to calls in the middle of the night, or during the day when they are juggling work and family commitments. No judge shall be of counsel, act as advocate, or receive any fees as advocate or counsel, in any probate business which is pending, or may be brought into any court of probate in the county of which he or she is judge." On this page you can find results from elections held in the Town of Exeter. Elections How to Register To Vote Contact Information Town Clerk Andrea Kohler, CTC,CMC Phone: 603-778-0591 x 403 Email: akohler@exeternh.gov Checklist Supervisor Vicky Nawoichyk Phone: 603-773-6121 Email: soc@exeternh.gov View Full Contact Details Upcoming Events Town Election 03/14/2023 - 7:00am Presidential Election 11/05/2024 - 7:00am Article 19: $159,438 for a new Highway Department truck: Approved, 1,153 to 805. Hobart "Hoby" Harmon and Charlotte Legg are vying for the one-year seat on the board. Articles include a request for $47,245 to hire a new full-time police officer with the help of a grant and a $60,250 request for the purchase of a new trash compactor for the transfer station. Local town and school ballot results 2022 - Concord Monitor It also adds 45 much-needed parking spaces for nearby fields. Election results from tonight's Town Election. Crime & Safety | 6d. Tuesday 8:00am - 7:00 pm The article was filed by Al Brandano to return "trust and tradition" to the election process. 2022 TOWN ELECTION RESULTS | Town of Stratham NH Home Contact Us Departments Assessing Department 2019 Statistical Update Abatement Information Annual Responsibilities Assessing 101 Assessment Cards Online Change of Address Current Use Overview Discretionary Easements & Conservation Easements Excavation Exemptions & Credits The official account for the Town of Exeter, NH. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. ", Benefits, he said, include quicker resolutions of citizen complaints, documenting the occurrence and nature of certain crimes and other "training opportunities to enhance our policies and procedures for crime prevention and control.". 2020 Town Election Results - YouTube Attached are sample ballots for the Hampton Falls, NH March 14, 2023 Town Election. Email: soc@exeternh.gov. 2020 General Election Results To view the results click the image above or the PDF link at the bottom of the page. Article 22: Cell tower lease: Approved, 1,581 to 397. Voters to decide:Word Barn arts venue owners take fight for Airbnb to Exeter Town Meeting. Town meeting election results, March 9 | Local News | sentinelsource.com Send a Love Line to your Valentine! There are also three new employee contracts for police, firefighters and public works employees. Voters and election officials with concerns or questions are. Non-money articles include a citizens' petition to amend the town's zoning ordinance to allow the Word Barn to operate a bed and breakfast. Andrea Kohler, CTC,CMC A PDF copy of the Town's election results can be found in the supporting documents section at the bottom of the page. Election 2022:Meet the Stratham School Board candidates. NH Election Results: Town Meeting Day 2021 - WMUR Exeter Home Badly Damaged In Fire, Owner Escapes, Wow House: 46 Franklin St. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted.