Whether it be sustained questioning over the conviction of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi for the Lockerbie bombing, her bid for SNP deputy leadership a decade ago not, she says, because she wanted the job but rather because she was sick of seeing the same old faces in the frame or in the current debate on the abolition of corroboration in criminal trials, she has not been given to keeping schtum in politics either. I think the comment Roddy Macdonald says: is spot on. But Wolffe, who took over the job in 2016 under Nicola Sturgeon, is a government minister andattends the large majority of them.). A stalwart of Holyrood since its inception in 1999, Grahame is both a formidable and highly respected character having been called on to convene four committees two of which, justice in her 15 years. Without asking awkward questions. After graduating, Grahame worked as an English teacher in secondary schools. She then took a back seat, whilst the two original complainants came forward (A and B in the civil case, who became different Alphabetties in the criminal case.). Bet ya, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ghana-women-sexcrimes-trfn-idUSKCN25315H, WhoRattledYourCage says: I have myself have posted things & thought afterwards, maybe Id gone to far. The way to force the release of the information from the COPFS which can not be resisted, is simply to pass a one paragraph Act. Then he turns into a stuttering mess for some reason. She cannot help it and it is difficult to treat. [1] Her nomination was confirmed by the Scottish Parliament on 1 June 2016. Grahame, a veteran having been through four parliamentary elections, says she has never held ministerial ambitions and has never felt her freedom to speak up curtailed. Joan Hutchesons expos of the failures relating to the NEC and the leaderships response to attempts to change it are all of a piece with the conspiracy against Salmond. I am a genetic counseling graduate student with more than 15 years of professional experience in molecular and public health laboratories. Date lodged: Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Claire Baker, Katy Clark, Rhoda Grant, Richard Leonard, Michael Marra, Pauline McNeill, Carol Mochan, Paul O'Kane, Paul Sweeney
As someone here said, let your enemies destroy themselves. These people are not here now. The dividends of which are now starting to arrive by the bucket load.
Christine Grahame Net Worth, Age, Bio, Birthday, Height, Facts Proposed Responsible Breeding and Ownership of Dogs (Scotland) Bill If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. Adjust parties involved and which have constituency or list candidates depending upon which are a approved by the Electoral Commission. Is it just me or is LA Wolffe diminishing in width like a burst balloon? For Salmond, not for Sturgeon. She will have to be forced out. Or a more likely scenario would be something like: Scotia Future (assuming they are now approved for May) standing only constituency candidates, and a bunch of SNP names joining that party. Alex Salmond is due to give evidence on Friday. Christine Grahame, MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, came out on top with her one-year-old hound Mabel, but the politician was humble in victory. Is Lord Wolffe incompetent, I have no idea. If it wasnt waffle himself (huge if) was it his missus? For Gods sake, Salmond is still being the gentleman, and she has knifed him how many times? 07291783. A Bill is a proposed Act of the Scottish Parliament. Was the Crown Agent, David Harvie, consulted? I hope this site wont suffer due to you. Her concerns were unfounded, they said. Was that a waste of time? Real professionals! Today Salmond scandal stories represent 6 out of the top 7 most read stories on The Herald website. 1 Christine Graham ER 2022 Billingham, TS22. Do we honestly not have any better sex offenders at all the Lord Advocate and COPFS could go after? The difference is significant. Find out how to adopt this simple step into your daily oral health regimen. -. On our side are the folk who really want independence.
On Buzzlearn.com, Christine is listed as a successful Politician who was born in the year of 1944. Any pain that might be brought by our Independence is of a nothing in comparison. Top of the News.
Christine Grahame Profiles | Facebook Constituency report for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale. It could have been composed by any minion or even the ex-MI5 crown agent himself. ensure that the conduct of the Scottish Government does not bring politics in the whole of the United Kingdom into international disrepute.. 24 February, 2021 at 7:08 pm [15] Grahame favoured siting the tapestry in a disused building in Galashiels arguing that that option had more potential to regenerate the area and encourage tourists to access transport links from Galashiels to the wider region. Jeez, what a farce! Again, back to the nine-year-old, if youre not going to say anything or do anything about it, dont moan. The Holyrood inquiry into the Salmond affair is to use the parliaments power to compel the production of documents held by the Crown Office. From The Herald. Those who continue to shout wheesht for indy, or that there is nothing to see here, or that it is all Salmond and Cherrys fault, have lost all sense of critical faculty and moral compass. Could it be Alzheimers? There now seem to be many comments supporting my nodding donkey first thoughts. Its game over for them. Has Scotland or anywhere else ever jailed a Lord Advocate ? Someone leaks the report to the Daily Record. I know people who feel differently in different political parties about issues which their party has taken a line [on] but they dont speak out and thats a problem.. Where is he now? No worries it was obvious you were not aware, so happy to help. Because I know there are people in the Labour Party who support the abolition, for instance, of mandatory corroboration, I know it, but they wont speak out. A shepherd's daughter, her father travelled for work, so her formal education was limited. David Harvie, the Crown Agent, wikipedia says: The Crown Agent is the principal legal adviser to the Lord Advocate on prosecution matters.. Twitter Jeggit. With the absolute disaster that was redactiongate on Tuesday I dont think even the MSM could overlook things from now on. The lines are being drawn up: on their side are the Sturgeonista loyalists, the sophomiric woke Wahhabis, the grey suited Charlotte Street SPADs and those dependent on the SNP for funding for their quango or the prospect of sinecures as long as they remain on message. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
Christine Grahame - Wikipedia 2002, B.S. The same goes more or less for the High Courthow many of us could have withstood that kind of pressure? They have also lived in Lockport, IL and Farmington Hills, MI. Pertinent questions are starved before birth. The second best result is Christine Anne Graham age 50s in Brighton, MI. Ms Grahame was in Holyrood yesterday, but she has maintained a steadfast silence on the issue so far, insisting that she would not comment on anybody's private life. There we have it ladies and gentlemen and all in between. Im away to watch towie for the first time ever , whole lot more believeable than this shit shower. A wee gype fae Aberdeen. My sincere thanks to Al-Stuart for many enlightening points. It wisnae me it wis ma minnions and they are just the best cos am the best too now away an wheesht wummin, So surely the LArd Advocate has DELIBERATELY LIED to parliament when he agreed with toom tabard Arthur that ALL previous advocates even before 1707 were members and ministers of whichever govt was in power, Yet that unionist bastirt stuarty Campbell can produce evidence within minutes that shows these fuckwits dont and cant even check their facts, I know how to fix that. Mist001 says: Surely Scotland can do better than this? Nicola and Liz get to hear about this.
Those closest to the Scottish Government are the most bent. Then ISP or AFI only on the list. Are you giving us a clue as to Jason Michaels mystery happening? Here endeth the lesson, let those who have ears and not one eye on their next career move, hear. Has no one mentioned to them, their cover up has not worked? I think the LA might have realised of that again as he was reading, or rather skipping some of the paragraphs in his document. aLurker says: They oppose the proposed HCB, TRA extremism and self ID, they want immediate action on independence.
Christine Grahame: Al-Megrahi is home. And he is innocent Lord James Wolffe in particular should be utterly ashamed. View the profiles of people named Christine Grahame. He knows too much and sky are quite happy to run with it, drip feeding it over the last month or so. The only wummin you are interested in is yersel hen. Those are words I never expected to have to say. Using her married name, Christine Creech, she was the SNP candidate at the 1992 General Election for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale. It has said: We have not signed the contract with Circularity Scotland, Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "I very much welcome a debate on preparing a new dementia strategy, because it is a miserable, cruel disease that impacts on so many people, and it is increasing, Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "I thank the member for bringing this debate to the chamber, and I add my voice to those who are recognising and applauding the stoicism and determination of many in the hospitality sector, including pubs, small hotels and restaurants and similar venues in the Borders and Midlothian, which with Covid fundingalthoguh not all received itadapted as, See all of Christine Grahame's contributions in the chamber, See all of Christine Grahame's contributions in committees. Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 84 for, 4 against, 30 abstained, 11 did not vote, See all of Christine Grahame votes in Parliament. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. A day of reckoning is definitely coming and posts like yours can help to secure a proper outcome. As a member of 30 years standing, I cant quite believe Im saying that. Oh fk it we all make mistakes dont we , just like the midwife involved in her arrival , I wont go further in case he gets upset. Now I have concerns that access to justice for some people means just getting their case into court and I do not think court is therapy, I do not think that a rape or sexual assault victim getting into court and then a jury turning round and finding someone not guilty, acquitting them or not proven, will make them feel any better, I think it will make them feel worse, thats my take. Just in time for the May Elections we all saw that coming didnt we???? The halo of our Law Officers currently needs a substantial wash and brush up simply to be fit for purpose. to pay off. I am angry and despondent: I may never see my nation free in my lifetime. Theyre all lying, corrupt cockroaches, Anonymoose says: That, from any governmental leader, is unacceptable. Ive tried to see the issue from all sides. who has a neurological condition that causes tremors. The answer is obvious Wolffe has little control over the COPFS and he is being sidelined. I am sure I am not alone in that. Wolffes performance was amateur farce. They want to support their sister. There is something quite rotten, corrupt, stinking to high heaven about Craig Murrays trial. This is his site & comments as such put him in Jeopardy. No other concerns were raised, and no other concerns have been raised subsequently. She compares her first spell as convener of the Justice Committee and fellow members as them all showing much greater skill today. She hands this story to Leslie Evans, who nods gravely and pronounces Mr Salmond guilty as charged. She was a shambling mess in THAT Sophie Ridge interview but looked very cocky today. This is a singular event which possibly no-one else in Scotland could have managed. And I know I have spoken to people about that whove been in those circumstances. The whole thing was a ridiculous spectacle no matter what.. Fear is nourished. Still, the sight of parliaments justice committee convener, who spent 12 years as a civil court lawyer, openly criticising senior leadership, must have been a boon to opponents. that`s $65,000,000 going south every day,about $24 billion a year,if we nationalised our oil like Saudi. Because we all know it exists, even Alex Salmonds lawyers know it exists and anyone who was at the criminal trial knows it exists, including the Judiciary! Liam Fox might have added that if even part of what Salmond says is true, Sturgeon can expect to face criminal charges. The fact that unionists are making the running on a lot of this doesnt mean the principle is wrong. Unless, of course the Clown Office, Clown Agent and head clown the Lord Advocate misrepresent even more laws AND the judicial statement from last week by Lady Dorrian YET AGAIN. Not only does the trust in the Scottish government, but also the trust in parliament and more importantly for the British state, the trust in the crown that sponsors COPFS and the lord advocate, is at stake here. I want to ask the Lord Advocate about the meeting that was held between Levy & McRae and the Crown in advance of the hearing with Lady Dorrian. Christine Graham - People Directory - 192.com 200 Results for Christine Graham Please use the search above if you cannot find the record you require. Please have respect for the Rev & think before you press submit. Watch the bit of the briefing again and youll see what I mean. He wears ill-fitting suits from a charity shop and has green teeth.